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/lit/ - Literature

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6907055 No.6907055 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/, what are some good books about psychedelic drugs? I have quite the collection already but I'd like some really obscure recommendations to look out for. Pic related, it was my first. Thanks.

>> No.6907071

Pot is not a psychedelic drug. If you want friendly drug-addled degenerates, check 420chan.

>> No.6907080

most books about psychedelic drugs are written poorly. Food of the Gods is okay and ofc The Doors of Perception and The Spirit Molecule are required readings for this. The Holographic Universe is probably a good idea as well. The best trippy books imo aren't about drugs like Calvino or Borges or some postmodernists or even kafka. Also in my experience you stop caring about trip reports once you've actually had a few so get out there and live.

>> No.6907081

Not Psychedelic, but Snowblind and Mr. Nice are classics

>> No.6907087

>pot is not a psychedelic drug
but it is by definition

>> No.6907092

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.6907117 [DELETED] 
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I'm reading Miserable Miracle by Henri Michaux right now its pretty good. It was written in the 70's by some Belgian dude about his experiences with Mescaline.

Also another obscure gem is "Barefoot in the Head". Its an alternative history fiction novel set in the 1940's where the entire french countryside is dosed with an airborne invisible colorless odorless psychedelic that takes days to kick in and dosn't wear off, the book is narrated from the perspective of one dude who gets dosed and as the book goes on he progressively begins to trip harder while society falls apart around him, with the writing style of the book becoming more experimental and trippy as it goes on.

>> No.6907121

I'm reading Miserable Miracle by Henri Michaux right now its pretty good. It was written in the 70's by some Belgian dude about his experiences with Mescaline.

Also another obscure gem is "Barefoot in the Head". Its an alternative history fiction novel set in the 1940's where the entire french countryside is dosed with an airborne invisible colorless odorless psychedelic that takes days to kick in and dosn't wear off, the book is narrated from the perspective of one dude who gets dosed and as the book goes on he progressively begins to trip harder while society falls apart around him, with the writing style of the book becoming more experimental and trippy as it goes on.

>> No.6907124

Kek no it isnt.

>> No.6907145


not that poster but pot definitely has some psychedelic-like qualities even if it isn't a Psychedelic with a capital P, especially when consumed in large amounts or through edibles/hash/wax

>> No.6907163

Hunter S. Thompson and Aldous Huxley are just about the only ones who were greatly influenced by psychedelics and actually wrote something of worth

>> No.6907167


Island is really good

>> No.6907209

You mean psychoactive.

>> No.6907220

Read the sticky.

>> No.6907227
File: 1.02 MB, 1096x1876, 1386476901967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, friend.

>> No.6907307

Pihkal and Tihkal by Shulgin are OK, if youre familiar with Shulgins work then you will probably like it, I found the Biographical part of the book boring after about 3/4 of it, the second part is all synthesis, which if you're like me (an organic chemist) you'll find fascinating.

Food of the Gods by Mckenna is bearable but starts getting preachy, particularly his stance towards Opiates which he stigmatizes

>> No.6908487
