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6935258 No.6935258 [Reply] [Original]

Have u nietzsche fags read pic related?

Based K blows your little "life affirmer" out of the water, in the first chapter, a year before he was born

>> No.6935261


>> No.6935289

>Based K blows your little "life affirmer" out of the water, in the first chapter, a year before he was born
>christfags actually believe this

>> No.6935296
File: 32 KB, 287x409, rare Kierkegaard photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nietzsche and Kierkegaard are similar because their philosophy on life prevented them from being happy and having meaningful relationships with women.

For this reason I don't read either one, and hope to never be influenced by what I've read from each author.

>> No.6935308

Well, it's quite clear you haven't read either one

>> No.6935322


I've read both. What do you disagree with?

>> No.6935335

>writes about "affirming life"
>alienates all his friends and writes bitter screeds against them to justify his actions
>has a mental breakdown in the prime of his life and never recovers

bravo, neechee

>> No.6935340

>putting women on a pedestal

The worst thing you can do for your love life

>> No.6935356

>not happy
Did you read the Ecce Homo I did? Aside from nausea at Germans, his attitude toward his life is so good for someone often so diseased.
Both had meaningful relations with women, but neither were traditional romance. Nietzsche had Lou Salome as a meaningful friend and Kierkegaard's relation with Regine Olsen was more than anything meaningful.

>> No.6935359
File: 682 KB, 1483x2000, 1438012730618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pursuing a mate and love does not entail "putting women on a pedestal"; it should be every man's goal to look for love; there are skilled and unskilled ways to go about it.

But being oblivious and reclusive like K and N were is a recipe for disaster.

>> No.6935380

>Nietzsche had Lou Salome as a meaningful friend and Kierkegaard's relation with Regine Olsen was more than anything meaningful.

Kierkegaard's relationship to Regine was a disaster, he pushed her away because he felt inadequate and depressed and he regretted that decision all his life, specially on his deathbed. His whole philosophy is one big delusion of grandeur in which he hoped God would somehow give him Regine through a divine paradox.

>> No.6935392


ya, he had one girlfriend his whole life for a short period of time. dumped her and couldn't stop thinking about her.

he was literally insane.

>> No.6935393

Of course it was a disaster. This doesn't mean it wasn't meaningful. Meaningful does not mean good.

>> No.6935401

I agree, but he >>6935359 sets it right too.

>That pic

>> No.6935415
File: 1.48 MB, 298x298, shelli crying.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he couldn't even dump her directly, but instead pretended to be retarded so she would dump him


meaningful yes, but overall his love life was not healthy or fulfilling.

>> No.6935423


>> No.6935452
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>> No.6935875
File: 63 KB, 396x594, 1436769753727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is that qt you?!

>> No.6935942

Kierkegaard was a giant faggot and frankly I'm tired of hearing about him.

>> No.6936903

Kierke is cool and all, but at the end of the day, his philosophy being all leap of faith into Christianity ruins a lot of it for me. Faith is just not a live option for me.

Leopardi was way ahead of all these folks though, It kind of sucks he isn't well known outside of italy. Dude was Nietzschean before Nietzsche.

>> No.6937294
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>> No.6938422
File: 92 KB, 955x957, BhKVINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>, in the first chapter,
>he's considered philosopher therefore everything he says is true and has deep philosophical meaning

>> No.6938434

>alt handler om kvinder
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