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/lit/ - Literature

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6915318 No.6915318 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Bloom such a reactionary tard?

If someone takes the focus off Shakespeare for 10 seconds he'd have a fucking heart attack.

I don't know if you guys know this, but he is actually mocked in academia for his completely irrational prophecies about the decline of the humanities.

Heaven help education for teaching people about a variety of cultures

>> No.6915323
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>a variety of cultures
>non-Western "cultures"

>> No.6915326

If that's how you want to define it.

>> No.6915330

Yeah we should read more books by disabled, black, Mohammedan trans women of color.

>> No.6915332

he looks like an egg
if you want to, go ahead.

>> No.6915338
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>> No.6915341

Is Bloom a race traitor for not joining in the zionist project to devalue and ultimately erase European culture?

>> No.6915346

Just because /pol/ makes fun of the retarded progressives in the humanities does't mean you have to be one.

>> No.6915351

OP here.

Forgot to add my Inb4

Inb4 /pol/tards and braindead hicks

>> No.6915354

im just saying that you are free to read whatever you want man, if you want to read trans space opera or homer is your choice.

>> No.6915355

>Why is Bloom such a reactionary tard?
His career depends on it.

>> No.6915361

One is decidedly more valuable than the other.

>> No.6915368

The man was influential long before the Canon Wars. Sure, a lot of people think he's a bit of a crank and a sensationalist for his stance on Canon, but you've got to understand that even my hardcore Marxist, Feminist, radical antiracist literature professor who I thought was a lesbian for half the semester until she offhandedly mentioned a husband holds plenty of books by white men in such high esteem that she'd argue with even more aggressive liberal students for including so many white men in the curriculum, that is to say, that the huge majority of sane people in English departments sympathize with his love for the European tradition, but have different ideas on curriculum design and that's where you get the impression that he's at odds with everyone younger than himself.

>> No.6915373

>he is actually mocked in academia
Maybe at your shitty liberal for-profit university #27392, but here in the real academic settings he's well respected, and for good reason. Where exactly do you find yourself that he's "mocked"? I can guarantee it's not in an Ivy, where I actually spend a lot of time personally.

>> No.6915380

Not necessarily.

>> No.6915384


>> No.6915388

Middlebrow hack.

>> No.6915390

>Ivy league
>Not the world's most expensive day care for narcissist babbies

>> No.6915393

>he didn't get in

>> No.6915394

his lit crit is kinda mediocre imo

but I'm with him on the canon. also english lit has nothing to gain by taking its focus off shakespeare

>> No.6915395

He's been writing pop books for a quarter century, the dude is like the literature version of Nial Ferguson, but since Ivy's are all about following orders and kissing ass of your superiors its not shocking people would be scared to mention that he sucks.

>> No.6915401

Bloom, nor anyone with a brain, cares about "white men" or a "European tradition" in the canon. That's not the point and his canon list reflects that.

>> No.6915404
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>Homer has the same value as Zadie Smith

>> No.6915410

>I can guarantee it's not in an Ivy, where I actually spend a lot of time personally.

George W. Bush spent a lot of time around Ivies too, what's your point?

>> No.6915415

That's subjective isn't it? At least on a personal level it definitely is.

>> No.6915420

I'm not an expensive narcissist baby so I didn't apply.

>> No.6915424

That's not what I said.
>Valuing reading
>Always pick one.
That's what I said. Thanks for proving the point. Hope you didn't get where you are by being an Ivy League shit.

>> No.6915426

sick burn

>> No.6915427

Who are you to say that? Obviously we have some sort of gain because it's implemented

>> No.6915432

>ad homs because he knows he's right

>> No.6915435

And George W Bush was also the president of the United States of America and he's smarter than you are. What's your point?

>> No.6915441

>has never been to an ivy league school
>claims authority enough to judge them
Do you also feel qualified to judge books you haven't read? I'm sure you do

>> No.6915442

GWB is far smarter than you

>> No.6915443
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>And George W Bush ... is smarter than [anyone]

>> No.6915451

Not my favorite president but he is undoubtedly more intelligent than you are. Sorry lad

>> No.6915457

>Do you also feel qualified to judge books you haven't read?
You must have meant to reply to these posts:
And every >female writer >minority writer, etc. shitpost on this board

>> No.6915459

People who say Bush is stupid are fucking retarded.

The guy was President of the most influential and powerful country in the world for 8 years. Eight fucking years.

He's not stupid.

>> No.6915460

Dubya what are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.6915466

> he read the stranger for the first time only after being prompted to by his school teacher wife in the second term as president
>cited jesus as his favorite philosopher

come on dude, it's tempting to say bush was only pretending to be stupid to appeal to his hillbilly base but im pretty sure he was for real

>> No.6915471

That has nothing to do with my post or the post I was replying to.

>> No.6915472


He was foolish and inarticulate. Stupid, he was sometimes as well, by definition.


>> No.6915473
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>The guy was President of the most influential and powerful country in the world

>> No.6915477

>that fucking shit-eating grin

>> No.6915486

>bush is smart guys i swear

>> No.6915488

Is there something physically wrong with Harold Bloom? In every picture I see of him, even pictures from when he was a young man, he's making this face like he's taking a very painful shit.

>> No.6915489

Amazing, neither does your comment have anything to do with what I said.

>> No.6915491

Thank god for that picture, or else I would have thought you were discussing Allan Bloom

>> No.6915493

Smarter than Obama tbh

>> No.6915496



>> No.6915499

Where are these republicunts coming from?

>> No.6915500
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wrong faggot.

>> No.6915502

Oh he's mocked by humanities people?

He must be a real asshole then, because humanities people matter so fucking much when they're not doing art.

>> No.6915504

Good God, man.

>> No.6915505

I'm actually loyal to the monarchy. Bush was just better than Obama.

>> No.6915508

Bloom is a humanities person

And he doesn't create art

>> No.6915514

i remember a lecture in class one day. we were talking about nazism and art. the professor put up pictures of two different paintings, one approved by the nazis and the other was deemed to be degenerate art. the former was a painting of a white family. it wasn't great, a little boring, but the technical skill was there. the latter was a complete abortion that looked like it could have been made in mspaint in 20 minutes.

when he said the shitty spanish cartoon was clearly the better painting, it made me angry.

if i had to deal with cunts like that on a daily basis, i'd be a reactionary, too.

>> No.6915516
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>>6915472 is myself. I felt obligated to point out, by definition, Bush was stupefied, stunned, and speechless. Id est stupid.

>> No.6915517

He's in constant physical pain from the having to bear the knowledge of knowing people like those that browse /lit/ exist. You have to consider that literature is his passion, it's basically his life force. And /lit/ has kidnapped the medium and continues to sodomize it and abuse it by pretending to read and quoting wikipedia furiously in an attempt to make up for self worth issues most likely stemming from father problems. And he has to live while witnessing this on a grand scale. Imagine if your girlfriend was seized and systematically plowed by every halfwit limpdick in the country while you could do nothing but watch and shake your head out of frustration and the crippling futility of it all. That is what is causing Bloom the discomfort you see on his face.

>> No.6915518

>even my hardcore Marxist, Feminist, radical antiracist literature professor who I thought was a lesbian for half the semester until she offhandedly mentioned a husband

I thought I was the only one had this experience

mine kept talking about her "partner" until one day toward the end of semester she said husband

>> No.6915520

>I'm actually loyal to the monarchy.
I hope this wasn't supposed to instil confidence in your intellectual capabilities...

>> No.6915522

>He's not stupid.
I mean his IQ was well above average and his decisions were probably made at the behest of well informed top tier intellectuals if that's what you mean.
His actual political/economic knowledge and morality is what's so questionable about the man.

>> No.6915523

he just doesn't get millenials is all lol omg wtf

>> No.6915524
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i always wanted to be some short of evil force.

>> No.6915526

Fuck off, republicunt or Americunt.

>> No.6915529

>I'm actually loyal to the monarchy
reverend TS Eliot pls go

>> No.6915536

Everything about this post is incorrect. I smell shitty bait.
2/10, slightly ruffled.

>> No.6915541

You mean the inbred idlers who somehow have the ability to govern people because they were born into a specific family?

I don't see how any rational person can buy into that shit. It's utterly appalling.

>> No.6915544

Best system of government in the world

>> No.6915547

>IQ was well above average
[citation needed]

>> No.6915557

Says who? Says the monarchy.

Royal families are beneath contempt

>> No.6915563


All Bloom wants is for books to be judged on merit and not based on the culture of origin of the author. What's happening is that humanities departments are shoehorning in sub par minority books in order to fall in with liberal ideology.

>> No.6915570

Please stop using buzzwords

Please tell me how you can objectively judge merit

What one person thinks is valuable another might not

>> No.6915574


>> No.6915575

He's a war criminal who destabilized an entire region for its natural resources.

>> No.6915582

>All Bloom wants is for books to be judged on merit and not based on the culture of origin of the author.

It's a lost cause these days.
There was all sorts of praise for the latest Booker longlist because of its "diversity". No mention at all about whether the books are actually any good or not.

>> No.6915584

Saying there is a European tradition of literature and philosophy isn't a racial thing, dude, calm down. It's just the case that if you live in America or Europe, your whole world is shaped by he progression of ideas from The Greeks TM to the present day, and so the canon must necessarily include enough works from that tradition to flesh it out for you. Anyone with a brain cares very much about that when they start designing a curriculum.

People wrapped up in contemporary identity politics care about the number of white men on a reading list for their own reasons. The point of my anecdote was to show that even someone heavily invested in identity politics and paring down the presence of the white man in academia sees the value in the European Tradition and a conception of the Canon quite similar to Bloom's, enough to fight for it against those who challenge her commitment to her main political beliefs due to her curriculum choices.

>> No.6915591

Google it faggot. Are you so amazed that someone who graduated from yale has an above average iq?

>> No.6915600

>It's just the case that if you live in America or Europe, your whole world is shaped by he progression of ideas from The Greeks TM
You don't think these fools know that? It's a lost cause, some people major in the humanities but don't actually care about them. Unfortunately, some of its easier branches have made it a fallback for the lowest tier of college students.

>> No.6915610

I honestly don't know what you're arguing with me about.

>> No.6915625

I honestly don't know what you're arguing with me about.

>> No.6915629


Would you be amazed that he graduated with a lower IQ than when he started? Bush was a jolly good fellow and all that, but I don't support him as president, in the same way I wouldn't support Jed Clampett. Mostly because the POTUS should be articulate and avoid embarrassing the nation.

>> No.6915630

just goes to show how meaningless iq is

>> No.6915638

>implying the monarchy has absolute power
You're pretty retarded tbh

>> No.6915641
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Well that's why we have the canon. Both ordinary readers and knowledgeable academics have enjoyed these books for hundreds or even thousands of years.

>quality ideas
>quality writing
>depth and breadth of knowledge
>mastery of the medium

I mean if you want diversity read Juan Rulfo or Virginia Woolf not fucking Sherman Alexie or some shit.


Very sad to be honest.

>> No.6915644


>> No.6915650

The canon is just collectivised opinions

Obviously apparent in no one being able to fucking decide what the actual canon is.

Btw all of those points about judging merit are all opinions

>> No.6915651

>Would you be amazed that he graduated with a lower IQ than when he started?
Did he take several iq tests? Is this a joke, or can a man's iq really change in 4 years?
>but I don't support him as president,
Very few people do. The mediocre Obama is a breath of fresh air compared to dubya.

>> No.6915654
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undergrad pls go

>> No.6915673

That plan was ditched long ago, we realized modern European culture was the best possible host (look at how virus-like the English language is for instance, it's like the native language of dank memes). Most the modern fads that have benefitted is were European inventions. Bloom is barely relevant, mostly here to divert attention.

You goyim aren't too quick at catching up to our shtick, are you ?

>> No.6915677

>Is this a joke, or can a man's iq really change in 4 years?

Do you really want a list of the stuff that can make that happen ? It ain't gonna be pretty.

>> No.6915685

>Do you really want a list of the stuff that can make that happen ?
I can only think of irresponsible drug use and physical injury. Bush was an alcoholic, it's true, but...in four years?

>> No.6915692

Valuable for what ? Trans Space Opera would probably be more funny and sell for more at the market, but also have less value as heat generating material (Homer's book would probably burn longer). They may or may not have the same value as providers of awesome outlandish fights.

I don't really like it when the anon who pretends defend the Canon happens to have sloppy thinking. Patrish posting is for patrish people, anon. Apply yourself next time.

>> No.6915710


Don't forget sweet sweet Alabama 'Cain. And you best not underestimate Bush's drinking abilities, he was a member of all the Yale secret societies, and it's not enough to just be rich, ya gotta hold the liquor and snort with abandon.

Honestly I'm amazed that anyone graduates Yale with their sanity intact. Oh right, the nerds.

>> No.6915719
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Well fuck why teach literature at all then? What makes minority books worthy of being taught if it's "all subjective" ? Why should we read diversity stuff rather than traditional literature? Should we include them out of a sense of condescending fairness? We may as well rename college English "The Department of Cultural Diversity, Exchange, and Progressive Politics" At least then cucks would know what they were signing up for.

You don't see this bullshit in any other faculty. African Engineering 101? Queer Math Studies?

>> No.6915725

Well, college+drinking+partying=physical injuries and substance abuse so I wouldn't be surprised. Plus possible contamination by exposure to lead or whatever in old buildings.

Also add the fact that there's a margin of error on all tests (if you took two tests with same standard deviation three days apart the result would likely not be the exact same).

Add the influence of tiredness and the like (imagine how a insomnia can affect you IQ performance the following day).

Also it's possible that his first test was somehow falsified or "enabled" or whatever due to his connection.
There might also have been an error at the first or second test (I know people who had significantly lower grades than they should have had at serious national contests because the graders made a mistake in reporting the final grades on their sheets-it happens). I've seen some people on /sci claim they have gotten very different results at the same IQ tests taken over a few months. Take it with a grain of salt of course, but that's a possibility.

Unfortunately I tried to answer you seriously, so here goes my list of hilariously painful IQ-mowering diseases and injuries.

>> No.6915742

Holy christ you're stupid.

I literally cannot be bothered replying seriously because I see no point in trying to convince you anymore

>> No.6915746

That doesn't mean he wasn't stupid, that mean his campaign team and his donors were smarter than his opponents' campaign team and donors.

>> No.6915755

>muh technical skill

The usual answer of those who have no clue. By that criterion any above-average mangaka is better than a good deal of Renaissance artists.

>> No.6915763
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You mean his father's campaign team and donors.

>> No.6915764

the humanities are non-existent, though, so he was right?

>> No.6915774

>start reading the wiki on Bush
>guy had alcohol and drug problems until his 40s
>got to Yale, which was then administrated by his granddad
>was refused by Texas University Law School
>but somehow got accepted to Harvard Business School

I think IQ doesn't even matter here.

>> No.6915776

True. It seems that in the US the best way to become president is to first become a relatives of a former president.

>> No.6915808
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You know we have a saying in Texas. Fool me once shame on... shame on me? ............

>> No.6915977

I dont't particularly care whether he's pro canon or not, but as a critic he is often platitudinous, not at all that profound, and /lit/ sucks his dick be cause it doesn't know much other critics.

>> No.6915984


No, he's mocked in academia for being a reader, and addressing himself to people who want to get the best without having to listen to three years of cultural treachery.

>> No.6916008

>but as a critic he is often platitudinous,
>not at all that profound
That's true. I feel his work on Shakespeare is decent, though I may be misremembering. Anyway, hasn't he published a few purely academic works? It's no surprise that his pop criticism like Daemon is a bit simple.

>> No.6916038

Can anyone comment on works by Bloom that they have actually read?

Personally I have read half of the Anxiety of Influence. I thought it had some good ideas but was not scholarly. It's just impressionistic and unprecise. He's even got these cringeworthy prose poems between the chapters.

I also read a bit of his Shakespeare book and thought it was enjoyable but, again, not scholarly. His style has mellowed with age. He makes more sense now although he's also more bland and less interesting than he used to be.

Although I have mixed feelings about his work you have to admire the man himself. He has something that he believes in. I legitimately feel bad for him when he talks about getting booed at lectures and shit like that.

>> No.6916163

Academia itself is mocked and downgraded for nearly two decades. Between 2006 and 2011, the number of history majors at Cornell dropped 49% and English majors dropped 37%. Yale lost 60% of its English majors between 1991 and 2012. People are fleeing and completely disregarding the left-leaning multiculturalist academy. Humanities lost any credence and nobody cares anymore about their opinion. When I open a linguistics journal, I always end up finding ideological papers which have nothing to do with a serious, academic work. In the field of sociolinguistics or psycholinguistics, it's even worst. Humanities departments are shrinking and no longer have any reputation. All they're doing is congratulating themselves about their obscure theories that people already don't take seriously anymore and soon will probably being hostile to. H. Bloom will remain. Your nonsensical, laughable humanities teachers won't.

>> No.6916192

>not having read his fan fiction

>> No.6916299

>can't give citations
Objectively wrong.
Also, 123 doesn't seem high enough for a president. Only 23% higher than average and wants to run muh country?
I don't think so. 140 and up for me, please.

>> No.6916327

Bloom actually reads.
Which is actually, actually AKTUALLY GUYS

rare in a modern English department.

>> No.6916336

"We can be reluctant to recognize how much of our culture was literary, particularly now that so many of the institutional purveyors of literature happily have joined in proclaiming its death. A substantial number of Americans who believe they worship God actually worship three major literary characters: the Yahweh of the J Writer (earliest author of Genesis, Exodus, Numbers), the Jesus of the Gospel of Mark, and Allah of the Koran."

>> No.6916656

>muh market value is literary value
This is the problem with America.

>> No.6916704

>Obviously apparent in no one being able to fucking decide what the actual canon is.

Not true. People might diverge on the value of one writer or another, but the canon is pretty well stablished. No one denies Homer, Hesiod, Aeschilus, Euripides, Sophocles, Virgil, Horace, Dante, Petrarca, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Milton, Goethe, Tolstoy or Joyce a place in the canon.

Some may criticize or hate these authors, like Pound with Milton, or Tolstoy with Shakespeare, but even these people have bothered to study them for long periods because they recognized they reading something worth studying. Something whose style and techniques they didn't agree with, but worth studying nonetheless.

And the disagreements are much less common than disagreements in ethics, for instance. Take five important authors - say Shskespeare, Donne, Tennyson, Eliot, and Nabokov - the vast majority of people who know literature think they're good, even though there se some who don't. Now take five moral issues - abortion, Iraq war, euthanasia, gay marriage, global warming - here, disagreement is much more widespread.

Teaching a course on lit where Maya Angelou takes the place of Seamus Heaney is like teaching a 'course on morality' where rules like 'Don't kill' and 'Don't steal from others' are substitute by 'Don't use the N word' and 'Don't say fat people are ugly'.

>> No.6916728

Which N word? Nigger or nipples?

>> No.6916767


>> No.6916775

That's not a swear.

>> No.6916888

Neither is nigger.

>> No.6917120

You were going well until you sperged out in the last paragraph.

Why do /pol/tards also just end up resorting to hyperbolic scenarios about black people?

>> No.6917133

Define the canon

Define it's limits, or its requirements

Whose opinions do we take into regard? Just academics? Or academics and readers?

Do we only take the opinions of academics that prefer Shakespeare over Angelou? Do we disregard the other? If so, why?

>> No.6917322

>Shskespeare, Donne, Tennyson, Eliot, and Nabokov
> abortion, Iraq war, euthanasia, gay marriage, global warming

ah. and how can we put these on a scale and say they are equal in ANY regard. The only equivalence is they are the first 5 examples *you* thought of

false equivalency, ur base logic is flawed.

>> No.6917369 [DELETED] 



>> No.6917395 [DELETED] 

>>>/tumblr/ with your nigger shit.

>> No.6917398 [DELETED] 

/pol/ is leaking again

>> No.6917403 [DELETED] 

Fucking anti-racist Americucks

>> No.6917406

>Saying there is a European tradition of literature and philosophy isn't a racial thing, dude, calm down.
I suggest you calm down and actually read the post you responded to, as it didn't say that. The point is that Bloom's canon is geo-political, it doesn't represent a "European tradition" nor any special love for "white men". Hence, Western canon.

>> No.6917411 [DELETED] 

/pol/ is leaking again

>> No.6917414 [DELETED] 

Dumblr is leaking again.

>> No.6917421 [DELETED] 

/pol/ is leaking again

>> No.6917425

>Teaching a course on lit where Maya Angelou takes the place of Seamus Heaney is like teaching a 'course on morality' where rules like 'Don't kill' and 'Don't steal from others' are substitute by 'Don't use the N word' and 'Don't say fat people are ugly'.
So it's just another course on morality/literature, gotcha.

>> No.6917428 [DELETED] 

Reddit is leaking again

>> No.6917429 [DELETED] 

/pol/ is leaking again

>> No.6917433 [DELETED] 

Buzzfeed is leaking again

>> No.6917437 [DELETED] 

/pol/ is leaking again

>> No.6917456

>Muh political voice
>Preferring oligarchs whose interests go well beyong their countrie's well being.

>> No.6917458
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>> No.6917472

Waddub muh nigga bitch?

>> No.6917480

Implying the monarchs give a fuck about anything except their position