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/lit/ - Literature

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6907401 No.6907401[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post books women will never understand.

Pic related

>> No.6907413

Any book. Women are automatons tbh

>> No.6907462

Pynchon pls

>> No.6907480
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>> No.6907489
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>> No.6907492
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>> No.6907494
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>> No.6907496

>what is Lot49

>> No.6907499
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that was V reference

>> No.6907510

The Aubrey-Maturin Series are my gf's mom's favorite books.
>reading a series
Why would you even read these in the first place?

>> No.6907512
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>> No.6907516

I'm assuming you are a woman, it takes cold, rational i.e. STEM / masculine mind to understand those books.

>> No.6907526

I'm a man and I'm actually a Physics major, get bent STEMlord

>> No.6907625

Because people have different tastes?

>> No.6907661
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>> No.6907679
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women having no reflexivity , they hardly go into buddhism, or every philosophy in general

>> No.6907685

buddhism is betacuck tier tbh

>> No.6908146

You mean shit tastes?
Genre fiction and YA are shit.

>> No.6908177
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>when she uses the word existential
>when she's an art major

>> No.6908209

>buddhism chart
>zen books

>> No.6908238

hey i hate all of you guys actually i am a strong woman and i read like a lot, i am crazy for books and very well read
you are just a bunch of virgins (i am not a virgin, ok?! i have a lot of sex with women because i am a free lesbian woman).

>> No.6908254

>i am a woman
>i am crazy
lol DUH

>> No.6908258

i met a girl who is a tattooist and claims to read and love pynchon and delillo. she had no response other than basic praise when i tried to discuss any of their books specifically. so i turned the conversation toward her drawings and tattoos and eventually we had a one night stand.

>> No.6908259



>> No.6908278

>had no response other than basic praise
It's a real bummer when a friend can't articulate why they liked about something or what about it they liked.

>> No.6908283

>actually i am a strong woman

How much do you deadlift.

>> No.6908285

>she had no response other than basic praise when i tried to discuss any of their books specifically
so, typical /lit/ user?

>> No.6908288
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>> No.6908301

:( )


>> No.6908342

I think that applies to the Gor novels more than Conan.

>> No.6908353

Please stay on your board /tv/

>> No.6908402
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>men claiming there is an objective interpretation to each book.

>> No.6908424


Nah, the Gor stuff might be outwardly offensive but there are women who will fetishize it anyway

>> No.6908492
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>> No.6908884
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>> No.6908889
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>> No.6908912

Back to your containment board
