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/lit/ - Literature

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6909829 No.6909829 [Reply] [Original]

Shortly before his death, Richard Rorty wrote a piece called "The Fire of Life," in which he meditates on his pancreatic cancer diagnosis and the comfort of poetry.

He concludes:

>I now wish that I had spent somewhat more of my life with verse. This is not because I fear having missed out on truths that are incapable of statement in prose. There are no such truths; there is nothing about death that Swinburne and Landor knew but Epicurus and Heidegger failed to grasp. Rather, it is because I would have lived more fully if I had been able to rattle off more old chestnuts—just as I would have if I had made more close friends. Cultures with richer vocabularies are more fully human—farther removed from the beasts—than those with poorer ones; individual men and women are more fully human when their memories are amply stocked with verses.

Why aren't you reading poetry, /lit/?

>> No.6909842
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I am, anon

>> No.6909848

I don't get poetry

>> No.6909855

Anyone know a good collection of the best English-language poetry for a complete noob? Any tips on how to into/understand poetry?

>> No.6909867

camille paglia

break blow burn

>> No.6909871

What's there not to get? It's sensuous painting with words. You're supposed to feel something.

>> No.6909881

Fuck off

>> No.6909884

But I feel nothing

>> No.6909891
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>you're supposed to feel something
this is a very elementary understanding of poetry. there are entire schools established as a reaction to poetry about "feeling something"


>> No.6909951

>taking the opinions of american "people" seriously

>> No.6909962

this is an american imageboard, eurosissy


>> No.6909969

It's a universal weeb imageboard tbh

>> No.6909978

let this age of shitposting be called the Flower School

>> No.6909991

I wonder what anti-perspirant Rorty used.

>> No.6910000

lady speed stick

>> No.6910001

What are some authors who wrote esoteric or mystical or obscure poetry? I've read rimbaud and blake if that narrows it down.

>> No.6910093


Rumi. Best poet ever, bar none.

>> No.6910097
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wats up with dis ngiga cone head lmao

>> No.6910276

Which works should I read? Can those outside of the faith derive anything?

>> No.6910298

>more fully human

Stirner literally spent about half of The Ego and Its Own busting this specific spook.

>> No.6910305

stirner was literally wrong about literally everything

>> No.6910310

how so, according to you?

>> No.6910325


I'm not sufi or muslim, so of course there's something to take from it. His poetry is intelligent, poignant, and moving. . . Coleman Barks' Collected Rumi is a great book. He groups poems together and prefaces them with fascinating anecdotes from the poet's life, which was both saintly, earthly, and tragic.

Plus, considering the audience here, he has a poetic allegory about a maidservant mounting a donkey. From that, he manages to distill wisdom. It's like alchemy, or something.

>> No.6910330
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tfw the only two pieces of verse you know are a random Charles Wright poem, and Hitch quoting Dowson quoting Horace, "I'm not as I was..."

>> No.6910332
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is it as fucking choppy and fast and she speaks?

>> No.6911123

I bet you are a free verse fag with no knowledge or appreciation of all the forms of poerty that came before. Fuck off and go masturbate with your Bukoswki poems.

>> No.6911134

Congratulations, you got yourself memed, what's the next step of your master plan?
Seriously, though, you took the meme way too seriously.

>> No.6911417

Rilke's Sonnets and Elegies are very mystical in a sense but not in the new age sense that some of his more recent readers have taken.

Some of Pessoa's heteronym's are very mystical in their approach to relating oneself to the world.

Mallarme is terribly obscure, though perhaps not in the mystic sense that you're looking for.

>> No.6911471

You may enjoy Yeats.