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6916735 No.6916735 [Reply] [Original]

Books on contemporary fascism in the western world?

>> No.6916747
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>mfw Tories win another government

>> No.6916748


>> No.6918422


>> No.6918430

Everyone talks crap about Harper but I don't know the first thing about him other than he's a conservative.

What does he do that is so bad? What are his policies?

>> No.6918446

what do you need a book for when /pol/ is right over there?

>> No.6918453

Well he has a reputation of not playing by the rules. He's the first prime minister to actually use all the powers he's entitled to and then some. He also cuts programs like nobodies business.

>> No.6918468

He's the best Canada's got right now.

>> No.6918742

eh, I don't hate the guy as much as some people. I wouldn't mind seeing the NDP forming a government. I think it's health to have a different government after 10 years.

>> No.6918750

Excuse my atrocious syntax.

>> No.6918787

Jesus fucking Christ if people are dumb enough to reelect that faggot

>> No.6918796
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I'm interning at a major Canadian energy firm right now, and I have lots of family that lives in Canada, in addition to being born there and visiting this summer.

The general consensus that I got from Canadians and business people alike is that Alberta will lead the movement away from Canadian conservatism with it's change to NDP leadership.

My father gets Maclean's every month and, media bias aside, I have to imagine young liberals in Canada will rally around Justin Trudeau in the coming years.

Please correct me if you're a Canadian living in Canada right now.

>> No.6918850

I actually live in Alberta. I was surprised that the NDP won such a large majority. I fell the NDP will do better this election and possibly form a government, but I'm not sure how important Alberta will be to this equation. I really think the liberals will get panned. The PCs and NDP cover both ends of the spectrum while the liberals are stuck in the middle trying to pool what they can. The liberals will lose this election, and badly.

>> No.6919017

who do you want?

>> No.6919066

This, the NDP is the only real opposition to the Tories. I feel it's going to be a pretty huge voter turnout this year.

It'll be an interesting election in comparison with the last few.

>> No.6919091

Someone who wasn't involved in the Afghan detaniiee scandal.

>> No.6919105
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Hope you went out and voted m8

>mfw reading a quote about Labour MPs complaining about 'the left taking over labour'
>the left taking over the left wing party
fuck's sake

>> No.6919106

I agree. Elections are always interesting though.

>> No.6919123

Nazi Literature in the Americas

>> No.6919126

that's the far left trying to take over, m9

>> No.6919132


>> No.6919137
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>> No.6919139

Not voting Trudeau

>Bill c51
>that stunt with the Senate
>is a faggot

>> No.6919142

Can't wait to vote for Harper again tbh

>> No.6919167

As shifty as media politicians are, I wish Mulcair would be better at involving himself in the news cycle. The news still treats the libs as if theyre the official opposition. There was a great article from the Canadian equivalent of the onion about Mulcair proudly sticking an article about himself in his personal scrapbook, saying "it's not everyday your name gets mentioned in the paper!"

>> No.6919190

I thought it was funny that the Conservative attack ads were targeting the liberals and not the NDP. Apparently the PCs switched targets, but I still see way more ads attacking the liberals.

I would imagine that Mulcair is busy on the road campaigning and doesn't have time to be interviewed by cbc or ctv. I am looking forward to the leadership debate though. Mulcair should be able to trounce those other two, that is if he shows. Shame Harper isn't going to show. That would've been interesting tv

>> No.6919219

fucking serious?

>> No.6919243

Sure worked out well with Michael Foot :^)

>> No.6919245



>> No.6919259


What is this, late 2014? Since Alberta, Mulcair has had way more news coverage than Trudeau. He probably gives several interviews a week, nowadays. Also, Harper is showing up to three (maybe four) debates.

And the cons just premiered an anti-NDP ad today.

>> No.6919293

To be perfectly honest I don't really watch much Canadian news so Mulcair could be getting a bunch of media attention. Is the new attack ad as bad as the Trudeau one?

>> No.6919306

Can anyone recommend some good essays, papers, or studies (aside from Walter Benjamin's stuff) on aestheticized politics and how they function as a component of fascism?

Or, anything on politics as art in general?

>> No.6919319

Love this 'Harper is a fascist' meme that the Canadian left has been perpetuating

>> No.6919327


It's kind of boring tbh.

>> No.6919383

>shut down global warming research, placed gag orders on scientists involved, destroyed historical data
>placed climate activists on federal watch lists
>came up with bill c-51, canada's answer to the patriot act
>bad haircut

he's the best we got bro

>> No.6919452

Harper is a fascist, though. He approves of and maintains the institutions of private property along it`s corresponding family structure. That`s what a fascist does.

>> No.6919473

I don't really want to vote for any of these cunts tbh but harpler and trudeau jr objectively piss me off the most.

>> No.6919478

Voting Bloc


>> No.6919745

I wondered if these ads actually affect people, on account of how bad they are, but I was surprised how uninformed the average voter is. Harpers policy on isis is a big win for some people, despite it being horribly rushed and lacking any foresight.

>> No.6919763

Stop calling everybody a fascist just because they don't agree with your politics. It makes you look very immature. Do you consider you dad a fascist? He probably fits your definiion

>> No.6919780
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>participating in mob rule


>> No.6919899

Are you actually trying to invoke the family spook on someone who you claim calls everybody who does not agree with their politics a fascist? Now who's immature.

Harper is a fascist, though. Out and out fascists are hard to find these days, but Harper is one of them. The fact that he doesn't agree with my politics is secondary. Trotskyists don't agree with my politics and neither do liberals. Liberals and Trotskyists want to win the trust of the working class and them stab them in the back. Fascists are open about their hatred for any sort of organization among the workers.

Most of the people who I have met in my life have been fascists, I take the bus with fascists every morning. I get my coffee from fascists. I eat Christmas Dinner with fascists every year. You probably picture me using the word fascist as some hoarse pejorative at a rally, but fascism is very quotidian.

>> No.6919909


You have a very broad definition of fascist and so you shouldn't be surprised when people like that anon take issue with it.

>> No.6919912

I get called fascist like 20 times a day. I don't get why it bothers people.

>> No.6920225

Good for you.

I'm an Anglophone with extensive Anglophone family in Quebec, but I still think French Quebecois who don't vote Bloc are cucks.

>> No.6920294
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>> No.6920466

I once knew a Frankfurt School Professor who asked me straight out, how I found this book.

>> No.6920477


Fascists allow private property to people but force them to do with it what the state wants them to if the state decides it's time to step in.

>it`s corresponding family structure

I don't get what you are talking about in this part. But Harper has nothing to do with Facism, where is the aestheticism?, the mythology?, the mass collectivism?, where is the constant war for it's own sake ?

By your definition everyone is either some brand of Marxist/Anarchist or they are Fascist. It's just silly when Fascists are closer to Marxists than they are to the liberal center or even genuine conservatives.

>> No.6920500

How'd that conversation go?

>> No.6920509

>Books on contemporary fascism in the western world?

I don't think that exists beyond fringe parties.

>> No.6920521

Your definition of fascism is so broad and absurdly unrelated to fascism as a historical reality it might as well be considered pure obstructionism.

Cunts like you just lower the sphere of public discourse for everybody.

>> No.6920561

>I once knew a Frankfurt School Professor who asked me straight out, how I found this book.

Um has this nigga never heard of the Dewey Decimal system? It made books pretty easy to find, and that was even before we had the internet