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File: 29 KB, 331x334, pepestirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6904361 No.6904361 [Reply] [Original]

>"free will"

>> No.6904368

When did you realize that Max Stirner is The Unique One, and that He is unique in His uniqueness?

>> No.6904371

stirner has interesting ideas but he hedges his a lot of his philosophy on the image of the silly moralist slaving away to appease ghostly abstractions in his head.

>implying the good is not a lived experience, as real as anything, to the moralist

>> No.6904372

>I can't into working hypotheses.

>> No.6904574


He doesn't think its silly or something you "sholuldn't" do. Ghostly abstractions are impossible to escape since a lot of intelligence is founded on them. Just be aware.

>> No.6904954
File: 7 KB, 228x300, jeanne d arc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some things are true whether you believe in them or not.
Other things are true just as much as you believe in them.

>> No.6904974

Thats because so many philosophies are built on trying to achieve or appease some abstraction.

>> No.6905121
File: 678 KB, 1273x1640, augustine of peppo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Stirner's wife became a Catholic
you know your philosophy is shit when not even your wife supports it at all :^)

>> No.6905129


>> No.6905142

>you know your philosophy is shit when not even your wife supports it at all :^)

Isnt augustine the worst pepe to post in this respect given his relationships?

>> No.6905153

>implying he married her for any reason other than because she "pleased" him.

>> No.6905345

nah, his wife became a nun or something

yeah man, she was totally his "property" that's why she left him

>> No.6905372

>the good is a lived experience

>> No.6905379

she was mad because he blew her inheritance on the most patrician milk shop of all time

>> No.6905396

yeah, as expected of a meme "philosopher"

>> No.6905407

>the grand predecessor to both marx and nietzsche, two thinkers who went on to define the 20th century
>not deserving of the term philosopher

Educate yourself, anon.

>> No.6905421

>got bullied by Marx so he is his predecessor
>Le Nietzche got influenced because i say so
yeah, get educated, anon

>> No.6905441

It seems that you are not just rusing but truly ignorant regarding the subject.

>> No.6905937

>no u r rusing
yeah anon, i am :^)

>> No.6905940

we all unique ones, Stirner was just the one who handed us the keys

>> No.6905948


>> No.6905957

no really, he was largely influential to both of them. According to Wikipedia these are the philosophers that he influenced: Julius Evola, Frank Brand, Steven T. Byington, Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx, Saul Newman, Friedrich Nietzsche, Benjamin R. Tucker, John Henry Mackay, Ernst Jünger, Rudolf Steiner, Emile Armand, Albert Camus, Carl Schmitt, Renzo Novatore, Adolf Brand, Emma Goldman, Bob Black, Miguel Gimenez Igualada, Wolfi Landstreicher, Herbert Read, Robert Anton Wilson, Wilhelm Reich, Gustav Landauer

>> No.6905967
File: 194 KB, 601x590, frenchfeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no joan of arc gf

>> No.6905969
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>According to Wikipedia

>> No.6907364

In this case Wikipedia is spot on.