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6933792 No.6933792 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about Ernst Junger.

>> No.6933804

lot of loyalty for a German officer

>> No.6933809

At least he is not a nazi...

>> No.6933812


für dich

>> No.6933813

I sure wish I could be as cool as EJ

>> No.6933827
File: 34 KB, 354x450, 110687-004-50FA14D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Storm of Steel is an interesting look at the First World War.
He writes about it in a weirdly positive way, but he was in the trenches for some of the worst fighting of the war.

You never see that in any of the other WWI writers like Remarque, Graves, any of the Canadians, or any of the poets. Coppard's Machine Gun to Cambrai is probably the closest one will get to Storm of Steel, and even then...

>> No.6933832

He looks like my grandfather did. Except my grandfather left Germany to fight for the Americans.

>> No.6933833

not OP, but could you elaborate on how he shows a "positive" view?

>> No.6933854

I guess "positive" isn't really the right term, but it certainly is relative to all the other literature of the time.

You'll notice that he doesn't go on at length about how tragic the war is, nor does he really mourn many of the deaths.

The way he writes about the killing, too. I don't have my copy on me right now, but he describes how he "Shot an englishman at one hundred yards, and he snapped shut like a knife" or something. There's no "oh no I feel bad about killing the enemy" like in most other works, it's just killing.

>> No.6933881

Perhaps because Remarque was a yellow bellied hack who faked an injury and never saw any combat...

>> No.6933885

Obviously. He was there for just over a month, and presumably was in tears the entire time.

>> No.6934069

are his other books any good?

>> No.6934106


Not very many are translated.

>> No.6934463

that explains some stuff

>> No.6934489

He wasn't a pussy.

>> No.6935376


>> No.6936008

On The Marble Cliffs is beautfiul, altough quite simple allegorical tale.

>> No.6936013

>Anonymous 08/06/15(Thu)06:56:34 No.6935376▶

fuck me, I cannot write properly early in the morning

>> No.6936029
File: 1.58 MB, 1600x816, battle-of-endor2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German's German. Did his duty. Even when it meant running suicidaly into howitzer barrage with gas everywhere that turns you inside out and lasers blasting at you

Pic related

>> No.6936043


he conquered death-- for a little while

>> No.6936189

Does anyone have SoS in .epub format? Can't find it and I'd love to read it.

P.s. WW1 isn't the hell it's made out to be. It was bad, but the badness is exaggerated. Most soldiers were at the front lines for a week at a time which probably really sucked compared to reserve trenches and so forth.

>> No.6936193

You're a fucking moron and you don't know anything about the first world war.

>> No.6936226


WW1 has been highly exaggerated. WW2 was worse, even with the new weaponry and changing tactics of the first.

There are a lot of misconceptions and just plain wrong thoughts about the first world war.

>> No.6936231

read this again >>6936193

>> No.6936233
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I'm assuming you're bait.

>> No.6936241


Don't tell me you believe in the lions lead by donkeys bullshit or that it was all trenches, rats, and mud?

>> No.6936244

Bait so strong...

>> No.6936253


Good Lord, you do. Go on, tell me how I am wrong instead of your ridiculous ad hominems and saying I am "baiting" you by saying something different.

>> No.6936260

Say something worth refuting first. I insist.

>> No.6936306


WW1 is exaggerated and not nearly as hellish as people claim.

>> No.6936310


>> No.6936328


Alright, I am done here. You are legitimately retarded if you believe the bullshit they feed you.

>> No.6936331

Believe what bullshit who feeds me, sir?

>> No.6936332


>> No.6936356

Intellectual titan of historical analysis.

>read a 4chin thread on pol
>time to battle /lit fags!
>posts junger as bait
>more bait
>gives up

10/10 thread would laugh again.

>> No.6936733

Does anyone know of any online copies of Eumsweil that are translated into English. Physical copies go for a $779 minimum on Amazon & Abebooks.

>> No.6938269

None of those are me

>> No.6938311


>> No.6938354
File: 595 KB, 699x460, bird'sfootviolet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one on Bibliotik. Give me a lil to upload it because I'm on mobile atm

>> No.6938378
File: 53 KB, 333x507, Oh_what_a_lovely_war_ccff1f_3577175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of reminded me of pic related but far less British

>> No.6938682

Is On the Marble Cliffs any good?

>> No.6938821
File: 598 KB, 720x732, oconeebells.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're still here, and for anybody interested

>> No.6938844

I found it very mediocre.

>> No.6938857


>> No.6938879


This puts it relatively well.

I'd add, that to me, it seemed if Junger somehow felt that the war was the adventure of his life. Reading the subtext, it might be that he may have had some kind of sosiopathic tendencies (they do not mean one has to be dangerous and cannot be a good person).

Storm of Steel was a life-changing book for me. After reading it, I have consciously tried to face difficulties in life with a more stoic, responsible demeanor. I'm not badass, brave or cool enough to really be like that, but every little thing helps in making the world a better place.

>> No.6938889

Maybe, but grandad was a genius and a great man. He had his reasons, I suppose

>> No.6939029

oh yea? He do anything a genius would?

>> No.6939039

Wasn't he there for most of the war and injured 5 or so times?

>> No.6939045

Say the suburbanite who has never been near a war zone

>> No.6939090


>> No.6939108

Killer, thanks buddy

Nope, Remarque was drafted in June '17, then sent to the hospital in July for the rest of the war
Junger was the one there for years.

>> No.6939137


Thats Junger

>> No.6939222

Like what?

>> No.6939720


>> No.6941077


Junger got injured multiple times and served for most of the war