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6943179 No.6943179 [Reply] [Original]

Precept: Consciousness is only streamlined to the ends of motive
Context: Cell, Insect and Animal behaviors
Perspective: The lack of any further functioning communication network in terms of elaboration in even isolated groups do make the case for a very independent growth pattern in each individual state of identity but this of course is undermined by the lack of a linear communication complex in a species and hence are we left with instinct, or contextual immediate motive, and that depraves the organism of any real classification of aspirations and or multi-layered critical thinking patterns based on; circumstantial: the inability to rely on future reciprocation of a given scenario/can't determine positive reward from negative reward/focus is given with on every movement as opposed to judging the threat level of an environment(multi-layered critical thinking, these three just based on the living/dying scenario). And factual: there are none, multi-platformed thinking is an inaccurate pretense for an argument on consciousness as learning is something that is streamlined to the ends of gaining a motivator...

Had a laugh as I got to the end there, the TL:DR: The droning aspect of school gives you a sub insect consciousness build- which isn't necessarily a bad thing

>> No.6944447

Consciousness is exempt of nature and its only perpetuated nature of response is conceptual fractals which can be considered from a variety of angles making the only identity of consciousness being thought, that of a thing of Critical, Emotional, & Reflective Potentials of thought and those are not things that immediately make up the registration of either the Picture, Expression, or Conceptual of that that is the expression of Reaction or Action and is that is grounds for consciousness being exempt of nature under the conditions of the Reaction of the Reflective Expression do to not having any compassion form of immediate expressive equal and this thing that encompassed them which doesn't bode well for their empathatic morality.


>> No.6945281