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6909342 No.6909342 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Marxists infatuated with Freudian psychoanalysis?

>> No.6909356

Judaism, probably

>> No.6909357


>> No.6909360

Mostly as a hook to get people to listen to their Marxist spiel tbh fam.

>> No.6909365


>> No.6909381

>Baseless assumptions and pseudo-scientific analysis of situations with no demonstrable basis in reality

It has a lot in common with Marxism.

>> No.6909402

They both use jew science

>> No.6909405
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Define pseudo-science

>> No.6909422

Because Freud was a pervert and his ideology appeal to Marxism's support of degeneracy.

>> No.6909424
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>> No.6909426

"inherently in-falsifiable"

>> No.6909429


anything that pretends to be scientific, but isn't.

>literary analysis

>> No.6909433
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was someone literally so mad at logic that they made an image macro?

>> No.6909435
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Back to /v/ with you

>> No.6909448


>> No.6909454

that's even below /v/
that's r/atheism tier shitposting

>> No.6909463

Read Thomas Kuhns The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Darwinism doesn't even meet the standard of falsifiability.

>> No.6909467

that doesn't mean Marxism is to be taken seriously.

>> No.6909468

>Thomas Kuhns
lol, pure redditcore

>> No.6909474

So what? That does not mean Marxism nor psychoanalysis is scientific.

>> No.6909489
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I can think of maybe two or three who were.

>> No.6909494
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>mfw some redditor technocract turns science into a religion

>> No.6909495


They are both Materialist.

>> No.6909496
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Tell me why dialectical materialism or psychoanalysis don't fit the criterion of science

>> No.6909500

>muh scientism

When will this meme end?

>> No.6909508

Psychology and Marxism both show that people do things against their own interests for reasons they don't themselves understand, like the following:
Both also want to help people to free themselves from this artificial condition.

>> No.6909513

Because it's impossible to prove them wrong.

How do you even begin to prove materialism wrong? Proving the existence of ghosts?

>> No.6909518
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what the fuck is going on

>> No.6909525
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you don't know what materialism is, right?

>> No.6909535
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>psychoanalysis wants to help people to free themselves from this artificial condition

>> No.6909543

Yes I do.

Materialism is a form of monism, in which matter is believing to be the fundamental substance of nature.

This is a philosophical claim, and cannot be disproven, hence it is unscientific.

>> No.6909545

get out of the kool-aid bowl

>> No.6909546

That's the idea.

>> No.6909549


>> No.6909554

Marxists love any sort of psychological or philosophical material that diminishes the importance of individual agency and depicts Man as being the deterministic product of external forces and unconscious impulses.

>> No.6909555

But you're the one dunking your face in it.

>> No.6909560

i don't think that that is unfalsifiable.

>> No.6909564

that's not historical materialism, what you're saying is completely unrelated to marx.

>> No.6909572

>that diminishes the importance of individual agency and depicts Man as being the deterministic product of external forces

It's actually the exact opposite.

>> No.6909575

It's not impossible to "prove them wrong", look into Imre Lakatos:
Popperian falsification is to high of a standard to always be practically meet in real world scientific research

>> No.6909577

So, Marxists understand facts.

>> No.6909578

He just googled materialism

>> No.6909580

Historical materialism requires materialism to be explained.

If it's fundamental philosophical claim is not scientific, how can the corollary be?

Stop trolling.

>> No.6909591

historical materialism refers to analyzing history in terms of class struggle and changes in the manners of life instead of discourses and ideologies

>> No.6909592

You know that Guattari was a practicing psychoanalyst, right? D/G don't seek to abolish, but to reform.

>> No.6909597
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>Zizek is the only one that holds the flag of Psychoanalysis, the only counter-cultural school of thought these day it seems, in popular media
>he got memefied by the capitalistc apparatus and so on and so on *sniffs le nose*

>> No.6909602

Which is retarded, but okay you win the definition argument.

>> No.6909627

there was no argument, you were talking about something unrelated to the thread. do you wanna share why it's retarded or you're just angry in general?

>> No.6909687

>do you wanna share why it's retarded

Sure. I'm skeptical that class struggle is the defining characteristic that changes societies.

>> No.6909717

It's because they're both on team evil.

Team Good:

Team Evil:

>> No.6909734
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>> No.6909757


Holy shit. 11th thesis on Feueurbach.

How does it feel to be proven wrong beyond all doubt. . .

>> No.6909973

>Why are Marxists infatuated with Freudian psychoanalysis?
[citation needed]
some are, some aren't.

>> No.6910849

Materialism is the axiom that reality exists beyond conception. The majority of the various philosophies of science believe this.

Dont use wikipedia as a source for your knowledge on philosophy.

>> No.6911069

The poster is mischaracterizing the materialist conception of history. Marx's claim is that the social structure of society, primarily the predominant mode of production, and its ensuing social and productive forces are the ultimate guiding force of history. The Marxian conception of class is a social relation of production. A shift in the form of the process of production, usually through development of technology and the struggle of classes can lead to a social revolution in the mode of production and therefore the social and political forms that are determined by the system of production.

Historical Materialism is materialist because, to the Marxist, the development of history is no longer percieved as individuals conciously enforcing their wills upon society but as a consequence of a myriad of often unseen social forces beyond the individual will.