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/lit/ - Literature

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6907985 No.6907985 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else hate this piece of shit book?

The great gatsby was the single worst book I have ever read. Fucking terrible meaningless piece of shit that is nothing but "symbolism"

>le billboard is yellow representing greed
>le white wearing people represent being rich and ignorant

fuck off. shit book. shit story. shit writing. How this is regarded as a "master piece" is beyond me.

>> No.6907990

you excited to be going into the 12th grade?

>> No.6908008

I read it for 11th grade in highschool and deplored the book, remembered the shit book cause of this thread over on /int/


>> No.6908023

Not the worst i've read but highly overrated surely. Felt like a 1920s soap opera with the methaphors and symbolisims as you mentioned.

>> No.6908040

It's not a good book, but you're definitely in High School. Go back to /int/.

>> No.6908049

>How this is regarded as a "master piece" is beyond me.

see here we have a book that is widely regarded as a masterpiece of modern literature. then we have an anon who not even considered that the book might be fine and that anon is in fact the retarded one.

Gatsby was great because deep down he was an average bro with great dreams.

>> No.6908059

>How this is regarded as a "master piece" is beyond me.

yes. it is beyond you tbh. go back to harry potter.

>> No.6908062

He was a beta cuck watching the rich life

you're definitely a faggot, suck my cock

>> No.6908072

I'll take my Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy over this piece of shit any day

>> No.6908101

I guess Nick in the great Gatsby had a sort of identity crisis , he admired Gatsby's lifestyle , beta faggot as mentioned before , he was just into Gatsby and he was in denial of it.
still the novel is great one of the best I've read.

>> No.6908126
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>muh green light

>> No.6908134


Oh boy.

>> No.6908137

>shit writing
You best be joking nigger

>> No.6908142

Some beautiful prose, but it felt soulless to me. Maybe that was intentional, representative of Gatsby's life.

>> No.6908144

Is this a /lit/ exclusive meme? Hating Gatsby?

>> No.6908164

It was at least half again as good as the piece of shit movie they named after it.

>> No.6908187

nope lots of people recognize it's many flaws.


the characters were 2D the plot and themes were transparent and lame. the prose was lackluster. the only people that like it are high school plebs who never read any of Fitzgerald's other better novels. Gatsby is his worst work.

>> No.6909016

Do they make threads about it here?

Why is it so highly regarded i don't get ti.

>> No.6909032




>> No.6909037

Tbh you're a pleb for liking this piece of shit.

>> No.6909066

even Fitzgerald said that the first 4 chapters were the best pages he had ever written and in my opinion they are very much alive, especially the surroundings.

>> No.6909076

Thats cuz it is....
But it was also an original, hence why its a classic.

And dude billboards are about the ultimate representation of greed, especially when you consider the time period.
THINK you fucking retard.
Just because you dont get it doesnt mean its not true.

>> No.6909407

hardly anything greedy or significant, it was rich people liiving like cunts

>> No.6909472
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I don't see how that "review" or "analysis" explains how Great Gatsby is a bad book, what she's writing about is the point of the book.

>mfw I scroll down after the end of her blogpost and see the first comment saying basically the same thing
Seriously, is this some weird joke or meme I just don't get?

>> No.6909492

you're a cocksucker if you can't appreciate this book

stop trying to be edgy and accept that it's simply above your comprehension

>> No.6909533

>I had to read it in school and that means it's bad

>> No.6909584

I read some fantastic books in school but this is utter shit

how is it edgy to hate this shit book? How is it above my comprehension? its such a simple shit book

>> No.6909587

and I'm sure you think Hemingway is babby shit too

It's only simple because of your simple understanding of it, kiddo

>> No.6909594

You should try to think about the book, buddy, not take everything at face value.

I wouldn't be surprised if he thought that too.

>> No.6909617

Hemmingway, tolstoy, dostoyevsky, george orwell
all that shit is good but this is shit.


>> No.6909623

stopped reading right there

>> No.6909656

>prose is practically perfect
>vivid, clear, precise visuals
>pertinent dialog never wastes time and always expands the story's core themes
>Gatsby's past is perfectly revealed so that it's foreshadowed without being overly obvious, and by the end it isn't spelled out for the reader
>completely lacking in any sort of pretense
>that perfect Aristotelian tragic hero
>the rhythm, tone, and sheer poetic beauty of the final page
>literally predicted the great depression five years before it happened and could not have been more relevant to its era

I'm sorry you're retarded, OP. Maybe DFW's jokes about gay sex with black men is more your speed.

>> No.6909673

underage confirmed

>> No.6909675
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You should finish High School and leave the teen angst behind.

>> No.6910794


yeah i hated 10th grade english class, too

>> No.6910825


dirty fucking pleb.

>> No.6910837

Even if you choose to disdain the - surprisingly subtle and nuanced - symbolic vocabulary of the book, it's still a fucking masterpiece of prose.

>> No.6911202

No use talking to high schoolers

>> No.6911300

Minor Fitzgerald tbh

>> No.6911305

aww, OP, still feeling that highschool trauma in your butthole huh?
So you beat off, against the shower's current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

>> No.6911344

I think it's overrated. Regardless, it's a historically important book that isn't even close to being shit.

>> No.6911366


OP is obviously not a writer or one who writes at all

>> No.6911473

It's a great book.

>> No.6911941

I am not a writer but I read books, there's nothing special about it whatsoever.

>> No.6911950



>> No.6912056


>> No.6912271

>le dick sucker face

>> No.6913503


No one's comparing it to Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky's work, pleb.

>> No.6913511


>Princeton undergraduate, married Southern belle, literary darling, wrote the 'Great American Novel'

>> No.6914360

His credentials doesn't make him good.

>> No.6914529


Never said they did, pleb.

>> No.6915158

Then why are you listing his credentials fagmaster?

>> No.6915371


Icing on the cake, pleb.

>> No.6915400

you sound like such a loser

>> No.6915409


so we beat on, my balls on your chin, borne back ceaselessly into your ass OP

>> No.6915419


damn that was funny

>> No.6915452


>> No.6915487

Can anyone recommend me a good Australian novel?

>> No.6915490

Saging one truly pathetic thread.
Thanks for having nothing of value to say OP, thank you for screaming vague profanities at strangers with literally nothing of value to say, thank you for bringing down the board iq.
Respect has to earned with your post before your opinion is taken seriously, you don't get to just start whining without providing context or content, NOBODY gives a fuck, you are absolutely nothing


>> No.6915528



>> No.6915530


Well, you are a loser. Everyone in this thread knows it too.

>> No.6915550

You know that saging does nothing right? Saging just avoids a bump but it doesn't lower the thread you faggot. Nice try dickhead, great gatsby is shit and you gotta stop whining.



>> No.6915558

i kno right, upboated

>> No.6915770

>the prose was lackluster.

>> No.6915961

ITT "Gatsby is too mainstream".

>> No.6915967

i know some people who hate it, one guy calls it BOURGEOIS ASSHOLES HAVE A PARTY

>> No.6915998

Are you the same fag who has been posting these overt troll threads?

>> No.6916028

Can we talk about thy article that was poste earlier though. this is what happens when a person without soul treats art as a mathematic formula

>> No.6916037

>meme shitposting thread about the gatsby
you poor souls. will never feel the beauty of anything scottie fitz wrote. wasted your lives without a spark of the wonder he felt every day.

>> No.6916041


>> No.6916117

I read it because it's an essential. Couldn't concentrate on reading it though. I think I just didn't get it. I found the plot summary on wikipedia more interesting tbh.

>> No.6916132

Also hate it. Genuinely.

>> No.6916476

Thanks lads

>> No.6916546

>the prose was lackluster.

nice meme bud

>> No.6916563

Read it again when you aren't 16.

>> No.6917691

my dad is a university teacher and he's read thousands of books in his life and for the first time in his life he fell asleep when reading that book

>> No.6917703

>my dad
Jesus, just leave

>> No.6917783

what's wrong

>> No.6918042
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>My dad

>> No.6918081

Hello, newfriend!

>> No.6918611 [DELETED] 

> How this is regarded as a "master piece" is beyond me.

That's because it's regarded that way by americans. So they just assume the rest of the world will too because american literature is so complex and old like european literature

>reading american literature


>> No.6918619

It's the great American novel for a reason you troglodyte.

>> No.6918631 [DELETED] 

Also everything you need to know about the book, both it's tryhardness and flaws you can watch in the movie

>> No.6918634

One of my tutors at Oxford was a Brit of Middle Eastern descent and she considered the book a masterpiece. Checkmate Yuros.

>> No.6918647 [DELETED] 

Brits arn't europeans

Checkmate ameriweenie cock sucker

>> No.6918652

I didn't like it.

>> No.6919207
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>being this insecure

>> No.6919688
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I know right?

>> No.6920811

This guy knows it.

>> No.6921753

it's a shit book

>> No.6922966

>I'm a highschooler with terrible taste in literature.
Got it.

>> No.6923748

>I'm an american

>> No.6923775

you're not alone man

>> No.6923820

>have to be american to like a good book
I see.

>> No.6925710

only americans like it