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6919810 No.6919810 [Reply] [Original]

What are the essential works of pessimism? Is Just ordered 'The Conspiracy Against the Human Race', on Amazon, and was wondering what else would go well with it as an extended reading course for the coming winter.

>> No.6919829

pessimism is pretty fucking awful

>> No.6919839
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I know. I'm looking to satisfy my own morbid curiosity.
Now, can you please point me in the direction of the nearest rabbit hole?

>> No.6919853

Cioran - A Short History of Decay

Schopenhauer - Studies in Pessimism

>> No.6919858

your dairy, lmaoing at your life.

>> No.6919862

Nietzsche - The Birth of the Tragedy

and Genealogy of the Morals (this is pretty edgy tho)

>> No.6919865
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start with On The Heights of Despair
> consider killing yourself
read his entire work except The Trouble with Being Born
> become an anti-natalist already
read The Trouble with Being Born
> put theory into practice

Cioran often writes very beautifully though. Could easily have been a poet if he had taken a somewhat different life path.

>> No.6919883

this nigga right here

>> No.6920049
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Any works of fiction to balance this out?

Also, is Nihilistic Poetry a thing?

>> No.6920055
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>true detective picture
lmfao you can just smell the /tv/ on his post

>> No.6920072

you didn't need to use a trip to make a post this inane.

>> No.6920322

Studies in Pessimism is incredible.
It's "what everyone knows, but won't say" the essay.

It's glum material, but also really cathartic, and evocative of a really peculiar sense of sympathy and relief, as happens when someone finally eloquently acknowledges all the elephants in the room.

Schopenhauer is at base a very compassionate fellow at times, and he argues on behalf of humanity against the unconscionable crimes of the universe.

>> No.6920324

The ancient Greek tragedians
Baltasar Gracián
Giacomo Leopardi

>> No.6920353


How the fuck is Nietzsche a pessimist? Lol. He may not be considered jovial, but he himself valorizes exuberance and lightheartedness.

>> No.6920371

he called himself a pessimist, he described two kinds of Pessimism, a life denying pessimism (Wagner, Schopenhauer, Buddha's) and a Life affirming pessimism (of the pre-socratic Greeks).

>That there may be quite a different kind of pessimism, a classical pessimism this presentiment and vision belongs to me, as something inseparable from me, as my proprium and ipsissimum; only that the word "classical" is repugnant to my ears, it has become far too worn, too indefinite and indistinguishable. I call that pessimism of the future, for it is coming! I see it coming! Dionysian pessimism. - The Gay Science, 370. What is Romanticism?

>> No.6920610

Nietzsche was not a pessimist at all.

>> No.6920637

You should read the long poem "The City of Dreadful Night".

>> No.6920648

Do you think how Nietzsche uses and utilizes the word 'pessimism' aligns with the OP means?

>> No.6920698

There are no real pessimists, because otherwise they wouldn't take all the time to write a tl;dr book and profit from it.

Check and mate.

>> No.6920809

Analyzing post made by No.6920698 at 09:08:48

Moral quotient : nonexistent
Emotional quotient : sub-termite level
Adversity quotient : koala
Social quotient : autism
Creativity quotient : trained chimpanzee

>> No.6920845

How can you say Rousseau was a pessimist? The natural man being uncorrupted until the introduction of property.

>> No.6920933

>thinking cioran was this gay
did you even read any of the books you recommended