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/lit/ - Literature

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6911704 No.6911704 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6911720

tbh we do the same exact thing with the booktuber threads

>> No.6911726

w2c boots

>> No.6911777

>all of them have headphones and read in metro

pretenders. implying you can focus on anything more than sophisticated pleb -tier material in those conditions

>> No.6911806

No, "we" don't. A handful of shitposters do.

>> No.6911812

>I have a shitty attention span and can only concentrate on one thing at a time, that means everyone else must be like me

>> No.6911817

but they put their videos up themselves, here some creep have been photographing people in the public

>> No.6911829

why the fuck did you post this? There is no way of telling from the pic what book he is reading. He could be reading pleb-tier for all we know.

>> No.6911844

It's physically impossible to multitask. What actually happens is that you shift your attention from one thing to another, rapidly, and it always results in overall worse performance.

>> No.6911884

Teenagers are hormone-riddled, stupid horny cunts, more news at 11.

>> No.6911939
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normie genocide when?

>> No.6911949

Spoiler alert: that instagram account is run by a gay dude.

>> No.6911961

>that instagram account is run by a gay dude
this changes everything
gays being creepy isn't unsettling, it's expected
grils being creepy would have been much more disturbing

>> No.6911981

So close. The operative word wasn't 'gay' though, it was 'dude.'
Men being creepy is expected.
Women being creepy is unexpected, weird and arouses much asspain.

>> No.6911985

I feel the opposite tbh. Most homosexuals aren't creepy divas (emphasis on "most").

Young hormone filled girls are, in re ipsa.

>> No.6911991

Yeah, listening to music and reading at the same time is almost as bad as watching a movie. I mean, there's the actor (sometimes even several actors at once!) AND their words AND the music AND an environment AND sometimes text in the environment. How am I supposed to take all of that shit in?

That's why I never multitask. I also never read texts with multiple words. I mean, am I supposed to read a word, and then read another one while STILL remembering the first and putting together a meaning from their coexistence? What am I, a superhuman?

>> No.6912006

>getting this asspained

>> No.6912051

holy shit anon remember to take your assburger meds

>> No.6912060

If you don't understand the difference within the dialogue of a screenplay and the writing of a book then I give your parents my great condolences

>> No.6912071


I actually find reading on the train or subway to be some of the best reading I get done. Far fewer distractions than at home. Have you considered that they might be listening to quiet piano music to block out the sounds around them? That's what I do. Not that reading with a little bit of noise around you is difficult. Unless you're reading something so tedious and strenuous that you aren't actually engaged enough to read it without complete silence and some kind of Clockwork Orange headgear.

In which, who is the real pretender?

>> No.6912074

I wish people would stop posting them tbh.

>> No.6912087

You focus on reading and the music is your background sound isolating you from other sounds that may appear new and would call your attention.

>> No.6912094

close the fucking computer and TV if you have too many distractions at home

actually how can you even have disractions at home? except if you're underage/NEET living with your fam

>> No.6912096

>not listening to field recordings of thunderstorms to drown out the normies

>> No.6912104
File: 39 KB, 480x480, snatching_lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the comment on that post. Handcuffs, etc.

Is long her not sexy, too rare, or do those people have a type?

Also, a beard question: Is there a good way to get rid of individual very long hair, i.e. hair that grew faster? They don't always stick out, but sometimes they do. Bothers me.

Bonus question: What's a good fragrance/perfume/toilet with patchouli?
The women at the store suggested
>Dolce & Gabbana: The One
but that one definitely has a lot of other things.

>> No.6912105

how about you go ask that on /fa/, friend?

>> No.6912107

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.6912110


In your worldly wisdom you forgot a third option, I don't live at home but I live with another person. Crazy I know. Sometimes my girlfriend doesn't sit in the corner in silence waiting for me to finish reading for the night.

Anyway, here's how I can have distractions at home.

Things to do on the train:
>Stare out the window

Things to do at home:
>Watch telly
>Play video games
>Argue on 4chan
>Have a wank
>Eat some Cheerios
>Read a different book
>Take a call from my Mum
>Spoon with girlfriend

>> No.6912117

gag the bitch

>> No.6912175


Strangers taking covert pictures of unsuspecting members without their consent vs neckbeards salivating over videos of people who willingly expose themselves online (and hence have given an implicit consent of being viewed) is not the same thing.

>> No.6912181


Is he reading TLoTiaT?

>> No.6912885

Man I'm glad I don't live in a big city. Most of those guys on that account look average, and I would hate to have my picture taken like I'm some sort of landmark attraction just because I'm reading a book.

>> No.6913008

good thing you're a fugly loser on /lit/. no chance of your photo being taken

>> No.6913049

What is the symbol on his butt?

>> No.6913054

>tfw you'll never be a hot guy reading
why even live t_t

>> No.6913059

Sure you can!

>> No.6913068

I really don't get the mentality of people who take creepshots.

All I can assume is that they clearly haven't got much to do in their lives.

>> No.6913076

B-but I never learned how to read. All I can be is hideously hot. t_t

>> No.6913084

Ah, I see you lack an interest for aesthetics.

>> No.6913103

A german man took a creepshot of me yesterday, I was browsing /lit/ on my phone.

>> No.6913198
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>> No.6913204

>those socks


>> No.6913208

>those calves

>> No.6913222

quit projecting

>> No.6913233

this seems kinda creepy

truly, the concept of privacy is farce in the postmodern times we live in

>> No.6913237

>harry potter

>> No.6913249


I know right? Why isn't that kid reading infinite memes, pluto or James Pinecone like a real reader?

>> No.6913254

>none of them have kindles
What kind of pleb shit is this?

>> No.6913256

Creepshots are a large reason I never leave my house.

>> No.6913273

come on guys. literally how does it hurt you, somebody taking a picture. you're just ugly/selfconscious/both.

Surveillance Camera Man relevant


>> No.6913292

this is amazing

>> No.6913308

These videos were also kinda creepy

Also anyone claiming this is an artistic statement about surveillance cameras in stores or something is utterly delusional. When you walk in to an establishment you know why you're being recorded (for security reasons) and audio is usually left out. You have the option of not going to that establishment if being recorded makes you feel uncomfortable, and most recordings are rarely even watched unless an actual crime took place. The cameras don't follow you out of certain areas, which tend to have warnings that you are being recorded or have obviously placed monitors and cameras.

This isn't comparable to some random stranger following you around, recording your conversations, and uploading them on youtube for attention.

>> No.6913314

That guys voice is just magical.
>uuuhhh just taking a video

>> No.6913322

I can't say why, but this is great.

>> No.6913326

Sure. But I still don't like it, and would prefer you not.

>> No.6913327

Ikr. the normies are furious because they think they're supposed to be. and then the homeless folks are angry because they're batshit, or they dgaf at all. the lady-vagrant is the weirdest one. def schizo, thought disorder out the yinyang, interesting to watch.

>> No.6913455

Reading in public is so fucking stupid and such a vain act.

>look at me, I'm reading in public
>don't look at me, I read Simulacra and Simulation this morning, and I'm thinking

>> No.6913490

>Reading in public is so fucking stupid and such a vain act.
Or, you know, they're just reading because they like to.

>> No.6913494

Christ this is pretentious and foolish.

>> No.6913514

> butthurt passionless loser detected

What if, let's just say, I don't get fulfillment sitting on the bus watching morons staring at me or sitting in the breakroom watching morons, who are staring at me?

>> No.6913516

the second one is way more pretentious tbh, there is nothing wrong with reading in public. Have you ever taken a bus?

>> No.6913532

Reading in public is pretentious.

You'll see why it's important to not have your mind distracted in public when you get raped, robbed, catch a stray bullet, a bomb goes off, a fight breaks out near you, get ran over by an automobile, a bird shits on you, the countless number of ways reality can randomly interrupt your precious act of reading in public for all to see.

>> No.6913539

So you just stay 100% alert in public all of the time? You know you can just put your book away if anything happens, people have reflexes and shit.

>> No.6913556

>So you just stay 100% alert in public all of the time
Yes, after my experience of witnessing a random act of violence in pubic, at a bus stop. A shooter was literally 5 feet away from me randomly shooting at a crowd.

Having your face in a book isn't good for natural selection.

>> No.6913564

Do you also frantically look around yourself and have your finger on the dial button ready to call 911 at all times?

>> No.6913566

Pretentiousness is literally defined as doing something out of my scope. You need new adjectives, yours are jealous and tired. And your justification makes you sound like some odd mixture of OCD and schizo, although I know it's just you back-pedalling.

Oh, on behalf of all the posters here, I additionally wanted to thank you for contributing to the anti-intellectualism that is eating this world. Thank you.

>> No.6913567

The police can't save you. In fact, there's a high chance of getting killed by them.

>> No.6913570

Oh, then you would be happy if I died anyway, so what do you care? Look at this Darwinistic god.

>> No.6913574

Pretentious: Attempting to impress.

>reading in public
>in public using brain to think, aware of surroundings
Choose one.

>> No.6913575


>> No.6913578
File: 25 KB, 640x606, 1427024917169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some small scissors,like nose trimmers, and use them to rearrange your beard the way you want and don't forget to comb your beard.And for perfume try Santa Maria Novela Patchouli,Companha de Terra Patchouli or Mitti Arte Profumi.Hope that helps.

>> No.6913584

people are so pricklish and asshole-ish

like does he just not upload the ones where people don't mind that much, or simply look uncomfortable?

>> No.6913585

If I advocated natural selection, I wouldn't be advising you to be aware of your surroundings in public. Darwinian theories of evolution are equated with psychopathy when applied to human society. Look up psychopathy and sociopathy tests, a significant number of questions are related to how much you believe in Darwin's evolutionary theories.

>> No.6913594

I don't flail my arms above me while I'm reading or make cooing noises. You just sit there and wax furiously on while you hyper-analyze my every move, which is limited by the fact that my head is down and my eyes averted, I'm silent and inobtrusive. You, on the other hand, are that crazy unshowered neckbeard with a Polar Pop who predatorily stares up and down the aisles at anyone who will meet your eye contact. You are the reason bus-riding sucks.

You are pretentious.

>> No.6913598

Go read a book in a black ghetto. See what happens.

>> No.6913604

>reading in public
>mind is focused on book and nothing else

You are pretentious. I bet you prefer reading physical books because you think ebooks are pleb-tier. I know I'm right.

>> No.6913605

I wouldn't do that because I'm not an idiot. The world is not a 'black ghetto'.

>> No.6913609

Not all of us live in some shitty fucking city. I live in a small town, I usually only read in public when I'm at the laundry or waiting at the doc's office or something like that.

In all my years I have not seen one goddamn thing happen that would require me to even get up from my seat, much less put the book down.

If you expect me to sit there with my thumb up my ass just to avoid "pretentiousness" then you're a fool, plain and simple. I don't have enough time to read as much as I'd like and those are good opportunities to do so, stop being a fucking teenager with your narrow ass world view.

>> No.6913610

> still misusing pretentious
> wrong on another point

I am saving for an eBook and if my mind is on nothing but the book I am the literal opposite of pretentious, because I'm not doing anything out of my scope or thinking about the approval of others. Stop trying so hard to be right, it just makes you fall harder when you're wrong.

>> No.6913616

>OP's image
>man reading book on subway
>not reading safety signs
>perfect example of the ironic pretension

>> No.6913624

The issue is concerning that reading in public, surrounded by people is pretentious.

>> No.6913640

Why? Why am I not allowed to enjoy what I like, especially IN SPITE of all the people I dislike watching and hearing? What is it with people and hating the reserved, constantly hounded by the affectations of boring people who all have attention on their mind, of any kind. I don't want to be there. That's why I read? What is your fucking malfunction?

>> No.6913641

what's worse, booktuber threads or this? anyway, fuck off

>> No.6913642


You really need to look up what that word means already.

>> No.6913644

My point is just be careful. It's dangerous out there.

>inb4 tinfoil

>> No.6913647
File: 54 KB, 720x720, 1378449234917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need to submit this

>> No.6913648

And my point is you've conflated your paranoia with 'pretentiousness.' Be careful what concepts you intermix.

>> No.6913650 [DELETED] 

>tfw hotpockets won't delete either but he'll delete any thread that has a picture of a woman saying "Hey anon what's your favorite book"
He's triggered by girls talking to him.

>> No.6913655

There is absolutely nothing wrong with paranoia. There are justifiable reasons for people to have become increasingly paranoid today than in any other time in the past.

>> No.6913670

no, there aren't you fucking alarmist

>> No.6913681

Read some nonfiction for a change, you'll see. Even fiction novels are supposed to give some insight about the horrible realities that exist in the world.

Where are you from? I'm curious. Definitely not the U.S., right?

>> No.6913692

no, from a place where i have many more reasons to be scared about leaving my house (kidnappings, heavily armed muggers, general crummy economic climate driving people to do stupid shit for money)

i live in america now though, and any american that complains about being too scared to leave the house should be locked in

>> No.6913700

Aids became an epidemic because of gays and the first guy who had it said yolo and fucked as many people as he could, gays are much much more promiscuous than straight people

>> No.6913705

Exactly, because you don't have the experience of a lifelong American. I do.

>any american that complains about being too scared to leave the house should be locked in

This kind of thought is the problem in the world.

>> No.6913709




>> No.6913714

>any American that complains about being too scared to leave the U.S. should be locked in

>any foreigner too scared to leave his country should be locked in

>> No.6913725

oh, then explain to me what is soooooo scary about america that i haven't grasped despite living in a much more dangerous place for all my life

racial tension? gun-nuts? terrorists? trigger-happy, amphetamine-addled government?

>> No.6913726

how is having sex creepy? you seem bitter and jealous. try a hooker m8.

>> No.6913730

Most are creepy promiscuous turbowhores because homosexuality is a fetish.

>> No.6913733

Become a cop, you'll find out. It's not about the danger in the U.S. It's the danger of other people, human nature.

>> No.6913735

>muh polwords
great b8 m8

>> No.6913755

>It's the danger of other people, human nature.

oh fuck off with your platitudes

>> No.6913759

Oh my, you still haven't gotten it. Well boys, that's all my argument time for the day. Time to take a shower, walk to the bus stop, read, smoke a cigarette, get on the bus, read, pull the cord, sit in front of work, smoke a cigarette, read, clock in and pretend to not be a person, like always, and fuck all the hypocritical worms like this guy who dare to come crawling back to my abattoir for attention and validation *tips work cap*

>> No.6913775

There is absolutely nothing wrong with platitudes, especially standing on the shoulders of giants. There is nothing new under the sun. What, you'd like the same statements to be written differently in language that appeals to you? Fuck off with your aesthetics.

>> No.6913785

What would you say, if you could, after not being able to post again because you were robbed and murdered by someone you didn't realize was eyeing you the whole time, while you were reading Darwin's On the Origin of Species in public?

>> No.6913803

i'm not sure whether it's right to shove a camera in people's face like that, but this is art

>> No.6913810

Nigga, I live in a rural New England town. It's 99% white and nobody even locks their doors. We have a total of three police officers, and they just hang out with the firefighters all day.

>> No.6913822

Again, this is in reference to OP's pic. The lesser the amount of people there are who are seeing you read in public, the lesser my point is. But the higher the amount of people watching you read in public, the more my point is relevant.

>> No.6913830

murricans are fucking insane

>> No.6913861
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>> No.6913867

leather looks kinda shit, you'd be better off not copping

>> No.6913875

none of those words are special

>> No.6913880

toilet store

>> No.6913913
File: 616 KB, 932x623, rreadss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My head hurts

>> No.6913918

I want to criticize him manspreading, but I also dont want to engage in a pointless discussion about feminism

>> No.6913925

he is clearly making the little old lady beside him uncomfortable, which i guess you could use as a non-feminist justification as to why hes a douche

>> No.6913933

"unwanted sexual conduct shouldn't be part of anyone's commute"

>> No.6913945

kek, stop using that word as if it's a real thing

>> No.6913969

Nice dude. Those kinds of towns are always the best.

>> No.6913975

This thread is kind of a let down. I came in here expecting people tearing apart these men for the books they were reading.

>> No.6913976

pff, little old asian ladies on public transport are incapable of not looking uncomfortable

I legit thought the manspreading thing was satire at first but now I know it's real it fucks me up because if it was really that annoying the person whose space the dude was impinging on could just fucking say something or nudge the dude out of their shit, there's no reason to crusade on behalf of people who aren't even annoyed enough to say two words, "move, please"


>> No.6913990

it's so weird seeing a grown man reading a teenybopper book like that

>> No.6913991

>not cracking ice or Swiss mountain rails

>> No.6913997

nice empathy you got there

>> No.6914012

Except no one talks on transport, it's totally taboo.

>> No.6914025

shut up faggot

>> No.6914034

That's fucked but I can't stop laughing

>> No.6914037

post of the year, I love you anon

>> No.6914051

not as weird when you notice his pants

>> No.6914058

I fucking called it.

>> No.6914088

Maybe in whatever shithole you're from

>> No.6914089
File: 105 KB, 640x640, 11379876_456202254558323_1456009008_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gay but there are some pretty attractive guys out there

>> No.6914109

isn't there an even creepier british version of this that's been around for a few years?

anyway I'm 99% sure I was the first person to bring /lit/'s attention to this account
glad to see ppl are still having the same fights over it every day months later

>> No.6914111

This is equal to fat slobs who insist that his woman be extremely fit.

>> No.6914117

this is the only one in the whole set. the rest are L.A. copycats (not saying this one isn't; he just does it well) and dudebros

>> No.6914149
File: 482 KB, 633x545, Screen shot 2015-08-01 at 7.33.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how /lit/ thinks they look

<-- how /lit actually looks

>> No.6914179

>all those girls staring at the camera with some perverse interest

Either the guy is hot af, or those girls are slutty af, or girl really dig guys with enough balls to show up in a classroom with a camera, or I'm horny af. Probably the last one, but hey.

>> No.6914195

I'm black

>> No.6914203

Reading is a good way to spend time in transports. That time would otherwise be spent trying to pretend you're not lookking at people around you because you have nothing better to do.

Also people getting assblasted about the pretentiousness of others are generally pretentious themselves. Pretentious people are funny, like you are.

I suppose that not having a book in your hand is a super-duper advantage when you're about to be raped. Those rapist sure are gonna back down now they see you're a though unpretentious nigga who doesn't read no book on the subway. You sound borderline crazy brah.

I see. PTSD does fuck people's brain.

>> No.6914211


women want to be seen. also, go whack it you disgusting scoundrel

>> No.6914216
File: 151 KB, 424x318, 7190 - pointing smackdown smiling suit vince_mcmahon wwf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or I'm horny af. Probably the last one, but hey.

>> No.6914224

i'm talking about general demeanor and juvenile reading tastes
(f+z is good, just not to be showing off that you're reading it when you're like 30 and dressed like Jesse from Gilmore Girls)

>> No.6914230

black people don't do that

we especially don't read in public

>> No.6914235

Is this a joke post ? Because it can read like one, in the context.

Anyway, anon, you're funny. There have always been reasons to be paranoid, and now not particularly more than at any time in history (you want to compare the probability of you being murdered in a random US street with the probability of the average guy before 1900 being murdered in a random street of any country ?). But actually behaving like a paranoid will make your life suck and won't solve much. And pretending that you should not read in public because muh danger is laughable and has nothing to do with pretentiouness, do you also advise that people never eat outdoors ?

Now that conversation has been long enough. You've entertained us all, you've made your point, if you were here for trolling purposes we can all testify you had a good ride. Time to go to bed now.

>> No.6914239


>> No.6914242
File: 112 KB, 971x636, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The captions indicate that they're female. They said that they want to be the Robin Hobb guy's damsel in distress, the Game of Thrones guy's Khaleesi, the Shakespeare guy's Juliet... etc.

>> No.6914243

You're allowed to talk to scold people when everyone is already mentally scolding them.

>> No.6914245

that boy's a nigger

>> No.6914246

they prob get submissions from girls (and dudes having someone submit them) but the account is run by dudes
the captions aren't literal m8

>> No.6914253

Being is one thing, but smiling like a hard-on madone to a stranger is another, don't you agree ?

I won't wank right now, I save it until your mom wakes up.

>> No.6914254

Who's this sodomy lullaby ?

>> No.6914259


Terrible, apply yourself.

>> No.6914262

Gay guys aren't afraid of casting themselves in female cultural tropes or assuming womanhood.

>> No.6914268


I feel like you only know the wrong kind of faggots

>> No.6914273

I feel like you're a self-loathing faggot who needs to grow up.

>> No.6914277

I'm just saying there's no indication, let alone proof, that they're male. Believe whatever you want, though.

>> No.6914280
File: 147 KB, 1560x1680, ishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, did I touch a nerve?

>> No.6914286

Who's this pleb ephebe ?

>> No.6914296

But the guy who run the account is gay. Sure there are many females, gay->females->everyone else has been the way cultural trends have propagated for the past 20 years at least.

>> No.6914305

>u mad huehueh
Wow, are you like 12?

There are plenty of penis innuendos as well. I am remember reading the guy who runs it is gay but I can't find the source where I read it.

>> No.6914328

>people are genuinely this irritated by little things

thank god im a neet

>> No.6914343
File: 277 KB, 1180x1204, 1397437861471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just taking a video
>you seem confused
>taking a video
reminds me of the Drive edit of this type of pics

>> No.6914365

i love this man so much

>> No.6914381

That feel when the only girls who have ever taken pictures of me on the Tube were Asian untermenschen.

>> No.6914423

>implying those aren't their loli gfs

>> No.6914510

I only read in public on my phone. Does people ask you waht are your reading if you are using a kindle?

>> No.6914534

usually they just ask if it's a kindle, and when I tell them yes, they say, "Oh, cool. I've been thinking about getting one," or something. pretty gay but better than having to explain a novel.

>> No.6914547

Based Surveillance Camera Man.

He really needs to upload new videos.

>> No.6914548

>you don't even know what these socks are.
>they're superman socks

>> No.6914562

I'm both annoyed by him and impressed by his balls. You'd think he would have been stabbed like twice by now.

>> No.6914583

Didn't that one guy swipe at him with a knife a few times before speedwalking away? I think it was at like 48:00

>> No.6914600

Correction: It's at 45:30. I think the guy has a swiss army knife in his hand.

>> No.6914796

This tbh. The only way to fully appreciate a film, is the way I tent to. Read the screenplay, listen to the score, listen to the dialogue, then watch the film silently. Only true way to properly examine a film to its full extent.

>> No.6915064

what should i read so i can feel better about being a fat, lazy slob?

>> No.6915113

this guy is a literal fedora

>> No.6915116

Hats can't type

>> No.6915475

good one

>> No.6915555

I would be infecting his spirit for getting the upper-hand. I carry a Buck 110 on me at all times, sharpened, and I eyeball everyone before settling in anywhere. I'm just not the idiot who tries to enjoy local city scenery.

>> No.6915568

>I carry a Buck 110 on me at all times, sharpened, and I eyeball everyone before settling in anywhere.

>this is how ameritards actually spend their lives

>> No.6915599

> spend my life

No, that's how I save it.

>> No.6915608

Oh fuck if some dude stuck his foot in my personal space like that oooouuhhh I would inch away slowly and try playing the glancing game to make him uncomfortable

>> No.6916559

bible tbh

>> No.6917131

I know the guy in OPs pic. His name is John and he's from Minnesota.

>> No.6917144

what is he reading? and post some pics, he's qt

>> No.6917304
File: 150 KB, 1638x1080, El Tigre Bonilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a smart phone or an instagram, but someone should make another one of these
>hot girls reading
>fat girls eating
>fat girls phoning

>> No.6917347
File: 155 KB, 957x958, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He reads a lot of history. Cool dude all around. Has a bit of a drug problem though. Been ADD taking pills since childhood and can't stop.

>> No.6917603

That's just a Hedi fit with Converse instead of nice boots
It's ok

>> No.6917635

Lol, the guy on the left is not hot.

>> No.6917644


girls dig his arms

you will never understand because you aren't the target

>> No.6917953

Life in America seems like hell

>> No.6917971

That's not the guy in OP.
Is it?

>> No.6918537

I listen to music I know, predictable sounds to keep my surroundings from distracting me

>> No.6918569


if you're hot and you read you're intellectual and deep

if you're ugly and you read you're nerdy and a loser with no friends


>> No.6918589
File: 163 KB, 910x606, father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Yes! Let the anger flow through you.

>> No.6918592

What kind of faggot raises a kid? That shit is for women. This must be a gay couple that adopted some kids.

>> No.6918594

fuck my picture is there

>> No.6918609
File: 865 KB, 631x639, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God this hurts to look at.

>> No.6918614

why? Because of the way he bends the pages? It's just a book man. Only the content matters.

>> No.6918635

because he feels an instinctual urge to be cucked by him and that makes him feel pathetic but he secretly likes that feeling

>> No.6918643

aah that makes sense.

>> No.6918721

>edgy kids think this is some kind of profound statement about government surveillance

Guy should have his ass kicked.

>> No.6919845

I think he just does it to be annoying...

>> No.6919873


I'm conflicted because this is kind of youtube stunt shit is really annoying.

But on the other hand this is a great example of why some people resist surveillance.

>> No.6919900


>The prostitute around 11~ who just asks to get fucked on camera for 10 bucks

he cucked out by not doing it.
no commitment to art /10


>> No.6920478
File: 52 KB, 500x714, You-Make-Me-Happy-Ugly-Man-With-Bad-Teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw beauty is the art of being ugly gracefully

Besides, if you can't satisfy your loneliness with an inappropriate attachment to book characters/historical figures and precious fragments of regret you shouldn't be on /lit/.

>> No.6921558

Why are Americans so aggressive? Sure he's being rude, but the first sentence out of your mouth doesn't need to be so hostile.

>> No.6921681

I wanted to beat the shit out of the lady early in the vid who smiled like a lunatic the whole time she was threatening to call the police

>> No.6921857

HOly fuKc

>> No.6921989

I have in ear headphones. I basically use them as ear plugs, there's usually nothing playing if I'm on a train.

>> No.6922039

Of course it is. Look at that guy's hair.

>> No.6922049
File: 235 KB, 941x960, yakov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6922050

Things people with small testicles say TBH

>> No.6922060

post the girl version

>> No.6922063
File: 126 KB, 312x347, 1431033515907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ill show you "Catching Fire"

>> No.6922068
File: 104 KB, 941x960, Königin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6922096

omg thx!

>> No.6922200

Im uh grill BTW ;)

>> No.6922666

>Trip dubs and GRILL

BOiOiOiOiOiinng gib numbr pls

>> No.6922743

Not suprised.
It also makes the entire thing boring. Which brings me to another question, what's thing with gay men responding for straight women and occasionallypretending to be women online? I'm not thinking about trannies. I have noticed that if you aim a question to straight women about their attractions, you will get answers from gay (sometimes not revealing that in the first post).

>> No.6922755

could you please post a pic of your feet and your favorite book?

>> No.6922759


Is it bad if I would date this bitch instantly?

>> No.6923114

He's got bigger boobs than my gf.

>> No.6923135

holy shit i never even knew this was back on youtube

i'm so glad right now

>> No.6923145


>> No.6923186


>> No.6923253

yes it means you are so desperate that you fall in love with internet memes on a polynesian shadow puppet board

>> No.6923333
File: 7 KB, 250x237, 1431110652122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try my best to not be homophobic, but when it comes down to it I find gay men revolting

>> No.6923340

here's your reply

>> No.6923343

quads have been checked

>> No.6923370

same here tbh it's perfectly natural

i mean live and let live were all brothers and sisters in this life

but if you're not disgusted at the thought of men fucking then you are definitely somewhat gay

>> No.6923438

Even if they seem heterosexual on the surface?

>> No.6923515

No, but as soon as I think of the desire and mechanics involved with two men fucking it gets gross

>> No.6923558

congrats on your spookiness

>> No.6923572

>fuuck what a dumbfuck
>you even look like a dumbfuck

>> No.6923574

>insecure closet gay detected

>> No.6923647

>not accidentally fucking a cute dude at orgies

as long as nobody knows, its cool.

>> No.6923648


Sir, you appear to have a mental illness. Visit your doctor.

>> No.6923694

What's the problem
I dress like the guy reading Franny and Zooey
only fatter

>> No.6923801

Ancient Greeks and Romans would hate you

>> No.6923814

>only fatter
Then why dress like that guy?

>> No.6923822

'cause my only icons growing up were the Ramones and the Fuzztones

also, I'm fat, not american-fat

>> No.6923823

Like MDE Sam 'fat'?

>> No.6923837

Something like that.
I guess I'm taller than him though

>> No.6923864


What's wrong with modern classical :(

>Not appreciating chance music
>Not liking the less repetitive Philip Glass

There's modern classical that's not experimental too, if you actually listen to it.

>> No.6923915

based Mormons