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/lit/ - Literature

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6937751 No.6937751 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books on being a man?

>> No.6937762
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The Bible
[Spoiler]Infinite Jest[/spoiler]

>> No.6937770

epictetus' discourses

>> No.6937777

Sex and Character

>> No.6937779
File: 510 KB, 1380x1887, Ego and.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By authors who don't know what a man is?

>> No.6937780

Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics
Spinoza - Ethics
Marcus Aurelieus - Meditations
Judith Butler - Gender Trouble
Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Melville - Moby Dick
Joyce - Portrait of the Artist As A Young Man

No joke

>> No.6937808
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"The Way of Men" by Jack Donovan.

>> No.6937814

Manhood is a spook

>> No.6937820

Everything is a spook, anon

>> No.6937822

nice fail bro

>> No.6937825

I'm not

>> No.6937830

nice quads bro

>> No.6937832

histoire de la virilite in french

mind you that feminism is everywhere now

>> No.6937845

you sure bout that, bud?

>> No.6937855

Sun and Steel

>> No.6937918

don't remind me...

>> No.6937928

you are to me though

>> No.6937945

Women are worthless and feminism is ruining Western civilization and feminizing men so that we can't be real men anymore

>> No.6937980

Although there might be a characteristic or two that's more or less universal, the concept of manhood is somewhat relative.

Ask 10 different women (or men) what they think being a man amounts to and you will get 10 different answers, with some of the answers overlapping in their constituent characteristics.

Look for the near-universal characteristics of manhood, and don't bother with others. Otherwise, you're just looking for a recipe on how to act as others want you to act, which is pathetic.

>> No.6937984

>near-universal characteristics of manhood
Farting among your mates tbh

>> No.6937990

>A Portrait but no Ulysses

>> No.6938013

Farting? That's weak. Try 'homoerotic inside jokes about what you would do to each other while maintaining your heterosexual composure'.

>> No.6939523

what are the near-universal characteristics?

>> No.6939577 [DELETED] 


>> No.6939581

Batman - The Dark Knight

>> No.6939584

Even asking this means this is a futile endeavor, you'll never be a man.

>> No.6939588

This is one of the worst things so-called men do around me. "Men" are so shitty. I should leave this chinese cartoon porn board