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/lit/ - Literature

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6940686 No.6940686 [Reply] [Original]

This thing is fucking awful. Are the rest of Rand's books as horrible as this one or was starting from her first novel a mistake?

>> No.6940696

You think you know suffering, read The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution.

>> No.6941002
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>yfw it's her best work
>mfw I'm soon to read every piece of her fiction on a bet

>> No.6941074

I imagine that it only gets worse. I am currently reading the fountainhead. Tell me, is the protagonist of your book socially retarded also?

>> No.6941697

I recall it being really uninteresting, hamfisted with its moral and completely anticlimactic. Just "and then we fucked off into the mountains and we called ourself I and equated ourselves to Greek mythological figures whom we really shouldn't even know about given the setting, so fuckin deep"

>> No.6941699

>>mfw I'm soon to read every piece of her fiction on a bet
How'd you lose?

>> No.6941702
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>Rand claims she never read Zamyatin's We

>> No.6941755

>le rand is bad maymay
How did it feel to be wrenched out of your collectivist self-flagellation and shown the Hero's Path? Bretty bad?

>> No.6941770

I don't think any American posting here could be called a collectivist. But there's being individualist and then there's being a self-serving dick.

>> No.6941773

Go back to your containment board and stay there.

>> No.6941780

/pol/ hates Rand because she's a Jew.

>> No.6941795


>/pol/ liking a kike woman

well meemed

>> No.6943738
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I thought Vin Diesel and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson were the same person. Or at least I thought "The Rock" was Vin Diesel's nickname.
This shit cost me like $100+, and all of my Amazon recommendations are for her other works and related things.

>> No.6944184

Why is Anthem so thick? It's just a novella iirc

>> No.6944192

Jesus Christ, that's really bad. I guess you do deserve it, considering how big Vin is with the FF movies, and Rock being, well The Rock.
>and all of my Amazon recommendations are for her other works and related things.
Terrible fate.

>> No.6944217

I think some editions have commentary and stuff.

>> No.6944312

They've both been in recent Fast and Furious movies ya dingus.

>> No.6944314

I've never watched a single Fast & Furious movie, and whenever a trailer comes up it just immediately sucks the awareness out of me, I don't know if I ever saw his face fully before I googled him for the bet. Although I heard he was good as Riddick from Pitch Black.
As for Dwayne Johnson I think the only movie I entirely watched that he was in was "The Rundown" and that's about two hours of Dwayne Johnson kicking the most ass I've ever seen in my life. I guess the personalities I imagined of the two matched each other enough to meld into one person.
It's the Centennial Edition, it's two complete copies of Anthem but one with Rand's notes and scribbles on the side. that probably means I'm going to read it twice

>> No.6944453

As someone who's read all her fiction, I can comfortably say that We The Living is her best (it's also technically her first novel, written and published before Anthem).

There's way less philosophical aims. It's just sort of autobiographical fiction that frowns down its nose at the Bolshevik Revolution.

>> No.6944736

>As someone who's read all her fiction
Oh dear, what bet did you lose?

>> No.6944996

Don't try and penetrate Rand's fiction, it's not worth it. Just watch a body of her tv interviews, they'll catch you up on her philosophy, which is interesting enough. They don't hold up as literature and don't matter in any literary canon.

>> No.6945005

Ayn Rand could not write her way out of a wet paper bag.

She is a Russian Jew that is permanently butt hurt about the communists taking her family's wealth and running them out of the country.

>> No.6945112

go fuck around in your account settings, you should be able to undo that. Maybe in the purchase history or something.

>> No.6945118

We The Living is pretty short. Anthem is less than 100 pages, dude. She's a turd writer, but it's all short and easy as fuck.

Except Atlas Shrugged. That's long but easy as fuck.

>> No.6945136

I tried to read the Fountainhead long ago before I knew about her politics and "philosophy." It's about an architect and I thought I wanted to be an architect, so I read it. I got about 3/4 through before giving up; the writing just sucked so bad. I usually will finish a book, but it was just awful.

>> No.6945144


id be pretty butthurt about that too

>> No.6945158


>> No.6945161

Both of which prove communist takeover was justified

>> No.6945164

I feel sick looking at this

>> No.6945177

How do you think I feel owning it?
The first three maybe, but the bottom three I am not looking forward too.
I have several buffer books strategically placed between the books to make this less horrible
Will try.

>> No.6945202


I read Atlas Shrugged in college and wrote some shitty essay that I submitted to a contest hosted by the Objectivist Society. I actually placed and won like a hundred bucks. They also sent me a copy of The Fountainhead, which I did not read.

Some of the ideas in Atlas Shrugged were interesting to me at the time, but other people expressed those ideas more clearly, and ultimately her conclusions are shit. The novel had little or no literary merit. My essay was a load of schlock and I didn't believe a word of it, I was just doing it for the money. Which might make me a pretty good "Objectivist" after all.

>> No.6945207

>This thing is fucking awful

I, you ignorant turd. I, I, I !!

>> No.6945209

Is Ayn Rand really considered a bad writer? I only read Atlas Shrugged, but I found a lot of it dazzling. Is that really considered poor writing?

>> No.6945930

i don't know how anyone can take the dialog seriously. chat bots have more emotion.

>> No.6945972

Why would you make a bet that bad for something that'd take you 2 seconds to check on google?

>> No.6946004


>betting on facts

>> No.6946031

She also said she was only ever influenced philosophically by Aristotle.

>> No.6946159

>I thought Vin Diesel and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson were the same person. Or at least I thought "The Rock" was Vin Diesel's nickname.
Are you fucking retarded.

>> No.6946431

>My essay was a load of schlock and I didn't believe a word of it, I was just doing it for the money.
I think it's poetically fitting that your reward was The Fountainhead, since dishonesty for the sake of self advancement is probably one of the central themes of the novel.

>> No.6946434


It reads like a script to a shitty movie, which is probably what it was meant to be given her Hollywood background. Remember the scene when the spic is dual wielding pistols from the top of the building, never missing? What the hell was that?

>> No.6948002

>dual wielding pistols from the top of the building
Holy shit maybe this book will be more entertaining than I thought

>> No.6948014
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>> No.6948028

Look up stuff on her wanting Nietzsche's dick before later deciding she was never influenced by him and never read him. It's interesting stuff.

>> No.6948515

So you hate her because she is a woman and a jew or is she a legit bad writer?
Also I'd guessed that her philosophy would be admired here given the 4chan's right/libertarian mindset.

>> No.6948907

You forget that 4chan is pretty misogynist and anti-semite.

>> No.6950315

>when the spic is dual wielding pistols from the top of the building, never missing
nigger is that actually in the book, might read it now instead of buying into the meme

>> No.6950442

Well look at this shit, man: >>6948002 >>6950315
You made these two want to check out the book to see some amazing spic. And I want to read it now, too.