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6936969 No.6936969 [Reply] [Original]

What logical fallacy annoys you the most?

>> No.6936993

Strawman, appeal to emotion and no true Scotsman

I hate these the most because they are used most often, especially on the internet.

>> No.6936999

The one where sad dweebs on the internet think they're master debaters because they've read a Wikipedia article on logical fallacies.

>> No.6937001

Ad hominid, people try to skirt around trying to make an argument

>> No.6937007

Using the word "fallacy" to dismiss an argument and at the same time missing the discussion's point entirely.

>happens 99.8% of the time the word is used online

>> No.6937011

It's called the fallacy fallacy.
And I agree.

>> No.6937016

What's /lit/'s favorite fallacy?

>> No.6937362

Appeal to nature/common sense, appeal to tradition/custom. It's irritating when people take mental constructs for granted.

>> No.6937376

I hate it when the internet thinks everything is a logical argument and calls out fallacies.

Like for example I may use the no true Scotsman fallacy in a casual setting and they think I'm being completely serious. Pisses me off.

>> No.6937400

This. They're easily quotable shit that allows the lazy /pol/tard to dance around both the logic and content of the argument by invoking magical rules from their hs debate club

>> No.6937412


Ad Homenim. It seriously works. I don't mean name calling. They aren't the same thing. I mean, IRL, just start tearing into the person and they'll get upset and/or shut up and you automatically win. It's great.

>> No.6937433

>Logic adsurdum

>> No.6937434

appeals to "progress."

common among people who think evolution has an end goal, who think "fitness" can be a moral judgment.

>> No.6937441

The Picture Fallacy:
Assuming a thread/post is better based on its picture.

The Replies Fallacy:
Assuming a post is better based on the number of replies.

The Visual Organization Fallacy:
Assuming a post is better based on how it's visually arranged. (gloss: truth becomes aesthetics).

The Fallacy Fallacy Fallacy:
Assuming fallacies do not represent meaningful modes of thinking that can be used for creative outputs. (gloss: "how small a thought it takes to fill a whole life" —wittgenstein).

>> No.6937448


I don't know if there's a name for it, but when people ignore the concept of averages. Like when they find an exception to a very common trend, and they use this to prove there is no trend at all. Is there a name for that?

>> No.6937456

No true scottsman. Fuck that ALL muslims are terrorists. Not even pol

>> No.6937465
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Appeal to spooks is my personal favorite. I suppose that would be begging the question, because it assumes that the spook in question is worth protecting.

Is there a name for appealing to shoddy evidence, e.g. "Look at this graph!" as an argument for why all Jews are shape-shifting lizard people.

>> No.6937521

In 4chan
The misunderstanding between slippery slope and reductio ad absurdum.
In ordinary life
Magister dixit, strawman and tu quoque

>> No.6937541

I hate when people accuse you of logical fallacy when you haven't been making a formal argument

seriously, fuck internet debaters

>> No.6937547

this tbh

>> No.6937880

subjugated peasants that make the appeal to authority and appeal to nature fallacies
>makes me quit the discussion at any rate
ad hominem & appeal to pathos

>> No.6937894

>rebly fallacee
reblying to dis post to balidate it

>> No.6937901

>all Jews are shape-shifting lizard people.
It's the opposite. Lizard people are just placeholders for Juden.

>> No.6937909

Circular argument.

>> No.6937923

Moving the goalpoasts and no true scotsman.

>> No.6937934

Oh, and appeal to nature because it is so pervasive.

Quickest way to scam money from people is to label anything as "natural".

>> No.6937952

Already mentioned here, but the Fallacy Fallacy. Mistaking an incorrect argument for an incorrect position.

People spend too much time looking for gochas instead of trying to understand the other person's point of view. The complete lack of empathy that the internet conditions us to doesn't help either. All we see are arguments to be dismissed,

>> No.6937997

The Kafkatrapping.
The only good thing continentals/psychoanalysts/feminists ever created.
Super fun at parties.
>implying I need friends. :)))|||(((

>> No.6938029


>you automatically just win

no, the other people just hate you you dumb fuck


most annoying one tbh

>> No.6938047

TL:DR Fallacy fallacy fallacy

[insert insult of intelligence here] In an argument, often one side will say an argument, and then the other side will find flaws with the logic of the argument. Fallacies are logical flaws that happen so often in arguments that some people named them. If someone points out a fallacy you used, it doesn't mean either one of you is right, it just means you used an illogical argument.

You shouldn't be mad at someone for pointing out a flaw in your argument just because it has a name.

>> No.6938068

fuck them for pointing out your argument is illogical!!! How fucking dare those motherfuckers!!!

>> No.6938080


This is an excellent example of the fallacy fallacy fallacy fallacy. Good job, you just proved I'm right about everything ever

>> No.6938101
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I thought I would never see this alive:

A fallacy fallacy fallacy fallacy fallacy.

Today is a happy day.

>> No.6938110

FallacyFallacyFallacyFallacyFallacy. You may not be wrong, but your argument is illogical
care to make another ;^)

>> No.6938112


Actually that's perfectly viable. Committing a fallacy means that you made a shitty argument. If the other person says you made a fallacy, then claims that automatically makes your main point wrong, then yes, that's the fallacy fallacy. If the person says you made a fallacy, then says he's 99% sure you're wrong, that doesn't apply. Saying "fallacy fallacy" basically boils down to "Yeah I know my argument is shit, but it's still TECHNICALLY possible I'm right!"

>> No.6938117

Appeal to History/tradition/custom and Slippery Slope because it's the most blatantly illogical shit and yet people use them all the fucking time.

>> No.6938118


Gotcha! You just made the fallacy fallacy fallacy fallacy fallacy fallacy.

I accept your defeat, your apology and your debate fedora

>> No.6938120

End this already nerds!

>> No.6938121

These people are mostly redditors tbh. Being nice and not an "asshole" are more important than finding truth with them, in general.

>> No.6938132

the "because I say so" one

>> No.6938150

No shit they hate you.
What kind of loser ends up liking you after you BTFO'd them?

>> No.6938159

An argument with a gaol if finding anything other than the truth is pointless tbh.

>> No.6938161

TL;DR Fallacy fallacy fallacy fallacy

[idiocy by the power of four] Also known as "Appeal to Autism". In a discussion, one party might point out the fallacy of the other, dismissing his position altogether. [Also known as Fallacy Fallacy.] A third party may now enter the discussion, pointing out that spending the rest of the debate on discussing logical fallacies is an absolutely valid and constructive way to conduct discussion. This usually digresses endlessly, as all parties involved will continue to make logical fallacies, while attempting to point out the fallacies of the other parties. This ends in either rage quitting in the most "suave" way possible or until one party gets picked up from school by their mother.

>> No.6938171


>> No.6938180

This thread was about fallacies from the beginning. What is the point of an argument if it doesn't have to be logical

>> No.6938196
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>the specialist is one who never makes small mistakes while moving toward the grand fallacy

"Literate man, once having accepted an analytic technology of fragmentation, is not nearly so accessible to cosmic patterns as tribal man. He prefers separateness and compartmented spaces, rather than the open cosmos. He becomes less inclined to accept his body as a model of the universe, or to see his house —or any other of the media of communication, for that matter—as a ritual extension of his body. Once men have adopted the visual dynamic of the phonetic alphabet, they begin to lose the tribal man's obsession with cosmic order and ritual as recurrent in the physical organs and their social extension. Indifference to the cosmic, however, fosters intense concentration on minute segments and specialist tasks, which is the unique strength of Western man. For the specialist is one who never makes small mistakes while moving toward the grand fallacy"

>> No.6938217

None. if someone makes a mistake, try to help them. If they are unwilling, move on. there is no use being upset about it. it is outside your power.

If you get upset, remember that Dogs eat dog food.

>> No.6938256

Specialization is for insects.

>> No.6938274


there is nothing illogical about slippery slope in real life. in formal logic, it doesnt make sense, but in real life it absolutely makes sense to worry about the future consequences of actions

>> No.6938275

>purposely misinterpretting

>> No.6938283


>there is a tendency towards things, a pattern, but i don't believe it!

>> No.6938290


Had never heard about this, prtty cool


Any "misinterpretation" is still an interpretation.

>> No.6938572

Muy favorite is samefagging :^)