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File: 898 KB, 1280x1024, edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
691450 No.691450 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone ever read The Edge Chronicles? If so, thoughts.

>> No.691451

No, but picture has me quite intrigued.

>> No.691457

agree with this

>> No.691461

>interestic pic
>google it
>12 books

Fucking fantasy writers don't know how to be concise or when to stop. FFS!

>> No.691473
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>> No.691482

can I get a synopsis on this? a general view on the books?

>> No.691488

Well theres a few. It's set in on the Edge, and starts off with a kid named Twig who strays into the woods, and has all great of fantastical adventures. Stuff happens like being eaten by a bloodoak tree, and becoming a sky pirate, as well as that floating city breaking off. I loved them personally.

>> No.691490

sounds pretty nice
general demographic?

>> No.691498

Young Adult

>> No.691501

very nice, very nice.
I am going to have to look into getting these.

>> No.691503

Have fun. :D

>> No.691504



>> No.691524


they were pretty epic when i was younger. the first one is amazing. the one about the twilight woods and the boardwalk is good too. the world is very imaginative and it always had me craving for more. also the illustrations are top notch. always bummed me out how far and few between they are in the US. and the US versions have gay covers. The last one i read, **SPOILERS* twig had just sailed his ship off the edge and into the abyss and was in search of his dad. im assuming there must have been at least one more book after that haha.

tl;dr; good serious. its young adult but definitely worth a check. this is one e/lit/e that loves it.

>> No.691545

Fuck, I read these a while ago. They were really solid young-adult fantasy. I'd recommend them.

>> No.691591
File: 574 KB, 295x221, imdone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the one about the twilight woods and the boardwalk is good too.
>the one about the twilight woods and the boardwalk
>the twilight woods and the boardwalk
>twilight woods