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6904000 No.6904000[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Best book for a woman that wants to think like a man?

>> No.6904011

But why would you want to do this? Embrace your femininity.

>> No.6904016

Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.6904021

Peter Drucker, in his famous essay Managing Oneself, advised strongly the need to understand your strengths and weaknesses, and observed that you can never win by improving your weaknesses, only by improving your strengths. In broader socio-economic terms, we have given women the opportunity to build on their weaknesses (ability to compete against men) and discouraged them from capitalizing on their strengths (youth and fertility). They compete through artifices of fairness and inclusion that are borne on the backs of an ever-dwindling pool of male supporters. We have weakened society as a whole by building on women’s weaknesses in attempts to make them the equal of men, rather than encouraging them in their natural strengths. And while this charade is going on, men are encouraged to adopt feminine attitudes and lifestyles at the expense of their own natural strengths, now deemed unnecessary in the new gender-neutral economy

>> No.6904022


>> No.6904034

You want to think like a man or be like a man?

Most Hondas with Jeep's engines wouldn't work well

>> No.6904039


>> No.6904050


What he does mean by "weakening society"?

>> No.6904053

It depends on what kind of man you want to think like.

>> No.6904056

I'm not sure if any single person can possibly perfectly answer this.

>> No.6904061

Having women doing jobs that men can do better, just to fill a quota. This makes the job get done slower or possibly with lower quality. Meanwhile the man is left without a job and the children are raised by the soulless state.

>> No.6904075

>men can do better
evidence pls

>> No.6904083

How is youth a (female) strength?
Everybody has and loses it.

>> No.6904088


Based Flan Flan.

>> No.6904092


I will assume you speak of service jobs.

In that case, service jobs quality are largely irrelevant to the society. Making your service customer sugarcoat more to you is largely meaningless to the economy m8

>> No.6904104
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Best book for a man that wants to think like a woman?

>> No.6904118

EEEEE EEE EEEE by tao lin

>> No.6904119

Thinking Fast and Slow by Kanneman (sp?)

>> No.6904131

Shoplifting from American Apparel is better for thinking like a bitch. Though it's shittier in every other way.

>> No.6904133
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Women can write just as good as men, if not better.

Harper Lee, A. M. Homes, Kim Addonizio, Shirley Jackson, Ursula K. Le Guin (only read one of Ursula's short stories because I don't enjoy science fiction tbh)

>> No.6904156

Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad

>> No.6904173

this, femininity is capacious enough for power, violence, rapaciousness, whatever you might think you're looking for. masculinity is only a little flavor at the end of everything—unshakable by nature of its utter arbitrariness.

>> No.6904225

Ursulas books are comfy as fuck
fuck harper lee though, I struggled to read the first fucking chapter of to kill a mockingbird
I gave up two thirds through and just read the end

>> No.6904282
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Uh, friend, you really need to back up. To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the best books ever written.

>> No.6904324

While that's bad for women as individuals I think it's good for people as a whole. Women's strengths are geared towards gaining resources from other humans rather than nature.

>> No.6904332

basic human biology

>> No.6904385
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Lol people only like that book because the standards for women are incredibly low.
It's like if a monkey made a painting, people wouldn't care if it was shit they would be in awe because it's like "wow, it's actually capable of making a painting" as opposed to the quality of the painting.

Also I think you might have misunderstood OPs question.

>> No.6904418
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You're so edgy. It only mildly turns me on.

Someone who hasn't read the book, confirmed.

>> No.6904422


>> No.6904427

>check my dubs
at least he tried

>> No.6904432
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>> No.6904434
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some romance novel. Women can't into literature.

>> No.6904438

Confessions of A Mask, then listen to the first two weezer albums and watch antichrist and you'll know everything there is to know about being a man.

>> No.6904446
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... gay