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File: 8 KB, 196x257, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6915661 No.6915661 [Reply] [Original]

Write your suicide note as if you would kill yourself tomorrow. Be sincere.

>> No.6915678


I'm dumb as fuck, really ugly and also hate myself tbh LOL

PS: No funeral

>> No.6915682

"wish I could say it's been fun.

kiss my ass,

>> No.6915689

Sincerely yours,

>> No.6915690

But I'm not turning 160 tomorrow.

Under the circumstance that I knew I was going to get tortured and killed for some reason, I then wonder if my note would be read by the right persons... So a simple, "So long suckers" might be all I could muster.

Thanks for not posting your frog, r9k.

>> No.6915691


>> No.6915698

"It does run in the family after all"

>> No.6915701
File: 955 KB, 1238x1517, 1438480108026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please bury me with my most prized possession, this rare Pepe.

>> No.6915704

so long suckas

>> No.6915711

>PS: No funeral
Ah. I might leave instructions to be buried by a tree or sapling

>> No.6915718


i'm stealing this and spreading it to my university

haha thanks for sharing your rare pepe nerd.

>> No.6915722
File: 47 KB, 499x499, 1424985891026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's ok I'm dead anyway since that was a suicide note RETARD.

>> No.6915726

"My fortune is yours for the taking... but you'll have to find it first. I left everything I own in One Piece!"

Sincerely Anon

>> No.6915735

>implying death exists
see you guys next infinity peace

>> No.6915739


"Jet fuel can't melt steel beams".


>Dank Futurama reference.

>> No.6915750

I should've done this years ago.

>> No.6915756

I was murdered.

>> No.6915758

Excuse the blood

>> No.6915761

Well it was fun working at the butcher's. Too bad I didn't have friends, passion, or happiness. Oh well. Seeya.

>> No.6915771

Don't laugh ;_;

I can't really think of a useful preamble, so I'll get right to it. For over a year, I've been having what might be considered panic attacks. Out of the blue, I'll start to feel like I'm the only thing that exists and everything and everyone else is an illusion, or something like that. I feel so, so alone during them, like the rest of reality is ridiculous and arbitrary and I'm a complete idiot for being blind to it for so long. I feel incredibly self conscious about the words I speak and my voice and all of my movements, and I suddenly feel like life is not worth living and want to drop dead IMMEDIATELY. I think solipsism or whatever is a dumb thing to have committed beliefs for, but I can't help how I feel during these "episodes". I know this is the most selfish thing I could possibly do, and I couldn't be more sorry. But I can't put up with it anymore. They're becoming more and more common, and have begun to haunt me when I would otherwise feel fine. I have zero control over it; I can't even ignore and suppress them in the slightest anymore. I don't think I'm articulate enough to truly capture how horrific they are. I haven't tried to get help because I guess I'm just filled with anxiety even at the thought of talking it through with someone. I'm too nervous to deal with that kind of vulnerability, and I can say honestly that I have extreme doubt that they would sympathize and really understand what's going on - more my fault than anyone else's, since I just can't put it into words. I love you all. I don't deserve anything that I have. You've all been amazing to me, and I'm filled with guilt over what I'm about to do, but my fear has just gotten the best of me.

I want to leave my books to [NAME REDACTED], the only girl I've met who agrees that John Green is a terrible author.

Probably gonna do it by the end of the month.

>> No.6915775

>John Green is a terrible author.
could there even BE final words more /lit/ than this

>> No.6915781

Suicide notes are dumb.

>> No.6915783

Woah hey there chicky don't go getting all serious on us.

>> No.6915785

The Jews did it.

>> No.6915786

OP said be sincere, and I might as well draft this now since I'm gonna do it.

>> No.6915796

you've all been great but i'm lazy as hell and don't really enjoy life enough to put in all the effort, so peace out lol

>> No.6915802

I blame you. It was literally all your fault.

>> No.6915806

I love you all but I can't stand a single one of you.

>> No.6915807

I'm gonna use this one.

I'm a Jew, so maximum confusion

>> No.6915810

For a brief moment I'd like to write about the beauty of autumn and the trees and the leaves and all the colors that are so beautifully arranged. As I would walk down the road and allow my eyes to wander I would feel sense of peace and happiness, like everything would be alright and then I would go about my beautiful day. These are the little things that I used to enjoy so much, and there was much more. Now everything appears dark and strange with leering faces and cold hands and empty kisses. I can't exactly pinpoint when everything went bad, and maybe that's because it's been bad all along. Simply put, I can't continue like this. Mom, Dad, and Brothers; I love you all more than you can imagine and this is the hardest thing I've ever done.

>> No.6915814

I would need to proof read this, of course.

>> No.6915828

Egoism is so fucking retarded and I can't bare to live in a world where so many people follow it, consciously or not. Fuck you sociopathic pieces of shit. You're going to destroy the planet to satisfy mindless visceral pleasures.

>> No.6915837

sorry mom

I love you

>> No.6915843

damn that's kind of beautiful, even though i think autumn is an overrated month.

>> No.6915846

What's your favorite month?

>> No.6915848

"start with the Greeks :^)"

>> No.6915850

this tbh

>> No.6915852

winter, but only in certain places. particularly, midwest USA. i just think it's beautiful and i have a lot of fond memories attached to it.

>> No.6915855

Winter is probably a close to my favorite. It is very beautiful all, but it's also when I'm the most depressed. Winter in New Hampshire can also be a bitch.

>> No.6915857


>> No.6915861

oh christ, yeah, i used to live in Wyoming. it's easily either overwhelming or disappointing depending on where you are. so i guess its beauty is really dependent on geography.

>> No.6915863

You know what he meant.

>> No.6915865

uhh fuck i read it as season, so December i guess.

>> No.6915869

underrated post

>> No.6915875

>"Ben Garrison made me do it."

>"P.S. If I get the high score, put my initials as ASS"

>> No.6915876

Tired of being 20 and looking like I'm 13, bye bye

>> No.6915878

>not wanting to be a permashota

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.6915882

Dude, I've always thought that if I was going to kill myself I would attribute it to someone/something I hate and pull off a shooting just to turn some people against them.

>> No.6915887

I'm not gay

>> No.6915893


>> No.6915896

this is not a suicide note...
..or is it?

>> No.6915910

I thought I would eventually get my life in order, but the years have passed increasingly quickly, and I'm still my same, old pathetic self. I had dreams when I was a kid of happiness and success, but those never came. I've always been the small, weak, eleven year old boy who would knock on your door, scared of the dark and of dying. I'm still scared, but the pain of living as a failure is too great. I'm sorry mom and dad for being an embarrassment, and I'm sorry Andrew -- I always wanted to be someone you could look up to, but it just isn't a part of my nature. Sorry

>> No.6915927

>I had dreams when I was a kid of happiness and success, but those never came.
>I'm still scared, but the pain of living as a failure is too great.

You are telling my story. What's wrong with us anon? Why can't we get our shit together?

>> No.6915933

>it just isn't a part of my nature

>> No.6916030

dear mom and dad
there's about a hundred people that i want to write to before i die because i've always felt like a coward and i could never tell anyone everything.
Now that i've made the decision and I know what I'm going to do and how I'm going to do it, I realize it's only you two that I really need to talk to. I owe you everything. You were fantastic.
I know this is a cynically weak bit of solace; I know you love me more than anything else. So many times in my short life when people were cutting me down or I couldn't believe in myself or I felt like I would never get anywhere and even if I did it wouldn't matter, it was you who kept me together. I have never in my life doubted that you loved me. I have never doubted that you have done everything you could for me. But even now I look up to you. I look how far I've sunk and I can't help but be in awe of how generous and selfless and loving you really were to me all these years.
I am incredibly sorry to leave you nothing but this note. But I was not ready for this world. That's not your fault; you've raised me to be critical, loving, careful, in search of balance and not too uptight. You were patient with me beyond imagining.
But I can't anymore. I've wasted all the time I had, and I know I'll waste the rest. My talents are selfish, my dreams are insane. I've loved selfishly, and selfishly I've had my heart wrecked every time. I have no faith in my own ability to love or make anything satisfying of my life. I will keep hurting people who love me, like I'm now hurting you. I can't justify this to myself. I can't end the pain of knowing I will never be anything more than this. I can't escape the idea that I deserve this. That I want it. That no matter how much I hate it, this is me.
I want you to know that the last thing on my mind was that I love you.

>> No.6916046

are you me?

>> No.6916052

honestly, you have unhealthy expectations of life
it's not the success that makes life worth living, bro. it's literally, LITERALLY, only the spirit with which you approach each new challenge. and no matter what you think your nature is, that's always up to you.
Please don't give up, please don't judge too harshly, especially yourself.

(Yeah, sure call me a faggot or w/e. See if i give a rat's ass)

>> No.6916057

PS please don't assume you already know what you can and can't do. You fucking don't. If your expectations about yourself and life are so out of step with actual life as to make you depressed, you probably know far less than you think. Which is good. There's nothing more exciting than recognizing your own ignorance.

>> No.6916061

>tfw i have no one to write a note to
>tfw if my family found out, they'd just turn it into some creepy soap opera thing instead of actually giving a shit, which is the ultimate final humiliation

fuck it, i'm writing a note to my steam bro

he can have all my games

>> No.6916065

dear mom and dad and girlfriend

I was that pretty motherfuckah, Harlem was what I repped. Just quit the bitchin, I'll make it in a second.

>> No.6916069

That might be their way of expressing empathy.

>> No.6916072
File: 107 KB, 892x648, IMG_20150731_093554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time passes by too quickly, and perversely, life is too short. The game is rigged, I'm fucking out. Peace bitches.

>> No.6916076
File: 622 KB, 892x648, IMG_20150731_093554_20150731095629269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is too long*

Is what I meant to say.

>> No.6916082

>live in wyoming
>leave for parts unknown
>everything is a moist, flat hell where bread molds in minutes and the air sticks to you

I'm never leaving my arid wasteland mountains again I sware

>> No.6916100

Muss es sein?

Es muss sein.

>> No.6916131

Later fam, I'm out.

>> No.6916156

Don't take it so bad. I just hate waiting around for the summer.

>> No.6916172 [DELETED] 

>hasn't seen a sense impression/idea/mental representation/sense datum or whatever you want to call it
>goes on to postulate the existence of this type of thing

everything that's wrong with Kant and contemporary mainstream cogsci that assume this axiomatically


>> No.6916247

>I can say honestly that I have extreme doubt that they would sympathize and really understand what's going on

I dont "understand" whats going on, but i dont think your desire for sympathy is as unachievable as you think it is, seeing as you made a this anon feel quite sad.

>> No.6916253

Would slit wrists to/10

>> No.6916260

You won't do it pussy

>> No.6916265


I moved from SD, to Wyoming, to Iowa. I really miss SD and WY

>> No.6916269

et tu me?

>> No.6916271

You won't do it pussy

>> No.6916274

I've never been to a shrink, so I don't know how much they'd be able to help, but I think you should go to one. Ask yourself: what have you got to lose by going to a shrink? You're already planning to kill yourself, why not take a final shot at trying to deal with this problem? It won't matter if you're anxious about talking about it or if the shrink doesn't understand at all, at least you tried to do something. If the shrink isn't able to help you at all, you can go back to being on suicide watch and prepare for the end.

>> No.6916325

ofcourse not, i was merely saying that it was a good suicide note, you on the other hand are being a massive faggot

>> No.6916356


Give all my games to Daniel. Make sure Lana doesn't touch my Gameboy Pockket! Make sure Floyd gets all my pokemon cards. I also have a hundred dollars.

>> No.6916377

i didnt ask to be here,

I have struggled to find a place in this society of ours. the unspoken expectations of being an adult are not the same as the life i wish to live.

i think many things but struggle to voice them, i feel many things but struggle to share them. the struggle leads to loneliness, loneliness to reflection, reflection to self loathing. self loathing to the action i have committed.

i only wish that the afterlife so often mentioned in our collective consciousness at least has a place for me

>> No.6916391

I was elsewhere

>> No.6916398

To the Earth:

Thank you, it was more than I could have ever imagined. I'm very tired now. If you need me you'll know where I'll be.

>> No.6916435


I can't stand those girls and their impudent boytoys. I am a man. A real man. A real man that can stand more than most can. A man of honor, of valor, of truth. A man of dignity and integrity. A man who must go, to the further reaches of a dark, cruel world, and I must traverse beyond you losers, you imbeciles, you terrible people.

>> No.6916462

>I can't stand those girls and their impudent boytoys.
I'm sorry, but that reminded me of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY2Z0qhhgk4

>> No.6916638

Was just about to post the same.

>> No.6916644

None of this makes any goddamn sense. Yall keep saying I'm brilliant. Why don't you follow me out

>> No.6916647

I exterminate my life by my own will and liking, so as not to blame anybody


>> No.6916680

To my brother,

I think it's pretty rude to say this, but since I'm killing myself, I figure I won't really mind that you're going to be mad about it: I always figured you'd be the one who's note I'd be reading. You've always had the stronger outward emotions; you're the reason there's a dent in the door, not me. You're the one who always had the issues with trying to fix people to hide your own problems. You're the one who had trouble finding a good group of friends, and you're the one who wasn't ambitious through school. Maybe because your the older brother it's been harder for you, and the resulting ease of life on my part has made me soft and weak. Maybe all those problems made you a stronger person in the end. I don't know. But even now, in my self-caused final days, I can't bear to address this to mom and dad. I'm too weak. I'm too anxious of my issues; too scared of the world. I flinch with a touch, even from you, or mom and dad. I used to blame it on you bullying me when we were kids but when I think back I can't remember a time that could've caused me to be this way. It's just the way I am. And that's what gets me; this simply happened because it's what I am, and there's nothing to blame it on. Somehow I've grown to be a scared, anxious man, when I've had such a free and carefree life, full of very nearly nothing but success and happiness. I did well in school; I had the great girlfriends with good families and no heavy emotional issues. I never fought with mom and dad. But I became the one who is still afraid of the dark, still worried about everything. I can hardly breathe now in the presence of others, for fear that I'm upsetting someone with the sound of my breath. I get sick with hearing certain noises in songs, or on the radio, or in life, because I have this impending feeling of doom, like I'm going to get killed by the sounds. I set glasses and plates down as gently as I can, so I don't make a noise, so that I don't upset others. I mask it as being polite, but it's politeness caused by fear. Fear of the world. Perhaps my life was too comfortable, too nice. Perhaps it's just the way I am mixed with the way I was raised. I don't know. But I know that I cannot continue to live like this. I need to go; I simply cannot survive the world when I feel it's burden crushing down on me on all sides. Perhaps instead of ending it, I should just move somewhere desolate and alone, like a monk. But to me, that is as much death as this. So goodbye. Thanks for the good times and the bad, and tell mom and dad not to blame themselves.

>> No.6916701

Only drama queens write notes

>> No.6916708

atleast drama queens are remembered

good luck getting any one to remember your sorry ass 10 years after your buried

>> No.6916715

Why would I want to be remembered? Why would that be a goal of mine?

>> No.6916721

Life seems to be a black and white silent movie about nothing, flickering silently, superimposed onto the retina of my eyes.

The movie is almost over.

>> No.6916725

i guess i depends on wither you believe in an after life.

personally i dont believe in one and thus the only possible form of "immortality" would be to be remembered by writing something great or by making an impact on the world.

but if i were to follow the context of this thread i most likely would have given up on some form of immortality and hoped for a comforting afterlife.

>> No.6916732

Living is great.
Why am I killing myself?
Forgive me.

>> No.6916739

>suicide note
>be sincere
DFW plz go

>> No.6916740

"please clean the semen off my hand"

>> No.6916754

If you're still interested in making an impact on the world you'd have no business killing yourself, regardless of your views on an afterlife.

Unless you were going to go full Mishima and commit suicide for the symbolism.

>> No.6916757

"Omnia mea mecum porto."

>> No.6916761


>> No.6916774

check my 6

and then i'd kick a giant dice away with the stool that I stand on when I hang myself

>> No.6916811

JUST F-͉̦̲̖̩

>> No.6916819

sorry dad

>> No.6916820

i was tired of the memes

>> No.6916836

I loved you all. Don't blame yourselves. Goodbye.

>> No.6917229

Me too lel

>> No.6917236

them, and people who care about their friends and family.

>> No.6917242


>> No.6917282

Honestly, a psychiatrist would be good. It has a strange stigma, I know, but being able to say whatever you want, and really explain yourself to someone that's completely unbiased and new in your life can really help you with your problems. I can't say I've regularly experienced what you're describing, nor have I been seriously suicidal, but I've had moments where I felt like I was completely trapped, my entire head felt pressured, and I felt like I really needed to do something, but I had no idea what it would be. I just went outside for a while with some music on, and it alleviated it. Simple things can really help you, mate. You write like you're smart enough to analyze your problems, there are so many things out there that can help you be happy again, mate. It's worth considering them.

>> No.6917316


>> No.6917326

Jiimmy! How's it hanging? Lmao. Check out the bath room. Ya gonna flip you're shit! lol. Peace

>> No.6917338

Dear son.... woke up late today to see youve already ran off to school. very good! however you forgot to flush and the door wasnt locked. thats strike two. Bye
Mammy! (hehe just kidding its your stepdad Glen)

>> No.6917358

Front: Please turn over.

Reverse: Please turn over.

>> No.6917366

If you care about your friends and family you have no business killing yourself see >>6916754

>> No.6917382

To be honest, I may not have given psychiatry enough thought. I'll give it more consideration, but what's really been worrying me isn't so much the fear of it happening at any moment as much as it is the increasingly overwhelming fear that what I experience during them is how things actually are, which by extension makes me feel like psychiatry is part of the illusion, so it couldn't help me "deal with" what's actually true. But you're right, I guess it can't hurt to try.
Thanks for being considerate guys, I actually expected to be laughed out.

>> No.6917390

I wouldn't write a note. I'd erase all my hard drives, donate all my possessions to some charity, use a net café to deactivate all my email/social media accounts, use cash to travel to the Shetlands then swim North until I'm completely exhausted. The currents there travel West and out into the North Atlantic meaning it's likely my body would never be found.

>> No.6917393

Why not just live as a hermit on one of the outer hebrides until disease, cold, or starvation claims you?

That's my gameplan tbh.

>> No.6917397

don't touch my books you assholes
all my money goes to dan, hopefully this will get you back on your feet.

>> No.6917399

That just sounds miserable. Why prolong it?

>> No.6917404

why fucking kill yourself by drowning? that's one of the most painful ways to die.

>> No.6917416

Sorry for the brains all over the place. I didn't really want it to be this messy, but it's the best way. This is a bit of a cheeky banter, but one I wish I could avoid
I have already done enough on this earth. I have no reason to keep on living, and after so many time alive I need to rest, for good.
I want to be cremated and I don't want a funeral, just throw my shit all over the ground or something
It will save you money

t. suicider

>> No.6917420

It's not like I'm going to live to regret it.

>> No.6917477

Sounds restful to me.

I want to die surrounded by trees and flowers, not hospital equipment, or weird bug-eyed fish and seaweed.

And the initial self-imposed exile is essentially social suicide anyway.

Wouldn't tell anybody where I was going.

>> No.6917485

at least kill yourself in a more painless way than starvation or hypothermia. bring a gun or something.

>> No.6917493

I've always thought I'd laugh in the face of death but now that I'm here faced with my future I can't help but cry.im relieved to be scared it means that I'm not a fool I'll see you on the beach I can't help but love all of you(miss spells and grammar errors it I'll just so it feels like me)

>> No.6917504


Sorry everyone. I seemed happy because I mostly was. I don't have much of an explanation. I hope you all have wonderful lives.

>> No.6917507

Frankly, if I had a gun I'd rather suicide by cop after a lengthy and highly specific string of homicides.

>> No.6917532

Someone else already said it, but it's worth repeating:

There is a stigma associated with psychaitry; in some cases it means you can't get certain jobs in the future / etc.

But when it comes right down to it, that's a very small price to pay if you compare it to suicide. And furthermore, you are no worse off if you postpone suicide for a year to find out if a psychiatrist can help.

Hang in there.

>> No.6917708

I imagine this is unexpected, and you'll probably be angry and sad. I don't think this is going to bring you much comfort, but I guess I owe an explanation.
First off, this is not a moment of weakness thing. This is an act entirely consistent with what I've always believed. If someone ends up where I have in life, then they've failed. And what makes it harder to take is I never envisaged myself as a loser, quite the opposite. I know I had my faults, but the way I breezed through school and college set my expectations high. And now look where I am. It;'s a chasm. And so much of my self worth is tied to my intelligence, and for it to count for so little in the world it's galling.
I hate my job. I begrudge every minute I'm there, and I don't see me getting another job where that won't be the case.
If life has stopped being fun, then why prolong it? For the last while, life hasn't been any fun. It's not that I can't find any joy in the world anymore, it's just so ephemeral, fleeting before the boredom of work. It's like a forest glimpsed from a prison. And it's harder and harder to ignore the cruelty and stupidity of the world, it's knocking more relentlessly on my consciousness. We're going to burn the planet. I'm so alienated by a society that is so knowingly embracing destruction over discomfort or change.
If I thought the situation was savable now I'd live for that, but it;s not, and don't feel I have anything else to live for either or any responsibilities which would make me stay.

I know some people are going to read this and think if only I did X or Y maybe he'd still be alive. I'm assure you there is nothing you could have done. This is a rational solution to a longstanding personal situation, it's not something that would be fixed by a some surprise chocolates or a road trip or whatever bullshit you're thinking off.

I don't want anyone to think this means I don't love them. It's nothing to do with that. This is like pulling a tooth, it's no more to do with you than a trip to the dentist.

I'm not in a position to give advice, but I really hope you can keep living as you want and not get down over this. The only reason this is more upsetting than me carrying on is that you can't see how much of a burden it's for me keep going. Now that you can see it, I hope you'll understand.

Thanks for everything. Not your fault. Goodbye.

>> No.6917791

Anon, I know a thing or two about psychiatry/psychopathology and without going too much into detail, the fact that your experiences are so distinct, makes it a very very good idea to go see a psychiatrist about this.

Don't be scared to speak your mind.
They have heard far FAAAAR worse shit. Things you can't imagine. Compare it to showing a dermatologist a zit. Nothing to be ashamed about. They are professionals.

Don't be scared about a diagnosis.
The fear of being diagnosed with a disorder is laced with heavy stigma. But those stigmas come from times when people drowned their problems with the bottle until the bottle became the problem they didn't admit to having.
Usually a diagnosis is quite relieving. It's puts aside your self-doubts and self-criticism.

Don't be scared of medication.
It's fine if you want to be conservative with medication. Often there is no reason to be, but you feeling comfortable with your treatment is also important. If you are not sure about the doctors assessment, get a second opinion. That's perfectly fine.
Talk over exactly what kind of medication in what dosage fits your particular case and go from there. Make a plan with the doc. Check in regularly to see if you need adjustments or a different medication altogether.

Don't be afraid of therapy.
Medication is the short-term solution. (Which doesn't make it less important.) Psychotherapy is the long-term solution. Do your research on therapy schools, what your insurance covers, therapists in your area, etc.
You'll obviously want to go with what you feel most comfortable with, but I highly suggest staying away from the analytical schools and going more towards cognitive behavioral therapy.

Good luck, Anon. It's okay to ask for help. It's part of taking responsibility for yourself.

>> No.6918254

I just read the last part and I'm quite sure I can't stop you.

But why don't you try that anti John Green qt?

>> No.6918316

I am a coward.

-Everyone to have ever committed suicide for non political reasons.

>> No.6918374

I think I'm going to log out and check my email.

This is better than any sappy suicide note I could ever write, and the people who matter will understand it.

>> No.6918375

ragequit lmao

>> No.6918384

"good bye. For further explanation please read book 4 in 'world as will and representation' by arthur Schopenhauer.
Your anon"

>> No.6918389

i'd make a youtube video, nobody reads any more.

>> No.6918394

Theres not much ink in this, so i would try to expl

>> No.6918396


>> No.6918401

If you leave instructions regarding what to with your body, are people legally obligated and all to fulfill it as long as it doesn't harm anyone else or isn't feasible?

>> No.6918406


>> No.6918407

I'm just tired of feeling inadequate.

Sorry, everyone. I know I'm being selfish.

>> No.6918410

Brb rerolling a new char

>> No.6918412


>> No.6918414

I wrote for years before realising that I have nothing important or meaningful to say. I'm just another superfluous man with nothing to contribute to the world. Good bye.

>> No.6918908

Thanks, reading this was mildly comforting but I'm still not totally convinced that it's going to be a solution. Worth a shot, though.

>> No.6918936

can I use this

>> No.6918943

Out of my league :(

>> No.6918961

written as the caption to an illustration of a pipe for extra pomo cred in death.

>> No.6918969


>> No.6918974

>You know what you did to me.

>P.S. play Scott Walker - Funeral Tango at my funeral

so that a bunch of people I know feel tremendous guilt for something that had nothing to do with them

>> No.6918995

Something ironic like
'So long and thanks for all the fish."

>> No.6919014


laugh heartily:
well, i assume as you are reading this, you already know that i am no longer on this earth. i have chosen to leave everything, to escape permanently from this reality, the sheer grip of the realization that before me is nothing, and whatever efforts i may make are pointless. i could have been this, i could have experienced that, maybe that could have been avoided if i just made the slightest adjustment to my facial expression, i could have been happier had i thought about it differently. every day i think of ways to end it all. it seems the easiest way is to blow my brains out.

i am struggling to find words to express the state of ennui i am going through, but here is a short summary: i do not desire anything anymore.

>> No.6919025

Bury me in an aerogel prism

>> No.6919038

Look after the dog after I'm gone. If you don't, I'm coming back to haunt you, and it won't be the fun kind of haunting. It'll be the kind of haunting where someone gets whacked in the face with a shovel repeatedly until spinal fluid comes leaking out their ears.

Thank you for committing me in the psychiatric hospital that one time. That sucked. I never told you, but while I was there I almost hung myself from my closet door using a smuggled pyjama drawstring. I only failed because I had a seizure.

Guess they shouldn't've let me out, huh? Because now I've gone and done it anyway.

Play Tubthumping by Chumbawamba at my funeral. It'll be hilarious.

Be seeing you.

>> No.6919429

I could never commit suicide. I'd die before I ever finish rewriting the suicide note.

>> No.6919531

bro iktf

>> No.6919578

Come, Friends, you too must die. Why moan about it so?
Even Patroclus died, a far, far better man than Me.

>> No.6919587


Here lies a man whose name was writ in water.

>> No.6919600

Well, this was fucking tragic, I'm off. No games

>> No.6919737

I thought I was as sick of death as of life but endless agony proved me wrong. I feel like my life has been a series of desperate screams unheard on a starry night. And since there never was anyone I could trust with the burden of my existence I looked up high and felt at last at home whenever I saw the Great Bear.
For a long time I have been able to take comfort in those little things; the beauty of the night, the way light falls after a storm, or the smells of childhood. But as I grew older the loneliness became too heavy to bear and I had to admit to myself the shallowness of these little pleasures and I could no longer enjoy just being alive. It's been a year since I last hugged another human being and months since I last sincerely laughed. I never sleep in before 4am and I start having panic attacks from the moment I awake. I don't have any aspirations left, all that lies in the future is hopelessness and further abandonment. So now I'm sick and tired of acting like it is positive to wake up everyday. By now I'd rather die. I have lived my life like a lullaby anyways. Loneliness only ends in nothingness.
But why? - I always asked myself. Why sadness, why distance, why longing, why does beauty haunt the mind and why does my chest feel like exploding all day long? I have come to the conclusion that there is no answer to all these questions, that the only answer is absolute silence and the retirement of life.
Don't ask yourselves why, then, why this happened to me. I just grew tired, like everyone does everyday, and since I wanted the greatest sleep I ever had after months of insomnia I decided to take the whole package of sleeping pills.
I loved you, always. I might be dreaming of you now.

>> No.6919919

Just try it, one more shit before you die is not likely to change your life.

Don't over do it just say "Hey I like you want to go for a coffee (or whatever place you hangout)" make sure she understand you want to spend some time alone.

>> No.6919924

10/10, best in the small portion of this thread I've skimmed. Would plagiarize again

>> No.6919936

Hi everybody,
Tomorrow I'll be committing suicide. I did not want to leave this note, they made write it. I'm sorry.
Sincerely, anon

>> No.6919974
File: 50 KB, 605x606, 1388640621376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6920016

I'm sorry. There are none to blame.

I went out knowing that you all loved me very much, more than you ever knew how to show.

I can't leave without thanking you for the thousand little kindnesses I've received. Even now, ungrateful, I leave a mess of my old shell in your house. If, having shed this frame, this corpus, I should wander a spirit, know I will be a kind one; though I suffered on earth, I bear to my fellow sufferers no ill will; and though, overwhelmed, I flee, I will miss the sweet company of my dearest friends and family.

Whether I go now to repose on oblivion, or on to some new heaven, or down to a much deserved hell, I accept it. I hope that, though you will never accept my choice, you might forgive me.

Until we meet again,

>> No.6920038

This was boring and painful. I'm happy to end it.

>> No.6920057

raf simons, rick owens what I'd like to be dressed in at the open-casket funeral

>> No.6920060

I'm not dead, it's a conspiracy!

>> No.6920077

thumbs up

>> No.6920086

no note, but written in blood along the wall,


>> No.6920096

Some great moments, but too much filler. And much too long! B-

>> No.6920100

"Please transfer me to a real cryonics facility"

I would, of course, be in a blast freezer with some sort of nontoxic antifreeze in my bloodstream.

>> No.6920104

>Scott Walker
The governor of Wisconsin and republican presidential candidate?
AKA: Scott "Emptying my 'nine in the union line" Walker?

>> No.6920140

no, the godawful musician Scott Walker

>> No.6920154

john green molested me, this is all his fault

>> No.6920163

>I'm tired.

>> No.6920173

I took a calculated risk, but boy am I bad at math.

>> No.6920185

Don't blame yourselves. Please delete everything on my hard drive. Cormac McCarthy is overrated.

>> No.6920199

Just write on my tombstone "Don't mourn me, i was already dead."

>> No.6920238

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am sorry. I did this for a selfish reason.
Please give my thanks to all my teachers.
I have been an atheist all this time, please respect that at my funeral.
Call [#], it is the cell phone of [x]. Tell him that I love him and to behave himself. I hope that he succeeds in whatever he takes on.
I've left my phone unlocked so you can access my contacts.
I'm sorry for wasting the opportunities that the future beheld for me. All the potential beautiful experiences I could have had with you. My entire life was in front of me. This was not your fault -- I just decided one day that I should leave. This world is too capricious for me.

Much love,

>> No.6920253

I know if i keep drinking, it'll kill me. The problem is: it's the only thing i love. My pancreas stings, my liver aches, my kidneys throb. I know i've done a lot of damage, there's something wrong with my throat, i have trouble breathing. It's at the point where quitting is pointless, the damage is done, and i don't want to live with it. Viva les grandes titties.

>> No.6920342

I am sick of this cage. God, you suck, you could have at least given me a golden cage to wall in my misery surrounded by splendour rather than filth and poverty.

Fuck you world. Love you mom.

>> No.6920365

It was the Government.


>> No.6920400

it's been real.
seacrest out.

>> No.6920403

like the famous artist snoop dog said "smoke weed everi day"
thanks for being my frands
xx anon

>> No.6920421

I've lived everything and everything is boring.
Expect me as a ghost if death shall be the same.

>> No.6920429

5/5 stars

>> No.6920431

Burn my computer. Thank you.

>> No.6920433

>not doing that before offing yourself

You want the world to discover your power levels?

>> No.6920445


Anon pls. That is just some paradoxical motivation to dig deep into my computer secrets and discover all the artistic gems i have inside it.

>> No.6920461

There is no "turning life around" for me. I've lived all the life I want to live. I'm done now. I have continued going on solely for the sake of those who care about me for some time now, but I can't live this way anymore. I'm sorry.

>> No.6920463


In this moment I am euphoric

>> No.6920469

You mean all your rare pepes? Or all the artful cum on face shots?

>> No.6920473


i dont know about any of that pepe bussiness. also cum is gross tbh.

>> No.6920484 [DELETED] 

You bitches have known this was going to happen for years.
Burn my notebooks and get rid of my computer, please.
Don't read anything silly into this. I did this because I wanted to and because I think it's time for me to leave.
Mom, dad, (brother), I'm sorry. This was not your fault, you couldn't have stopped me. Thank you for the love you have given me.
Please take care of yourselves and each other.
You're going to die, too, someday, so make sure to use your time well.
I'm out of here.

(This is your fault, X. I hope you're happy :---DD)

>> No.6920513

To my mom and girlfriend

Mom, i guess i never said this but i think you're the most amazing human being i have ever met, your resistance to persist even though the world has made everything for your soul to be forever broken makes me proud of being your son, you're stonger than any man. To my girlfriend, you were the one that reignited the flames of life but i don't think it will happen a second time, i'm sorry, i love you so much but what is life for me? I've climbed to the top of the intellectual ladder only to get down and forever be drowning in this sea of banality. I'm not a normal person, living is harder for me, i can fully grasp that wathever goal i may want, the goal is a void, everything is void, to put more biblically "Everything under the sun is void". It's terrible to be completely aware of your own place in the world and it's even more terrible that a condition for your existence to be pleasant is to pusue ignorance. The world just seems so agressively indiffirent. Even if i try a real life, work, family, pleasures from a hedonistic society, during all of that the void will be in the back of my head. There's only two options, sadness or death, and i choose the latter. I'm sorry but i don't see any other way.

I love both of you more than anything in this world. Good Bye

And to my dad, you might think that you're not joining me, but i know that ever since your first born died in car accident you died together, maybe will take a second son to make you realize that.

>> No.6920516

"Sorry, I was just curious is all.


P.S. Play Spandau Ballet's "True" at my funeral."

>> No.6920627

I never wanted to die, but i also never wanted to live so fuck you all.

If im a ghost, remember il be watching you everytime you masturbate.

>> No.6920633

Just for the record, i was visiting those websites out of curiosity.

>> No.6920683

i love you anon. it gets better, my own struggles with anxiety have made me who i am today and they will shape you as well. when you overcome them you'll be that much stronger. it's cliche because it happens. my email is passivepaperclip@gmail.com if you want to talk.

>> No.6920688

this piece is called "sleepless night wishing I were dead #12". You stupid child, it's not just a black picture. Can't you see that? You're not looking! the face of the man who killed your dog can be seen in your armoire, but the door is closed. You refuse to be touched, but intimacy is what you crave most in the world. I can't live in this skin anymore. My body is a vehicle but I don't think it's carrying anything. Sometimes when I try to clear my mind my words get all jumbled and I can't turn it off. When I flushed the toilet the memory of something that never happened came rushing back to me and suddenly I felt like I couldn't breathe.

>> No.6920708

wtf I'm also new Hampshire fag.
mine would be as follows.
If there's anyone left to read this, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough. I'm sorry if I hurt you or pushed you away. I miss you, (ex friends names), I miss you so much and I dont want you to blame yourself. Use my death as a catalyst to better yourself , it's what i want.
(name of SO), I'm sorry if you couldnt handle me at times. I shouldn't have forced my issues on you since you weren't capable of caring for me.
Mom, I'm sorry the first thing you're hearing from me in months, years, whatever is this note. You shouldn't have had kids. Please don't be too upset, however. I tried to make it work but i needed to cut you out to live. Now just use my money and try to be happy.
Everyone else who wronged me, as long as you use this to become a better person I forgive you. I love you all and I'm sorry to end it this way.

>> No.6920733

I'll just leave this address on a post-it note https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXvAd7COpJY

>> No.6920749

"That's what happens if i don't get choco syrup on my icecream. I hope you're happy, [Icecream shop name and andress]."

>> No.6920770

Don't know if you're still here or even reading this, but do you really think death is better? I mean if they are really that bad and you feel you can't get help, why not do some drugs or sex or other crazy wild stuff. Leave everything behind and walk and Andes. Go try and sneak onto that mountain in China no one has ever climbed before.

I'm not one of those bleeding hearts that will try and convince a complete strange that I know more about your life than you do. If you really want to do it go ahead. But if I was suicidal I would do all the stuff I was scared to do first and then see how I felt.

>> No.6920775

>my fortune

>> No.6920791

you sound haunted mein freund

>> No.6920805

"The gift of life is very heavy. There is no shame, or renunciation or revocation of love in setting it down or in refusing to pick it up."

That was my actual suicide note. Obviously a failure. Years ago.

>> No.6920819


>> No.6920849

I'm not strong enough to write mine here but I'm also not strong enough to actually kill myself.
I've been toying with the idea of seeing a psychiatrist for a while and if someone in the same boat as me went for it and you overcame your fever you'd inspire the rest of us.
You're stronger than you think you are.

>> No.6920944

The more I wrote, the more I realized how fucked my family would feel knowing they hurt me as much as I claim they did. also how much my writing style differs in different frames of mind

Do not blame yourselves for my actions. My upbringing may have been worse than most, but you all taught me very valuable lessons. "The world is cruel and unforgiving. Justice means someone pays for a crime, not that people get what they deserve. Never trust someone as far as you can throw them. Don't shit where you eat." I have had many experiences in this life, many more so than anyone I know at this age. This, coupled with the boredom manifest as depression rooting from my absolute lack of direction in life, is why I have chosen to take my own life. I generally feel as if I have lived life as much as I ever could, despite being merely 20 years old. Please, research Zen Buddhism and have me buried properly, it is the only thing I ask of you. As for the few things I own, I designate [oldest brother] to decide what to do with all of my possessions. He may choose to relinquish that task to other members, but I trust only his judgement in this.

Many of you will claim this is an act selfish to a degree unmatched in this world. I simply ask you this: is forcing me to live when I want to pass on not equally as selfish?

You all had high expectations of me, and I am sorry to have instilled such thoughts and feelings into you. Please forgive me for not attaining what you actively sought out. I will leave you with my final thoughts: the suffering you feel reading this upon my body is the same suffering I felt when I saw the look in everyone's eyes every time I failed to accomplish a goal that was set for me. Feel relief knowing I don't hurt this way anymore.


>> No.6921015

>this is not a suicide, no matter how much it looks like one, they will come for you next, good luck

>> No.6921033


Oh, the existential terror heebie-jeebie panic attacks? I had those for a few years, a while back. Now I'm emotionally dead, and that helps a lot. I don't know if you'll get past them too, but I can tell you from experience- you get this sort of deep inner calm when it's over. They don't stop all at once, they taper off over a few months, but the sense of peace when you realize they don't happen anymore is a wonderful thing. You also stop putting so much importance on emotion, because the key to getting rid of the terror is to acknowledge all experience and feeling is generated by the chemistry of the brain, and you'll find that you can get that shit in check by adopting a no-nonsense attitude with yourself. Respond to panic with apathy and you'll find peace.

The only things that scare me now are death and living forever.

>> No.6921044

I'm sorry for leaving everyone this way, but looking towards the future makes me feel I'll always be wasting my life. To my dad, please don't hate me for being selfish and leaving you alone with D, she still needs you so please stay strong like I know you can. To my friends, please remember me for all the times I was silly and childish. Don't worry about what led this on or who I really was, I wasn't pretending to be your friend and that truth is all that matters in the end. Thanks to everyone who supported me and made my life a good one, albeit short.
Here's to finding beauty in my final moment.

>> No.6921121

I don't want to live alone, might as well just die alone.
Do what you wish with the meat.
It might be salvageable.
Probably not, but whatever.
Don't give me a stupid funeral, cremate me, and dispose of my corpse in a manner that inconveniences only some people.

>> No.6921129

how are you going to write down spoiler tags?

>> No.6921131

Don't worry, you didn't make my life a misery. I'm just doing this so people will think my writings must be deep and tortured. It's the price I pay for posterity.

P.S. Mom, thank 4chan for the memes for me please.

>> No.6921147

The light has gone out of my life. Please find it within your heart to forgive this selfish act, for I cannot live in darkness.

Love, Anon

>> No.6921166

Nice quadruple cliche there faggot

>> No.6921169

Hello dear whoever,
As you have found, or will soon I am dead. If I knew you I'm sorry and its not your fault if I didn't I'm still sorry that I had to put this on you. My entire life has been lived feeling like I was already dead and the moments that I felt alive I'd rather wish I was dead. I suppose you probably wouldn't have known me. My name doesn't matter now, neither does yours and you wont find any identification on me. I once tried to keep the world safe. That's all I wanted.
I dont have anyone to mention in this
Sorry I really wish I could
I just love you people
But I love all of you
I'll miss you
be safe

>> No.6921222
File: 52 KB, 720x275, skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ultimate act of selfishness, huh? i guess that makes a bit more sense when
looked at from this perspective.

the world is garbage to everyone. a monstrous, steaming pile of wet garbage.
and there's nothing i can do about it. it feels like, because i exist, it's
somehow "my duty" to make things a bit better for people. i've tried,
endlessly, but it never gets any better. there's nowhere to go and nothing to
be done and no one to blame. every single person to ever exist, the entire
universe, is cursed to the worst of fates, completely pointlessly. there is no
justice, just emptiness.

all i want is for the pain to go away, for all of you to stop moving so that
nobody will ever disappear again. i want to be your modern jesus.

so yes, a self-gratification, deceiving myself with false hopes, because
there's nothing else to be done. i wish you all the best of luck; go now and
die as you see fit.

and one and ready and goodbye

>> No.6921244

Letter to a girl. Still need to do one for the family.

Sorry about the length. I'm not very good at writing. Some constructive feedback and criticism would be appreciated. I hate how cheesy it reads, I just don't know of how else to express myself.

Part 1:

Hi xxxxx,

I'm very sorry and very ashamed to be writing this. And for doing what I'm doing. I don't expect to have any real importance to you any more, so I expect a lot of what I write will seem absurd to you. I only know the xxxx from a year ago, so I guess I'm really writing this to her.

I really, really wish I had been the right person for you. I wish that I made your life more interesting, and exciting, and everything else you wanted. I wish that I didn't do the opposite of that.

I can't get over you. It's incredibly frustrating. Every day since, I've thought about you. Look, I know this is all ridiculous. Reading this back, I'm embarrassed, ashamed... I feel like I should know better than to let this bother me so much. It's just that of all the people I've met, you've been the only one that I've wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I'm not sure if I've deluded myself in thinking that you might have felt the same at one point.

I vividly remember a time at my flat when you, crying, said "I've held nothing back from you". And I remember at your flat, when I tried not holding back from you. I felt like I disappointed you with who I was. It was only a few weeks after that that you broke up with me, and I haven't been able to convince myself that it was anything other than you finally seeing what I was. Seriously, I don't blame you at all. For far too long I would keep a distance between us, and barely communicate. I kept secrets about what I was doing. And I had been lacking a passion for life, as you said. I deserved what I got.

Yeah, I know that you're not the only girl in the world that I might get along with. But I just don't feel like I can go through something like that more than once. I've had a much closer look at myself recently, and there's not enough there to convince me that I'll be enough for anyone like you.

Nothing about you, or our previous relationship, has anything to do with why I choose to end my life. I just cannot accept myself. Both the things about me I have, and have not, had a choice in. I'm incredibly stupid. I'm just constantly aware of how slow and shallow my thoughts are. I read slow. I cannot write. My memory is awful. No talent to speak of. The few skills I have are not good enough for any job I would be proud of. I know I can't truly be good at anything, I just feel too slow. Nothing to say. I'm awkward, I don't feel like I can really get along with anyone. I cannot find any passion, and I desperately hate myself.

I honestly do not expect my writing to succeed in conveying how I feel, or what you mean to me. It's difficult for me to articulate all of this, and I'm not even sure of the point in this unstructured mess of thoughts.

>> No.6921248

Part 2:

I just wish I had said this to you when It might have meant something coming from me: You're one of the most smartest, most creative, most beautiful people I know. I've always been impressed by how driven and fearless you have been with your life. And you still have so much more potential. You have such a big heart, and I know you're a good, caring person. I've never met anyone like you. You deserve so much.

I'm sorry

>> No.6921276


>> No.6921282
File: 59 KB, 672x576, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one girl who doesn't like john green

>> No.6921305
File: 66 KB, 500x599, just_fuck_me_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are... are you me?

>> No.6921318


Feeling similar? How do you deal with it?

I straight up can't. I'm not ok with myself. I can't change all the things I hate about myself, and don't want to be 'ok' with them either. Only shallow worthless pursuits like getting drunk, playing video games, etc. keep me distracted at the moment.

>> No.6921327

I'm almost completely a normal person. I exist on the periphery of normal society but still very much within it. I have always had some troubles getting along with people, but that's almost a fundamentally inescapable part of being a person. I'm killing myself not because I want to die, but because I really can't be bothered living anymore.

>> No.6921330

fragmentation of self
and overcoming
so sick

Ma, I've failed you. I'm sorry

>> No.6921354

>About a Girl on loop in background

i love you T, i have always loved you and i wasted my precious little time with you pretending not to. youve moved on in life now and i hate to be a burden to whatever your life is becoming now but i cant die unsure of whether or not you ever really gave me more than a minute of thought

all my playlists are about you, ive never really been able to understand what it is i feel for you but im pretty sure its love. i spent along time thinking i just wanted to be like you but i truly cant go anywhere or do anything without thinking of you. its like youre always there with me.

if i had admitted this to you a year or two ago, we might have had a chance but i never could. the truth is that ive always been way to intimidated by you to ever do anything other than hint at how much i care for you IFHY prefectly sums up how i feel about you but i could never tell you that. i always planned to have mu music done to show you before you left but you left too soon.

my anxiety has turned to sadness without you here. i am no longer constantly on edge, knowing that you are in earshot, but i no longer feel anything. my life lacks any true motivation and im sorry i was too much of a pussy to just admit this to you when you were here. im sorry to be such a burden to you and i hope this doesnt further fuck up anyones life but mine

love, H

>> No.6921358

I told her I could never do it
She is inside me now
Her mouth moves in mine
Forgive me mom

>> No.6921366 [DELETED] 

It's been interesting. Love you, Mom.

- anon

>> No.6921367



>> No.6921380


Hmm you seem young. I probably acted and thought and would have written a cringy letter like that in my early 20's.

I'm 34 now. Girls are nice, but they're not all there is to life. I've had my heart completely broken three times. I'm always ready for it to happen again, and I don't think if my current girlfriend left I'd be as upset. It's all about perspective. Feelings are strong, love is like acid, it can really freak you out, but just like the guy who thinks he can fly on acid, the crazed lover is a fool.

Chill out, stop being a bitch and focus on yourself, you're an animal not a god, animals have faults, you don't have to be ok with them as long as you're aware of them.

Just be kind and follow your passions, a new girl will emerge into your life that will blow away all expectations. Years from now you'll look back and laugh and think "wow girl X was so wrong for me! what was i think! I'd never want to spend my life with her now"

That's how I feel about all my previous loves. Also they're all my age now, and my new girlfriend is 24. I'm so glad i'm not with a 34 year old, younger women are much more sexy.

>> No.6921386

>killing yourself in solitude
>not trying to take as many people with you as you can

Suicide through nuclear war is my end goal.

>> No.6921409

"I don't even know why I'm doing this, I guess one can't really write a good suicide note if one doesn't intend to kill oneself but paradoxically ended up doing it anyways. Either way, tell them I had a good life. Also no funeral. and especially no Christian bullshit. Thanks for everything and I love you all."

>> No.6921432

>implying I'd leave a note
>implying I'd leave a body

>> No.6921433

Don't expect them to "heal" you. It still has to come from you. They are just helping you do that.

>> No.6922602

Hello. Good morning. I hope it's morning, i hope it's early morning when the ambiance is really pleasant and unique, it's the best time to be awake for, a fleeting moment that you can have all to yourself, when the sun is beautiful and young again so the air is still cold and the plants are sleeping and the bears with them too. I've never met a bear that wasn't dancing on grass surrounded by metal fences and onlookers with gadgets and children and it makes me sad.

Have you drank your coffee or tea today? I hope you did, i hope you didn't use too much sugar or milk, but I'll never fault you for indulging in lemon, one of my favorite things to do is to eat lemon and drink tea and dunk it in the tea and watch the amber in the glass turn misty and yellow-white.

You know, I've spent so many mornings when i was a kid just waking up before everyone else did and imagining what it's like to be there in the distance, sometimes i was brave enough to go to those places, or try to go, I got tired and scared of the distance being too far for me.

Some days were so much more beautiful than others, lazy summers right after the rain when you would get crazy and excited without knowing it and just follow the song in your heart to the ends of the earth, carve your name in a tree and find a dead little bird in an abandoned nest. I've never felt so happy and so sad in a single instance, it was as if the sky came down to the earth and put clothes on me made of clouds and rain.

Thank you for reading my suicide note, it can be your suicide not too.

I hope you've made good choices so far, I've made my last good choice.

>> No.6922628

You did this, Emily

>> No.6922649

>Implying anyone will notice I'm dead until my body starts to stink
>Implying you're not more selfish for wishing I never killed myself than I am for doing it.

>> No.6922717

>I'm not strong enough to write mine here but I'm also not strong enough to actually kill myself.
iktf bb

>> No.6922725

invisible ink

>> No.6922976

really quite beautiful.

>> No.6922977
File: 127 KB, 720x960, ka66vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a note but cool af

>> No.6923020


What is a souvenir for a man's death worth for.
For the family to spend nights without sleep, looking at his words and figuring thousands of possible possible solutions, advice, etc. that they could have given him, but will now never be able to? Or maybe that they should have asked him what was wrong. Anyone that reads a suicide note by another person, specially someone who you know, will find it excruciating how you feel like many things mentioned would be so easily solved. This is such an anguish creator. It's like a "Since you haven't asked me about my problems, I tell you now, and I'll kill myself before you have a chance to retort, since, like, you didn't seem very interested in them in the first place"

but some people appreciate letters. idk, never seen much of a point in it. I'd write maybe more of a short story, out of good childhood memories, thoughts, etc.

something that'd read cozy

>> No.6923044

Quite cringy, tbh.

>> No.6923051


>> No.6923061







I think I'd rather read a book written by a stone or a tree than by a You since my fucking god what's with the self-consciousness.

>It's difficult for me to articulate all of this
>I honestly do not expect my writing to succeed in conveying how I feel
then why the fuck are you torturing her with it :/ :/

It's not that you should feel embarrassed it's BAD and BAD and a pain to read and you should feel embarrassed. Makes me want to kill myself to make this in-topic.

don't be offended I've written and made people read much more cringey things, you know, and I was for real dont ban me

>> No.6923074

Drowning is one of the most peaceful pleb

>> No.6923093

Allahu ackbar.

>> No.6923107

lmao no its not its horrible

>> No.6923109


>> No.6923111

is not worth it
i dont want to keep doing this, is not worth it
i had enough

>> No.6923147
File: 97 KB, 930x503, •.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The saddest thing
I had to learn
was just to love
and not be loved in return

>> No.6923163


please don't do it

>> No.6923182

According to crime TV shows, notes are one of the signs that it was suicide and not murder... if they find me in a pool of my own blood with a pistol in my hand, I'm obliged to at least leave them a note to let them know who did it

>> No.6923249

Why? After you inhale the water and consciousness slowly fades as you remain floating until death. The trouble is the panic before the inhale, after that where does the pain come from?

>> No.6923269

Your post angered me, strangely, it was the catalyst I needed to start writing again. Wrote 700ish words in no time flat while I've been straining to write for a very long time.

>> No.6923285

grow your hair our and or facial hair, start working out, get fat, go tanning, lots of ways to make yourself look more like a man. But, since you're posting cry baby shit on a suicide thread, I highly doubt you actually want to make any positive affirmations and would rather cry about it because you are actually still 13 inside.

>> No.6923297

Drowning is pretty bad man.
It's relatively quick but you spend those last minutes in physical agony and mindrending panic.

They use waterboarding as an interrogation technique for a reason.

>> No.6923392

I wouldn't write one at all. I'd rather be forgotten tbh along with my hard drive.

>> No.6923451


I've heard countless testimonials from survivor's of drowning saying that they felt at peace with everything and relaxed and accepting.

>> No.6923479

In their last seconds. Due to lack of oxygen. The rest is agonizing pain and the worst panic/fear you will ever experience.

Dying by gas-related asphyxiation. That's a peaceful death.

>> No.6923612

You would also likely panic before being gassed, assuming you were aware it would be happening.

Where is the pain coming from though? Physical pain? From swiming, or not being able to anymore? Where does the agonizing pain begin? With the inhale of water?

>> No.6923653

carbon dioxide build up rather than oxygen deprevation.


that's why exit baggers use nitrogen.

>> No.6923658

oh god, my name is emily. scared the shit out of me. it will be okay anon, I'm sorry. please take care

>> No.6923662

I couldn't make it. Sorry ma. Sorry pop.

Sorry bro, dont worry about me, ill be fine.

>> No.6923702


>> No.6923712

emily is a strange name for a man

>> No.6923718

>John Greene is a horrible author
Austin its okay

>> No.6923754

Iron/10 faggot.

>> No.6923806

I got fed up with the non-stop christposting.

>> No.6923818

I'm not sorry

>> No.6924262

I will not escape suffering until death. Death now is no different than death in the future. Chop my head off and send it to some place to be preserved so that when the technology is around i can be revived. Please for the love of fuck do this. I don't want to die permanently. Just long enough to avoid suffering while this body is not immortal. Maybe i'll just sleep. Yeah that's it, I'll eat healthy exercise and sleep. Listen to audio books while i'm sleeping to absorb information. Sleep is about the same as death and if my head is preserved then it will be like sleep. fuck it it's not like i'll feel bad after i an hero. It's not like i'll regret anything. I've already not existed for 13.8 billion years. Bye everyone. Oh and Ani i love the fuck out of you. It's too bad we separated.

>> No.6924418

>Hang in there.
subtle kek

>> No.6924479

XANAX and maybe therapy and a ssri or an snri

>> No.6924532

ayyyyy lmao

>> No.6924540

just od on a downer

>> No.6924545

Sorry for the rotten egg smell.

P.S. You're going to die :^)

>> No.6924577
File: 1.80 MB, 2145x2400, 8-4 suicide note.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6924582 [DELETED] 

Death has been the only constant, Death is the only reason, Death is god, God is Death, Death is purpose.


>> No.6924596

Allyson you cunt I wrote a book about us and Danny.

I have 9 chapters done and an outline on my computer.

At least try and get it published for me you dumb whore.

>> No.6924629

if you're reading this it's too late -drak

>> No.6924649

You have nice handwriting

>> No.6924656

Remember the alamo.

>> No.6924931

>agonizing pain and the worst panic/fear
why panic when you chose this.
i'd say learn meditative techniques and then stick stones in your pockets.

>> No.6924940


>> No.6924951

goodnight sweet prince.

>> No.6924970


>> No.6925098

Your conscious wants to kill itself, your subconscious wants to live at all costs. Your subconscious is also what's really in charge, and can influence you in any way that it wants. People that hang themselves, but don't break their neck and just dangle their strangling themselves, always claw at the noose in an effort to free themselves. People that jump off of high places to kill themselves but survive, always say how they immediately regretted their decision as soon as they jumped. So on and so forth.

That "life flashed before my eyes" shit is an effort to talk you out of it.

>> No.6925118

But I'm pretty happy and in a really good place. Uh, shit, um...
>It was either now or later. I opted for now for some reason.

>> No.6925124

I have been a coward all of my life and everyone I love has always stood between me and the consequences. And I turned my back to theirs. I once saved a girl from a rape. I made her attacker leave without fighting. I could have crippled him. I stood up to him and it was not enough. I have taken for so long and still have nothing to give. Mama, tata, izvinte.

>> No.6925146

O good Horatio, what a wounded name,
Things standing thus unknown, shall live behind me!
If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart
Absent thee from felicity awhile,
And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain,
To tell my story. O, I die, Horatio.
The potent poison quite o'er-crows my spirit.
I cannot live to hear the news from England;
But I do prophesy the election lights
On Fortinbras: he has my dying voice;
So tell him, with the occurrents, more and less,
Which have solicited. The rest is silence.

>> No.6925152

"gg no re"

>> No.6925154


>> No.6925175

yo so like
im outta here
thanks for the food and the house n shit ma and pa
dump my body in the ocean, and make sure my nose is clean before you do it
i cant pick my nose when im dead hahaha

ps dad i hope you know I've been smokin weed since i was like 11

>> No.6925193

Im sorry mother, i couldnt prove mathematics with the scientific method. I failed as a bright. Please dont tell anyone about my dildos and dont shave my manly beard on my funeral
Love, TJ
PS: Im sorry about your bananas, I wanted to get more potassium i swear

>> No.6925223

My gmail password is *********, that should handle taking care of all my online identities.

I love you all.

>> No.6925229

I read a book once, feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.6925289



>> No.6925528


Thanks for the feedback.

I think you're right about those points. I never write anything, it's a very slow and painful process. It's really hard for me to tell how something might come across to someone else, because I agonize over it for so long.

>then why the fuck are you torturing her with it :/ :/
I don't know. It's selfish. I want to tell her these things? I'm not really sure. It'll make doing the thing easier. Fuck though, you're right. I might just not write one.

>> No.6925722

your suicide note as if you would kill yourself tomorrow. Be sincere.