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/lit/ - Literature

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691129 No.691129 [Reply] [Original]

I have a serious question for you /lit/,
I've been looking everywhere for some sort of fanfiction or some kind of rule 34 on Francisco D'Anconia and Hank Rearden from Atlas Shrugged but I just can't seem to find it ANYWHERE.
I know Ayn Rand thought homosexuality was disgusting but tell me this doesn't scream bisexual steel tycoon. It's a scene that occurs after Dagny and Rearden have finished hooking up, they then start talking about Francisco.

[...] when I look at him, I feel that if ever there was a man to whom I would entrust my life, he's the one."
She gasped. "Hank, are you saying that you like him?"
"I'm saying that I didn't know what it meant, to like a man, I didn't know how much I missed it--until I met him. "
"Good God, Hank, you've fallen for him!"
"Yes--I think I have." He smiled.

Throughout the novel similar things are said and everyone gets gayer and gayer, not only between Francisco and Rearden, but just about all the male characters including Ragnar and John Galt. At the end Francisco and Rearden both probably run away and have sex when Dagny fucks them both over for someone else.[spoiler/]
It's pretty gay...
I also heard that The Fountainhead has similar things going on with it's main characters, is this true?
So /lit/, do you think you can help me out with this?

>> No.691151
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Please help me /lit/.

>> No.691175
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I have some fan-fic I wrote where Ayn Rand forces Nathanael Branden to get spit-roasted by Greenspan and Milton Friedman while she pops dexamyl tablets and masturbates with a special golden dildo which says "IN GOD WE DON'T TRUST".

Could that get you off? If so, I'll post.

>> No.691179
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Bro I'd love that.

>> No.691203

The Fountainhead was pretty homoerotic.

But uh-- that takes the cake, bro.

>> No.691209

I wrote a fan fiction where Ayn Rand fucks the shit out of Ann Coulter. Shit was pretty cash.

>> No.691210
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She looked down at Nathanael Branden, cowering on the floor, nude, with obscene slogans written all over his naked body in a Sharpie. "Kantian" "Theist" "Insufficient Worshipper of the Greatness of Alisa Zinovievna Rosenbaum!"

"This is your reward," chuckled Ayn Rand, "for having dared to defy me."

"What are you talking about, Ayn?" said Branden, trying to summon up the virtue of his own selfishness. "I slept with another girl. Big fucking deal. According to the terms of your own philosophy I should have been permitted to do it."

"IZ MY PHILOSOPHY" she screamed, in her inscrutable Russian-Jewish-Hollywood accent. "DEED YOU FORGET THAT, NATHANAEL!"

"I didn't forget it," said Nathanael Branden. "I just thought you believed in it."

"NOT VHEN YOU REFOOSE TO MAKE LOVE TO ME ANYMORE," screeched Ayn Rand, and pulled out a Mark Cross Rape Whistle, which she blew hard, to summon Alan Greenspan and Milton Friedman into the special underground rape room---a windowless room lined with polar-bear fur---which Rand kept in a bunker deep below Galt's Gulch...

>> No.691218

Rule 35. If no porn is found at the moment, it will be made.

>> No.691225


>> No.691248


>> No.691412



>> No.691440

>pulled out a Mark Cross Rape Whistle

fucking lol'd

>> No.691475
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Go on...

>> No.691704


>> No.691740

Greenspan and Friedman entered the windowless room, lined entirely with rich loamy polar-bear fur, derived from bears shot by Ayn Rand herself, on her last visit to Nunavut, which she was considering claiming for her own, on the basis that if the Inuit couldn't be bothered to defend it, she'd take it from them by force.

"Yes, mistress?" asked Greenspan, inscrutably, as he was still accustomed to addressing Miss Rand in fed-speak.

"ALAN!" screeched Ayn Rand. "You vere devoted enough to my greatness dat you signed a document excommunicating Nathanael Branden, deed you not?"

"I did so with a purely rational exuberance," admitted Greenspan, who was dressed in a gold lamé thong and wearing Crocs on his feet.

Then Ayn Rand fixed a gimlet eye on Milton Friedman.

"MILTY!" she ululated. "How 'bout you! You vill acknowledge supremacy of great Ayn Rand."

"Ann Rand? Is that who you are?" said Milton Friedman, a bit bewildered.

"AYN!" she howled. "IT RHYMES VISS MINE! And I vill teach Nathanael Branden dat his ass is MINE. ALL MINE."

She looked at Friedman and Greenspan wearing the outfits she had chosen for them. "Deed you take your Viagra, boys?"

"Sure did," said Milton Friedman. "Look at how hard I am. It's like Adam Smith is giving me an Invisible Hand-Job."

"Ahhhh, dat erection is not for Mister Schmidt," said Ayn Rand cruelly, as she removed a golden dildo from her bespoke Judith Lieber handbag made in the shape of Howard Roark's biggest erection. "I vant you gentlemen to spit-roast Nathanael Branden, while I LAUGH, AND LAUGH, AND LAUGH!"

>> No.691754
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I think I'm in love with you.

>> No.691818

Ayn Rand began to frig herself madly with the golden dildo, and popped a handful of dexamyl, to increase her own megalomania and frenzied erotic menopausal yearnings.

"HA!" she laughed.

Meanwhile Alan Greenspan and Milton Friedman had no choice but to remove their gold lamé thongs, and approach Nathanael Branden from either end.

"You take the ass, Alan" said Friedman. "You already fucked the American economy up the ass. Plus, I don't even know this crazy bitch."

"Fine," said Greenspan. "You take his mouth."

Ayn Rand cackled lubriciously as Milton Friedman began to irrumate, and Alan Greenspan began to embugger, her erstwhile disciple.

She longed to see the pain on Branden's face, as he realized that she was right, and that the brute force of economic power could take whatever it wanted, including his anal cherry.

But as Milton Friedman and Alan Greenspan began to fuck Nathanael Branden from either end, Ayn Rand looked closely at his face.

He was smiling!

>> No.691824
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"VHAT IZ DIS!" she screamed. "HE IS ENJOYINK IT? Pull your cock outta his mouth, Milty, I wanna hear vhat he has to say for himself."

Nathanael Branden giggled. Then chuckled. Then began to laugh so heartily Alan Greenspan's 5-inch penis slipped involuntarily out of his sphincter.

"VHY ARE YOU LAUGHINK?" screamed Ayn Rand, incredulous that her greatest plan for revenge had seemingly backfired.

"I was....I was...." said Branden between hearty bouts of laughter.

"YOU VAS VHAT?" screeched Ayn Rand.

"I was imagining they were both John Maynard Keynes, and I started enjoying myself!" Nathanael Branden tittered.

Ayn Rand was so infuriated that there was nothing left to do. Like a scorpion ringed with fire, she decided to strike herself to death. She plunged the golden dildo directly into her heart.

Only to discover that she didn't have one.

So Nathanael Branden calmly got a bucket of water from the corner, and threw it over her, and watched, as she melted away, like the Reagan and Bush era economic policies she had done so much to inspire.

The end.

>> No.691858
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>> No.691940

Ayn Rand erotica?

....not sure if want.

>> No.692264

Someone archive this shit.

>> No.692290


>> No.692295

Why am I always drinking tea when I read shit like this? It's getting expensive.

>> No.692311

>repetition of "windowless, lined with polar bear fur"
That killed it for me, can't fap to this.

>> No.693496
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Pic related.
Not exactly what I asked for but I guess that's what I get for going on 4chan.
Still wondering if anyone has anything on Hank/Francisco.

>> No.693519
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You did it. You finally finally really did it. Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

>> No.693584
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I have no words..

>> No.693798

i love you 4chan. so much.

although, try as i might, i can't fap to alan greenspan in crocs and golden thong.

>> No.694480

i hope somebody will please copypasta this every time we get another fucking ayn rand thread on /lit/. please. i'm too lazy to do it, so i'm begging you.

>> No.696200

This thread

this is the best thread


>> No.696223
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>>this thread

It's...it's beautiful

>> No.696231
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>> No.696694

I heard they were making this thread into a movie.

>> No.696706

that was fucking beautiful.

>> No.696723

I had the idea to write a story with JD Salinger fucking Ayn Rand in the ass while Ernest Hemingway watched and fapped in the corner.

>> No.696930
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