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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6912937 No.6912937 [Reply] [Original]


New episode get hyped

>> No.6912977

I feel bad watching this. I read similar things when I was that age, and while my opinions weren't quite so retarded I could imagine coming across just as pathetic. Why'd she put it up on the internet?

>> No.6912987


>> No.6912989


>> No.6912998

jesus guy calm down

>> No.6913009


>> No.6913015

can I put my penis inside you

>> No.6913060

I want to smear shit on your face OP.

>> No.6913065

>That framing
Please improve.

>> No.6913082

All of those books are good

>> No.6913090

this weird obsession with booktubers is depressing, are your lives so uninteresing?

>> No.6913106

God damn OP i hope you make money off this eventually
Why put up with this hassle
I guess it's cool that you're unafraid of the creep contingent but maybe you're a masochist

>> No.6913113

i had that same shirt

>> No.6913118

i dunno about anyone else, but mine certainly is

>> No.6913146

At the end of the Jung on she shows she has tits.

>> No.6913154


>> No.6913157

This is the first time I didn't cringe watching one of those

>> No.6913268

>but maybe you're a masochist

You're putting out the fire with gasoline, anon

>> No.6914497

Is this supposed to be cringy? I find it a little comforting. She is obviously a child, the fact that she is reading books that aren't YA is commendable. She's kind of not able to appreciate the books as much as she ought to because she's distracted by the shit only a kid would immediately recognize, but the fact that she is trying and willing to find out what literature is all about is awesome.

>You were a more cringy teenager.

>> No.6914522

She's 18, and no it wasn't supposed to be cringe

>> No.6914523

>uses the word retarded while implying he has a greater intellect
3/10 m8, good b8.

>> No.6914653

Kid is future patrician. The grown women booktubers are way more embarrassing

>> No.6914786

Her(???) thoughts on The Road are actually pretty good, at least the baby part. Doing something right now so can't really listen completely, but it makes a lot of sense. If you're carrying a baby to term, you're putting in way more energy than you're going to get out by eating it. It didn't make too much sense, but it did show a lot of desperation and "shock" by putting it in there.

Interesting take on it, and something I didn't consider when I read it the other day.

>> No.6915144

OP here
nah it wasnt supposed to be cringey. she posts here, you know. I think shes pretty interesting to watch and not cringey at all just really shy
I posted the booktube thing to ironically distance myself
the things you do when youre anonymous

>> No.6915182


>Kid is future patrician.

This. I see future patrician potential.

Obviously very shy so choosing to keep putting out videos knowing that /lit/ currently has a shitposting spotlight on you is commendable.

Keep reading spergbro you gonna make it.

>> No.6915356

>she posts here, you know.
>Obviously very shy so choosing to keep putting out videos knowing that /lit/ currently has a shitposting spotlight on you is commendable.

>> No.6915943

Calm down guy
Dont got no source, just going to have to take my word for it

>> No.6915988

She's got nice eyes

>> No.6916466

Based as always, i'm happy to see that he's back

>> No.6916517

Is he the only good booktuber or what?

>> No.6916533

holy shit she dressed a lot more girly in this vid, she looks sorta cute! i was the first post on her original vid saying cut ur hair if your a boy.

>> No.6916936

She was posting in the thread where her video was originally shared (not the last booktuber thread but the one before, a couple weeks ago) and if I'm not mistaken she was the OP of the thread, or at least responsible for sharing her own video. In any case, she was responding to questions etc. without a trip but in a coherent and human fashion, so I've got no doubts.

>> No.6917154

Will do.
Condescending prick.
Fuck you.

I suppose I should go back to doing 20-minute videos. I didn't think anyone would be interested in everything I thought about the books (which is a fair bit). Not to mention that it's kind of hard to flick between pages in my sketchbook and find relevant pages. I'm just used to no-one giving a fuck anyway. I missed out a lot in that video and I regret it.

>> No.6917163

unwatchable/10 + zeroeffort/10

>> No.6917181

Is it worth any effort though?

>> No.6917197

It would make more sense to cover just the one book at a time and have a bit more more in depth to say about it. The current format doesn't leave you much time for saying anything substantial.

>> No.6917200

Yeah, I think that is the way to go. Plus that doesn't leave me having to flip between sections of my book.

>> No.6917211

If I were doing something like this I'd probably take notes on the books as I was going so there'd be some reminder I could glance at of the contents. How much do you plan what you're going to say?

>> No.6917225

That's what I do. But then when I want to make a video I write, for each book, a small paragraph of what I remember about the stuff I wrote. Even then I forget things. I think doing one book at a time will make it easier.

>> No.6917245

That sounds about right. Just make sure the mic's close enough next time, or speak up.

>> No.6917264

Righty ho.

>> No.6917284

that's up to you and how much you get out of the whole thing.
if you put in some actual effort, you might get a /lit/ audience that isn't just comprised of post-ironic memers.

>> No.6917293

What would you want to see? Are individual book reviews better?

>> No.6917487

>What would you want to see?

more detailed videos with analysis.
most /booktube/ videos are shallow, only give a small plot description without going in much deeper and without saying anything substantial about the book. they always seem more like recommendation videos rather than reviews.

>Are individual book reviews better?
yes. multiple books could work if they share a certain theme or have some kind of contrast between them.

>> No.6917497

I just did this; any better?

>> No.6917516
File: 107 KB, 428x320, smur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt strangely compelled to do this.

I think that was better generally.

>> No.6917519

What's the gender of that person?

>> No.6917550

That video was done much better than the previous one. I think doing one book at a time is the way to go, you looked like you were having an easier time getting your thoughts together.

>> No.6917564

Have you read The Brothers Karamazov? What books do you recommend to a new reader? Do you believe in God?

>> No.6917683

Yeah, that definitely needed to come into the world..
Thanks. I agree.
No, but I own it so I'll read it at some point. To a new reader? I'm not sure. I think one of the first "proper" books I read was Crime and Punishment. I think Dickens might be a good idea as well. I've only read one of his though (Our Mutual Friend). I don't believe in God.

>> No.6917728

the appearence of that booktuber confuses me greatly. On the one hand, she looks really strange, but on the other hand, kind of cute.

Ugly in a beautiful way.

>> No.6917748

Maybe a little more interpretation/analysis? I know some books just arent that good for this kind of thing. Maybe you could read something like the grand inquisitor and talk about it? Ofcourse theres only so much analysis you can do, and if you really want an analysis on things you can just look up a scholarly one, so it has to be mixed in with the former (negative) idea of a suggestion video but with some included analysis of themes.
Im sorry if my advice is not really helpful, but i guess one thing you can easily work on would be lighting. Like, try to go back to how it was filmed in the first video, rather than these new ones, where the quality of the video kind of distracts from it all.

>> No.6917763

I used a camera for the first one but it was like 2GB and took hours to upload. Fucking hours. My internet is shit. These videos took a few minutes to upload. I might go back to the camera though.
With that book, there wasn't much I could do, as far as I know. I'm not sure how far to go with analysis. You could go down to sentences and obviously I'm not going to do that.

>> No.6917766

Ur beautiful in an ugly way, you little slut, anon

>> No.6917785

>that episode about about his dad
I dont often feel empathetic, especially toward people on the internet, but jees, that was tough to watch.

>> No.6917793

>I don't believe in God.

>> No.6917796
File: 57 KB, 484x404, M'EcumenicalCouncil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't believe in God

Certified patrish right there.
Is it true that the Anglican Church has been falling on very hard times in the last decade? I recall hearing that church attendance has floored as Brits in general reject traditional dogma.

>> No.6917800

I know people who can shrink you.

>> No.6917804
File: 207 KB, 960x1280, 1438421877380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this meme response

>> No.6917806

>I don't believe in God.

Why are you advertising your videos on a Christian board then?

>> No.6917810

It does depend a lot on the book, maybe you should read the brothers k and try a book where there is very rich and deep meaning. I read it when i was younger and liked it but couldnt capture a lot of it, then when i reread it and was amazed. The problem is it's on the other end of the spectrum, being quite large and heavily ladened with ideas. So you could try that out and see how it would work out and how you would handle it.

>> No.6917813

I am basically an orangutan.

>> No.6917814

Do you, perchance, read any philosphy? I know Nietzsche was in that video, but what about more serious philosophy like Kant or Plato?

>> No.6917816

who is this beautiful girl

>> No.6917819

who is this phallus palace?

>> No.6917821
File: 16 KB, 500x500, common alone in dark room pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys bullying this little boy-girl?
>tfw thingken of that last shut-in grill who ended up deleting her youtube

>> No.6917831

I was quite astonished he could hold out for so long without crying. Like, if my father passed away the night before and i dont think i could sing a song about him like that.
Good stuff, song was pretty great.

>> No.6917833

Honestly I don't know anything about the state of the church. Most of my acquaintances don't believe in God/are not Christians.
The next review will be of The Iliad; I might have more to say about that.
I've read barely any philosophy. I can just think of Virilio (shit) aside from Nietzsche. I will read some soon though.
18 years of living in a country filled with chavs desensitises you a lot. Also, a few years of 4chan desensitises you a lot. So.. not gonna delete my account. Or even the fucking dumb comments.

>> No.6917835

>Are you guys bullying this little boy-girl?

she's from /lit/. i'm sure she can handle the bantz :^)

>> No.6917836

Read the thread before shitposting, fag

>> No.6917844

Katie was too weak to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous 4chan

>> No.6917862

Fellow Brit here. Where the fuck were girls like you when I was in school? The only book-readers (dare say bookworms) I knew were obnoxious Tumblr fucks that thought Alice in Wonderland was the pinnacle of fine literature.

Not to sound fedora, but being a kid into /lit/ crap was suffering. You're a nerd at best and a complete outcast at worst.

>> No.6917874

This video reminds me of middle school and to a certain degree High School presentations when someone didn't do any work for the presentation and wasn't one of those kinds of people who could wing it so they just sort of fumble their way through until the time runs out.

I didn't mean the post in a way that you should delete your account, I was referring to another person, I'm guessing "Katie" >>6917844 is her. Anyone have the cap?

>> No.6917879

She definitely read the material, but yeah she fumbled because shes still awkward about it.

>> No.6917881


>willingly portrays himself as a nerd and an outcast
>wonders why smart women aren't running into his lap

>> No.6917892

>had literally nothing to talk to fellow kids about because even the vidya I played was too nerdy
>my fault when I didn't change my hobbies to get friends

It's even worse in Britain. We don't have cliches like you do in America, you're either a Lad Bible-subscriber who buys Fifa every year or a fucking loser.

>> No.6917913
File: 7 KB, 225x225, number1fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone have the cap?

>> No.6917920

Stop shilling this ugly little girl in these booktube threads. Christ even that ugly twat peruse is better.

>> No.6917926

>"We don't have cliches like you do in America"
>immediately proceeds to describe several prominent British cliches

>> No.6917936


I think he meant cliques, but he's still wrong

>> No.6917938


At least something good came out of it >>6912987

>> No.6917939

I'd fuck her. It's been a while since I've had midgetpussy.

>> No.6917941

Fuck, meant to write cliques. If you were like me and didn't fit into the vast majority you were lumped in with the minority who very rarely, if ever, got together.

>> No.6917963

Says the fat ugly neckbeard

>> No.6917982

>still caring about having no friends

School is finished. Go to the pub and have a pint with your dad

>> No.6917987


My dad's dead m8.

>> No.6917993

Go to the theatre with your step-dad uncle then.

>> No.6918011

sorry m8

>> No.6918013

What kind of tea do you drink? Do you like Barry's Tea?

>> No.6918016

god damn the sun

>> No.6918044

I only drink Buckfast Tonic Wine.

>> No.6918046


>> No.6918057

Hey, you're not me.
Who wants to know?

>> No.6918062

Well you were drinking tea in one of your recent videos. Not to sound creepy--just wondering if people in England drink Barry's. I'm American and drink lots of it.

>> No.6918065

What's your name?
How do we refer to you other than BooksAndShit?

>> No.6918074

What do you think about this weirdo >>6917939 saying he'd fuck you and calling you "midgetpussy"?

>> No.6918097

>middle class english people culturally appropriating our national drink


>> No.6918117

Booktuber threads and butterfly are the worst things that ever happened to /lit/.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.6918124

bookshelf threads

>> No.6918130

You can just add that to the list, because I forgot about those.

>> No.6918145

Recent purchases
Avid reader
>When did you first realise you were a genius?
>Write your suicide note
the list goes on..
I don't like him.
Whatever my mum buys, really. Twinings, PG Tips, Tetley.
Some people know me as "Oxford girl".

>> No.6918155
File: 4 KB, 249x175, 1438321496935s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and I are enemies now.

>> No.6918157
File: 26 KB, 400x462, 1431554149441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't believe in God.

>> No.6918163

>I don't like him.
How tepid. You really are British.

>> No.6918164

should have corrected her with
>not believing in the gods
Apollo save us

>> No.6918169

What did you want me to say? "I get up early in the morning to hate him because there isn't time enough!"

>> No.6918172
File: 258 KB, 506x588, aN3xAfk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the faggot from the OP is actually in this thread

>> No.6918176

I dunno, at least call him a wanker or something.

>> No.6918177

What did you expect?

>> No.6918183

It's like googling your own name. Everybody secretly does it.

>> No.6918196
File: 37 KB, 463x325, 1432920094460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That you would appreciate the bantz, lass.

>> No.6918201


>Doesn't think The Road lived up to the hype

Holy shit, it's just started and she's already more patrish than 3/4ths of this board.

>> No.6918202

Is /lit/ going to make this girl kill herself like the last one?

>> No.6918204 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 547x471, 1416089768007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw she's actually autistic


>> No.6918206

if it's any consolation I think your threads are brilliant

>> No.6918209

I've been calling Corncob McCarthy a hack for a while now.

>> No.6918210

For your information, I let everyone know when I'm going to google my own name.

>> No.6918213


>> No.6918221

Stop making me feel bad about how little reading I get done you teaslurping Brit.
Also, considering doing a couple of practice attempts before actually doing the video, your clumsyness is adorable but also a bit distracting at times.

>> No.6918223
File: 67 KB, 480x360, 1438323612520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have made this.

>> No.6918227

you know what to do ;)

>> No.6918234


b-b-but muh prose
muh literary references

>> No.6918241

There's literally nothing interesting in that link. I don't see why you'd be so up in arms over it.

>> No.6918250

Cormac HaCarthy
Corhack McCarthy

>> No.6918255


>> No.6918259
File: 26 KB, 262x331, ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6918262


>> No.6918267


>> No.6918270


>> No.6918279

I'm sorry. I'm tired. I'll make it up to you somehow. Would a date at Nando's suit you?
If I do commit suicide it's entirely my fault. Well, my decision. Whatever "me" is.
>Also, considering doing a couple of practice attempts before actually doing the video, your clumsyness is adorable but also a bit distracting at times.
Yeah. My latest video is my most refined in this way.
Heh. Forgot about that. I have had strong suspicions about my family in that respect (I've also considered many other explanations for their weirdness).

>> No.6918293

>hasnt read blood meridian

>> No.6918301

>le ebin demiurge: the book

>> No.6918303

i actually havent read blood meridian anyway lol

>> No.6918305

>thinks blood meridian is good

>> No.6918308

I enjoyed the video though I agree with the general critique in here i.e
make it a one book per vid thing,
frame the videos better
come up with a general outline of your ideas and talk from that, don't try and write a script

>> No.6918317

Does /lit/ have a new waifu?!??! She's actually talking to us, guys. Don't fuck this up.

>> No.6918322
File: 258 KB, 304x439, scooby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo gurl, are you of legal age yet?

>> No.6918331

*kisses you*

i'm gay so it was a platonic gesture pls don't report me for harassment :3

>> No.6918337

nice, do you like grime? post bangerz


>> No.6918354

ayo meathead, get the fuck back to /fit/

>> No.6918359

I love junior spesh

>> No.6918872

what do you think

>> No.6920023

Underrated af


>> No.6920257

I honestly prefer it like that.
is better than those guys/girls talking loudly and waving hands all around

>> No.6920367

is she actually a STEM student?
there are some math scribbles on the wall beside her (I think it might be some series expansion) and what looks like to be some wave patterns

>> No.6920377

If I recall correctly, going to Oxford studying physics

>> No.6921207
File: 41 KB, 385x500, 1412695964946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot. Apparently some one who wears a fedora and publicly likes youtube videos of big titted anime girls happens to share a name with me.

>> No.6921256
File: 64 KB, 360x433, 1418898823379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godammit, he's posting on a Kazakh knitting forum as well.

>> No.6921612
File: 26 KB, 235x235, This pair, but also an erection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ has a daughter now

I hope this doesn't turn into Katie 2.0.

>> No.6921643


>not having friends that read chekhov and gogol with you
>not sitting on chesterfield couches in your mate's sitting room drinking stella artois and smoking benson and hedges darts listening to Bela Bartok and watching shakespeare films on TV
>not living as a flaneur by the age of 16

what kinda shitty town u from?

>> No.6921648

nah this one has hard edges

>> No.6921699

u should read proust

>> No.6922578

>Whatever my mum buys, really. Twinings, PG Tips, Tetley.
so comfy

>> No.6922580

>tfw life not like this
who you be?

>> No.6922596

some faggot that posts on a vietnamese board for personal insults

>> No.6922606

Fucking Amerilards can't comprehend basic geography

It's a Mon-Khmer dreamcatcher enthusiast forum.

>> No.6922617

Hahahhahaha gay

>> No.6922873

>Our little patrician girl-boy is growing up ;_;

>> No.6922915

Do you play piano?

>> No.6922969

>>Write your suicide note
what's wrong with writing your suicide note?
I didn't look in that thread, not sure why

>> No.6923994

I read it tbh, it's just not really /lit/.
Kind of. It's not my main instrument.

>> No.6924031
File: 174 KB, 817x960, oy m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know we're supposed to be all serious and discuss books and things, but I just have to say that, while I find you cute in a weird way, every time you say "me mum" my first thought is pic related.

>> No.6924073

Do you have lots of friends, or do you spend most of your time reading?

>> No.6924125

Geez, sorry. Maybe if you took >>>>6917197 's advice you wouldn't come off as a child. The reviews were quick and uninteresting, you didn't have any time or anything real to say about the book before you were on to the next one.

>> No.6924132


>> No.6924136

Is this how unattractive girls leverage their sexuality? By getting male attention through other, non-physical, pursuits?

>> No.6924150

>implying males are attracted to intelligence

stop projecting bruv.

>> No.6924154

>not getting a brain-boner over girls who are smart or can make you laugh

stop plebbing bruv.

>> No.6924218 [DELETED] 

Maybe you should consider organising your videos a little more, maybe break down your thoughts into some sort of written analysis in note form, and then use that to record the reviews with.

Also its nice to see there's other young people out there who are into books and art, it can be pretty lonely, I'm in the UK too by the way.

>> No.6924224

>tfw met a girl who was smart and made me laugh and was cute
She didn't like me.

Gott ist tot.

>> No.6924232

Are you hacked or attractive? Outgoing? That's mostly all girls are drawn to.

>> No.6924239

Hacked, I got rootkitted.

>> No.6924249

Did you make her laugh?

>> No.6924251
File: 66 KB, 532x733, dank maymays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fat awkward neckbeard.

It's fine, the age of waifus and neurologically induced enjoyment is almost here.
Also, to make it /lit/ related, a bit of Nietzsche:

>The reabsorption of semen by the blood is the strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than any other factor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of all forces toward the overcoming of resistances, the thirst for contradiction and resistance. The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and hermits (for example, amoung the Brahmans).

Also, Lacan:
>It's like for Saint Teresa - you need but go to Rome and see the statue by Bernini to immediately understand that she's coming. There's no doubt about it. What is she getting off on? It is clear that the essential testimony of the mystics consists in saying that they experience it, but know nothing of it.

Pic related.

>> No.6924336

why don't you use a tripcode

>> No.6926258

She stated in a previous thread that she doesn't want to join the ranks of you walking-bait faggots.

>> No.6926282

Are reverse traps the next big thing on /lit?

>> No.6926291

I hope so.

>> No.6926512

Can't hear shit, can't see shit.

>> No.6926521

butterfly is good and nice

>> No.6926528

For how long did you read these books, one month?

>> No.6926559

This thread:

Anyway, kid's aright for his/her age (which is it anyway?). As everybody has already said, takes guts to expose yourself like this - hope he/she keep at it and turn into a proper patrician.

>> No.6926587
File: 34 KB, 363x371, 1417549379729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw jailbait btfo grognards
/pol/ was the worst thing to happen to /lit/, by far.

>> No.6926588

Thank you.

>> No.6926592

>Anyway, kid's aright for his/her age (which is it anyway?

Read the fugging thread :DDDD
She is 18, going to Oxford for physics.

>> No.6926606 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 446x600, ES-116_op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6926619

Get a fucking microphone.

>> No.6926646

A bit of criticism:

-Frame the camera so we see more than your head. I know you're insecure, but you really have to put yourself in the whole frame.
-Work on getting rid the ummms. It'll be a life long gain
-Get a fucking microphone. It hurts to listen to the bad audio. A better brighter looking camera wouldnt hurt either, but not before a mic.

>> No.6926664

ayyy gurl what's your MFC handle?

>> No.6926676
File: 67 KB, 920x720, 1328789417616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old hag

>> No.6926686 [DELETED] 


>> No.6926687
File: 16 KB, 288x298, upper_crossed_syndrome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your posture is a bit off
If you want to fix your forward head posture work on stretching your upper traps and strengthening your core

Pic related

>> No.6926702
File: 32 KB, 600x336, ge-map-trebizond.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>upper traps


>> No.6926721

I'd drink her pee

>> No.6926731

I'd huff it from a damp paper bag.

>> No.6926781

>tfw little grill-boy wants to become a patrician, but /lit/ is too busy fantasizing about molesting her to actually help

>> No.6926786 [DELETED] 
File: 666 KB, 1200x800, 1431560944334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this autism out.

>> No.6926794

Don't say that about Oxford!

>> No.6926801

Bookshelf and suicide note threads are the worst. Don't be upset because you're too much of a pussy to put yourself on video.

>> No.6926806


of course it is sonic
of course

>> No.6926809

road to patriciandom is inevitably filled with pederasty

>> No.6926813

last thread (a few days after BTF's dad died) Oxford girl, the shittiest booktuber on the planet, said, and I quote, "better than food is alright I dont really like catch phrases"
as if your midget thumb-faced looking can't ass is in a position to be judging other book tubers

literally stop posing your fucking videos here you dumb cunt

>> No.6926818

and you take it in the ass from him or why are you spergin

>> No.6926819

What's with the love for BTF? His reviews are pretty dull and he's not a cute girl, where's the appeal?

>> No.6926820

youre definitely not mad or anything

>> No.6926832 [DELETED] 

>he's not a cute girl
There's your appeal faggot

>> No.6926839
File: 586 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2015-08-04-01-06-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only watched a few seconds due to my indifference of other's opinions (i think that's the reason), but you seem like a really nice kind of person. Good on you

>> No.6926840
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...is that you?

>> No.6926841 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 190x266, 3565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these 'uhhh muhh cutiegirlie wayfoo' faggots
leave this place

>> No.6926842 [DELETED] 

>starts her video off mentioning she's not going to do any more monthly reviews
i recall saying something about that shitty format reminding me too much of bazpierce
and then ur dumb ass justified that it was better to do monthly reviews in some bullshit way

>> No.6926844

Oxford girl confirmed for BTF's dad's killer.

>> No.6926852
File: 7 KB, 170x296, 1405543808059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>related channels


>> No.6926873

Oxford girl don't let the haters keep you down, keep making videos


>> No.6926892 [DELETED] 



>> No.6926895

>criticizing other people for faggotry
>posting oscar wilde, a shit writer and sodomite

>> No.6926901

are you literally mentally addled in some ways
you best be trolling, for the sake of your soul

>> No.6926915

How long before someone doxes her and she deletes her channel?

>> No.6926921 [DELETED] 

I'm not trolling but I'm using caps and saying sweet phrases like smh and btfo a lot so mayb lit will like me

but rly I'm serious Oxford girl sucks ass and only changed her format coz I BTFOd her dumbass two or three weeks prior smhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.6926934

nigga yo game weak as fuck fam, kljasd

>> No.6926936
File: 199 KB, 427x463, DFW3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oscar Wilde
>shit writer

Nah but the anon you are replying to is still a retard for posting Wilde

>> No.6926940

You actually look cute this time, please keep that up.

>> No.6926943

I don't think she really cares about being 'doxxed'. She's a youtube book reviewer, not a Stormfront user.

>> No.6926944

you're bullying a teenage girl on the internet bud

>> No.6926964

You're on 4chan bud

>> No.6926969 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 380x380, 1436561252316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DFW shitposter insulting anybody

>> No.6926970

youre a boi whose mom fucks with mandingos

>> No.6926973

That was a sarcastic rephrase of the guy he was replying to you literal tard

>> No.6926980

>She's a youtube book reviewer

no, she's a meme.
and you underestimate how civilized /lit/ can be.

>> No.6926990


>> No.6926992

I want to be Oxford girl's little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. she would stick me into her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i want to feel her Oxford girl blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo-hoo juices inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo Oxford girl blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her Oxford girl hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her Oxford girl hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over her Oxford girl mayberry face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.

>> No.6926993

>he doesn't have a DFW folder
Lurk more, /r/books

Did you mean to write overestimate? I don't see your point.

>> No.6926998

Scratch that, saw the correction

>> No.6927008

good thing ur opinions r not retarded now

>> No.6927014

oxford girl nudes when?

>> No.6927016 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6927020

/lit/ knows the identities of plenty of figures, from >>6927016 to John Green himself. Nothing comes of it.
People always cite the Katie incident, but that was purely a case of someone not being able to handle insulting/creepy comments on the internet. It's not like she got SWATed or had people bothering her in any meaningful real-life way.

>> No.6927026
File: 87 KB, 684x576, 1422116994645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oxford girl will never be your little sister

>> No.6927080 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 265x265, milo-yiannopoulos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le 4chan army epic for the win

>> No.6927757 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6927885

Have you ever changed your mind about anything? Are you familiar with the process? It's quite popular, or so I hear.

>> No.6928554

This is good. Subscribed and have added the book to my to-read list.
Keep putting these reviews out and the delivery and format will work itself out in time probably.

I recall hearing about The Information in relation to this podcast series https://podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/literature-and-form but I'd forgotten the title. I'm glad to be reminded of it.

>> No.6928718

I have no idea what's going on, I just watched this video and bursted out laughing. Please tell me I'm not crazy

>> No.6928765


You aren't alone
That voice, god
I would still have sex with her

>> No.6929526

I blocked out most of her retardation by thinking about molesting her JAV style...kek

>> No.6929546

so do I

>> No.6929566

A criticism of your criticism:

I, for one, don't mind the ummmms. Its kinda cute.

Besides, it is way better than the typical booktuber girls talking loudly and fast and waving hands and saying "OMG" and all that crap.

Also: You're completely right about the microphone and camera thing.

>> No.6929599

>ywn share a bottle of wine with her when she's feeling bad about Chad
>swn be distant at first, but gradually come to appreciate your trying to comfort her
>ywn watch dumb tv shows as she spills stories of life and discusses patrician philosophy
>ywn hold her hand
>ywn interrupt her with an 'I love you, fam' in the heat of the moment
>swn snuggle up on top of you for the first time since you were little kids
>ywn wrap your arm around her and drift off to sleep laying kisses in her hair

Why live?

>> No.6929618

How do you read /lit/?

>> No.6929643 [DELETED] 

the duck should I change my mind about dumbass literally maybe id like her if she stayed the duck away from her own threads

>> No.6929648

Found yer girlfriends channel m8


>> No.6929697


ambitious reading list, the fun will come when you are older and able to interpret the same stories in different ways.

also as you get older you'll realize that 99.99% of all psychology is complete non-sensical crap. fun when you first get into innit.

>> No.6929724

Ironically your diction suggests you are the dumbass. Dunning-Kruger comes to mind.

>> No.6929844
File: 3.58 MB, 630x354, tips fedora.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6929901

reminds me of Kristen Bell a bit

>> No.6929911

The Horror! The Horror!

>> No.6930044

>when you get older
Oh fuck off you manchild

>> No.6930112

I'm 54 years old
I watched the whole thing and was fascinated
She (you?) has (have?) a very unaffected, natural and thoughtful way of talking about books that is incredibly refreshing after talking with so many people that either (a) couldn't give a shit about books or (b) have an English Degree and use stupid words like "overwritten" in an attempt to mask their disengagement and boredom with the whole enterprise.
She (you) is (are) doing God's work.
[If she were reading this thread I would ask her to p]lease continue.

>> No.6930428

no one fucking cares you massive faggot

>> No.6930430
File: 18 KB, 480x320, 46-026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6930457


>> No.6930479


someone's got some sand in their vagina

>> No.6930486

You are 54 years old and are posting on four chins? Way to succeed in life, grandpa.

>> No.6930512

Awesome review. Great opinions. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new opinion pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' educated, sophisticated, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

>> No.6930561

Please get a microphone or just sit closer to your camera.

>> No.6930624

I meant, I changed my mind. It's a thing people do, regardless of what others say. And hey, I'm here again. You mad?
>also as you get older you'll realize that 99.99% of all psychology is complete non-sensical crap. fun when you first get into innit.
That's a rather black-and-white view. Jung, for example, acknowledges the lack of physical knowledge, but that doesn't stop him coming up with models that can be linked with the brain once we know more about it. To reject all psychology is stupid. Sorry, le older and wiser person.
Hey dad, thanks for the support
Thanks man

>> No.6930640

whats ur fav sex pistols song?

>> No.6930664

book_chemist is pretty based too. He's less focused on the classics and mroe on contemprorary literature though

>> No.6930979

You are so cute, please reply to this comment so I can die happy

>> No.6931009

lol /lit/
Just when I thought you couldn't go any lower.

>> No.6931382

i love you'r video, but use a better camera, it's 2015 not 2006.

>> No.6931418

new video when

>> No.6931439

Well, been away from /lit for a few weeks and I see this thing is still ongoing. I'm not sifting through this wall of waifu wanking. Fill me in, /lit.

>> No.6931456

A girl made a video and /lit/ went crazy when she posted on here. Nothing interesting.

>> No.6931465

How much for a night where I can put a beard on and we pretend we are in ancient greece and doing pederasty, I'll enter just your butthole.

>> No.6931466
File: 913 KB, 500x375, george-costanza-gives-up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's what happened last time.

>> No.6931472

Is this thread some giant troll? Some of you genuinely seem to like it - even though it's dogshit. It's some low-res video of a child who can't even be arsed writing a script, or is incapable of reading from one. They're not even reviews.

Goodreads was made to be a containment facility for trash like this.

>> No.6931494

>I like how he writes
This kid is never gonna make it

>> No.6931502

this tbh; I think /lit/'s read abit too much lolita

>> No.6931505

It's someone honestly sharing their views on literature. If you want some jump-cut filled book cover arranging loud video go watch that instead.

>> No.6931510

fucking hell just realised this kid is 16-17; he's been through year 10 and 11 already. I thought he was like 12 lmao fucking hell lads whew

>> No.6931514

she's 18 and going to oxford

>> No.6931520

wait no that was vid was from 2 years ago; this guys probably about 20 wtf

>> No.6931525

this meme runs deep

>> No.6931536


I just read literary magazines and websites where I can get well written and thoughtful reviews and articles from professional critics, academics and writers.

You don't always have to watch content made by people you want to fuck. And oddly enough teenagers aren't actually the best content creators around.

>> No.6931574

She needs to improve a lot and all this waifufaggotry is pure cancer as it is.

>> No.6931590

>thread is called /booktube/
>no one posts any booktubers to watch and just circlejerk over the ugly little boy in the OP

Post booktubers that are worth listening to or fuck off.

>> No.6931636
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>> No.6931751

It's almost as if it would happen everytime... Almost.

>> No.6931763

The guy in this post >>6912987 , I've watched 4 of his videos so far and he's fantastic.

>> No.6931769

Nice meme
Fuck goodreads, Atomised is 3 * on that pile of shit.
Why am I not worth listening to?

>> No.6931780

he's the most attractive booktuber as well

>> No.6931806

I honestly have no desire to watch videos of people talking about books on the internet.

Where does a desire such as this come from?

>> No.6931810

Houllebecq is an average writer with some interesting ideas, Atomised included, but yeah goodreads are trite.

>> No.6931835

A mix of loneliness and weird idol worship

>> No.6931843

No homo

>> No.6931888

Ideas are fun

>> No.6931967

for fucks sake

>> No.6931996

are you dumb

people on /lit/ allegedly like books; people in these videos are talking about books

>> No.6932051

>people on /lit/ allegedly like books

who made you the spokesperson faggot

>> No.6932068


>> No.6932075

I love this guy, I don't know why.

>> No.6932079

better than food blows

>> No.6932095

I wouldn't say I get a raging hard on watching her but she seems nice enough to hang around with and talk. Wouldn't mind her being my girlfriend. It's better than those turbo slut who only drink in their free time.

>> No.6932108
File: 319 KB, 612x430, AgJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I have to be up at 8 am tomorrow to found out the result of an urgent blood test due to low cortisol and before I went to bed I was subjected to an insult that seems insultingly optimistic: Cuckold.

>I am a man with tits and a tiny dick who can't yet masturbate, I have crippling social anxiety no social skills and I live at home with my bipolar mother and abusive father. That "You have a girlfriend that shags other blokes" is seen as a killer insult to someone who would love a girlfriend I didn't have to have sex with just underlines how thoroughly pathetic my life has become.

>I am going to have to have an injection of testosterone every 3 months even supposing I do get a good job meet someone and move out, oh and if I want kids I need to rely on IVF technology advances so healthy sperm can be isolated and frozen. Those are issues that affect me even if I get some Disney style happy ending. And oh by the way that also means I have to tackle the ethical issue of whether I want kids with autism somewhere down the line. Being made to consider eugenics of wiping out your own demographic is kind of heavy stuff to have waiting for you down the line.

>Oh and I have haemoroids which means I occasionally bleed from the arse and there are cataracts in my eyes that are slowly turning my blind and necessitating stronger and stronger glasses. Oh and I hsave rhinitis which means my nose is always running and thus frequently bleeding, meaning I need some sort of hanky or toilet roll near me all the time which naturally every stupid fucker uses to make a crack about masturbation.

>What am I though if not the boy who carried a towel to school and got the snot kicked out of him? Am I now the weird loser making strange videos on the internet? Where did my ambition and drive and hope go? What do I do now? I am so used to having the answers but I don't have them now. I have been mindfucked by too many people and not in a good way.

>> No.6932122


>> No.6932130

youre weird dude what was the point of this ?

>> No.6932137

Eh, so what if she's a boy. If the surgeon was decent who cares. I don't.

>> No.6932201

But seriously. I think she looks like a nice girl and she gives me a little hope in women. Might grow up to be fine young lady. Pls don't bully.

>> No.6932205
File: 449 KB, 2048x1365, Thumbs-Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U seem like a cool person, oxfordgirl
No homo

>> No.6932215


>> No.6932226

Dude totally!! XD

>> No.6932245

>sharing their views
Obviously shes not a scholar bud.
I get where youre coming from, but it's like if you were to talk to a friend about a movie or a book, sure he's not necessarily a genius but hearing others opinion is interesting and fun. K buddy? :D
Inb4 whiteknighting, im explaining why someone would watch it

>> No.6932275

Why in the fuck would I watch videos of losers talking about books, just because I like books?

>> No.6932525

Yeah she sounds like a pretty decent person, from what I can tell. A bit awkward maybe, but considering /lit/ standards quite normal I guess.

Still, I find the fact we are talking about her, instead of the content she produces a bit troubling. Or rather, the fact that this always happens - but then again, it is lit, and its no different when discussing books (or rather, their authors...)

>> No.6932577

>Why in the fuck would I watch videos of losers talking about books, just because I like books?

Why are you in this thread if you don't like books youtuber ?

>> No.6932582
File: 22 KB, 317x215, Coeur-de-lis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw /lit/ can't read and needs to have the same thing explained 4 times

>> No.6932612

Because I like reading about books and writing, literature, etc. I don't like watching fucking videos about it. What do you take me for, a NEET housewife?