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6913029 No.6913029 [Reply] [Original]

Guy I'm in 100 pages of The Catcher In The Rye and I'm bored out of my mind, does it get any better?

>> No.6913034


>> No.6913036

>does it get any better?
do not make these types of threads

>> No.6913038

Nah actually I'm trying to be a writer and I'm reading all the classics, ulysses, martin eden and moby dick are on order, normally I read really fast because I have nothing to do, reading a quick read in one night isn't uncommon, but damn this book is boring.

>> No.6913042

Sorry if this is against /lit/, I rarely hang in here.

>> No.6913044
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>> No.6913048

Don't start a fucking thread with that book. Are you trying to start a shit storm of debates?

>> No.6913053

I just finished it. and honestly? no.

frankly, I'm a little disgusted. I can't believe a book that is famous for being required reading in most high schools would include scenes about a teem getting raped by a prostitute that ends up being a tranny while wearing nothing but that ridiculous red hat.

>> No.6913062

If you haven't liked it so far I'm afraid not. Nonetheless I do think it's an at least interesting read.

>> No.6913067

well he's abused by his father and his teacher, and he fucks his sis

>> No.6913107

Do like any other person who gets bored with the classics, and get it read to you through some audio recording.

>> No.6913152

So that other guy was right when he said just summer things.

Pro tip: Ulysses going to rape your insides. Shelf it for a few years. You won't get 95% of the allusions

>> No.6913175

>Shelf it for a few years.
That's a cool thing to say. It's optimistic, I like it.

>> No.6913190

Holden rapes his sister, Phoebe

>> No.6913206


He's pissed off that people are corrupt. End of story.

>> No.6913229

Can you actually say why you don't like the book and find it boring?

I think the book does a good job of discussing the issues of conformity and disingenuousness that came about in post WW II America.

>> No.6913280

He's pissed of at the human condition and pissed of at himself for not being better.

>> No.6913422

Eh I hated catcher in the rye. But I also dislike coming of age stories and all that angsty bullshit. It may be well written but I agree that it was completely uninteresting. I liked Beloved more then I liked Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.6913431

Eh, I eh'ed the eh, ehhitty eh. Eh.

>> No.6914004


Ulysses confirmed Family Guy-tier

>> No.6914017

As if you can't understand this by reading it. 'Allusions' triggers thoughts of Family Guy?

Just lurk, save yourself the embarrassment

>> No.6914022

You're a pleb, sorry

Terribad thread OP.

>> No.6914024


I read it in high school and I thought it was pretty funny/cool.

>> No.6914026

Family Guy and Ulysses are the same. A bunch of shitty references no one cares about.

>> No.6914063

I wouldn't know, I don't watch Family Guy you fucking Prole

>> No.6914537

>anything that makes references is copying family guy
yeh u rite

>> No.6914580

You're right, Family Guy is a modern Ulysses.

>> No.6914585

>modern Ulysses
It's funny, you probably don't even realize that you've made a joke

>> No.6914607

>implying you have even read Ulysses
>implying you have even watched Family Guy
>implying you could describe modernism without looking it up on Wikipedia right now

>> No.6914643

I think it might have been moreso something about how 'Ulysses' is already the modern 'Ulysses'

>> No.6914804

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.6914807


>> No.6914978

I wasn't bored when I was reading it, I was just filled with hatred towards the asshole protagonist.
>inb4 too old to understand teen angst
I was 16.
I honestly can't tell if Salinger wanted us to hate Holden.
I'd read Siddhartha the day before and thoroughly enjoyed it though, so I'm not sure if this could have affected how I viewed Catcher.

>> No.6915121

>book that is famous for being required reading in most high schools would include scenes about a teem getting raped by a prostitute that ends up being a tranny while wearing nothing but that ridiculous red hat.
But that never happened. The prostitute never rapes the main character. They don't even fuck. The only mention rape is very subtle towards the end where his favorite teacher almost gropes him, and he briefly mentions that this has happened to him before.

>> No.6915126

>he fucks his sis
I read the book. When the fuck does this happen? Is it implied really subtly?

>> No.6915146

>almost gropes him
Is everyone a freaking faggot around here?
Holden and that teacher have a father-son relationship, Holden's too much of an angsty teen to consider that the teacher was just tousling his hair.

>> No.6915152

>Holden's too much of an angsty teen to consider that the teacher was just tousling his hair.
Okay. I'll grant you that. I was basing his intentions off of what Holden says. But can you explain everyone saying he rapes his sister. I read the book, and I really don't remember that at fucking all.

>> No.6915169

That's just a meme. It never happened and it's never implied.

>> No.6915171

>That's just a meme. It never happened and it's never implied.
Where the fuck did that meme come from?

>> No.6915179

This. It is Holden's Dad who rapes him.

>> No.6915210

No clue.

>> No.6915227

From the same brilliant minds that brought you "John Green is a cuck" and "is _______ a spook?"

>> No.6915250

I'll paste what I wrote last time this came around:

Is there textual evidence such that a reasonable person would conclude that Holden forced sexual acts (presumably penetration) upon his sister during the events? No.

BUT. But... there is a significant amount of suggestive language, themes, and implications applied to their relationship that would be hard to ignore. From the mass of touchy-feely stuff Holden does with her and comments about while in her room, to the fact that he remarks MULTIPLE times on how he is uncomfortable with how close they are ("sometimes I think she likes me too much"), to the more discrete references to molestation and sexual misconduct (the teacher; the girl and her father), it is justifiable to believe Holden had something abnormal going with her.

TL;DR: there is a specific scene where he enters her room at night that spawned the meme. More specifically the line where he grabs her ass.

>> No.6915279

There's direct textual evidence, on the first page, that Holden was repeatedly raped by his father.

>> No.6915789

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.6916155

No. Holden is a flawed narrator and he wasn't raped by his father. Holden is fucked up not because he was raped, but because his brother died

>> No.6916169

Sounds like someone's touchy, especially your father.

>> No.6916180

It's because Ulysses is the modern Odyssey you hopeless child