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/lit/ - Literature

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6905079 No.6905079 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ just finished this beautiful masterpiece. It was the first book I read in years and I didn't want it to be over by the time I finished it. Looking for any other good book with similar humor for recommendation please.

>> No.6905086

Gulliver's Travels, perhaps

>> No.6905087

>he read the translation

>> No.6905097

Is the translation bad? I enjoyed it.

>> No.6905115

That poster is just a little aut/lit/istic.

You did good.

>> No.6905118

“Translating from one language to another, unless it is from Greek and Latin, the queens of all languages, is like looking at Flemish tapestries from the wrong side, for although the figures are visible, they are covered by threads that obscure them, and cannot be seen with the smoothness and color of the right side.”

― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote

>> No.6905139

thanks ill look it up!

>> No.6905150

>unless it is from Greek and Latin
What does he mean by this?

>> No.6905156

Basically every western language is derivative of those two, so naturally translations of these languages have more fidelity.

>> No.6905463

/lit/ cucked me into deciding to read Don Quixote in the original on my three years of spanish I took 5+ years ago. I get more worried I won't enjoy it the more I think about it because I'll be too busy at work translating the language to actually appreciate the humor or other nuances. I'm not starting til next year but really fuck you guys I'm nervous.

>> No.6905733

>/lit/ cucked me into deciding

Oh my god, this fucking word really just has no meaning any more, does it?

>> No.6905743

But that's wrong. I can't speak for Latin, as I don't speak the language, but I study attic Greek and it's an extremely nuanced language and it's highly inflected. The amount of declension and inflection alone make it a very difficult language to translate into English. As a speaker of spanish, as Cervantes was as well, I can safely say that it does at least translate better into spanish than it does to english.

>> No.6905995

>that quote is translated

>> No.6906040

Ironically, the frame story in Don Quixote is that Cervantes translated the adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho from Arabic.

>> No.6906046

Ah shit Cervantes the cheeky lad is at it again

>> No.6906065

You should read something about Fracisco de Quevedo, other spanish.

>> No.6906087

Honestly you don't have to listen to that bull shit. You'll miss more from being 400 years too late than you will from a transition of the book. For whatever it is, if it's not the supreme text that it is in the original, I assure everyone that this book is brilliant and enjoyable in translation. Y'all should know better than to actually listen to any of the meme shit on this board.

>> No.6906141
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>translating from Spanish to English

>> No.6906175

Read Maqroll.

>> No.6906219

Read gargantua and pantagruel by Rabelais.

>> No.6906225

>tfw i only have 50 pages left

>> No.6906227

but when you're finished you get to start it again! =D

im gonna re-read don quixote soon i believe its been about a year and a half

>> No.6906445

Cervantes was GOAT and nobody will ever top him

>> No.6906451 [DELETED] 

It only had real meaning for like a week, man. It's just a meme word now used by context more than anything