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/lit/ - Literature

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692465 No.692465 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone on /lit/ like Bukowski? I don't recall ever seeing him discussed here.

Pic related. Picked it up the other day on a friend's recommendation and it's my first exposure to the guy's stuff other than a couple of his poems. I'm about half through and liking it so far, though I can see how what I like about it would be the same thing someone else would hate.

>> No.692471

bukowski is shit and you should stop being friends with whatever faggot told you to read him.

>> No.692473


lolk if you say so, bro.

>> No.692475

Bukowski is okay, just not no way near as GODLY as some people profess. He did some good stuff and churned out a tonne of crap too.

>> No.692481

I use to like him but after picking up more and more of his works I realized I was reading the same thing over and over again just with a different title.
He did have some good works but I don't think he is as fantastic as people make him out to be.

>> No.692522

If you don't recall him being discussed here, you need to spend some more time on this board.

>> No.692527

hes defintely the perfect poet for 4chan's general populace.

'lol so i saw this hot bitch at the store, then i went home and beat off. after that i ate a sandwich.'

>> No.693253

Everyone that I know that enjoys him is just trying to look literate. I don't see the appeal of him.

>> No.693255

omg. Buk if oftenly discussed in here. he was even mentioned in Celine thread. lurk more, dear /lit/ard.

>> No.693282

>Oh no! People who don't normally read have found an author they like! We must hate it! Blast it with piss!

You're an idiot.

>> No.693287

I've read Tales of Ordinary Madness and I had enough.

>> No.693288
File: 75 KB, 300x271, C_Bukowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.693291

I love Bukowski.

>> No.693304

Bukowski is fucking incredible.
Hollywood is my favorite.

>> No.693310

only, when exposed to the sun, they will get erection.

>> No.693311

Utterly random?

>> No.693318

overhyped, hipster bullshit.

good read some real books.

>> No.693320

okay in small doses

>> No.693322

You know it's true.

>> No.693341

ITT: Philistines who have never felt pain before.

>> No.693543
File: 11 KB, 272x272, Leonidascantread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people his writings can apply to can't read.

>> No.693671
File: 4 KB, 74x100, phyllis stein..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
