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/lit/ - Literature

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6905324 No.6905324[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who /[r9k]/ here?

>> No.6905333

I am but I don't browse our anymore because it has stagnated.

I'm always recommending houellebecq and ER.

>> No.6905336

Not me but I have been enjoying women hating, how to get a gf and no-gf threads for days.

What did she do to you anon?

>> No.6905340

why did you leave your containment board, frogposter?

>> No.6905342

>What did she do to you anon?
Ignored me. ;__;

>> No.6905346

lit is completely incapable / unwilling to admit that women live much easier lives than men. It's lollable. You point to millions of men dying in WW1 or whatever and they still white knight hard

>> No.6905349

Probably the board filled with users most likely to raise another man's child. /adv/ too

>> No.6905354


Maybe but you can be a man and not bleed out of your vagina every time life is unfair

>> No.6905360

Listen anon I know shit about woman but I have ignored women all my life and sometimes it was because they were not pretty but other times because I'm really bad expressing my feelings. She might not be into you and that's okay because remember it could be the other way around, it's most likely not an evil action its just the way things are.

>> No.6905361

4chan is a containment website

>> No.6905370

Did you die in WW1

Jus curious

>> No.6905373

From what?

>> No.6905378

happiness and productivity.

>> No.6905381

>wanting an easy life

Why don't you get yourself a cute little dress and a handbag then barbara

>> No.6905384
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>mfw r9k is filled with men too feminine to realize what an advantage a masculine temperament is in life

>> No.6905402

It's because there is too much hate here and it just bites you in the ass.

But I know its just because of the anonymity and you are probably nice people, just know that and enjoy the love anon. You don't need a lot of it just be open to the love you already have access to.

>> No.6905413 [SPOILER] 
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>there is too much hate here
I feed from that hate.

>> No.6905418

But it is what kills you but you also feed from the love and good will of anons if you just pay attention

>> No.6905453


What exactly is wrong with raising a child that's not genetically yours again? You inspire in me feelings of pity and disgust.

>> No.6905472

>be the target of rape

>> No.6905475

Not that poster. I don't think it's essentially wrong but the problem lies in the motivation behind it that the 4chan posters might have which is if I raise this little shit his mother will love me

>> No.6905479

trigger warning that shit bro you dont wanna go ruining any pearl necklaces

>> No.6905480

>all women are raped

>> No.6905512


Unless there they are adults, you are sterile, it's a family member already, or you adopt then it's all sorts of retarded

1. It's a single mother so poor lifestyle choice
2. It's a divorced mother and that's a train wreck waiting to happen
3. Winning good boy points by taking on another man's job (maybe she'll give you a handjob)
4. Disappointing yr poor old mom by not giving her grandbabies

>> No.6905513

>being a target of rape means the same thing as getting raped

>> No.6905516


Good point. It's a sore spot with me. Prioritizing genes over the time and effort thing drives me bonkers. Rape babies need daddies too.

>> No.6905521

>if you are a woman you are in danger of being raped at all times

>> No.6905522


>> No.6905527

Yes I get you, it's not something I might do but as I said the motivation needs to be the kid not the parent and what is generally criticized is when a man takes the kids and the woman.

I know adopted people and I know it's an important thing because you are really making a difference in someone's life.

>> No.6905542


>> No.6905566

But r9k will just treat this subjects with anger. The problem the r9k deals with are basic and somewhat relevant but the people are manchildren we surely can do a better job at this.

>> No.6905567

>Being a young Jewish male without a grandparent that died in the holocaust doesn't mean I wasn't affected just as hard, silly goyim scum

>> No.6905570

>trying to fix the unfixable
No way breh, robots need to stay in their containment board.
Also /pol/ needs to go too.

>> No.6905581

Of course I'm just saying we can do a better job discussing their subjects and maybe these anons can be rehabilitated, not all just a few