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/lit/ - Literature

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6924168 No.6924168 [Reply] [Original]

>city where you live
>all the books you have read this summer thus far

>> No.6924192

>East of Eden
>The Forgotten Soldier
>Don Quixote
>Memoirs from the House of the Dead

>> No.6924293
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>los angeles
>The Name of the Wind
>about to finish The Wise Man's Fear

>> No.6924524

> after the quake - haruki murakami
>dance of the happy shades - alice munro
>of love and other demons - gabriel garcia marquez
>postcards from surfers - helen garner
>what we talk about when we talk about love - raymond carver
>short cuts - raymond carver
>post office - charles bukowski
>nine stories - JD salinger
>three early stories - JD salinger
>east, west - salman rushdie

>> No.6924535

>Forked River (NJ)
>Portable Beat Reader
>On the Road
>Naked Lunch
>And the Hippos were boiled in their tanks
>Big Sur

I know they're considered trash but I found some beat lit mildly entertaining.

>> No.6924605

>Ulysses - Joyce(technically started it in the spring)
>Oresteia - Aeschylus
>Violence - Zizek
>CoL49 - Pynchon
>East of Eden - Steinbeck
>Siddhartha - Hesse
>Revolt of the Masses - Ortega y Gasset
>Mrs Dalloway - Woolf
>Euthyphro - Plato
>Blood Meridian - McCarthy

>> No.6924609

>The Sorrows of Young Werther
>The Things They Carried
>100 Years of Solitude
>Dharma Bums
>The Metamorphosis
>I, Robot
>Stoner (WIP)
>1491 (WIP)
>Machine and Organism
>Gozilla and the Japanese Nightmare
>A Cyborg Manifesto
>Making Cyborgs, Making Humans
>Trauma and Culture

I'm forgetting some. Also a couple hundred online articles and letters.

>> No.6924621

>The stranger
>Stranger in a strange land
>La invesion de Morel
>Book of the new Sun

>> No.6924625

i don't want to read ne more.

>> No.6924628

>currently reading Logan's Run and a lot of manga

>> No.6924634

>Interpreter of Maladies – Jhumpa Lahiri (short stories)
>Tess of the D’Urbervilles – Thomas Hardy
>American Pastoral – Philip Roth
>The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For – Alison Bechdel (comics)
>Blood Meridian – Cormac McCarthy
>Inferno – Dante Alighieri (not a book but counting it anyways)
>The Red Badge of Courage – Stephen Crane
>The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas – Gertrude Stein
>Absalom, Absalom! – William Faulkner
>East of Eden – John Steinbeck (reread)
>The Victim – Saul Bellow

>> No.6924639

>Florence Italy
Read this summer
>slaughterhouse five
>Brave New World
> the prince
>Blood Meridian
>The Old Man and the Sea
>100 pages left of Infinite Jest

>> No.6924655 [DELETED] 

>Lukacs - History and Class Consciousness
>Levi-Strauss - Tristes Tropiques
>Adorno - Minima Moralia
>Kierkegaard- Either/Or
>Marcuse - Eros and Civilization
>Lyotard - The Postmodern Condition
>Althusser - Reading Capital
>Barthleme- 60 stories
>Borges- collected fiction
>Hermann Broch - The Sleepwalker

>> No.6924671


>> No.6924683

not bad
pretty good - patrician

>> No.6924684

it's not too late there?

>> No.6924690

How'd you enjoy After the Quake?

>> No.6924691

post yours

>> No.6924694

>called a pleb
Read most of the books from one of the guys you called patrician

>> No.6924696

>Anna Karenina-Tolstoy
>The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea-
>American Psycho-Ellis
> "The Good Anna" from Three Lives by Stein (I really found it terribly boring + underwhelming; might return to it)
>Currently about a quarter of the way through Infinite Jest
I've also been reading an assortment of German poetry (Rilke, Heine, Hesse) and short stories (Borchert).

>> No.6924697

>Wind Up Bird Chronicle
>Light in August

several others I never completed

>> No.6924702

I'm visiting family back in the states at the moment, but I'm schooling in Florence.

>> No.6924711


> 24
> St. Louis

The Great Gatsby
Various Greek Dramas
Doctor Faustus
No Exit
The Cherry Orchard
Waiting for Godot
Death of a Salesman
A Doll's House
Brother's Karamazov
A Fire Upon the Deep
Various short stories

That's all I can think of for now. Mostly stuff I had read before, but not since High School or early college. Definitely forgetting a few plays.

>> No.6924714

I had tons of friends who are living in Florence. They are nice people.

>> No.6924716

>The Stranger - Camus
>Nausea - Sartre
>Of Mice and Men - Steinbeck
>The Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck
>One Hundred Years of Solitude - Márquez
>On the Heights of Despair - Cioran
>Discours de la Méthode - Descartes
>Down and Out in Paris and London - Orwell
>Catcher in the Rye - Salinger
>The Discovery of Heaven - Mulish
>Rituals - Nooteboom
>The Tunnel - Sabato
>One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Solzhenitsyn
>The Passion According to G.H. - Lispector

Now reading Beyond Good and Evil
Want to get into the Greeks so gonna do that after since I have over 1,5 months of holidays left

>> No.6924724

which one? I also didn't call you a pleb, I called your list pleb

>> No.6924735

The Florence one

>> No.6924753

>Don Quixote
Kill me
This year has been shit for me, I've read 11 books, and even though I know what else to read, I can't find or afford a physical copy, and I hate reading over a mobile, an ereader, or any electronic device in general.

>> No.6925093



>Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
>Atlas Shrugged

>> No.6925130

>Spring Snow - Mishima
>Learning from Las Vegas - Robert Venturi and others
>Runaway Horses - Mishima
>9.5 Theses on Art and Class - Ben Davis
>Victoria - Knut Hamsun
>No Longer Human - Osamu Dozai
>A Confederate General from Big Sur - Richard Brautigan

also been working through War and War by Krasznahorkai

>> No.6925168

>The Open Door, Trilby (the play version), Romeo & Juliet, King Lear, Othello, Henry V, Henry VI Part 1, The Unstrung Harp

>> No.6925179

God that picture makes me hard.

>> No.6925187

>An Anthropologist on Mars
>Invisible Monsters

Been a weird summer for me, haven't been reading much and it's making me depressed.

>> No.6925231


Gravity's Rainbow
Tenth of December
Some poetry shit by Charles Wright, Mary Karr

>> No.6925243

who's this cum plum?

>> No.6925249

Sylvia Plath

>> No.6925250

>Munkres - Topology
>Dummit and Foote - Abstract Algebra
>Royden - Real Analysis
>James Joyce - Dublinners

Haven't been reading as much literature as I should

>> No.6925255
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Victoria, BC

Story of the Eye
The Trial
The Subterraneans

Reading The Master of Go right now.

>> No.6925260

>wrong season but
>Collected works of Lu Xun
>David Copperfield
>The Burgess Boys (dross, like a stephen king book without vampires and shit)
>The Arabian Nights
>Inherent Vice
>The Sorrows of Young Werther
>Guerillas - V.S. Naipaul
>A Bend in the River - V.S. Naipaul
>All About H Hatterr
>Rosseau's Confessions
>The Curative

>> No.6925266


>Wise Blood by Flannery O'Connor
>The Sound of Waves by Yukio Mishima
>Industrial Society and Its Future by Ted Kaczynski
>a few books of the Bible: Matthew, Romans, Corinthians I and II, Hebrews, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, and Revelations

>> No.6925291

I live in Melbourne too, read thr Beginners and Cathedral collections by Carver. Did you pick up those books from Carlton?

>> No.6925310

>sorrows of young werther
>the Agony of Power (baudrillard)
>Body/Power (Foucault interviews)
>The Trial
>White Noise
>Minima Moralia
>120 days of Sodom (currently)

Hi Weller in trolley square is the best book shop

>> No.6925314

Fuck. Meant to reply to, >>6924625

>> No.6925318


From the last week of May on:

>A True Novel by Minae Mizumura
>The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien
>Netsuke: Masterpieces From The Metropolitan Museum Of Art
>Things Japanese: Everyday Objects of Exceptional Beauty and Significance
>Japanese Stone Gardens: Origins, Meaning, Form
>The Chinese Lake Murders by Robert van Gulik
>Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
>Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke
>The Chinese Bell Murders by Robert van Gulik
>A Handbook of Ethical Practice: A practical guide to dealing with ethical issues in information and library work
>The Urth of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe
>Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
>Just My Type: A Book About Fonts
>Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
>The Magicians by Lev Grossman
>Sister Bernadette's Barking Dog: The Quirky History and Lost Art of Diagramming Sentences
>Letterletter by Gerrit Noordzij
>The Mabinogion

If we're talking just since summer solstice then only the last seven.

>> No.6925321

>60 miles south of St. Louis
>Batman Year one
>Batman The Long Halloween
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Blood Meridian
>White Noise (awful, just an awful book.)

>> No.6925349

>Outside of Milwaukee

>The Hunchback of Notre Dame
>Fahrenheit 451
>The Martian (Horrible)

And I'm reading the Count of Monte Cristo right now.

>> No.6925377

>Rio de Janeiro
> Even though it's always hot as fuck around here, it's not summer yet so I haven't read a single book this summer kek

>> No.6925392


Sup Dallas?


One of Us: The Story of Anders Breivik and the Massacre in Norway - Asne Seierstad

On Beauty - Zadie Smith

Guards, Guards! (Discworld) - Terry Pratchett
Wyrd Sisters
Equal Rites

The Myth of Sisyphus

Impulse bought "The Martian" at an airport for my younger brother, flipped through it, seriously upset that I spent money on it.

>> No.6925406

It's winter. No books because I'm fucking lazy.

>> No.6925409


Why is there always such a disproportionate number of people from SLC on this board?

>> No.6925414

>The COnquest of Gaul, The Catcher in the Rye, Kafka on the Shore

>> No.6925430

I'm actually in Mesquite, but, for simplicity's sake. Whereabouts are you? Do any /lit/ stuff in the city?

>> No.6925451

>Kalamazoo, MI
>The Crying of Lot 49
>War and Peace
>Blood Meridian
Partway through:
>Crime and Punishment
>The Dispossessed
>Ten Days that Shook the World

>> No.6925465

North Carolina

>Swann's Way
>In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower (Within a Budding Grove in the moncrief translation)
>A Month in the Country
>Under the Volcano
>Infinite Jest
>Billy Budd & the Piazza Tales
>The Tunnel
>Middle C
>In the Heart of the Heart of the Country
>On Being Blue
(Went through a huge Gass phase...)
>The Recognitions
>The Book of Disquiet

Currently working through Book of the New Sun while 2666 is in the mail.

>> No.6925469

That's a lot of thick stuff.

>> No.6925470

Wellington, NZ.
This winter I've read:
Forever War Triology - Haldeman
Wizard of Earthsea - Le Guin (got halfway through 2nd book before I abandon it)
Taiko - Yoshikawa
Lolita - Nabokov
The Republic - Plato
Select Philosophical Writings - Descartes
A Treatise on Human Nature - Hume
Spring Snow - Mishima
Butcher's Crossing - Williams

>> No.6925472


(All short story collections):
James Baldwin

Infinite Jest - DFW (First 200 pages or so, working so much I can't find time for suitable binge sessions)
Naked Lunch - Burroughs

King Lear - Billy Shakes
+Winter's Tale, Othello, Hamlet, Richard II
[Got carried away rereading them after seeing a fantastic production of King Lear by Northern Broadsides theatre company]

Also, Dracula - Stoker

>> No.6925479


Sup, VUW?

>> No.6925490

>suburb of DC
>The Godfather, Cloud Atlas
>Reading Infinite Jest

>> No.6925500

Also Battle Royale, forgot that one

>> No.6925518

which suburb, m8

>reading infinite jest
>falling for the meme

>> No.6925536


I got them at the book grocer on Sydney road that was closing down so all stock was $5, i live in calrton though.


I liked it. 'All gods childen can dance' and 'landscape with flatiron' especially so. The others are good though. First murukami i have read so don't know how it compares to his ouevre

>> No.6925551

I'm in moco.

I picked up infinite jest mostly because I wanted better book-reading discipline, not really was I looking for good literature (although I know it's an important text). Took me about a month to get through The Godfather because it dragged on about hardly-relevant shit so I'd just put it down for weeks at a time. I'm probably going to go for an English Degree so I figured I should learn how to get through long and potentially boring books. Infinite Jest seemed like It'd be good for that but so far I haven't gotten to any sections that are repellingly-boring. It's an extremely well-known novel as well, not just a meme on here.

>> No.6925568

Is this sex position called the SS officer? Or the Kike?

>> No.6925578


It's winter.
Pale Fire,
Spring Snow,
Rabbit Redux,
The Picture of Dorian Gray,
I Am a Cat,
The Book of Disquiet,
Love Goes to Buildings on Fire,
Currently: Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.6925580

the Jim Incandenza

>> No.6925596

>city where you live
>all the books you have read this summer thus far
Go Set a Watchman
Civilization and its Discontents


>> No.6926260

>Some city in France
>My Struggle V.1
>Scott Pilgrim's V1+2
>Locke & Key V1
>The discreet hero

>> No.6926261


>> No.6926274

so is this thread for students on their holidays? otherwise i'm not getting why what you've read in the summer specifically is a thing

>> No.6926336

> 25
> Stockholm
> Ariel
> Xenocide
> Consider Phlebas
> Justine
> The Martian
> Why I am so Wise

>> No.6926359

I start from the first of june

>The One-Dimensional Man, Marcuse
>The Women in the Dunes, Abe
>Diaries of Franz Kafka, Kafka-kun
>The Sound and the Fury, Faulkner
>The Sandman, Hoffmann
>The Black Spider, Gotthelf
>Grete Minde, Fontane
>The Sorrows of Young Werther, Goethe
>Nachdenken über Christa T., Wolf
>The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, Rilke
>A Mighty Fortress: A New History of the German People, Ozment

>> No.6926490

>Tampa, Florida
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Fear: A novel of World War I
>Johnny Got His Gun
>The Summer Book
>The Stranger
>Of Mice and Men
>The Discovery of Heaven
>Never Let Me Go

Currently reading Bruno Schulz's "Street of Crocodiles".

>> No.6926501

>Sheffield, England
>The entirety of the Witcher series
> The Hobbit and TLOTR series

because summer is a timeto read for fun, also:

>crime and punishment
>the adoloescent

>> No.6926506

>Morgantown, WV
Invisible Man, Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas, Lolita, Catch 22, The Iliad, Dubliners. About to start Discourse on Method and Meditations by Descartes or IJ.

>> No.6927078

I'm moving to Berlin next year, m8. Maybe we should hang out and discuss books?

>> No.6927148

Back to fucking Reddit you absolute pleb

>> No.6927186

Did you enjoy reading R.U.R.? I thought it was fucking terrible

>> No.6927191

Make sure to read The Silmarilion and The Children of Hurin to round out your summer

>> No.6927195

>The Broom of the System - DFW
>The Martian - Andy Weir
>The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea - Yukio Machima
>Amerika - Franz Kafka
>Cannery Row - John Steinbeck
>The End of Eternity - Isaac Asimov
>Tortilla Flat - John Steinbeck

>> No.6927205

>Beckett's short stories
>Mercier and Camier
>Hamsun's Growth of the Soil
>Kafka's Castle reread
>If on a winters night reread
Probably something else I don't know. I've reread most of infinite jest too.

>> No.6927270


It's just me or other people here also get turned on by OP's pic?

>> No.6927352

Sylviaaa get your head out of the oveeeen...


>> No.6927711

I'm halfway through the Silmarillian now, I'll give the Children of Hurin a read after

thanks, anon

>> No.6927750


If you're going to read the simarillian, skip the children of hurin chapter then.

>> No.6927758

No other London anons here?

>> No.6927770

.....did you not get the joke?

>> No.6927781

> 19
> Tbilisi
> Pulp Great
> Mumu Shit
> Sputnik Sweetheart Shit
> The Martian Shit
> 24 Hours In The Life Of A Woman Great

>> No.6928290

>St. Louis
>Huckleberry Finn
>The Scarlet Letter
>Beautiful Losers
>As I Lay Dying
>Children of Dune
>Dune Messiah
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
>The Kandykolored Tangerineflake Streamline Baby
>The Martian
>The Stranger

>> No.6928322

what did you think of embassytown? i thought it was pretty great

>> No.6928391

wow the way she curls up her toes... :^)

>> No.6928436



Fear and Trembling
Living to Tell the Tale and Memories of My Melancholy Whores
Everything by DFW besides Pale King and IJ

Something else by Marquez about some corrupt Mexican town
A few other short, forgettable things.

>> No.6928448

And Three Outsiders by Dio Allen

>> No.6928571

>Cleveland, OH
>Both Flesh and Not - DFW -
>Player Piano - Vonnegut
>Franny & Zooey - Salinger
>Pnin - Nabokov
>Wolf in White Van - Darnielle
>currently reading Catch-22

>> No.6928638


>> No.6929056


Vejle, Denmark

Catch-22 - Heller
Min Kamp 4 - Knausgård
Min Kamp 5 - Knausgård
Picture of Dorian Gray - Wilde
Introduction to Psychology - ????
The Trial - Kafka
Blood Meridian - McCarthy

From about mid June to now.

>> No.6929117


well, the ones worth remembering:
invisble man
mr. vertigo
die handschrift von sargossa
die insel des vorherigen tages
the martian
catch 22
just started ser gawain and the green knight
currently in the middle of 2nd time IJ
got me some proust today, will prob start reading tomorrow.
a little booklet called utopia
some short stories
shitload of other books. some irving, some more auster, tried reading jane austen, couldnt stand it.

>> No.6929128


>we have always lived in the castle
>chronicle is a death foretold
>three body problem
>go set a watchman
>distant star
>Beijing coma
>lust caution
>grapes of wrath
>child of god
>flow my tears
>friends of Eddie coyle
>midnight's children
>the secret agent

plus three or four short story collections and some lit journals

>> No.6929522
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>the hamlet of virginia beach

>norwegian wood
>shadow and claw
>edith hamilton mythology
>kafka on the shore
>a history of byzantium

>now reading darkness at noon

>> No.6929539

>city where you live
Bridgeport, CT
>all the books you have read this summer thus far
Don DeLillo - White Noise
Ernest Hemingway - The Sun Also Rises
Jorge Luis Borges - Ficciones
William Shakespeare - King Richard II
William Shakespeare - King Henry IV, Part 1
Fyodor Dostoevsky - The Brothers Karamazov [about 200 pages left]
Naomi Klein - No Logo [about 200 pages left]
Henry V [last text l hope to get to before school starts]

>> No.6929560

I don't think it holds up well as literature but I can see how it would make for an entertaining play. I read it as a historical piece of the greater "robot" narrative. Wouldn't recommend it to a friend.

>> No.6929590


>> No.6929607

unreal. I'm from the same area. I'm in norwalk, ct for the most part.

>norwalk, ct
>Caves of Steel
>The Naked Sun
>The Physics of Superheroes

>> No.6929656

>Halifax, NS
>Slaughterhouse Five
>A Confederacy of Dunces
>The Dharma Bums
>Northanger Abbey
>Currently reading Great Expectations

>> No.6929744

>Small town in WV
>The Sun Also Rises
>Go Set a Watchmen
>The Death of Ivan Ilych
>The Importance of Being Earnest
>The Old Man and the Sea
>The Trial
>Currently Reading: The Sound and the Fury, Anna Karenina

>> No.6929752


Lolita / Nabokov
The Crying of Lot 49 / Pinecone
We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves / I Don't Remember
Candide / Voltaire
Don Quixote / Cervantes
Foucalt's Pendulum / Eco
Snow Country / Kawabata
Sense and Sensibility / Austen

>> No.6929791

>Orlando, FL (The Plastic City)
>that's it
Come at me. I take my time.

>> No.6929838

>Rio de Janeiro
>The Book of Disquiet

>> No.6929916

miami bro, how goes it? how do you deal with the lack of indie bookstores here. I ould buy more online but i like going to ye old shop, but there arent enough independetn places, and they just closed down an antique shop down in Coral Gables that had a good book selection.

>> No.6929935

If you haven't done it yet, please check Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds, I think you'd like it.

>> No.6929989


>The Invention of Morel, Casares
>Sartre's Nausea
>a collection of Mallarmé's poetry
>The Book of Tea by Tenshin Okakura

>> No.6930013

>The Success and Failure of Picasso
>Napoleon: A Life
>Marxists on Literature
>The Sublime Object of Ideology
>Selected Essays of John Berger
>The Hare
>Freud: Theory of the Unconscious
>Absolute Recoil
>The Art of Forgery
>The Invention of Morel
>The Recognitions

>> No.6930014

>Herodotus' Histories
>The Peloponnesian War
>The Trojan War: A New History
>Epic Greek Fragments
>Epic of Gilgamesh
>Edith Hamilton's Mythology
>Theory of the Leisure Class
>Narcissus: An Anatomy of Clothes
>Oliver Twist
>Jane Eyre
>Casino Royale
>The Scarlet Letter
>Moby Dick
>Uncle Tom's Cabin
>Currently reading Madame Bovary and Hellenika

>> No.6930031


8/10. Very good read. Literary Sci Fi is right up my alley, and the Lingustic aspect was really interesting.

For anyone on the fence about it, read it.

>> No.6930034

Do any of you NoVA/DC guys wanna get some coffee sometime? I'm >>6930014
and hang out in DC almost every day.

>> No.6930037

I'm the 21 year old from DC. Anon, I'm pretty sure the other anon meant Vienna, Austria.

I'm down to grab some coffee. How do we coordinate this?

>> No.6930039

Southwest Virginia here, I hope you people realize how lame you sound when you say this shit

>> No.6930050

Shouldn't you be smoking meth or something, tbh?

>> No.6930070


I miss living in DC. You guys ever go to Bridge Street Books? They have good poetry and theory sections there

>> No.6930074

>Forked River

Well, at least it's not Barneyghetto ...

>> No.6930082

too bad the books there are so fucking expensive

everything in Georgetown is over inflated; its just a way of gentrifying that part of NW

>> No.6930094

Whoops, definitely thought he meant Vienna, VA. I'm free whenever and am probably gonna be in DC every day from 3ish to about 9, but I can stay much later. Wanna just meet at a coffee shop? Tryst is pretty cool (north of Dupont), same with Filter (block outside Dupont), and La Colombe (9th and N). I don't know that much about DC so I'm pretty limited in what I can suggest, but I'm down for whatever.


>> No.6930097


Norwegian Wood
World Gone Water
The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea
Lord Fear
Haints Stay
The Financial Lives of Poets
Shadow Play
Wise Blood

and I'm just finishing up
I Await The Devi's Coming

>> No.6930104

Never heard of it, but I'll check it out. So far I've only been to Second Story Books, Kramer's, and Idle Time Books.

>> No.6930115

W-wanna be friends?

>> No.6930116 [DELETED] 

Here, DC anon. I made a chatroom to talk it out with you:


>> No.6930124

Minneapolis proper ? Decent chance we've met.

>> No.6930147
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> 18 (and)
> Milwaukee
> Books
The Grapes of Wrath
10 little niggers
The Count of Monte Cristo
Crime and Punishment

Next: The Brothers Karamazov
In Cold Blood (required for school)

>> No.6930158

How did you like Monte Cristo?

>if you didn't think it was the greatest adventure story ever then you're wrong

>> No.6930189

Why not?

>> No.6930194

yeah that.

>> No.6930217

I've lived in the uptown area for about a year.
I lived in Saint Paul for three years before that.

>> No.6930240

Uptown's a cool spot. I'm in SE como finishing up undergraduate. Kinda dumpy over here but I've met some cool peeps. Lots of hipster/hippy types. Occasionally one of them is smart enough to shoot the shit outside of pointless banter

>> No.6930242

dude I just buy stuff from barnes n nobles, it's shame you cant find any olde knowledge archives here tho

>> No.6930246


>> No.6930247


>> No.6930250

I used to hangout there once in a while when I was in undergrad. Had a drug dealer that lived over there.

Back when I used to do pot, Hideaway was like my favorite spot to get glass and stuff.

Have you ever eaten at Vescio's?

>> No.6930318

Yeah everyone smokes weed in como. My friend's family owns Hideaway and MN Legit. I went to check out their warehouse one day where they make all the glass. I then understood why they call it "legit." They are going to be filthy rich if weed becomes legal in mn.

And I think I've had Vescio's catering but cannot remember going inside. Worth checking out? I'd recommend Potters myself. Pasties are God level.

Random lit related question.. Do you ever exchange books via those birdhouse things all over the city? I've gotten a few gems from them.

>> No.6930369

>Man and His Symbols
>The Monkey's Mask
>White Noise
>Dr Who The Unfolding Text
>Ingmar Bergman retrospective I got 2nd hand
>Psychology and the Occult
>Philosophy of Money

>> No.6930391

I like to look through them but I'd feel like a dick taking one since I've got money to buy books.
And I fantasize about putting a book into one but I'm so very stingy with my collection (even though I have way too many).
There was a thing a while back where someone was trying to make those illegal for some reason.

I think MN Legit and Hideaway are probably better off with weed the way it is. You can have way more weed than anyone needs for personals here without it being a felony. It isn't even a felony to sell if you have under 2 ounces. Once it does become legal, they'll fuck that up for a little while, just like they did with medical.

And yeah, Vescio's has this thing called a sausage Tony sandwich, it's like a sausage on toast with provolone that you dip on their dank tomato sauce. Shit is bomb. My dad turned me on to them; that place has been around forever.

>> No.6930407

South Jersey represent :^)

>> No.6930448

>Vancouver BC

Tokyo Montana Express - Richard Brautigan
Four Ways to Forgiveness - Ursula K. Le Guin
The Lover - Marguerite Duras
Break it Down - Lydia Davis
Richard Yates - Tao Lin
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love - Raymond Carver
Last Evenings on Earth - Roberto Bolano
The Blood Oranges - John Hawkes
The Waters of Kronos - Conrad Richter

>> No.6930451

How's le guin?

>> No.6930455


I hope our paths cross sometime.

Arlington, VA

>Oedipus Plays of Sophocles
>Heart of Darkness
>The Decameron

I've been studying abroad this summer so haven't had as much free time.

>> No.6930490

Not bad at all. If you're ever in a DC coffee shop and see a guy with long blond hair reading something pretentious and taking notes with a fountain pen, come say hi; I don't bite.

>> No.6930496

>long hair
>coffee shop
>fountain pen
Jesus christ, I'll make sure to avoid your smelly ass

>> No.6930538

>yfw girls are consistently jealous of how nice my hair is and I have a $1000+ cologne collection


>> No.6930546

This is a pathetic post

>> No.6930572

>I have a $1000+ cologne collection
different guy, but now I sure am mad
of all the stupid shit to waste a thousand bucks on

>> No.6930583

>Arlington VA
>Currently reading IJ
>Have literally read nothing else except this this summer because of schedule/lack of motivation

>> No.6930609

>goes on a literature board
>hasn't read shit
why even

>> No.6930627

i come here because i write

>> No.6930804

>Madame de La Fayette - La Princesse de Clèves
>Eugène Ionesco - Le Roi Se Meurt
>Paul Verlaine - Fêtes Galantes

>> No.6930827

los angeles
no books, only screenplays

>> No.6930842

>what you write

>> No.6930853

Dude I'm from Florence too. forth year med student at Careggi.

>> No.6930943
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Santa Clarita (outer Los Angeles), soon to be in Davis, CA
Pic related

>> No.6931029

Melbourne (So last summer)
Spellwright (Spellwright, #1)
The Crystal Cave (Arthurian Saga, #1)
Hounded (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #1)
Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades, #1)
Promise of Blood (The Powder Mage, #1)
The Providence of Fire (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne, #2)
Temple of the Winds (Sword of Truth, #4)
What a Dragon Should Know (Dragon Kin, #3)
About a Dragon (Dragon Kin, #2)
Blood of the Fold (Sword of Truth, #3)
Stone of Tears (Sword of Truth, #2)
Wizard's First Rule (Sword of Truth, #1)
The Emperor's Blades (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne, #1)
ソードアート・オンライン6: ファントム・バレット (Sword Art Online Light Novel, #6)

>> No.6931033

>Not everyone lives in a city you cunt, I live in a rural village in England.
>For some reason I haven't read for ages, I finished some cycling related book, and now I'm reading King's Solomon's Mines, so 1 book finished

>> No.6931052


Four Ways to Forgiveness was quite good. I guess it's a pretty simple allegory of post colonialism but the stories are engaging and the world fascinating if brutal. Would recommend.

>> No.6931058
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Also Vancouver, near same age

Valis - pkd
Difference engine - Gibson
The abominable - Dan simmons
The donkeys - Alan Clark
Military history of western world - fuller
Secret war in the middle East -
The war of art - pressfield
Age of empire - hobsbawm
Operation typhoon - stahel
Brightness falls - McInerney


>> No.6931062
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>> No.6931065

Who /sandiego/ here?

>> No.6931086
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Los Angeles

Tales of Chekhov Vol3 – Chekhov
Oxford’s Classical Mythology ver. 9
No longer human by dazai
Sophocles – Antigone, Oedipus the king, Oedipus colonus
In Search of Lost Time (Volume I) – proust
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men – DFW
The complete short stories of Hemingway – Hemingway
The stories of John Cheever – Cheever
The early stories – John Updike
Girl With Curious Hair – DFW
Oblivion – DFW
Iliaid – Homer
Mythology – Hamilton
The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov – Nabokov

Currently reading As I Lay Dying – Faulkner. Next is the Odyssey and then I think I'll be done with Greek fiction for a while.

>> No.6931240

Tender is the night
Absalom, Absalom!
Book of the New sun
cities of the plains trilogy
No country
also interested in a dc/dupont meetup

>> No.6931252

ayy bb u want sum fuck?

>> No.6931269

Go to bed T

>> No.6931285

>A Conneticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court
>The Salmon Who Dared to Leap Higher

It's been a slow summer for reading.

>> No.6931356


>> No.6931450

Not sure if this is a joke or if you just meant that you spent a bit of time on each of those books but there's absolutely no way you properly read all of them. Dummit and Foote alone is massive with an absurd amount of (sometimes quite difficult) exercises. If you're rushing through them without doing the exercises you're wasting your time.

>> No.6931539

>implying DC isn't the coolest place to be from in the country

>> No.6932199

so do I but their selection can be shit sometimes and costumer support is trash. The workers sound like they hate their lives and can barely move to help at all. btw I really liked Kafka on the Shore.

>> No.6932208

meant for

>> No.6932225

Orlando sucks. Besides the parks there is nothing there. get fucked.

>> No.6932615

ser gawain and the green knight is like an always awesome alliteration.
i've already started translating it to german.

>> No.6932629

Grand Rapids, MI
Not including the stuff I read for a class:
-Who's Afraid of Postmodernism (Smith)
-Contintental Philosophy, 2nd Ed. (West)
-The Hero With a Thousand Faces (Campbell
-Narcissus and Goldmund (Hesse)
-2/3rds through 1Q84 (Murakami)
-Just started 'What Would Jesus Deconstruct' (Caputo)

>> No.6932670

Les Faux-Monnayeurs (Andre Gide)
Wuthering Heights (Bronte sis)
Jane Eyre (Other Bronte sis)
Not done with A Tale of Two Cities (Dickens)

>> No.6932714

>Charleston, W.V.
>Blood Meridian
>All the Pretty Horses
>The Graveyard Book
>House of Leaves
>House of Sand and Fog
>Heart of Darkness and Other Stories

I've been catching up on some must-reads, my list isn't normally that hoity-toity.

>> No.6932737


>The Magus
>Illusions Perdues (Balzac)
>A few stories from Dubliners
>The Waves
>Britannicus (Racine)
>A few plays by Marcel Aymé
>Les Filles du Feu (Nerval)

>Currently making progress through Dune, a biography of LBJ, and The World as Will & Representation

This picture triggers me

>> No.6932753


>Small russian town

> V - Thomas Pynchon
> Man for himself - Fromm
> The floating opera - John Barth
> Collected poems by Gennadiy Aygi
> Doppler - Loe
> Asterios Polyp - David Mazzucchelli
> Cynics - Anatoly Mariengof
> Invisible monsters - Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.6932766

>Mountain View, CA
>Mao's Last Revolution
>King Lear
>From Third World to First: The Singapore Story
>The Grapes of Wrath
>The Autobiography of Malcolm X

>> No.6932780


Will do!

>> No.6932781
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I'm moving out to BC sometime in the autumn, can't wait


2666 and The Return - Bolano
Chasing the Scream: First and Last Days of the War on Drugs - Hari
Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt - Hedges & Sacco
Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas
Collected Novels of Flann O'Brien
L'Ecum des jour - Vian

>> No.6932795


We'd get along well. I like your choices.

>> No.6932800

>south america
>mein kampf (hitler)
>infinite jest (wallace)
>middlesex (eugenides)

>> No.6932813

I'm the guy from dc who's been reading the Greek stuff. The other guy (near the top of the thread, the one who read cervantes) is going back to school this weekend, but I'll still be around. Wanna hang out at Filter just east of Dupont sometime next week?

>> No.6932830


Newcastle Upon Tyne

>Speaker for the Dead
>Bleeding Edge
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
>The Bell Jar
>Something Happened
>Journey to the East
>As I lay Dying
>The Throwaway Children

Currently reading Crime and Punishment.

>> No.6932901

Yeah sure. I have no idea how to go about this though..

>> No.6932934

Shouldn't be too tough. When are you free? I can do any day of the week, after 3pm.

>> No.6932943

Dammit Sylvia, the oven is clean enough.



>> No.6932944

>Gooseberries (Some Chekov short stories)
>Game of Thrones (Found out finally how terrible GRRM is. Never again)
>Screwtape Letters (CS Lewis)
>2001 A Space Odyssey (Clarke)
>Sunshine on Scotland Street (A.Smith)
The last one I'm still reading atm

>> No.6932959

this is a very pleasant list, you're still a huge pleb though

>> No.6932966

look at those feet, I'm not even a feet fag but damn

>> No.6932976

>Brief Interviews With Hideous Men
>Inherent Vice
>Blood Meridian
>Eeee Eee Eeeee
>Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.6932980

i dont know why you responded to my post.

>speaker for the dead
when i was a child i used to skip sunday church to read the series on a tiny ipod classic screen and hang out with homeless people and unknown children. i was a weird kid.

>> No.6932981

Southwest Virginia here Abingdon area, where you at.

>> No.6932987
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My reading time has all but disappeared lately. I used to read at least an hour or two a day. Now, barely even a few pages before bed. I lost power yesterday after a storm and read 60 or so pages of Anna Karenina and that was probably the most I've read at one time in over a year.

Please like and subscribe.

>> No.6932988

>Ft. Benning, GA (babby killing welfare queen)
>Kraken, China Mieville
>The Terror, Dan Simmons
>The Transformation of War, Martin van Creveld
>The Pale King
>currently reading IJ and some guidebook to etiquette
>your tax dollars at work

>> No.6932990

How about tomorrow at 4? I'll be reading Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.6932993 [DELETED] 
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>Montevideo, Uruguay.

>The Rampage of Suzumiya Haruhi
>A Very Short Introduction to Postmodernism
>Romeo and Juliet
>The God Delusion
>The Missionary Position: Mother Theresa in Theory and Practice
>Fear and Trembling
>The Setting Sun
>Childhood's End
>Point Omega
>The Conspiracy Against the Human Race
>The Great Gatsby
>The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat
>Mrs. Dalloway
>Pale Fire
>As I Lay Dying
>Of Mice and Men
>Aurelius' Meditations
>The Cambridge Companion to Joyce
>Machiavello's The Prince
>Beneath the Wheel
>Flowers for Algernon
>Moon Palace
>Did Marco Polo Go to China?
>Immediate Fiction
>A Doll's House
>The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
>The Bell Jar
>The Secret History
>The Aleph

Not reading much currently because of an exam next saturday, but I pretend to finish Paradise Lost, Cartesian Meditations (Husserl) and a book about gothic architecture.

>> No.6933000


I must have clicked the reply to bring the box up and forgotten to remove the link.

>> No.6933004

where in Baltimore?

>> No.6933011
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>>Munkres - Topology
Have you read all the book? Because you could drop the algebraic topology from Munkres and pick up Hatcher's that is quite better.

>> No.6933019

>4 laws that drive the universe
>Beyond good and evil
>A brief history of time
>The age of radiance
>A brief history of the universe
>You're inner fish

>> No.6933025
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>A Season in Hell (Rimbaud)
>Pan (Hamsun)
>Victoria (Hamsun)
>Of Mice and Men (Steinbeck)
>The Ego an Its Own (Stirner)
>Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction (Culler)
>The Sun Also Rises (Hemingway)

>> No.6933056

Works for me. If I get there first I'll probably be reading Xenophon, maybe outside if it's not too hot. See you at filter tomorrow at 4!

>> No.6933069

see you then.

>> No.6933138

>Gogol's The Nose
>Complete Works of Jack London
>Zorba The Greek
>Lucjan Wolanowski's Goodbye Boomerang (I believe you can only find it in polish and the edition I've got is from '76)
>Dostoevski's Double
>Dirty Havana Trilogy
>Adam and Eve by Rebreanu
I'm still trying to get into writers from my corner of the world,the East,man.

>> No.6933234
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>The Architecture of Happiness, How Architecture Works, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Experiencing Architecture, Don Quixote, and the Bridge of San Luis Rey

Books and Books in Miami Beach or Coral Gables is pretty good. Across from the Books and Books in CG is a vintage bookshop, as well. It's on the corner of Aragon and whatever the western N/S cross-street is, in that 1920s commercial building. There's also the Bookstore in the Grove (Coconut Grove). I do understand your feeling, though--there's very few good bookstores around besides, I'd say, Books and Books. Everybody else has gone out of business. Same goes for record stores (though there's one exceptional one in Olympia Heights). There's not even a specialty audio place in all of Miami, which is unbelievable. There used to be a plethora of this stuff in Coconut Grove, but it's all disappeared due to carpetbagging New Yorkers and South Americans that think, "Oh, this is Miami! There's mansions everywhere! We should charge $20,000 a month for this small commercial space that cost that much to build!" Thusly, all the small, artsy, hole-in-the-wall shops and watering holes have been cast to oblivion. I just moved to Coconut Grove from another part of Florida and it is very disheartening to see how little is left from the artsy days of the Grove.

>> No.6933262

>Falmouth (UK, its small.)

>Down and Out in Paris and London
>The 39 Steps
>The Monk
>Ways of Seeing
>Brideshead Revisited

>> No.6933324
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What are the best used bookstores in Vancouver? I'm going to Anime Revolution on the 14th, so I might as well check out some local stores.

>> No.6933343

NYC too
Age 19
>Death on the Installment Plan - Celine
>The Stranger - Camus
>Demian - Hesse
>WWI A Short History - Stone
>A Happy Death - Camus
>Hunger - Hamsun
In the middle of Amerika - Kafka and The Trial - Kafka
Where did any of you go to High School?

>> No.6933362

18, london
the little friend
and the hippos were boiled in their tanks
the princess bride
white teeth
naked lunch
a happy death

>> No.6933373

>Valencia (Spain)
>Philosophy in the Bedroom
>Chronicle of a Death Foretold
>The October Country
>Fahrenheit 451
Also, I'm starting today with Brave New World. How pleb am I?

>> No.6933376

vale, tio

>> No.6933385

Wow, it's young around here.

> 41
> Brooklyn, NY
> The Devil in a Forest, Gene Wolfe
> Half the Day is Night, Maureen McHugh
> Seveneves, Neal Stephenson
> Armada, Ernest Cline
> How Did I Get Here?, Jesse Browner
> Crooked, Austin Grossman
> Borderliners, Peter Hoeg
> Message from Moscow, An Observer
> The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Whathisname
> Missing Out, Adam Philips
> The Marriage Plot, Jeffrey Eugenides

Mostly been reading short fiction and catching up on NYRB this summer, though.

>> No.6933429

Aren't you a little too old to be posting on the literature section of an Indonesian cartoon image board, Old-timer?

>> No.6933448

Yep, but I was in my thirties when I started here. Those were the days...

But in all seriousness, I end up getting a lot of good reading material here, with juvenile humor as a free bonus.

>> No.6933526

Can I ask, are you reasonably successful and normal? I was wonder about older posters.

>> No.6933642

Why are there so few britbongs on /lit/?

>> No.6933723

Yep, normal job (programmer), married, no kids. Haven't killed any whores lately.

>> No.6933734

>Haven't killed any whores lately.

>> No.6933879

>Saint-Maurice, France (town right next to Paris with a physiotherapy school)

finished reading:
>Michel Dufour, Anatomie de l'appareil locomoteur, Membre inférieur
>Michel Dufour, Anatomie de l'appareil locomoteur, Membre supérieur
>Michel Houellebecq, Soumission (a very dank read indeed tbh)
>Frédéric Lordon, D'un retournement à l'autre. Comédie sérieuse sur la crise financière
>Louis Pergaud, La Guerre des Boutons
>Thomas Pynchon, Slow Learner (/lit/ made me read it, pretty good but not as incredible as the hype made me expect)

currently reading:
>Michel Dufour, Anatomie de l'appareil locomoteur, Tête et tronc
>Marquis de Sade, Aline et Valcour
>Marquis de Sade, Les Cent Ving Journées de Sodome

I had read most of the three Dufour books over the course of the last two years, decided to actually read every word.

I have several amateur novellas sitting on my hard drive (in french obviously) about a nameless character who commits acts of necrophilia, zoophilia and all sorts of unthinkable crimes. My knowledge of anatomy and physiology enables me to describe gruesome things in such a way that a layman would need to google many of the nouns and verbs I use, which is intended ; the mental stress of deciphering a sentence word by word and slowly unveiling horrors to the eye of the mind is unique, and few writers have given me this kind of feel.

I personally think it's pretty shit for the time being (can post some of my favorite parts if anyone is interested) but I just email the WIP anonymously to random people I know. None of them has yet made the connexion with me.

>> No.6933971

Plato - Gorgias
Plato - Crito
Plutarch - Alexander and Caesar
Arrian - Alexander's Anabasis and Indica
Augustin - City of God
Chatillon - The Alexandreis
Burckhardt - The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy
Seward - Monks of War
Orwell - Homage to Catalonia
Che - Motorcycle diaries

>> No.6933988

I started in mid-May when my uni first let out, I'm almost done with Munkres, halfway through Royden, and skipped the homological algebra and representation theory chapters of D&F as they're not a part of my fall course. I do 80% of the exercises.

Yeah I'm going to do that next, course is using Munkres so I just figured I'd familiarize myself with his approach.

Staten Island Tech

>> No.6933992

No one else here Chicago

>> No.6934074

the vintage shop infront of the B&B is no more. R.I.P.

The B&Bs are ok I guess. The store at the Grove is ok too, although the food is overpriced. The groveused to be such a chill place, I would still like to move there though.

>> No.6934127

Fed Hill. You?

>> No.6934134

Yay, Baltimore! Where???

>> No.6934154

Is that so? Rest in piece, then. What a shame. Hopefully something worthy takes its spot. Coral Gables has suffered the same problem as the Grove--speculative buyers have pushed all the local businesses out of the market. Perhaps we'll see something neat come out of the Edgewater or Wynwood area one of these days.

>> No.6934196

>West Warwick, Rhode Island
>Burton's Arabian Nights
>Anna Karenina

>> No.6934218

miami lit meeting when

>> No.6934241
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>St. Paul
>Children of Hurin
>Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
>Godels Proof
>A Dolls House
>Love in the Time of Cholera
>A New History of Western Philosophy
>King Lear

>> No.6934618

Another North Carolina bro, nice. We are legion.

>> No.6934650


>Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2nd book, in Swedish)
>some other Swedish crime novel, in English though
>Great Gatsby (Swedish)
>most of the way through Infinite Jest
>How to Win Friends and Influence People

I haven't actively read since I was a child, so this was a pretty big improvement for me

can confirm Vancouver is a million times nicer than Ottawa, you'll love it

>tfw I chose to go to school in Kingston and the climate here is fucking awful

>> No.6934675

dubliners, the love affairs of nathaniel p, selected tweets, white noise, to the lighthouse, the unchangeable spots of leopards, fatale, hunger, beware of pity, bright lights big city, lots of history books (gradstudent)

beware of pity was the best.

>> No.6935202


This is cute. Report back.

>> No.6935749

An anon is going to be raped and you think that's cute?

>> No.6935953


>Foulcaults Pendulum
>a couple engineering and programming textbooks
>Clockwork Orange
>The Martian

Just started Naked Lunch, dunno if I'm going to finish it.

>> No.6936042

You guys better fuck.

>> No.6936071


I finished these over my break in between semesters.

>Cambridge History of Southeast Asia 1500 - 1800 Vol 1
>Cambridge History of Southeast Asia 1800 to present Vol 2
>Political Order and Political Decay by Francis Fukuyama
>A Bend In The River by V. S. Naipaul

Currently reading

>Weapons of the Weak by James C Scott

>> No.6936074
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>> No.6936530

>The Hague

>The Hobbit
>The Name of the Wind
>The Wise Man's Fear
>The Lies of Locke Lamora
>Red Seas under Red Skies
>The Republic of Thieves
>Blood Song
>Mercadian Masques

>> No.6936641

>Giovanni's Room
>The Gambler

I'm reading Gravity's Rainbow right now

>> No.6936657


>If On a Winter's Night a Traveler
>The Setting Sun
>The Land Breakers
>The Sun Also Rises
>Snow Country
>Purple Hibiscus
>Brideshead Revisited
>Let the Great World Spin
>Last Words from Montmartre

Currently reading The Man Without Qualities, Vol 1.

What did you think of Giovanni's Room?

>> No.6936709

define summer

>> No.6936717

I enjoyed it a lot, but maybe that's because I'm a closet homo. It portrays all the confusion and shit that comes with that really well.

>> No.6936747


>Selfish, Whining Monkeys - Rod Liddle
>The Decline of the West - Spengler
>Fascism Viewed from the Right - Evola
>Ride the Tiger - Evola
>Why I am So Wise - Nietzsche
>Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky
>Faust, Part II - Goethe

Currently reading Burke's Reflections and Kierkegaard's Either/Or

r8 me, b8 me

>> No.6936751

>city where you live
>what happened to agrarianism

>> No.6936837

Nietzsche wants to return to the greeks so that won't do much good, that's also a very dense book of his to start with better to go for geniality of morals or gay science first.

>> No.6936850

Is part two of Faust worth it? I got a little bored of the lacklustre love affair stuff towards the end of part one.

>> No.6936855

Different anon, but I fucking loved it.

>> No.6936875


>a short history of decay
>john berryman's dream songs
>the crossing
>in cold blood
>the third policeman
>the sound and the fury
>concrete island
>what we talk about when we talk about love
>the sailor who fell from grace with the sea
>train dreams

St. John's

>> No.6936900

>West Lafayette, Indiana
>Socialism: Scientific and Utopian (Engels), The Communist Manifesto (Marx+Engels), A Brief History of Neoliberalism (David Harvey), Killing Hope (William Blum)

A lot of this is pleb tier but I'm still learning

>> No.6936910

Is that because you're an old fart pure writer who has read all you want to read or because nothing good has jumped out at you?

>> No.6936937

>>all the books you have read this summer thus far
Summer? None. It's monsoon season.

>> No.6936964

I was blown away and simply loved the first few sections of part one and it carried me to the end gladly, i feel like I will reread this many times anyway so I will go at part two (the part he wrote towards the end of his life for those who don't know) with the same mindset - sure to find gold in that.

>> No.6936966

Indiana is the armpit of the Midwest, which is the armpit of America

>> No.6937072

Your list is too boring to read to the end.
You just won /lit/.

>> No.6937082

29 (NEET)
Near Sydney

>The World as Will and Representation / Schopenhauer
>On the Genealogy of Morality / Nietzsche
>Faust / Goethe
>The Book of Disquiet / Pessoa
>Slaughterhouse Five / Vonnegut
>The Stranger / Camus
>Story / McKee
>Propaganda / Bernays

I try and pull myself away from dry stuff and into the flowery prose world of fiction with their well hidden plots, I really do, it just becomes boring as though it aims to distract me from philosophy in longest possible way.

>> No.6937218
File: 338 KB, 598x800, 1432185555063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 - US

Meditations / Marcus Aurelius
The Gay Science / Friedrich Nietzsche
Letters from a Stoic / Seneca
Existentialism is a Humanism / Jean-Pail Sarte

Currently reading - (Half-way finished)
Confessions of a Mask / Yukio Mishima

Will likely be the last book I finish before the start of fall semester.

>> No.6937326

>looking to see if there's a Plath joke already
>this guy beats me to the punch
>Plath fans gets mad
>Plath fans...
>Now I'm mad

>> No.6937637


>Heart of Darkness
>Animal Farm
>The Communist Manifesto
>250 pages into Crime and Punishment

Kill me

>> No.6937676

>Fayetteville NC
>Animal Farm
>Brave New World
>Dreams From My Father

>> No.6938278

just 3 creeps? I would attend.

>> No.6938474

>Tales of the marvellous and news of the strange
>Hull zero three
>The scarlet Gospels
>Mutiny at Invergordon
>Night lords omnibus