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File: 300 KB, 309x474, Rules_for_Radicals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6906144 No.6906144 [Reply] [Original]

fucking dropped.

almost as big a waste of time as the Frankfurt school.

Stupid closet reactionaries, I swear, go HAMF or go home.

>> No.6906149
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>> No.6906156

Didn't like it? Is it too liberal? Too moderate?

>> No.6906163
File: 108 KB, 400x381, pepe_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr why do I have to be realistic in my goals and not just fight capitalism like they do in my animes
Kill yourself commie faggot, some of us are trying to fix problems while you spam maymays on /leftypol/. Social democracy not edgy enough for you?

>> No.6906202

Even reactionaries will call themselves reactionaries these days. Your spooks are getting plowed under by each other and no amount of smug anime faces will prevent this.

Concession to bourgeois historiography + repeated references to the bourgeoise ameriKKKan revolution like it was all extra and shit.

Yeah, Social Fascism is sure going faboo in Greece. You aren't trying to fix problems, you're the broker between the problem. Your palliatives are not realistic when they masquerade as goals.

>> No.6906272

How's working at starbucks?

>> No.6906322

need a place to shitpost?

>> No.6906481

>Frankfurt school
>closet reactionaries


>> No.6906488

If you expected anything really edgy from Alinsky, you'd probably be disappointed. It's just a handbook of rules for organizing, not the Communist Manifesto.

What's HAMF?

>> No.6906489

>social democracy fixing problems

where do you live

>> No.6906576

>Middle class kids adopt "communist" dogma because they fancy themselves the white saviors of the innocent poor/brown people and fellow brothers in arms because they blog on macbooks about mean old white men

The fedora of ideology.

>> No.6906583

>Still seeing race when the issue is clearly class.

>Has no idea what the fedora meme is about.

Off-boarder, please leave.

>> No.6906641

>still thinking race is epiphenomenal

How about you leave as well, /leftypol/ scum.

>> No.6907119

How's 10th grade working out for you, kiddo?

>> No.6907937

Have you had a look at new manifesto? Or anything about Horkheimer in general?

>> No.6908450

i sold my copy as soon as i got to the part where he suggested a bunch of blacks who had been discriminated against for jobs at some theater or whatever all eat a huge meal of beans and then go to the theater and fart all through the shows. it sounds like a joke but i he sounded serious in the text...either way, fucking dropped.

>> No.6908466

>Concession to bourgeois historiography + repeated references to the bourgeoise ameriKKKan revolution like it was all extra and shit.

wow this is a /pol/-tier cringe I'm feeling

>> No.6908609

>Have you had a look at new manifesto?

You mean, "Towards the New Manifesto", the tiny pamphlet by Adorno & Hork?
Yeah, I've read it. It's a meditation on what is to be done next, after their return to Frankfurt. The atrocities they've witnessed - the War, the Holocaust (and the death of Benjamin), the Great Leap Forward (Hork mentions it at least 3 times), the Stalinist crimes - turned them bitter towards orthodox Marxism, Marxism-Leninism, Maoism, as well as the Western Civilization. So they're searching for something else, while still preserving the Marxist language.

>Or anything about Horkheimer in general?

I've read dialectic of enlightenment. It's pretty good.

>> No.6908981

Isn't it great watching people who moan loudest about the 'culture industry' becoming it's victims.