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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 189 KB, 708x369, john.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6908502 No.6908502 [Reply] [Original]

How does it make you feel?

>> No.6908508

same as I felt the last twelve times you posted it tbh. It just made me sad that you decided to target my board with your autism.

>> No.6908519
File: 349 KB, 971x825, kjhgkfk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Greer
who has a
Florida. He
novels incl


>> No.6908520

A little more hopeful about writing.
I haven't read his books. How old was John Green when he first published? Looks young. Remind me of William Goldman's introduction
for Princess Bride. Writer turned celebrity, all of that.

>> No.6908526

kljasd imo

>> No.6908533


Think about <what> he's famous for. $17 million is cool, yeah. But he's a terrible writer who panders to teenagers, and his YouTube videos are 'nerd-fighter-awesomeness-I'm-so-random' drivel. Whether it's genuine or not, he has to maintain a really stupid persona and writing style to keep the money coming in; basically, he has to act like a teenager girl. Watch any one of his videos. Look at his stupid, punch-able face. Watch/listen to the emasculation as it oozes out of him with every word and gesture. Anyone with half a brain, and perhaps half a shred of decency, should prefer anonymity over that kind of fame.

>> No.6908570

I honestly don't care. I just want /lit/ to stop talking about him so much. Can you believe he is the most talked about author on here despite no one actually reading his books?

>> No.6908574

Sounds like sour grapes tbh

>> No.6908592

>caring about money

>> No.6908689


It's not though. I'm bashing a specific kind of fame, not fame in and of itself.

>> No.6908700

There's a lot worse things that I would do for 17 million, man.

>> No.6908716

Thousands of years of literature to discuss, yet every other post is about John Green. Come on /lit/.

>> No.6908726

I'm indifferent to it or him. He's just a passing fad writer anyway just like the Harry Potter chick he's here and then he'll be gone or in the bargain section as you walk into the bookstore.

>> No.6908897

I earn enough to cover my reading appetite, pay the bills, eat and save up for unforeseen events. Every single extra dollar is useless and will be given to the charity.

>> No.6908969


There is literally not a single thing I wound not do for £17 million.

>> No.6908978

Become a quadriplegic?

>> No.6908979

He clearly found a way to appeal to many people. What's bad about this? Nothing wrong with entertaining people.

>> No.6908983

fuck GRRM?

>> No.6908990

the portrait by gogol

>> No.6909062

lol thats not shit

>> No.6910370

Clever hack that found an extremely profitable niche

>> No.6910404

what about for £11,000,000?

>what is currency conversion

pretty much my dream scenario

>> No.6910407

my family is worth more

and im a dirty gommunist

>> No.6910423


>> No.6910442


For a writer it's about as big as you can get

>> No.6910589
File: 197 KB, 400x315, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grudge john green nothing

some day I will follow in his footsteps

>> No.6910718

Just watched that sketch yesterday, top tier.

>> No.6910722


I'd fuck the shit out of GRRM for $17 million.

Eat his cock, ass, let him pound my ass, or let him do the same to me.

$17 million is a whole new life of luxury.

>> No.6910724

Damn straight. I usually find myself rolling my eyes at old humor due to the lack of subtlety, but goddamn that sketch has stood the test of time.
"Not too heavy on the banjos."

>> No.6911105

kek fucking chump change, only a cuck would get no money from his movie adaptations and exploiting teen girls. He should be in the 100 millions.

>> No.6912685

who cares?

Kafka died in poverty with no fame.

>> No.6912841

tbh i'd rather keep my current net worth and not be him than be him and be worth $20m

>> No.6912887

>not using all your money to retreat into the woods, cover up your path, and be a mysterious legend for the rest of time

why don't famous people know how to be famous?

>> No.6912955


He's one of the better vloggers and he occasionally makes thoughtful content and while his educational stuff might not be top-notch, it's certainly commendable. He certainly doesn't make 'I'm so random' stuff.

You sound bitter as fuck and it sounds like you think being an asshole is somehow the dream for most people. Actually you sound like a 14-year-old with stupid notions of what it is to be a good person or a good artist. He has two kids, a good looking wife, a successful writing career and 17 million fucking dollars. He's more manly than you'll ever be living in your mother's basement dreaming about punching anyone that is pleasant or successful.

His book aren't fantastic but they're YA, that's what he's always written and that's what he like. He's never lied about it, or sold out, or pretended to be a genius. For the genre he writes in he's pretty good.

>> No.6912956


>Harry Potter
>In the bargain section

Where do you live?

>> No.6912961


Income = 35k
Expenses = 25k

Income = 35k
Expenses = 35.5k

>> No.6913005
File: 11 KB, 221x319, 1330745990174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's one of the better vloggers
There's no such thing.

>> No.6913006


spend the rest of your life in max security prison?

>> No.6913020

you know these net worth websites are 100 percent bullshit right? it uses some stupid algorithm which checks how many times they've been mentioned on the internet, that's literally what it is.

>> No.6913050

It doesn't affect me in any way.
I will never meet him. His life will have no impact on mine in any capacity, negative or positive. His wealth or lack thereof will literally never affect me. He could have $200m and it still wouldn't matter.
Stop caring about celebrities and their wealth and focus on yourselves. It doesn't matter.

>> No.6913056

His books are formulaic shit and his history series on YouTube is biased, liberal, revisionist garbage.

>> No.6913061

I used to watch his history series. Then I started actually reading history books, and realised how incorrect/deliberately misinforming he is. His video about Alexander the Great is a prime example of this.

>> No.6913077


Didn't watch it. Saw the one about the "dark ages" and how no good literature came out of it. Complete and total horseshit. One of the greatest stories ever told came out of it: Beowulf.

>> No.6913087

nothing as usual

>> No.6913188

jealous mostly

>> No.6913225

what if the books you're reading are wrong

>> No.6913246

>Saw the one about the "dark ages" and how no good literature came out of it.

I don't believe he said this for a second tbh

>> No.6913261


>Actually you sound like a 14-year-old

You're the one that's defending John Green.

>> No.6913282


Sorry, I meant "poetry." Don't know what I was thinking, just remembered it had something to do with writing and how the "dark ages" produced less cultural output than the Roman Empire.

>> No.6913324

you're the one always talking about John Green even though you think he's a bad writer

>> No.6913348

That's all? I was expecting tons more. I mean, there are thousands of business men nobody has ever heard of who have fortunes much larger than that.

>> No.6913504

Net worth includes assets, he doesn't just have 17 Million on him all the time, people.

>> No.6913523

I'd very much like to have that kind of money, and I'd definitely write shitty YA for it. I can't though, I hate it, not motivated enough, shit doesn't interest me.

Of course, I wouldn't confine myself to YA, just use it as a jumping off point, then start writing stories about hardcore rape.

>> No.6914613


> I would rather be anonymous and relatively poor than a vlogger and Young Adult author.

> Fuck you, jealous faggot.

Woah bro.
I agree with him. Just like I could never be Pewdiepie, no matter how many millions he makes.

And don't pretend his delivery on video isn't embarrassing. I'd be ashamed if I had a single recording of myself like that. Never read so much as a paragraph of his, so no idea about his novels though. Not a genre I want to read or write about, despite it being relatively easy to get your name out there with it.

>> No.6915145


I know this thread should die but I want to comment for this.

Historians should not always be trusted, and this is a good question to ask. Often there are inaccuracies or even myths that are taken for fact. Don't believe everything a historian tells you, and always, always try to get sources on it. Not just one source, but as many as you can.

It's not that they are lying to you intentionally (as a historian myself I would hope not anyway), but that they have been told something that was accepted as fact but is, in reality, absolute rubbish or sensationalised.

Sources, my lads. Sources.

>> No.6915202

>Of course, I wouldn't confine myself to YA, just use it as a jumping off point, then start writing stories about hardcore rape.
You. I like you.

>> No.6915215

I know you're not bashing fame, but I believe 99% of lit would do what john green does for john green fame/money

>> No.6915217

My dad is worth twice that and he's 74 years old now...

>> No.6915379

You. Go back to reddit.

>> No.6915966

I think its great there's a medium where anyone can be heard anyone can post an opinion without having to go through invisible walls and naysayers, of course it means you have to sift through a mountain of garbage.

I agree with everything but that kike he married isn't good looking.

>> No.6915975
File: 293 KB, 1198x1733, 1435456243992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>17 million dollars
>not one penny being spent to raise a child that is actually his

>> No.6915979


>Can you believe he is the most talked about author on here despite no one actually reading his books?

I can absolutely believe this, yes.

>> No.6915985

Lol @ you thinking harry potter won't go down in history as a classic children's series.

Lol @ all of you butthurt sophists trashing John green. He's a very good writer. Looking for Alaska brought a tear to my eye. Can't wait for the movie version. Plus, bitches love him. And bitches love me for loving him.

>> No.6916137
File: 90 KB, 511x448, John Green, the philosopher of the Cheerios and the liberated women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he appeals to the young liberated womyen and a few betas-robots

>> No.6916138

omfg what a retard

>> No.6916147


>> No.6916171

reminder that he makes a solid 4000 USD/month thanks to his youtube litter

>> No.6916188

>This machine kills fascists

Look at how much of a good goy I am! Look how ethnomasochistic I am!