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File: 223 KB, 1000x750, 1438701405SERIOUSNESS-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6936854 No.6936854 [Reply] [Original]

"The human sexual drive is an integral and dignified part of life. This is a truth that keeps getting lost: we repeatedly fall out with the physical side of existence. The nobility of our bodies was alive as a concept for certain periods in the Ancient Greek world, then became submerged for many centuries under Christian censorship. Oddly, despite an atmosphere of permissiveness today, our relationship with sex still bears a legacy of distrust, which becomes most evident in attitudes towards the porn industry. It’s not that most societies ban porn, but they subtly relegate it to the outer limits of respectability. It comes to seem a low-grade, demeaning activity, which sullies all who come into contact with it, producers and consumers.
The School of Life is a global organisation founded to explore issues in emotional life and arrive at workable solutions to some of our greatest tensions and dilemmas. It asks large questions about fulfillment and purpose.
Given the role that pornography plays in the modern world (especially its remarkably destructive effects on many relationships and on the lives of teenagers), it is a natural theme for the School to explore. This project contributes to a search for a ‘better’ sort of pornography, ‘better’ meaning not more or less explicit or unusual, but more aligned with the highest capacities of humankind: intelligence, sensitivity and empathy. It is porn we shouldn’t have to be ashamed of. The site aims to work a therapeutic effect, and is focused around some of the challenges that make sex particularly difficult as well as exciting for us."


What does /lit/ think of this?

>> No.6936873
File: 275 KB, 1588x697, 1416528025596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post-feminist new age crap.

>> No.6936914

lmao @ pic

>> No.6936916

This is the greatest story I've read all summer anon

>> No.6936961

Goddamn /fit/
I was in that thread

>> No.6936994
File: 757 KB, 1349x2632, Pornos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6937515

Good post OP. Too bad about all these repressed and lonely Christian boy's responses.

It's not just porn that needs an adjustment, it's our sexual practices. We should teach "safe sex" and encourage teens to loosen up, so we can turn out less maladjusted shut-ins.
Porn consumption would decrease considerably.

>Some Jews make porn
>Is the illuminami!i! Onoez!!i!

>> No.6937559

>The nobility of our bodies was alive as a concept for certain periods in the Ancient Greek world, then became submerged for many centuries under Christian censorship.
false, Greek philosophy had a similar concept of sexual morality as Christianity.(Neoplatonists, stoics, the three great greeks)

>> No.6937603

>Neoplatonists, stoics, the three great greeks)
Neoplatonists came quite late.
Stoics are ass
"The three great Greeks" are revered by the later Christians No telling how we lost much of the ancients legacy. Censorship can't be ruled out.

>> No.6937629

so this is basically a sub-par visual novel for self-styled intellectuals who think we are being most honest when we're fucking?

>> No.6937631


who is the 3rd?

>> No.6937633

>muh repressive hypothesis

>> No.6937636


>> No.6937640

>they dont count because Christians like them
>le ass

>> No.6937642

>so we can turn out less maladjusted shut-ins.
>implying I didn't turn into a maladjusted shut in from being a shy ugly beta

I don't think many turn into shut-ins from being prudes

>> No.6937660

You can't do much beyond bad lighting and slow action tbh.


>> No.6937672

tl;dr hedonism

>> No.6937677

Holy shit anon

This is the weirdest thing i have seen on internet all year

Thank you

>> No.6937699 [DELETED] 

Who did you ask out in your youth?
When young we should be encouraged and helped to pair up. The "leagues" of looks don't matter that much, you could have hooked up with a "beta" girl or two. Gone through the heartache. Come back realizing it's not so bad, and move onto more healthy relationships in your twenties.
Dropping Christian ideas of morals is key to happier healthy world.
Saw one Christian (or someone posing as one) openly deriding happiness. Miserable cur.

>I will now proceed to put words into his mouth

>> No.6937732

Who did you ask out in your youth?
When young we should be encouraged and helped to pair up. The "leagues" of looks don't matter that much, you could have hooked up with a "beta" girl or two. Gone through the heartache. Come back realizing it's not so bad, and move onto more healthy relationships in your twenties.
Dropping Christian ideas of morals is key to happier healthy world.
Saw one Christian (or someone posing as one) openly deriding happiness. Miserable cur.

>I will now proceed to put words into his mouth

>> No.6937776

>should be encouraged and helped to pair up
That's discriminatory against polyamory.

>> No.6937782

>Dropping Christian ideas of morals is key to happier healthy world.
and dropping chemo is the key to a cancerless world

>> No.6937790

this really resonated with me, I have a difficult time reconciling my drives and desires with my sense of responsibility or expectations of me
thanks for sharing

>> No.6937793

So right. Apologies.

No, adopting cleaner energy sources is the key to a cancerless world

>> No.6937806

Not literature.

>> No.6937816

>We should teach "safe sex" and encourage teens to loosen up
how can you reasonably hold that "safe sex" should be taught to teens only? why not youngsters?

>> No.6937835

It ties in with philosophy you cunt

sod off

>> No.6937839

it really doesnt, it's more of a political issue

>> No.6937850
File: 595 KB, 1440x2046, Alexandra Daddario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i said



>> No.6937958

>Who did you ask out in your youth?
none of the girls interested me and nobody was interested in me
then comes all of the shit with poor self-confidence and being in a class with all boys

>> No.6937960

Underrated post and pic.

>> No.6938792
File: 616 KB, 1280x1920, kelin4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6939010

Pedos should be penned up together.

Piece of shit post. You probably posted it.

>> No.6939128
File: 307 KB, 2024x1960, Gustav_Klimt_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny I was just thinking out the story line to a porno exploring similar issues. Thanks for the share OP.

I think a large part of the sexual problems today have more to do with capitalism than Christianity. Our society puts too much emphasis on sex as a form of consumption (not only through the use of sexual advertisement in the media; but also through the outright sale of sex through online dating, pornography, and clubs). This profit motive creates a sphere of media influence in which sex is attached to the value of an individual, for females based on their looks and perceived willingness to put out; for men the number of "notches" in their belt.

Although there are a lot of problems with Christian sexuality, it's rapidly being replaced with a sort of metropolitan sexuality, in which sex is an abstract, dispensable, and masturbatory form of consumption. A way for liquor companies to attach a price tag to the corporal release of excess sexual energy while at the same time depriving it of any spiritual significance.

Teaching kids to "loosen up" is the wrong approach because sex is inherently meaningful. The abuse of meaning sullies it. Not that people should never have sex before marriage, but people should always care about the people they're sleeping with. Sex is an act of love. Sex is mutual cannibalism, the literal and metaphorical placement of another person's body inside yours. The instant of transcendental pleasure where two bodies move within and throughout each other to same rhythm. Anything less than this is masturbation.

Love, which is inherent in everything meaningful, is as much a declaration of pain as of pleasure. Can anyone really say they love someone without willing to hurt for them? People like >>6937629 who try to distance themselves from love with words like "fucking" only distance themselves from the transcendental experience of love and beauty that's inherent in "fucking".

The website in the OP is kind of shitty though. Instead of focusing on sensuality, beauty, and love, it just tries to validate it's softcore porn with a pretentious back-story. Props for trying at least.

>> No.6939135

Just b yourself, you're a cool guy

>> No.6939148
File: 110 KB, 256x256, zizek on space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure ideology.

>> No.6939152

yeah am i like the only dude who doesn't give a shit about space? fuck space

>> No.6939207

I figured as much. I'm sorry, anon. social norms failed us both.

Agreed. Capitalism is just as much a problem if not more so. And I was being rather vague when I said "loosen up". It is meaningful, but when you're young, you should be allowed the time and space to make these meaningful connections and in all likelihood failures. It means a lot but at the same time it can be not such a big deal once you get over your first crush. Good post.

>> No.6939378

Very good point. Thanks for giving me a reason to keep coming here.

>> No.6939405

well I've been myself for the last month and haven't spoken to a person face to face that wasn't getting paid for it
>I figured as much. I'm sorry, anon. social norms failed us both.
I disagree with the notion that it has anything to do with "social norms" instead of socializing as a whole

>> No.6939412


Goddammit I swear I will fucking give you cunts the suicide you're too pathetic to do.

You mother hates you, your father hates you, everyone fucking hates you. Fucking do it, faggot.

>> No.6939426

Holy shit Im reading that edition of Spinozas Ethics aswell

How do I become a cute girl

>> No.6939427

You were raised wrong. Other people were raised wrong. We could have all been raised differently, better, in a society not based on capital accumulation and worship of ancient boogeymen and their moralities

>> No.6939443

yeah i could have been raised better but it has nothing to do with your favorite boogiemen

>> No.6939454

More people need to be more ashamed or at least less proud about sex tbh. It's basically the same as needing to eat food or take a shit, and the only people who will promote this kind of stuff probably just want to fuck a thousand people without others (rightfully) thinking them odd for their (analogous) gluttony. Thanks

>> No.6939469

Oh and porn is generally stupid and mildly pathetic no matter how you look at it. You're watching two degenerates fuck instead of doing anything productive, socializing with your friends and family, etc.

>> No.6939477

Thank you for actually contributing. I had forgotten what that looks like.

>> No.6939487

So wrong.
You're the degenerate

>> No.6939497

I think all woman should be sluts and stop being such prudes tbh

>> No.6939503

LOL women are only prudes around guys they don't want to fuck

>> No.6939509

yeah that's a problem too. a woman should open her legs to anyone and everyone

>> No.6939531
File: 8 KB, 259x194, aeryn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sex is inherently meaningful.


>> No.6939544
File: 106 KB, 926x944, 1417755392449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you're saying but sex is the corrupted shape of love.
Where base animals place their care for their mates they express it in the real purpose aka fucking each other rather than something transcendental for us humans (our concept of love).
sex is more related to our baser side while affection is related to a much higher side than ourselves
and when it turns into devotion (the love of a friend or that of a parent and child) where one seeks not their well being or their gain but that of their loved one then it's at its highest point (supposing that love is measured as the disinterest of one's own well being and the interest of the other's well being).
love expressed in sex is taking from one another rather than giving, for it is a selfish act even in mutual agreement.

btw don't take my word for this, I have a massive slut fetish and get off from watching woman debase themselves ayy lmao.

>> No.6939553


Human sexual drive is shit, the fucking worst. Free yourself from desire and you will be free.

>> No.6939554

>sex is the corrupted shape of love.
Degenerate scum.

>> No.6939573

Love is the corrupted shape of bourgeois morality.

Sex is what I do inside your father.

>> No.6939590

the most beautiful thing in or about existence is when a hairless high intelligence ape rubs his dick on another one's vagina repeatedly and then shoots sperm out

>> No.6939595

Makes you realize how ridiculous a lot of this is

>> No.6939602

>Sex is what I do inside your father.

Yeah, I'll be plagiarizing this.

>> No.6939604

christianity actually revealed the truly human way to make use of our sexuality

pornography is an assault on our sensuality because it removes us from our purpose to love another person faithfully in a monogamous relationship. a person addicted to pornography finds it harder to invest his energy into truly important things and will condition himself into viewing other people as objects.

>> No.6939617

you're actually giving pornography higher points tbh. you cucks really ought to stop putting woman on a pedestal.

>> No.6939660

it really does not make me do anything

>> No.6939665
File: 1.30 MB, 523x909, assumption_elgreco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think other people should be treated as objects and that we should remove ourselves from fidelity to our fellow man as much as possible then sure pornography is great.

personally i don't believe this leads to happiness; only alienation, shame, and poor relationships.

my viewing life this way does not entail succumbing to an "emminent" female seduction.

I think celibacy is an equally human way to lead your life, but those who are called to matrimony must abstain from pornography to become truly free.

>> No.6939688


well, it's more beautiful when you are the one rubbing my dick

>> No.6939791

Kind of related or maybe unrelated question: How to into tantric stuff? I'm mostly interested for the concept of kundalini, and unlocking that energy or w/e. I've read ejaculation-less (not orgasm-less) sex and/or masturbation have a role in this.

>> No.6939814 [DELETED] 

you find the prettiest, most petite and fair-skinned girl you can, enamor her, bring her back home and take out your pet nigger Tyrone to break her hymen and breed her while you jack off at the concept that your inadequate sized penis will never be able to breed her as your pet nigger can

>> No.6939858

what a stupid post. this is /lit/, not /tv/. it's a waste of time and space to post such a thing in response to a legitimate question

>> No.6939864

Oh wow.

>Gabriella has found it difficult - at times - to accept this kinkier side of herself. At first when she started masturbating (she was 14 and a half) she was just amazed by the pure physical responsiveness of her body. Gradually she got interested in ideas, images and little scenarios that came into her mind before orgasm: a picture from a children’s history book of an Egyptian slave driver whipping a brawny, half naked worker at the Great Pyramid.

>> No.6940385

Eeew yuck. Never been into BDSM

>(she was 14 and a half)
She just started at 14? That real late.

>> No.6940809

who painted that? It's really good.

>> No.6940821

great post

>> No.6940829

muuuuuh reductionism

DAE just monkeys? is an old may may. stop

>> No.6940835

George Henry Boughton

Can't you reverse search?

>> No.6940850

>What does /lit/ think of this?
it's the typical positive reinforcement site you encounter for furries, pedos and the like
>therapeutic effect
you dont cure people using cyanide, m8

>> No.6940988

>please make people getting fucked on camera and wasting themselves a legit and acceptable field of work
Yeah, no.

>> No.6941158

No need to be rude

>> No.6941208
File: 37 KB, 1026x272, IntelligentCockMind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody explain this to me

>> No.6941225


it means she was horny as hell and found a guy who would approach her and fuck her brains out. girls don't actually think this shit when they're having sex with someone. take it from a girl this is mindless drivel.

>> No.6941232

I consume pornography and I would defend that right to the death.

>> No.6941245

Sometimes I think I'd be a lot happier as a eunuch.

>> No.6941254

All the name dropping and pretentiousness kept me reading to be honest. Thinking about the way she reads The Economist when you're about to fuck? lel

>> No.6941255


>implying existence is defined and not definable
>emphasizing sexual function before form
>implying that function isn't the part bestial past we see to escape and form the aesthetic
>implying tension and dilemma aren't a result of trying to reconcile instinct with intellect
>implying that's not what they're trying to do
>isolating the a few generation of greeks as representatives of millenia of ancients
>implying watching pornography is going to do something to the stresses a modern human faces when they're trying to find and keep a mate when they're directly fueled by circumstance and economics


>> No.6941274

>Anything less than this is masturbation.
there is nothing wrong with masturbation though

>> No.6941430
File: 46 KB, 500x557, louis CucK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6941440
File: 51 KB, 480x600, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6941447

Porn is degeneracy.

>> No.6941609
File: 1.95 MB, 1209x944, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

choose one

>> No.6941610

Make that one degenerate thing I would defend then.

Porn is how I satisfy my rape, bondage, child molesting, grotesque fantasy i.e. stuff you cannot do in real life without getting barred.

>> No.6941766

> encourage teens to loosen up, so we can turn out less maladjusted shut-ins
that wont work

>> No.6942250

or so you think

>> No.6942566

It would.
Being more open, getting much needed experiences out of the way, demystifying sex.

If orgies were more common, most people would attend once or twice in their life. We do want companionship primarily.

Some porn is rather sickening. The taboo nature forced on all of it makes it "dirty" "corrupt" and "degenerate". Stop this and it goes back to being more beautiful.

>> No.6943925

I rather like those sickening porn myself, what do you mean by "stop this"? Ban it?

>> No.6943984

in our society 20% of the males do 80% of fucking because females have claimed sex and turned it int a commodity

>> No.6944012

Take capitalism out of it.
Isn't homemade, non-professional best? I think so.

>> No.6944038

I rather like my doujinshii, but porn games and JAV are also my favorite, so no.

You cannot take capitalism out of those.

>> No.6944120

Yyyyyyyes you can.

>> No.6944148

How can you?

These things are made to sell to an audience.

>> No.6944214

>Some Jews make porn

Pretty much only Jews make porn.

>> No.6944220

Japs make porn too and I consume them the most.

>> No.6944246

in the West*. Either way, Japan is suffering from the same problems highlighted at the bottom of >>6936994

Jewing your own nation must be a side effect of the radiation.

>> No.6944275

I can't successfully argue against that because I'm still a virgin in my 20s and I enjoy porn and don't feel the need to shackle up.

But still, I feel that as long as I work and make money, all's fine.

>> No.6944293

If your hentai illustrator didn't want to do it anymore, the supply might dry up, but people usually make these things because they want to.

Enough with the jew biting.
Move to Russia and stfu

>> No.6944305

>If your hentai illustrator didn't want to do it anymore, the supply might dry up, but people usually make these things because they want to.
It's all fine and dandy, but some of my favorite hentai illustrator (for example, that nigga ShindoL) does it for the money first and enjoyment later.

And I support him fully for that.

>> No.6944334

I have very mixed feelings about ShindoL. On one hand, he's extremely talented, has good taste, but on the other, the majority of his stuff is simply not my fetish, at all. so while it's a joy to look at his work, I find it repulsive.

>> No.6944369

Taste and all, if you don't enjoy it, don't buy it.

It's how the market works.

I enjoy his druggie rapewhore stuff very much.

>> No.6944396

>druggie rapewhore stuff very much
And that's exactly what I don't like. Then again, I'm the type of degenerate who likes guro, so different strokes.
It's quite bizarre, actually. I like guro chiefly when the victim wants it. However, nothing quite beats the contrition of finishing something where the person really doesn't want it.

I like supporting porn artists, because their work has so much personality.

>> No.6944399

And that nukige with his art, Captive Market, was pretty fucking brutal.

>> No.6944422

Well, I ain't judging.

I have my rape and mutilation fetish.

>> No.6944428

By the way, have you read GM Rimix? It's by the guy who wrote Black Lagoon, and it's excellent.

>> No.6944444

Nah, I haven't.

>> No.6944457

Nice quints. It's in my eyes one of the seminal 'pure' femdom pieces. I'd post pics but we're on a blue board.

>> No.6944472

Thanks for the recommendation anyway, buddy.

I have my own porn backlog (all that Lilith and BISHOP games) so...

>> No.6944494

>[jews] don't believe in authoritarianism
>mfw israel exists

>> No.6944685

>then became submerged for many centuries under Christian censorship
Not just Christian censorship. Many religions advocate celibacy or abstinence until marriage, or even after procreation.
This allowed our species to spend more time building society instead of having mind-blowing orgies all the time.

Just look at bonobo apes, their societies are shit because they focus too much on sexual dominance.

Not saying sexuality isn't important, it's simply something we can put aside for leisure time.

Pornography is just a vaccine to the censorship that we have against sexuality in many parts of the world where people are sexually deprived. We ARE sexual creatures and have an inherent need to take part in sexual activities, otherwise we can become mentally unstable.

If we didn't view a natural fucking bodily process as taboo, we wouldn't need this vaccine. I sure as hell didn't watch any porn when I was sexually active with my fuckbuddy in college, not because I actively avoided it, but because it never crossed my mind.

>> No.6944690



>> No.6944691

>This allowed our species to spend more time building society instead of having mind-blowing orgies all the time.
Explain Romans and Greeks then

>> No.6944693


>> No.6944718

There are a few countries that already have sexual education programs for grade schoolers

>> No.6944726

It's not the bodily process but how it's used. If abused for reasons other than reproduction one is perverting its natural function and necessarily corrupting the mind to justify it. Stable societies have stable families with stable thinking, corrupt the latter and the former follows. The simplest solution is monogamous marriage.

>> No.6944737

So if I want to satisfy my sexual tendencies, I should have a baby every time?

Yea, not trying to have 9001 children every year.

Sex is way more about procreation, it's a social act for social creatures, you retard.

>> No.6944758

You're welcome

>> No.6944772

If you want to satisfy your hunger you either have to eat healthy, use drugs, have luck or be fat regardless of the social benefits of dining well. That's not a person imposing that standard but reality. Telling the sedentary that 4,000 calories a day isn't going to hurt them doesn't make the problem go away, it just confuses them as to why they're not losing weight and costs everyone in healthcare.

>> No.6944794

You're not talking about normal functioning people, then.

Obviously there are people with genetic mutations that make them hyper-sexual, just as there are mutations that make people "hyper-hungry."

I'm talking about the general population and "normal-functioning" people, not outliers.

>On another note, fasting and starvation is also a normal bodily process that is healthy for the body. This is one of the reasons why many cultures and religions advocate to fast for certain periods of time. Eating every time you are hungry is a problem that should be addressed in some other way.

>> No.6944866

>Sex is way more about procreation, it's a social act for social creatures, you retard.
but putting the social aspect before the procreative aspect is irrational. The social aspect exists only to motivate the execution of the sexual act.

When we eat, the food gives us nutrition, and it also tastes good, but the taste exists only to motivate eating. Now nutrition exists as an act of self preservation, and eating is the method of gaining nutrition. But what happens when we sacrifice the nutritive aspect for the "taste" aspect? We get fat (or skinny if youre bulimic) and that gives us health problems, which is contrary to what nutrition acts for (self-preservation).

>but wait! if i want to have sex, i must have a baby every time! and thats stupid!

making a family is one of the greatest things you can do, but this is a little bit out of the topic

the only things that are needed for the sexual act to be "alright" is for it to not be contrary to its natural function, meaning that you shouldnt actively interferce with reproduction so that it doesnt occur (you can of course foresee whether reproduction is unlikely to occur in certain days, and it wouldnt be wrong to engage in intercourse in those days), of course the issue isnt that simple and it deserves a complete treatment, but this is a taiwanese stickfigure board and i cant bother to do it

>> No.6944914

>the taste exists only to motivate eating
This is not the only function of taste. Things that are bitter are usually poisonous. This was an advantage for us while we were evolving for hundreds of thousands of years.

>what happens when we sacrifice the nutritive aspect for the "taste" aspect?
This is a result of us adding extra ingredients in food to attract more consumers. This is a result of capitalism and consumerism, the cause of which is attributed to people having addictive tendencies caused by a malfunctioning reward process in the brain. Again, mutations. Fucking rats do this.

What I'm getting from your posts is that you have no idea what you're talking about and that you're probably some 19 year old kid that thinks he inherently understands the world without investigating it.

Stop being ignorant and read up on some biological and evolutionary literature. This is /lit/ after all...

>> No.6945320

There's more porn in the world than in America.

>> No.6945346

Their goals seem too idealistic.

It's like taking a BDSM hentai-addicted weeb and making them into a romantic hentai-addicted weeb, sure it's less fucked-up but it's still just a fleeting escape from reality.

>> No.6945367
File: 245 KB, 1666x2048, jenna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that woman are sexual, but not men. Men knows that there is a life beyond sex. For too many men, though, the life beyond sex is the woman. On the contrary, the woman lives for and through sex.

>> No.6945571

reminder that the fluid druid is not really reading but thinking about chad cock

>> No.6945598

You need to stop reading that primitive bullshit, anon.

>> No.6945599

>missing the point that much

>> No.6945645


I agree with the idea that we should start putting more value into our sexual partners but how can you say sex is "inherently" meaningful? Sex does not inherently carry any qualities besides reproduction and pleasure, any other meaning is something we attach to it.

And if I go out to some random club and bring home a trashy chick who I clearly don't love and have sex with her, I would agree that this is basically masturbation. But I think there's nothing wrong with masturbation.


The issue becomes how we view the opposite sex. You see it all the time here on 4chan. Some people fucking hate women. And oftentimes to get laid consistently without a girlfriend, you've got to turn yourself into the kind of person who views women as objects for masturbation, not people of value to engage in sex with. So basically, sex is causing people of both genders to start viewing other human beings as objects, instead of people. That, I believe, is the inherent issue.

>> No.6945653

The point being that if we release the sexual tension that we have through porn, it'll hurt our relationships if we don't approach it in the right way?

Of course anyone can destroy their relationships by neglecting the other person and turning to something else for long periods of time. Of course porn can be used responsibly, especially in very close relationships.

I'm saying we don't need porn as much as we do now given we stop looking at sex as something icky.

One reason people are so mad at the ubiquity of porn is because we aren't allowed to experiment irl without shame or punishment in most cultures around the globe so many people turn to it to release that tension and they get "addicted" to it and destroy their relationships.

Then this idiot starts talking about how the urge to eat is similar to the urge to have intimacy with another being, but doesn't fully realize what he's talking about. I need to clarify that to him.

>> No.6945675

Sex isn't as important as God.

>> No.6945680

So the problem is how we view sex and our underlying social structures that promote selfish acts and non-meaningful relationships, not porn.

Porn was the natural solution to this problem.

>> No.6945717

Then again, hooking up with a random chick you met at a bar is a mutual agreement, so what's the real issue with that? There were obvious intentions on both ends to even be at the bar in the first place and leave together.

Stop saying we aren't sexual objects, because we are, and anyone with with an once of grey matter knows that. We're literally walking sex organs.

>> No.6945727


>> No.6945741
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>Then again, hooking up with a random chick you met at a bar is a mutual agreement, so what's the real issue with that? There were obvious intentions on both ends to even be at the bar in the first place and leave together.

it is now common knowledge that only men can consent irrespective of their mental state. so baically, they always consent to rape to some degree.

>> No.6945751

Disregarding all the feminishit, you understand my point.

>> No.6945757

Spinoza was hot tbh

>> No.6945777

>how can you say sex is "inherently" meaningful?
I can't see how God wouldn't have intended it that way.

>> No.6945779


>> No.6945802

>The point being that if we release the sexual tension that we have through porn, it'll hurt our relationships if we don't approach it in the right way?
you couldnt have missed the point this much.
You cant approach porn the "right way", approaching the wrong rightly is an oxymoron.

the only person seeing sex as icky is you, nobody ever said sex is icky, how can reproduction ever be icky? the only thing found icky is sexual corruption.

>urge to eat is similar to the urge to have intimacy
i wasnt talking about urges, i was talking about eating as such, and sex as such, and that they are similar insofar as one can go contrary to what their inherent powers have as a "goal"

>> No.6945819

are you trolling me?

>the only person seeing sex as icky is you, nobody ever said sex is icky,

And the website doesn't say that porn is wrong. It says that we can utilize it in a proper way.

>> No.6945873

>what would you consider the "icky" details of sex? the how?

who cares about the website? it's mere excuses for the use of porn, validation seeking (we shouldnt be ashamed! r-right guys?), it isnt worth anything

>> No.6945876

what would you consider the "icky" details of sex? the how? *
didnt mean to greentext

>> No.6945877

Why can't /pol/ stay in it's containment board? They're worse than furries.

>> No.6945878

Why does abstinent education exist?

>> No.6945883

because the nature of sex is as such that it requires emotional and intellectual maturity, responsibility and commitment between the two parties.

>> No.6945903

It requires a 5 minute conversation explaining that sex feels good when two consenting people have it, the man ejaculates inside a woman, and the sperm fuses with an egg. How hard is that for an 8 year old to understand?

The child can't even have sexual feelings until puberty, and when that happens, the parent should have another 5 minute conversation explaining that if they feel happy with another person and they feel the same way, they should be safe if they ever start to experiment.

Or you know, just shame people for having natural sexual impulses and never explain anything and let the teens experiment on their own with 0 understanding of what could happen.

Ever wonder why teen pregnancy rates are the highest in countries with abstinence ed. and lowest without?

>> No.6945934

but you also admit that sex ed. is needed at a time when the child can understand it.

abstinence ed. does not address this

>> No.6945940

>if they feel happy with another person and they feel the same way, they should be safe if they ever start to experiment.
didnt i say that
>the nature of sex is as such that it requires emotional and intellectual maturity, responsibility and commitment between the two parties.
why reduce it to "happiness"? or "consent"?

>just shame people for having natural sexual impulses and never explain anything and let the teens experiment on their own with 0 understanding of what could happen.
i never said that
>Ever wonder why teen pregnancy rates are the highest in countries with abstinence ed. and lowest without?
ever wonder why teen pregnancy/STDs exist at all? because no one ever knows what the nature of sex is and what that nature "implies", and the attitudes one ought to have regarding sex ( it requires emotional and intellectual maturity, responsibility and commitment between the two parties.)

>> No.6945953
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what exactly are you trying to say?

obviously you didn't say those things because I said them

>> No.6945984

sorry, im tired and am screwing up my posts


>if they feel happy with another person and they feel the same way, they should be safe if they ever start to experiment.
why reduce it to "happiness"? or "consent"? as i said here >>6945883
, the nature of sex is as such that it requires emotional and intellectual maturity, responsibility and commitment between the two parties.
>just shame people for having natural sexual impulses and never explain anything and let the teens experiment on their own with 0 understanding of what could happen.
i never said that you should, nor is it what i have in mind regarding sexual education

>Ever wonder why teen pregnancy rates are the highest in countries with abstinence ed. and lowest without?
ever wonder why teen pregnancy/STDs exist at all? because no one ever knows what the nature of sex is and what that nature "implies", and the attitudes one ought to have regarding sex ( it requires emotional and intellectual maturity, responsibility and commitment between the two parties.)

*i know that the above wont actually decrease significantly teen pregnancy/stds, but it would at least create a sense of awareness regarding the moral issues of sex which is so lacking in the modern world

>> No.6946022

look, point is teaching kids sex ed. at a young age isn't hard, in fact it's quite easy.

Not doing this results in people being sexually frustrated later in life, leading to bad relationships because of neglect, thus having the possibility of abusing pornography.

Look at countries that ban porn.

>South Korea
over 50% of teen men admit to paying prostitutes for sex

higher incidences of rape

>Many African, Middle Eastern, and Southeast Asian countries
Do I really need to say anything here?

just refer to my previous posts

>> No.6946027

Greek/pagan sexuality wasn't equivalent to porn or hyper sexuality.

>> No.6946058

you arent addressing what im saying though

>> No.6946065

I don't need to address anything because you aren't saying anything

>> No.6946077

yes i did

>> No.6946084


>> No.6946463

Stop discussing alain de cuck

>> No.6946465

>The nobility of our bodies was alive as a concept for certain periods in the Ancient Greek world, then became submerged for many centuries under Christian censorship.

What is he talking about here? Things like the Ganymede cults where they would patrol around looking for young boys to kidnap and rape? Is that the Greek concept of "the nobility of the body"? The fact is that many of the Greeks knew that that kind of behaviour was degenerate as fuck and illicit.

>> No.6946496

Masturbating didn't make me healthy. It didn't relieve "sexual urges", it exacerbated them and created a bad habit of having to constantly relieve them. It's a sad and lonely thing that is rightly looked down upon.

One day I prayed to the Virgin Mary for chastity and the next day I couldn't feel anything sexually. Instead of being aroused by imaging a woman the image just passed through my mind. My dick felt unusually limp (as opposed to the almost daily "morning wood"). It gave me a feeling of bodily integrity that is hard to describe, but it felt like a happiness worth preserving as opposed to the instant gratification of masturbating that leaves you feeling deadened afterwards.

>> No.6946550

First few phrases Sound like Nietzsche.

>> No.6946607

>over 50% of teen men admit to paying prostitutes for sex
As opposed to what? Paying them for cuddles?

>> No.6946655

stopped reading at

>One day I prayed to the Virgin Mary

christposting is worst than cuckposting

>> No.6946714
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I fucking lost it.

>> No.6946720

Just watch Sasha then.

>> No.6946721


>> No.6946747

>how can you reasonably hold that "safe sex" should be taught to teens only? why not youngsters?
how can you reasonably hold that "safe sex" should be taught to youngsters only? why not toddlers?

>> No.6946788

How secularly Jewish do you have to be to fap to Spinoza?

Anyway, I disagree with that sentiment. The claim that post-classical civilization fails to recognize the significance of sex has no foundations at all. Especially today, when sex is pushed everywhere by every form of media.

>> No.6947061

Maybe I'm a faggot but a girl needs to be genuinely into me, for me to enjoy the act.

That's why I'm not a big fan of prostituition or fucking sloots, doesn't really count to me.
Emotions are my fetish.

>> No.6947066


>> No.6947111

I feel you bro.

>> No.6948569
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The orgasm is a moment of sublime nonrealization, where you loose yourself is sensual pleasure with another person.

There's a form of kabbalistic meditation where you focus on imagining a point of light and making it brighter and brighter until you're lost in it's intensity. You're doing the same thing while building up to an orgasm.

This is the same experience as when looking at a beautiful landscape or painting. The empathy of loosing yourself in an instant of shared existence.

This is inherently contradictory with having sex with someone as an object of masturbation. By having sex with random people, you're in effect alienating yourself from the sublime, and turning it into a mechanized, masturbatory action instead of a shared realization.

>> No.6948582
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I fucking love sculptures so god damn much.

>> No.6948607
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sloots finna sloot my nigga

and all girls are sloots

sorry to break it to you

>> No.6948613

Like you would ever get to hold her

>> No.6948640

>The School of Life

Their resident phil-student is a qtpie 3.14.


>> No.6948807

I like it. I like where they're going with it, I've had similar sentiments for a while. Since the beginning of internet porn to now the sheer amount of porn has to be mind-boggling. Yet all commercial porn is merely a variation of the same archetypal movie - plastic, mechanic, arid sexuality. It's completely obvious but I'll point it out anyway, 99% of porn nowadays is sexuality without any form of sensuality. Simply look back to John Holmes or something and notice a difference.
So that's lacking. And since porn is likely the prevalent sex-ed device, what is it that is really being imprinted on young minds? Or course it is natural to distrust something like this, the commodity of sensuality-less sex.

>> No.6949079

You don't grasp what's being discussed.

Aww. You big softy.
Just as long as you know all men are "sloots" too.

>The orgasm is a moment of sublime nonrealization, where you loose yourself is sensual pleasure with another person.
But the orgasm by yourself is a sin, is what you're saying?
Fucking stupid.

>> No.6949357
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Reading this thread reminds me how lowly and terrible sex is, how you have to be a fucking clown to care for it.
>philosopher is concerned with the act of fucking

>> No.6949361

Oh lord baby Jesus, kill youself

>> No.6949364

Make me you miserable troglodyte.

>> No.6949406

True people make too much of it sometimes, but try not to get a big head about not getting any.

>> No.6949491

most men are not able to be indifferent towards sex. It is actually a discriminant to judge men

>> No.6949505

Discrimination is how we determine one thing from another.

For instance: the fit from the unfit, the obsessed from the well balanced, and the right from the wrong.

You yourself discriminate daily, against other persons no less.

>> No.6949523 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 261x212, 1439093478253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most men are uneducated plebs with trash taste in everything tbh

>> No.6949532

I think true people make the right amount of sex tbh imo jm2¢

>> No.6949545

Oh plees for the love of god don't veer this thread into what "most" ANYTHING does.
It's sickening.

>> No.6949560
File: 74 KB, 633x637, dajanarads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow this is the longest thread i have ever had on /lit/

thanks guys

I wanna thank my mom, butterfly, and Ayn Rand

>> No.6949567

most life is contingent on the perpetuation of the self via the destruction of other life tbh

>> No.6949586

>You don't grasp what's being discussed.
That's probably because I didn't read the whole OP or any posts made ITT that weren't responses to my post.

>> No.6949594

That website is not even remotely hot. Porn being healthy is completely wrongheaded, half the appeal is the transgressive nature of it.

>> No.6949597

>wow this is the longest thread i have ever had on /lit/
>thanks guys

Post a picture of Sam Harris and say something positive about him. 300+ posts guaranteed.

>> No.6950634 [DELETED] 

>Dropping Christian ideas of morals is key to happier healthy world.
You're severely mentally ill dude. Christianity has given us literally everything.

When will you realise that you're a spoiled piece of shit who has a spirit of greed and destructive? I'll give you 5 years given adequate exposure to religion. Then you'll literally become a monk because the weight of the realisation of your sins will be too great to do anything but sacrifice yourself completely. Just watch.

>> No.6950638

Disgusting. This person must have no grasp on reality or the negative effects of pornography or a hedonistic lifestyle.

>> No.6950686

Masturbation where there should be sex is inherently and a priori wrong.

Then again there shouldn't be masturbation because there is already sex so masturbation too is inherently and a priori wrong.

>> No.6950702

>Dropping Christian ideas of morals is key to happier healthy world.
You're severely mentally ill dude. Christianity has given us literally everything.

When will you realise that you're a spoiled piece of shit who has a spirit of greed and destruction? I'll give you 5 years given adequate exposure to religion. Then you'll literally become a monk because the weight of the realisation of your sins will be too great to do anything but sacrifice yourself completely. Just watch.

>> No.6950925
File: 29 KB, 460x649, church-tank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here you are on a masturbation material depot.
What are you doing here?
Did someone confess to their priest and this is why we're overrun with this nonsense?

>> No.6950938

>Christianity has given us literally everything.
Morality, an amorphous thing, precedes your cult by millenniums.
I had over 25 years of it and deprogrammed myself. Spoiled is not the word

>> No.6950968

Not him, Butterfly, but even I, as someone who certainly believes in God but isn't Christian- profoundly respect its impact on art.

>> No.6951007

That artistic flair exists in humans and it would have been just as good if Christianity hadn't've spread and clung. The art you're talking about is all aimed at beautifying a torture devise. It's all about them. Secularist love songs between human beings took a backseat. Churches built from old temples to the Greco-roman gods, Pretty stuff I admit, I love Gorecki, but there's no need in giving self promoting propaganda too much credit, respect, for the artistic soul of a people. The potential was always there.

>> No.6951010

I beg to differ, but I'm not going to argue.

>> No.6951020

So the Spinozaist god (or w/e) wouldn't have inspired any or as good as the art that we have now?

>> No.6951022

I wouldn't know, I haven't read Spinoza. What I do know is that it would have inspired different art.

>> No.6951063

>I wouldn't know, I haven't read Spinoza.
I said "or w/e"
>What I do know is that it would have inspired different art.
THAT is what I said. It would have been just as good

>> No.6951066

How do you know?

>> No.6951072

Depending on the nature of a Europe without Christian domination, it wouldn't be all about Christian domination, is all we can guess at.
This I already inferred above.

>> No.6951104

porn isn't a natural expression of sexuality though
just because we're hungry doesn't mean we should shove our faces full of mcdonalds all day
this is a good video

>> No.6951127


>> No.6951219

I don't see howbit could. It's not a very inspirational deity, really. Jesus has a personality, the Spirit comes upon people, but Substance just is. It doesn't have free will or any kind of will. It can't inspire people because it doesn't have the capacity to do anything but contain ideas and bodies.

>> No.6951350

This is a historical condition of patriarchy. I mean, you're completely wrong, but why you think that is a historical condition. Interestingly, your fantasy/nightmare of women being sex beasts is a revival of 16th century misogyny.

>> No.6951518
File: 3.42 MB, 4724x2375, Goya_Maja_ubrana2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But the orgasm by yourself is a sin, is what you're saying?
No, I just don't think that having sex with strangers is healthy.
In all honest, my ramblings are just pomp. I masturbate all the time and chase debauchery whenever I get the chance, but there's a disturbing trend amongst the "sex positive" portion of society to dismiss any meaning from sex through reductionism: "it's just fucking", "it's like hunger", etc. which is a shame.

It's said beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so what are we doing ourselves by trying to reduce sex to a lowly bodily function? By constantly stripping away all the "meaningless aspects" of life, of the body, of social roles, etc. are we replacing it with anything meaningful? In love and war, some exaggeration and exuberance had ought to be permitted.

What it all boils down to however, is not that all porn is bad, or that all sex is bad, but the fact that, like >>6951104 said, what we have now isn't at all a natural expression of the human condition. The fact that it's so gratingly disgusting that it provokes mystic narratives like >>6936994 only shows that pornography is just as revolting to human sensibilities as usury or circumcision.

The problem I have with pornography particularly, and society in general, is that the so called transgressive has been made bourgeois.
Sure we pretend anal, bdsm, etc. is transgressive, but every soccer mom today has tried those now. As I pointed out in >>6939128 anonymous sex has been invented as a form of abstract consumption.
Even homosexuality, the go to sexuality for creative men in the past, is now a way for upper middle class teenagers to take on an affected accent and capitalize off the cultural legacy of Oscar Wilde.

In our post industrial age of mass production and mass consumption, any verifiable and quantifiable experience looses it's transgressive quality. Some decency must exist for the transgressive to spit in it's face, and that's the nature of duality. Ironically strict monogamy is probably the most transgressive way to practice sex, without the negative space of taboo, debauchery has no backdrop to take shape against

Which brings me around to the question that I think The School of Life is posing: what would spiritually fulfilling porn look like?
They're definitely going about it in the wrong direction. Namedropping doesn't add sensuality to anything.
I'm surprised more porn doesn't take more of a nouvelle vague style tbh, the intimate style as well as the low production costs seems like it would lend itself nicely to exploitation from the porn industry. I can only assume the Jews have a vendetta against Jean Luc Godard over his Palestinian connections
I propose that truly sensual porn would just be clips of the same two actors reading Baudelaire to each other ASMR style, interposed with scenes of them making love under variations of the dolly zoom. Only then would wanking reach it's sensual potential.

>> No.6951959

Everything's misogyny. Why can't you try to be a good human being instead of a bile spewing contrarian. And btw saying that someone is saying something "because they hate women" is only something that women and stupid people could say. You are really revealing yourself as a child here.

>> No.6952111

Newsflash, the patriarchy is just reality.

>this is a condition of living in a physical universe

>> No.6952136


And that's besides the point. Christianity did morality right, better than anyone else. It made other cultures look like primitives in comparison. Yes it's strict but it needs to be. You just have a problem with it because you have basic oppositional defiant disorder. That's literally the only reason.

You are indeed spoiled. You are oblivious, reckless, and the day you fully grasp your sins your life will change dramatically.

>> No.6952172

The patriarchy as a concept is an idea either developed my an infantile mind or a brilliant genius. The idea that the problem of the world is that males are in power completely sidesteps the real problem with the world: the fact that there are infinitely rich people in power. The fact that the problem isn't men, but money, or digital money and the immense power this invention makes possible.

The problem with the world isn't that men are in power, women in power doesn't have a stellar track record either, the problem lies in human nature especially in the age of unlimited wealth and wealth creation.

If you want to get paranoid and you usually should because society is usually created by powerful forces, it doesn't "just happen", you could say that the idea of "patriarchy" is very convenient for the old-money ruling families of the world because it makes the population engage in infighting instead of looking at the private bankers, or big money businesses which rule our world.

>> No.6952251

Makes sense, but then again you only think these people are evil because you're not them.

>> No.6952280

Even if that was true, why would it even matter? As a poor man today i say: Cap maximum wealth. We don't need the superrich and we definitively don't need a private banking system.

>> No.6952302

I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you've got a simple aversion to actual authority.

We need leaders. When you fail to accept the validity of religious leaders, and when you relativise kingships to the point of governments, who else is left to rule but the rich?

>> No.6952342

Leaders are people who care about their tribe. With unlimited wealth, the resultant schism between "our leaders" - actually, our Shadowmasters, or the puppet-masters - becomes too great. No, what we have today are not "leaders"; it's Ghouls.

>> No.6952423


History IS patriachy.

If you don't want patriarchy, enjoy your spear chucking tier anarchy.

>> No.6952529

History isn't patriarchy. Atleast not in the feminist sense of there being a problem with /men/ ruling. And if you just mean "men were in power", you are of course mostly right, although there should be a pretty big preposition that /elites/ were in power - both men and women; and no other classes. This is how it always has been. But really, if you mean "patriarchy" in this sense, you are not really saying a lot; the statement doesn't carry a lot of explanatory power.

>> No.6952684

Sex isn't any more meaningful than any other aspect of human life. The difference is that people are constantly desperate about their sexuality because in comparison it's a much more scarce resource for the continuation of their existence. Eating habits are much more important to human health and have much bigger implications than sex, but no one has two seconds to think for the dead animals and plants that they're about to make part of their bodies.

>> No.6952846

>Sex isn't any more meaningful than any other aspect of human life
Every aspect of human life is meaningful tho

>> No.6952854 [DELETED] 

Not him but it carries the whole world of explanatory power. What it means is that mean it is men who ought to be in positions of power, and specifically that women shouldn't have anything to do with power. Not out of any sort of spite or disdain or 'misogyny' towards women, but simply through the fact that that's just the way the universe is. At the most essential level. And that to have women in power is political perversion, which leads to sociocultural and socioeconomic abominations.

You may question exactly what these abominations are, but you only do not see them because you have been conditioned, immersed into them, like a fish in water. We are truly still early in the stages of decay so the only difficulty is distinguishing the name from its byproducts, but things like feminism as a whole and LGBT and basically all of liberal politics and socioculture are products of ruin which come into existence as the cancer brought about by the thesis of women in power (symbolic or otherwise literal).

>> No.6952882

Not him but it carries the whole world of explanatory power. What it means is that it is men who ought to be in positions of power, and specifically that women shouldn't have anything to do with power. Not out of any sort of spite or disdain or 'misogyny' towards women, but simply through the fact that that's just the way the universe is. At the most essential level. And that to have women in power is political perversion, which leads to sociocultural and socioeconomic abominations.

You may question exactly what these abominations are, but you only do not so obviously see them because you have been conditioned, immersed into them, like a fish in water. We are truly still early in the stages of decay so the only difficulty is distinguishing the name from its byproducts, but things like feminism as a whole and LGBT and basically all of liberal politics/socioculture are products of ruin which come into existence as the cancer brought about by the thesis of women in power (symbolic or otherwise literal).

>> No.6952893

Well yes, that's exactly my point, that saying sex is particularly meaningful is a stupid comment, by virtue of all human action being given meaning. So I believe that, rather than basing our existence around three seconds of pleasure, we should care more about our daily lives.

>> No.6952946


But in your logic, we should also have at least some of our existence based in those three seconds of pleasure.

Which I think is the correct answer.

>> No.6952976
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I think the ideal would be making sex a part of your daily life though, and how better to do that in a meaningful way?

Also there's a lot of difference between taking a piss and having sex with someone.

>> No.6953023

Yes, I do agree on that. But think of all the pain sex causes in our day to day life: all the rapes, the divorces, the young people at clubs, think of all the angst you see on this same website, where people communicate through a marvel of technology that couldn't have been imagined a hundred years ago, but they find their lives vacuous because they don't get pussy. Sure, they're misguided, but all the they'll find from others will be either pity or mockery.

>how better to do that in a meaningful way?
I'm going to have to reiterate that all human action is meaningful. However I do agree that sexuality should be part of our lives, but in a thoughtful, sensible way, that is to say, not through a hormone filled lens.

>> No.6953043


>tfw no gf: popomo ledditations

Most of those "pains" are mainly caused by misguided efforts and our good old pal Ignorance, all the nogf memes included.

>> No.6953116

And part of that ignorance would be on the relevance of sex in those people's live, is what I'm saying.

All I'm getting at is that we shouldn't put sex in a pedestal while disregarding the rest of life. If you're depressed, overweight, unemployed and can't get out of your house, you have way bigger problems than nogf. Sex is not inheritely worthless or detrimental, but it often is a catalist for suffering because our reproductive instinct is hard to control.

>> No.6953893

>I don't see howbit could. It's not a very inspirational deity, really.
I see. You're still just comparing a god. But no, see, artists work independently, if something is failing to inspire, they will find something else that inspires them. Who cares if the music for the Spinoza god isn't interesting. Devotional art isn't even what I was talking about. All art.

I misread your intentions, sorry. I agree in a way. It's not "just fucking", unless someone wants it to be that way. They should be free to decide if that's what they want. I really doubt a more sexually open society would breed any more sociopaths than there are now, and as sad as they may be, I'm more concerned with the amount of forced sexual encounters. People will cheat on their spouses or just bumble around playing "ladykiller" till they're sad old men, I just want people to experience something that's at once no big deal and something everyone should have a chance to do in their lives (And not have to *pay*. Oh don't get me started on that issue)

>Christianity did morality right
That's the problem of course. You think the concept of morality isn't an amorphous thing. We disagree on the basic premise from the start. Bible passages still stand allowing things like slavery. But our modern world isn't too fond of that kind of thing anymore. So on the one hand you think your morality is set in stone and on the other it's being reinterpreted for modern morals.
But there shouldn't be any setting in stone going on. It doesn't work that. Your inability to accept any other way but your ancient Hebrew laws is a disorder.
I know what stage you're in, I was there once myself. Get well.

The idea that the problem of the world is that males are in power, is a bit of an overstatement. It is one of the problems, but not the most pressing.

>> No.6954038

Christianity isn't the Old Testament though. Yes there is that verse where Jesus says all of the laws from before still stand but it's clear from context he's not really referring to verses like ones which inhibit the eating of shellfish or wearing of clothes with more than one fabric or prohibiting slavery. Jesus was likely referring to the more clearly primary and general points like obey authority, render unto Caesar, etc.

>> No.6954163

And you think Jesus allows for homosexual pairings too? I heard from some on /lgbt/ that this is a newly acceptable thing.
Are you one of the communist christians?

>> No.6954309

No I think Jesus would have condemned homosexuality in the very same manner in which he spoke of rendering unto Caesar that which is his, purely out of principle, and not out of hatred or disgust (although I would argue it's unnatural to tell a person to not hate something like homosexuality given that they do).

Homosexuality is wrong at a basic level. In the same way you don't put two positive magnets together, simply because you cannot, again at that sheerly basic level of possibility, but it is just a little different/confusing with humans because homosexuality does indeed give the very robust illusion of being possible. But that doesn't change the reality that it simply is not.

>> No.6954347

We're not fucking magnets dude.
It's just something that happens, a little mental tick, switched wires. It's found in nature all the time. I'm perfectly comfortable being the way I am, and I'm not doing anyone any harm for it. Your type are the ones with the problem, and that's what sets me on edge.

Go to /lgbt/ some time. There's an anon or two selling this idea that Jesus was cool with it all. I'm still pretty sure it only allows for homosexuals to live but not have sex, which is just BS and all the more reason to drop the little carpenter.

>> No.6954394

It doesn't matter what Jesus thought about homosexuals because he is irrelevant in today's society just like in the way that no one cares about what Mohammad said about sex with little girls because Mohammad is also irrelevant in today's society.

We all know that sex with little girls causes childhood trauma. We all (or all should) know that homosexuality is a perfectly natural thing.

We can analyze what anyone WOULD have thought about ANY subject. The fact of the matter is if we don't critically analyze that subject with the knowledge we know today, we might as well be living in the stone ages.

It's fucking 2015, not 25 or 1030 or even 1950. We know immensely more about things than we did even a few years ago. We have to apply those things to real life and not rely on archaic opinions.

>> No.6954405

**Sorry, I meant it doesn't matter what Mohammad said, not that no one cares about it.**

>> No.6954607

>We're not fucking magnets dude.
But we're still physical. The only thing which can become convincing then is the illusion, not the reality.

>It's just something that happens, a little mental tick, switched wires.
This is an incorrect view of homosexuality. It's not the result of a simple neutral sort of difference, but the result of something being a lesser version of itself. Neutral difference is fiction, supernature. In reality, if something is different then it is either lesser or greater. That you cannot accept that attests only to your own mental immaturity and truly nothing else.

>It's found in nature all the time.
Homosexuality is NOT found in nature whatsoever. What exists in nature is bisexuality, which is based on sociohierarchical tensions in a higher level and endocrinal-perceptual errors on a lower level (i.e. they are the same thing, the sociohierarchical explanation is just a mirage created by errors of perception, in the very way that a dog mistakes, literally mis-takes, a person's leg for a viable mate).

Also everything is found in nature, by default. That which simply exists in natural is not also that which is natural. They are two completely different things. That's an appeal to nature to conflate them.

>all the more reason to drop the little carpenter.
You are a deeply mentally ill individual and sooner or later you will be forced to confront that very disturbing truth.

>> No.6954624

>because he is irrelevant in today's society
That's untrue. Relevance is inherently relative. Claiming Christ is irrelevant is nothing more than your opinion. Just like me claiming he is relevant is nothing more than my opinion, but the point is that relevance plays no role in determining whether or not his principles should be subscribed to.

>We all know that sex with little girls causes childhood trauma.
While I do not disagree that having sex with children causes them severe harm in this specific time in society/history, that is simply not the case for the past. Childhood trauma is a social construct (not an arbitrary one though, where it exists it does exist for good reason). Where it occurs where everyone views it as completely normal no trauma results. You cannot project one location in history onto another in the way in which you are attempting to do.

An example of this could be school for very young children. In the future and in the past that will be seen as traumatic, departing those young children from their parents to round them up to be under the supervision of somebody not directly related to them for protracted periods of time. You however see this as completely normal, just like everyone else, and so the construct of the possibility of trauma does not, as a rule, exist.

>We all (or all should) know that homosexuality is a perfectly natural thing.
Homosexuality is not natural in any sense, or in any place in history. It is the opposite of natural. It's in a league entirely different from paedophilia or leaving your kids under the care of somebody else in some sort of quasi-institutional setting (although those two are in fact not within the same league themselves). This is because it has nothing to do with the experience of homosexuality itself which makes it unnatural, nothing to do with the homosexual effect, but with the underlying principle. The reason why it is in a league different than the other two is because the leaving away of your kids has no basis in principle other than in effect, and paedophilia has a principle which is historically as well as culturally relative. Homosexuality is only culturally relative at best (cultures have both accepted as well as universally condemned it throughout history, whereas paedophilia was universally accepted up until a certain time (and rightfully so, so no I am not defending it)).

Bottom line is that homosexuality is the absolute farthest thing from natural in any meaningful sense of the word.

>> No.6954628


>It's fucking 2015, not 25 or 1030 or even 1950. We know immensely more about things than we did even a few years ago. We have to apply those things to real life and not rely on archaic opinions.
We do have an immensely larger amount of knowledge but practically all of it turns out to be useless. This is why archaic opinions exist, because they are not just, as a rule, different pieces of knowledge which turned up in that specific time period, but more along the lines of eternal and perennial truths which did not merely 'turn up' (in the way our recent bulk of knowledge has), but emerged, just arbitrarily in those specific, older periods.

They are not simply the knowledges of the olden day, but the knowledge of the Earth, which simply sprouted in that arbitrary time period. You are mistaking the two concepts as conflated with each other in the same way one sees a range of mountains as one when he gazes through a horizon.

The world does not meaningfully change, ever. The only reason you have come to see otherwise is not out of some historical enlightenment, but simply from escapism from reality.

>> No.6954661

You're a lesser person for your bigoted immaturity.

Despite your obvious jabs to hurt me, I say all this in the nicest possible way. Because I genuinely want to help you, you little lost sheep. If you aren't some troll, you really ought to try to grow up soon. Muddle through that deep programming now.

And don't talk to me.

>> No.6954701

What deep programming? The one I consciously put myself into out of growing out of where you are now like a decade ago?

You will likely die mentally stunted.

>> No.6954778
File: 68 KB, 800x804, 1429616022028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posit that homosexuality is inherently unnatural
>homosexuality that beasts of the Lord engage in
>beasts that have neither free will nor intelligence and therefore are unable to sin

Motherfucker, Butterfly may be insufferable sometimes but you're being willfully stupid if you're approaching this from any angle other than the explicit morality which God gave to man as structure and penance for dealing with cognizance of Sin.

>> No.6954780

>The world does not meaningfully change, ever.

haha we're facing mass extinction because of no meaningful changes

>> No.6954793

The bisexuality which descriptively exists within the animal kingdom is not sin anyway because it's not human and prescriptive bisexuality/homosexuality. It's just animals being animalistic, which has the liberal side of not seeing them as hopeless sinners but rather as helpless primitives, beasts, as you said.

You made no worthwhile point good job.

>> No.6954802
File: 103 KB, 678x960, 1430542088053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've repeatedly used the terms unnatural and self-evident when in fact it's none of those things. If you want to say it's Sin as defined by God, then that's fine. But if it is defined by God, then it is an external injection by Him to the natural reality which he created in Genesis, not a Given Known of the reality which He created.

You cannot reference naturality because in the Christian Tradition the Natural and Human are separate and distinct, and follow different rules.

Have fun being upset that you don't really understand what makes God's Love distinct for Mankind.

>> No.6954815

I haven't used the term 'self-evident' once.

It is sin, but it is also unnatural. Natural means efficient. Homosexuality is inefficient specifically in the sense that heterosexuality is already sufficient (for the primary end of sexuality, which is of course reproduction, otherwise sexuality, let alone anything at all, wouldn't exist to begin with).

>> No.6955280

love sosa