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6919577 No.6919577[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


I kill son for sky person

>> No.6919604
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>> No.6919701
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>> No.6919704

I was a devote catholic until I saw this post. Thank you for enlightening me OP.

>> No.6919705
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>> No.6919706

The Knight Of Faith

>> No.6919711

In this moment I am euphoric, not because of some phony gods blessing, but because I am enlightened by my own intellegence.

>> No.6919716
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>> No.6919717
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I guess I would fuck boxxy. I would come home and she would give me *that* look. I would say "Ah, you want some *whisles twice* fun time". She would nod her head. I would tell her "Alright, I going to take a shower, get the condoms, set the bed, and set up the video camera. Now while that happens, what you need to do, boxxy, is go to the other bathroom and put on that 'boxxy' make-up." Then we would fuck for hours and I would cum one huge load, about an 1/8 of a litre. and she...well, she would have had about 8 orgasms. and every time she cums, she would say "hiiiii...myy name is boxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"


>> No.6919728
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>> No.6919767

How did this misquote get spread around so much? I find it interesting because this is also how I remember it, but the actual line was:

>In this moment I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing, but because, I am enlightened by my intelligence

>> No.6919775
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>> No.6919786
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>> No.6920150
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>"In this moment I am euphoric, for gods blessing has enlightened my intelligence."
Like this makes any sense.


So, you'd kill for sky-person. How ... reassuring.

>> No.6920753

apoligise for artism but he did no kill son for sky dad
plese stop post girls they are tempt of devil

>> No.6920779
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Sky-person is "devil"
Girls your other half. Without them you're only halber mensch

>> No.6920787

Why did Abe listen to that fucken angel over God's command?

The bible even says Lucifer can disguise himself as an 'angel of light'...Abe disobeyed a direct order imo.

>> No.6920790

you lie serpent

>> No.6920814

Because Abe was expecting the Angel. He knows his God is not a God to ask for child sacrifices, so when God asked him to kill his son for him, he knew better than to disagree, and put his trust in God, knowing God wouldn't allow the slaughter of an innocent in vain. And that's exactly what happened. Clever Abe is clever, and God was proud of Abe's cleverness and faith.

Alternatively it could be a mythological explanation of animal sacrifices, why animal sacrifices are important and supposed to improve human life. Kind of a law of compensation. It is known that animal sacrifices were practiced in the Temple. It's probably a pretty deep rabbit hole.

>> No.6920815
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>> No.6920821
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If the rabbi tells it this way, you accept it.

There's a medieval French tale along these lines. The guy proceeds to hack his children open and bath some other guy in their innocent blood. He's supposed to be all distraught, but he had to do it cuz god told him to. He's about to tell his wife what he had to do and she comes out of the nursery with the kids all happy. Like ahh. Piety, gore and a happy ending.
It's still a sick test of loyalty

>> No.6920828

The ten commandments hadn't been delivered yet, so I guess there was no official order not to kill anyone. Still, I don't see anyone arguing that the ten commandments were a revision to the law, like God thought it was cool to kill your relatives before that moment It's always presented as a statement of the law for hardheaded people.

Given the warning about Satan's appearance though, it's kinda weird that people who took the word of an angel that appeared to them as God's truth are praised in the Bible.

>> No.6920835

Some redditor on /r/atheism posted the quote and asked fellow redditors if it was good. The rest is history.

>> No.6920842

I dunno, If actual god told me to fuck someone up I'd do it, I'd assume the guy is a serial killer or that earth would be better off without him.

I mean god contacts you, that means he's real and so is a lot of what you've heard about him, i.e. he can see the future. if your creator who can see the future tells you "eyy mang, fuck that guy up" you do it.

what's disappointing is that he came back just in time say "oh shit, I was joking dude! wtf are you doing?"

>> No.6920852

Cain and Able, duh. Murder was always frowned on.

Also, kings/lords never come to you. They send their messengers. These are primitives we're talking about.

>> No.6920884

>these are primitives we're talking about

I mock christfags as much as the next guy, but that's a tad harsh.

>> No.6920885
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>> No.6920888

I love the subtle geriatric bewilderment in Abraham's face in this painting

>> No.6920891

>Given the warning about Satan's appearance though, it's kinda weird that people who took the word of an angel that appeared to them as God's truth are praised in the Bible.

The concept of Satan as a fallen angel is much more recent than the figure of Malak Yahweh/Angel of the Lord.

>> No.6920894

But these are literally stories about primitive jews.

>> No.6920899
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I like Boxxy, and here's why. I'm not post pubescent (over 25), I have a girlfriend, and I don't fantasize about her. I like her because she is the antidote, the antithesis, the hemlock in the cup to Internet Tough Guyism. I was surprised to see that, for all its posturing, /b/ really does hold one thing sacred: its "bad muthafucka" image of itself. /b/ really believes that it's frightening, that it's tougher than a Ford Chevy, that it's badass masculinity personified, in a sense. And, before, there were very few ways to disrupt this image, to give it a good hard kick in the shins. And then Boxxy came along. Boxxy love is everything /b/ hates - passive, gentle, adorable, sweet. It gives without asking, it loves without asking in return. Instead of being aggressively faux-adult, it's happily faux-childlike. That's why Boxxy became a meme - because she DIDN'T want the attention; because she provided no pics (as the /b/tards will attest). As a result, Boxxy turned into the most successful way to troll the /b/tards ever devised. It actually makes the gore and violence and sexism and racism fantards squeal, because it hits them where it hurts - in their image of themselves. How can they be tough, scary guys when their favorite hangout is one long love poem to Boxxy love? So that's why I love Boxxy - the sound of /b/'s humiliation is sweet music to my ears.

>> No.6920902
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How old is this myth of theirs you think?
To them it makes perfect sense for god to send angles. Yhwh is incapable of making himself look less divine enough so as to not melt their poor little heads. Only Moses was allowed to see his ass. And it turned his hair white.

>> No.6920909

Israelites. Jews are 2/12th of them.
Or Hebrews depending on what point in the story you're in.

>> No.6920915

Israel doesn't exist by the time of Abraham though.

>> No.6920924

The combination of Isaac's face, Abraham's confusion and the angel's 'lol jk' is fucking hilarious.

>> No.6920928

Right right. Hebrews.

Well before there Super Dave and those pesky giants with their regular sized skeletons

>> No.6920934
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>with their regular sized skeletons

>> No.6920969

Oh riiiigt They're only metaphors now.

>> No.6920988
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>Vaguely intellectual dismissive statement.

>> No.6920995
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Dismissing it as a complete crock is easy, of course. Isn't it a wonder why people still venerate it.

>> No.6921021

>Dismissing it as a complete crock is easy, of course.
Never said it wasn't. In fact, that is the point. You act like you're the first person to discover the Bible might not be correct.
I'm not willing to get into an argument here as I am an Atheist, but your attitude is annoying and juvenile, you don't need to spend every waking minute informing us of your Atheism.

>> No.6921038

I love Bjork so much. I'm going to listen to Homogenic again.

>> No.6921039
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Someone put this thread here and I was amusing myself in it.

If you don't want to post in an atheist amusement thread, *heaven* knows there's so few of them, you're free to close or ignore it.

Good night though.

>> No.6921049

Okay I concede.
What is your favourite Bjork album?

>> No.6921057
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>so spectrum pained he needed to make a separate thread

riled past event horizon

>> No.6921093

Literally anything can be satan in disguise. Its just a mechanism in place for the Church to cry No True Scotsman when some denominations go crazy and bring bad PR to the religion.
It means nothing. The entire bible could be satan. In disguise.

>> No.6921120
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>> No.6921494

this. kkg would weep if he knew that shitheads like you were still bumbling around the world around 200 yrs after he showed them how stupid they were in a sam hyde esque pseudo-ironic manner