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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 48 KB, 362x500, visions-of-quixote.jpg!Blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6935240 No.6935240 [Reply] [Original]

Schopenhauer said it was one of the best four novels ever written.

Dumas and Twain referenced it in their books.

Quixotic is a fucking word.

And /lit/ users still shit on it. Why are you guys so hateful?

>> No.6935241

What are the other 3

>> No.6935274

>And /lit/ users still shit on it.
Not that I've read.
I'm sure there must have been some high schooler who might have posted some hate, but that's not "/lit/" that was an off-boarder from /v/ or something, I'm pretty sure. Don't listen to them.

>> No.6935305

Tristram Shandy, La Nouvelle Héloïse, and Wilhelm Meister.

>> No.6935314

Hilarious /pol/tier racism.
Thats pretty much it.

>> No.6935333

It lose most of its charm if you read a translation

>> No.6935348
File: 17 KB, 260x384, 1436031262401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>read it expecting hilarious adventures
>mfw it's just a bunch of stories of shepherds getting cucked or something

>> No.6935366

I read the standard Edith Grossman and loved it, don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.6935369

Should I read it in spanish or english?

>> No.6935377


this is literally the worst meme on /lit/

>> No.6935382

If you know Spanish read it that way
If not, Grossman.

>> No.6936758

yeah, I hated the Canterbury Tales, too

>> No.6937437


>Why are you guys so hateful?

Gleeful contrarianism, dear lad. 4chan is a hive of contrarianism and willful ignorance.

>> No.6937568

Don Quixote is revered here. Everything else is mostly ironic contrarianism.

>> No.6937586

>And /lit/ users still shit on it. Why are you guys so hateful?

I can only speak for myself, but shitting on Don Quixote is precision shitposting. With other shitposts, you may get 5+ (You)s, but they're all very superficial replies. If you shit on Don Quixote, you get only 1 or 2, but those are massively buttblasted walls of text.

That's why I shit on DQ

Also Tristram Shandy is objectively better anyway.

>> No.6937658


There were, what, 4 major works of fiction when Schopenhauer was around?

>> No.6937692

5, I think.

>> No.6937707

And there's about 15 today, what's your point?

>> No.6937724


I blame board culture. Also, reading books has become fairly popular in the last 6 years. It's understandable that this board has turned into shit, I hardly ever visit anymore.

>> No.6937729
File: 765 KB, 2181x3030, p16vrdkbq31onf4qp1aikqn81cj60_33420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don Quixote. A cruel and crude old book.

>> No.6937735

I don't shit on it. I'm reading it right now, It's very good.

>> No.6937737

stop treating /lit/ as if it is some big Other. we are all individuals with many different opinions

>> No.6937745

Divina Comedia

>> No.6937755

Thinking Don Quixote sucks is embarrassingly contrarian. Quite obviously /lit/ isn't a single entity, I didn't think I needed to spell that out. Would you feel less angry if I said "the majority of /lit/?" Or is that also out of my knowledge and therefore inaccurate to claim? Perhaps "in my opinion, the majorty of /lit/?"

>> No.6937758

Sure, but the contrarians are individuals from other boards pushing their memes.

>> No.6937767

not necessarily an insult
not at all a criticism

god, why is nabokov the absolute worst outside of his actual writing?

>> No.6937768

I fucking love it. I even have El Quijote tattooed in my leg.

>> No.6938271

I think he purposely gave strong opinions to inspire debate so he could be proved wrong

>> No.6938412

There's a whole book of Nabokov lectures on Don Quixote available for purchase on Amazon.