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File: 34 KB, 948x711, Cornel-West.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6941502 No.6941502 [Reply] [Original]

I don't think I've ever seen Cornel West mentioned on /lit/ before. What do y'all think?

>> No.6941537
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He isn't Communist enough.

>> No.6941541


I can't trust a man who flosses with a towel

>> No.6941666

who's he again ?

>> No.6941676

He's a very smart man. Has been busy selling Cornel West for quite a while since this is America. Getting attacked by the Uncle Toms now because he doesn't toe the line.

>> No.6941813

it looks like he's missing a tooth but that's actually just an absurdly large gap

>> No.6942090

Where should I start with his books?

>> No.6942129

He tried to debate zizek and couldn't follow the trail of coke, just kept on finding it fascinating, I don't blame him but everything he said sounded just like another animated black preacher man, nothing different or unique there.

>> No.6942139

Shill nigger

>> No.6942145

Race Matters. He hasn't published as much lately.

>> No.6942151

The man could eat corn from a picket fence.

>> No.6942251

I admittedly haven't read much of him, but what I have read was unimpressive. He seems to be more of a pop speaker than a serious intellectual, but I suppose that's usually the case with identity politics types since they pander to the lowest common denominator.

>> No.6942773

Jesus this guy is so fucking animated from 1:40 onwards. It's kind of hard to take him seriously.


>> No.6942798

yeah i saw him speak at some conference for marxist professors and he had a good speaking style but said nothing of substance at all

>> No.6942814

Considering he's black and in academics, he's cultural Marxism at its purest. I'm not surprised he labels himself a socialist.

>> No.6942835


>> No.6942844

>he's cultural Marxism at its purest
He's not a jew

>> No.6942846

Sometimes I like him but then sometimes he just seems like the typical "muh racism" talking head.

>> No.6942850
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not only is he a leftist he's not even a very intelligent one at that. he's recently associated himself with this creepy nyc based cult of maoist cranks, of all the lame nyc based stalinists and anarcho-shitheads, revcom is the worst

>> No.6942861
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>you wanna know where big ideas you gotta go to the occupy wall street
Don't even have to watch a second more but
>le corporate greed
I'd stick to Sowell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3vZ8_XCMfA

>> No.6942862

>Cultural marxism
merikans always good for a laugh

>> No.6942863


>> No.6942868

Of course you will. You're a small ideas man. Sowell tells you want you want to hear.

>> No.6942870
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>He tried to debate zizek
How naive. *sniffs* *pulls shirt*

>> No.6942874


>Le uncle Tom mememan

No thanks.

>> No.6942877

>Sowell tells you want you want to hear.
I want to hear logic and he speaks logically and draws conclusions logically.
Dumb faggot.

>> No.6942889

It sounds logical because it's what you want to hear you dink. You're probably one of those draw conclusions first, justify with logic later type of people

>> No.6942898

are there any great philosphers around today?

Zizek is marxist scum, new atheism is just retarded, blacks are obssessed with evils from centuries ago that was actually done to them by their own fucking people, and the greeks' bones are dust.

>> No.6942901

Stop being so retarded and just kill yourself

>> No.6942904

>You're probably one of those draw conclusions first, justify with logic later type of people

protip: all people do this. you like black guys who give you a dose of secular slave morality because you've been taught that siding with the weak losers is "justice" and therefor "good" by jewish academics and media outlets like the ny times, so cornel west sounds good to you. read some nietzche ya dufus.

>> No.6942909

Maybe you should watch one of the interview videos where they talk about his books, 'dink'. His thoughts on race, culture, politics, are all very interesting and more importantly make sense because he draws from statistics not "muh feels" about dumb bullshit like "le evil richs!!!1"

>> No.6942912

Marxist or New Atheist?

>> No.6942913

are there any good astrologers around today? all these horoscopes in the paper just seem weak,,,

>> No.6942930

None. Subscribing yourself entirely to a philosophical tendency is just dumb.

>> No.6942934

>protip: all people do this.

>black guys...secular...slave morality---weak...jewish...read some nietsche ya duf...

There's nothing new about atheism.

>> No.6942947

Post tits

>> No.6942951

>protip: all people do this.

right, you believe communism is a good idea because you've objectively studied the history of stalin's russia, mao's china and pol pot's cambodia and decided it is a logically sound idea likely to bring good economic and political results based on the evidence, right? or you just like it because it tells you that it's not your fault you're an unsuccessful neet and that people who have nicer phones than you are bad people, right?

>> No.6942960

>Cucked by capitalist ideology

>> No.6942965

Holy shit are you mentally ill?

>> No.6942972

>Gets cucked
>omg omg r mentally ill!1!

>> No.6942974
File: 49 KB, 180x180, Jayron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm my own man, ain't no philosophy gonna tie me down!

>> No.6942975
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>omg omg r mentally ill!1!
You've insulted yourself more than I ever could.

>> No.6942978

No. I started with the problems of modern life, diagnosed and wondered why no one was making any attempts to fix them.
I was raised Christian conservative, in the US, so my perceptions of these failed dictatorships was skewed from the beginning. I will of course never make any apologies for them. You're still in the boogeyman phase, anon. Stop posting nonsense on the internet till you find out what happened. Read some books.
Read some Hobsbawm actually. He's real good. It wont turn you into a Marxist, I swear.

Go go.

>> No.6942985

Nice argument.
I really can't believe entirely in a school of thought. That's just impossible. Try it yourself.

>> No.6942997

>raised a Christian conservative

that's why you like communism so much, it's secular christianity, so it resonates with your deepest values.

>> No.6943010

>No. I started with the problems of modern life, diagnosed and wondered why no one was making any attempts to fix them.

The 20th century is filled with people who "diagnosed the problems of modern life and tried to fix them" starting with Lenin but also including Hitler and Osama Bin Laden. see, you are actually a deeply conservative personality with a need to submit to authoritarian figures and also judge and blame others rather than looking inward,

>> No.6943023
File: 43 KB, 440x657, Like a halo in reverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Stirner loving anarchist atheist, anon.

And fyi: This was a slow and solitary shift to the left. Not some youthful rebellion against my parentage.

>> No.6943026

>Secular christianity

>> No.6943049

do you even have a job, sir?

>> No.6943069

>Projecting this hard

>> No.6943073


>> No.6943074

I do. Have the day off today, obviously.
Anarchism isn't an abolition of work, it would just free up a lot of our time. Too bad the lazy wealthy prefer this wage slave setup.

And it's ma'am, newfig

>> No.6943077
File: 139 KB, 700x567, Pippi is dynamite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HA. His book.
I still need to get it, actually.

>> No.6943780

b-but how can you love Stirner if you haven't read him?

>> No.6943954

Not him, but how do I know you're the real butters, namefriend?

>> No.6943976

>needing to read someone to love him

>> No.6943993

Holy kek, no, she was raised Seventh Day Adventist. Apart from their fixation with the Second Coming, there is nothing communist about their values. The only Protestants who had values communism could be derived from are Hicksite Quakers and *old school* Anabaptists. Most Protestantism is about reaping what you sow.

>> No.6943994

>the lazy wealthy

oh i'm sorry to hear you live in some corrupt catholic country or despotic asian regime, see here in america and (and other ango-saxon protestant nations) industriousness and intelligence result in wealth, while sloth results in poverty. then again you say you're anarchist so maybe you're a lazy greek who thinks blackmailing germany to pay off all your debts is a good way to grow the economy? get a job, bum.

>> No.6943998

Except when it comes to salvation, in which case works are excluded, and some, like Luther and Calvin, went so far as to say salvation and damnation are predestined (though Luther didn't think anything else was, but since actions don't affect salvation, that really didn't matter).

>> No.6944049
File: 42 KB, 546x432, 1437241616614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do y'all niggers all try to look for token black intelligentsia to raise your egos?

That's just fucking sad, why can't you treat people like human beings.

>I don't like Cornel West, I prefer Sowell.

Holy shit this is just so cringe worthy. Like, are you all really desperately looking for knowledge on the given criteria of somebody's background and ethnicity?

>> No.6944061

I was introduced to him on /lit/ I took a while to warmup to his thoughts. I can like what I haven't read yet.

I just am.

>industriousness and intelligence result in wealth
Nice meme you got there. Why aren't you rich yet?
>while sloth results in poverty
Highly insulting. I'm probably the hardest worker on /lit/
>a lazy greek who thinks blackmailing germany
Are you fucking kidding me? They don't want the austerity measures. The central bank does. You're either joking or politically illiterate, so just stop.

>> No.6944063

Jurgen Habermas is one of the smartest men of the 20th century he's alive

>> No.6944072

maybe if instead of "doing it for free" for 4chan corporation you got a real job then you might see better returns on your labor, loser

>> No.6944112

In his segment on the behind the scenes Matrix interviews he actually thought Nietzsche was a nihilist. So that's disheartening. Seems like a cool guy though, never read anything by him or seen anything other than the documentary and Reloaded/Revolutions.

>> No.6944123

Way to miss the point.
>posts pic from a zelda game
No fucking surprise, it's a /v/edditor.

>> No.6944124

>he thought nietzche was a nihilist

I've heard him misuse use the term "fetishism of commodities" enough times to be certain he didn't misspeak but fails to understand what Marx was talking about.

This is why affirmative-action is bad. I know America needs a few token "black intellectuals" to put tv talk shows in the interests of diversity and whatnot, but damn try to find one that actually reads.

>> No.6944132

Dumbass. I do this in my leisure.

>> No.6944176

This thread is all the reason anyone ever needs of avoiding Cornel West. Division and shouting is his prime objective.

>> No.6944185
File: 9 KB, 346x250, 1437089404478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6944249

I went to that talk. It was a shitshow. Bob Avakian is wacko.

>> No.6944266


>> No.6944302

We've got a nasty little troll on today.

>> No.6944324

he has a good paper on nietzsche, heidegger, and the move to the postmodern in the early 20th century.

but really what philosophically minded academic doesn't, am i right

>> No.6944332

Not sure if serious or just retarded conservative

>> No.6944356

>Uncle Tom

People actually use this slur? And here I thought leftist racism was just a conservative lie.

>Seventh Day Adventist

This explains why she's retarded. Everyone I've known who was raised in that church came out fucked in the head in some way.

>> No.6944380

A quack stuck on MLK, socialism and the love thy neighbor, jesus myth.

>> No.6944397

I am no longer religious. Duh.
>People actually use this slur?
It's what he is. You're fucked in the head.

If serious he's a retarded conservative

>> No.6944414

bullshit, link me this paper, it's probably some shit he cobbled together after skimming wikipedia and used white guilt and black preacher man bravado to present it at some weak confeence

>> No.6945304

just put out black prophetic fire tho

>> No.6945562
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>> No.6945678

Work is alienated-wage labor measured according to socially average labor time (abstract labor).

It would be abolished under a non-capitalist system.

>> No.6945721

Whatever you want to call it, someone or some thing has got to get the food, clothing and shelter together.
I do not advocate a return to primitivism.
A whole host of jobs would vanish. Banking, sales and marketing. Shit like that. But with automation and every able bodied person working at full "employment" we'd work hours something incredible low.
Many would *want* to stay on at their work stations, looking after robots or sewage treatment plants or whatever.

There'd be teams of artists putting together films of giant scope or filling whole themed museums. Science and space exploration would be a job we'd welcome too.