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6934640 No.6934640 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I realized that my radical anti semetic ideology that I thought I subtly hid in the themes of the story I'm writing accidentally became very lucid and clear

Is it even possible to find someone who would ever publish such a thing?

>> No.6934657

Maybe just edit out the bits where you talk about wanting to kill all the jews.

>> No.6934702

The entire story necessitates upon a conspiracy about this racial/religious cabal which is found to be the leader in the secret front of world subversion, which I thought would be a subtle allegory for the Jews

>> No.6934715
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> which I thought would be a subtle allegory

>> No.6934719

Unlikely. However, there are various "white power" publishers that may take it, assuming it's any good. I mean, the Turner Diaries got published and that's absolutely garbage if taken for it's literary merit (however as a how-to book on white nationalist terrorism, it's not bad).

If you can't weave a yarn where you aren't preaching out against the Jews, you probably aren't a very good writer. I'm trying not to be a huge dick, but there's really no way I can sugar coat that.

Bad writers the second they start writing they just preach their internal ideology. Good writers have subtle characters with subtle motives, and villains the same way.

>> No.6934728

Ah, that. Who doesn't love the squat & mongoloid darky orcs of Tolkien?

>> No.6934729

then ur fuked champ
try sending your work to one of them fringey publishers out there. or put it online under a pseudonym and maybe Boyd Rice will by chance read and like it, and tell you to come over and let him fuk your boipussy

>> No.6934737

>I thought I subtly hid
What is subtly hid? You mean like Lizard people? Because lizard people are explicitly Juden.

>> No.6934739

They're supposed to be the working class.

Can you guys write something super anti-union so it placates the trots while we building the committees...

>> No.6934759

I have the capacity to write about other things, but most of this story was written on an amphetamine binge, and I was entirely, singularly focused on this one subject. It's just the environment I've been living in recently

>> No.6934774
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>> No.6934778

why did anti-semitism become fashionable on 4chan? Is it because it's populated mainly by insecure 20 and 30 year old white men?

>> No.6934791

Because the Juden can take it. The subhuman Irish are too sensitive and too numerous on 4chan to criticize.

>> No.6934821

I guess it's really not that subtle, but it's a secret society who's ritualistic destruction of morality and virtue mirrors the exestential crisis of the protagonist as he struggles with list and corruption of virtue as he slowly uncovers their activities and is seduced into their inner circle and faces ultimate temptation

>> No.6934833

Because it's a fringe site that attracts people who don't fit into mainstream society. I've been steeped in anti semetic ideology long before 4chan.

One of the largest neo nazi populations in America is based in the town neighboring me actually

>> No.6935806


"A naked lunch is natural to us,
we eat reality sandwiches.
But allegories are so much lettuce.
Don't hide the madness"

in short just write a book about the Jews and don't sugarcoat it :^)

>> No.6935810

Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be....

>> No.6935909

You people confuse anti-semitism with anti-zionism.

No sane person person can have something with another man because of his race/religion. But I am free to despise another for his choice of action and view on the world.

Jewish Universalism and supremacy ambitions must be fought; as any form of totalitarianism. The problem with it is that it is completely tabu to speak about it - no matter the vast amount of evidence.

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise" - Voltaire.

>> No.6935916
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Just make them secretly lizards, no-one will figure it out.