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/lit/ - Literature

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6924501 No.6924501 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend my some books about scientific research causing the end of humanity.

>> No.6924526

Read some Thom Schelling

>> No.6924528

Watch Evangelion

>> No.6924533

Just go visit an automotive factory, look at what computers we had a decade ago compared to now, sit in a corner and experience a moment of authentic reflection as you extrapolate forward.

>> No.6924546

you dumb fuck
>tfw my computer is a decade old

>> No.6924586

That should be useful enough.

The thing isn't that these things becoming more powerful is Bad, it's that they're becoming more powerful and diversifying to the point that we're getting things we didn't even know we wanted or thought we could create.

Some fuckers just recently attached some machinery and electronics to a rodent's brain and were able to remote-control the poor thing, and that's with what we have right fucking now. Sure, it might never go anywhere, but there are a thousand thousand results like that every year, and some of them are going to end up going somewhere.

Couple this with a situation where it makes ever-increasing sense to automate tasks and cut out certain human labor sectors and you have a formula that has potential to completely alter the modern world, for better or worse.

It might be totally great, and we might end up having the public discussions that the advances we're starting to make demand of us, but I have my doubts. It's a combination of personal cynicism as well as just, total failure on my part to see what the next wave of patterns will be, because I am less well-read than I ought to be. I can't even imagine what the world will be like next year, let alone ten years down the line.

>> No.6924715

You don't need to read it, you're living it.

>> No.6924790

Play almost any Megami Tensei game

ithe series is based on some books at least

>> No.6924795

Interesting. Which ones?

>> No.6924799

Shitty Megadeth album.

>> No.6924804

Teito Monogatari, i can see some gnosticism there and probably Dick.

And the Greeks.

>> No.6924820

Is it good?
who isn't influenced by Dick anyways?

>> No.6924835
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The series has existed since the 80s so varies from game to game.
But! what other game have Mishima as a boss?

>> No.6924840

No I'm talking about Teito. I already know SMT is good.

>> No.6924854

oh my bad, yes is good but there is not translations (that i know)

>> No.6924857

Welp, guess I'll add nip to my list of languages to learn now.

>> No.6924898

Das Kapital is the book you're looking for.

>> No.6924968
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>> No.6925006

Weapons created in the name of science never bothered me. Therefore I always sigh when I come upon a work that deals with criticism of science/technology, but its argument essentially boils down to "we make weapons that can destroy us".

The philosophical implications are a lot more frightening to me. Seems to me science will eventually deconstruct man and in doing so render us worthless. To an extent we are already there. There are a few sacred places where science hasn't penetrated yet, but when it does there will be no place else to run.

>> No.6925048

Andromeda strain

>> No.6925051

Prey is a better story

>> No.6925058
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/lit/ everybody

>> No.6925092

Cat's Cradle.

But be quick, though, the anti-Vonnegut faggot police will be here any minute to haul me away.

>> No.6925096

Vonnegut's a shi-..!

Actually Cat's Cradle is pretty good and fits the brief. You should check it out OP.

>> No.6925099 [DELETED] 

>/lit/ will never experience brazilian and portuguese poetry and prose

>> No.6925100

Timequake is the only one I've finished. I dropped slaughterhouse for somereason like three quarters through. What's your rec?

>> No.6925180

Vonnegut was the John Green of his time.

>> No.6925197

Glad to know that you admit you're a faggot.

>> No.6925202

Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom is a good read, but nonfiction

>> No.6925233




>> No.6925700

Stephen King - The Stand

not quite end of humanity but close enough. still good though.

>> No.6925711

Technological Slavery by Theodore J Kaczynski

“It might be argued that the human race would never be foolish enough to hand over all the power to the machines. But we are suggesting neither that the human race would voluntarily turn power over to the machines, nor that the machines would willfully seize power. What we do suggest is that the human race might easily permit itself to drift into a position of such dependence on the machines that it would have no practical choice but to accept all of the machines’ decisions. As society and the problems that face it become more and more complex, and machines become more and more intelligent, people will let machines make more of their decisions for them, simply because machine-made decisions will bring better results than man-made ones. Eventually a stage may be reached at which the decisions necessary to keep the system running will be so complex that human beings will be incapable of making them intelligently. At that stage the machines will be in effective control. People won’t be able to just turn the machines off, because they will be so dependent on them that turning them off would amount to suicide.”

>> No.6925756

You can't have a scientific end of the world you fedoras. Haven't you read Aquinas? He actually 100% proved the existence of God with reason alone. Why would you think that science has the power to end the world then? Seriously you fuckers need to read aquinas, he got it objectively right years ago and now everyone just ignores him.

>> No.6925765


Not sure if troll or completely stupid

>> No.6925778

Do I have the post the cosmological argument? He literally proved God; what's so hard to understand? If god's real why bother thinking about a 'scientific' end of the world?

>> No.6925805

You can set off a powder keg before the fuse has burnt all the way down, dude.

>> No.6925813

Do mom and dad know you're up late shitposting on 4chan?

>> No.6925821

What does that have to do with anything? >>6925813
It's actually the morning where I am. And I don't live with my parents; I live with the LORD.

>> No.6925823
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Have you considered that, as creatures conceived of by YHVH, a scientific end of the world conceived of by his creatures would in all reality be one conceived of by YHVH?

>> No.6925854

Why does /lit/ hate science?

>> No.6925871

Bunch of teenagers who are religious because they've never read any books somehow found /lit, probably from hearing about 4chan in the news. They come to jerk off to porn threads on /b and then feel guilty about it so they spam off-topic theological threads here.

>> No.6925947

wow tell me more