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6903975 No.6903975[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What if I join the wrong religion or denomination?

>> No.6903977

Then you're going to hell.

>> No.6903979

this tbh

>> No.6903985

You serious man? Are you really hung up on a stupid fucking question like this?

You got worms in your brain anon.

>> No.6903988
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>mfw I've accepted my eternal damnation

>> No.6903998

Why shouldn't I?

>> No.6904007

Then God is gonna murder you.

>> No.6904020

Because it's all man made garbage. Live your life that is beneficial and conducive to your own standards of love and respect. If you draw inspiration from religious or non-religious sources than great, but the more time you spend in fear of afterlife bullshit, the more numb you will be to doing good in the now.

>> No.6904041

Don't join the wrong denomination then.

>> No.6904057

But what if it's not? I think that there are compelling philosophical reasons to believe at least a god exist,.

>> No.6904063
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Only ISIS members go to heaven.

>> No.6904072
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The way I see it, if there is an knowing, powerful and loving God, why the fuck would he give a shit about a title? A name? Fragmentation in the form of denominations? Wouldn't this God know your heart in its entirety? Would he not say, "You knew me through your pursuit to love all things around you"? You think God has a boner for vanity and choosing the right religion, and doesn't base things on your thoughts, words and deeds?

Get the fuck out of here with that none-sense OP. If you work hard everyday to love and care for others, God wouldn't turn around like some edgy teeneager and say, "HAHAH FAGGOT YOU CHOSE THE WRONG ONE! NOT GETTING IN"

If that's the God people think of when they think of "all loving" then fuck em', that's just bullshit egotistical nonsense.

>> No.6904081

p much this

>> No.6904086

I always wonder about the logic behind people who write G-d rather than God. By what logic does that make it any different?

>> No.6904102

I don't know most christians I've talked seem to be convinced that I need to accept jesus no matter how good or bad I live my life,and I'm guessing it is similar in Islam

>> No.6904107

I know I shouldn't be replying to a tripfag, but its because "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain"

>> No.6904120

abrahamics think they're the first ones who ever thought up a loving creator god. maybe they are but the idea of a supreme being that divinely orders the universe can be dated back to the greeks

tl;dr: every religion wants to stuff their god in a little box. god is bigger than that.

>> No.6904126

How is calling him G-d any different to saying God? Semiotically it's identical—except for the connotations of "I don't want to say it but I'm saying it anyway". It's not even his name, it's a title. God is a description of his position; you could argue that YWH is his name or maybe not, maybe it's Yahweh or any other way of writing it. If they're all his name and the spelling doesn't really matter and any referent used is his "name" then G-d is equally his name as God.
Besides that, what does it even mean to take a name in vain?

>> No.6904137

I don't know if anyone else writes it as G-d, but when Orthodox Jews do it it's because they're autistic. A classic example of Orthodox Jewish autism is the fact that they have to have two separate kitchens, one for dairy and one for meat, because of a line in the Torah forbidding Jews to eat a calf boiled in its mother's milk.

>> No.6904141

Don't autists understand semiotics?

>> No.6904147

come on lad, questions like the one you asked demonstrate the inanity of the whole concept

>> No.6904149

That's nice and all but it doesn't help me know the nature of god. Maybe he is a loving God who doesn't care about religion,maybe he is one that is represented by a specific religion/denomination, or maybe he is just a divine creator who brings order. I don't know how I can even try to figure it out.

>> No.6904161

Stop worrying about which group you "picked" and start worrying about loving God, resisting temptation, and being good. We don't really know whether we're all going to heaven. Trying to deserve it is all we can do.

People shouldn't pretend the denomination thing is so significant. Each of us, every day, passes up some opportunity to do something good for someone else. You think God cares more about which church you attend than what you actually do? Do your best to love God and obey Him.

"For us, there is only the trying. The rest is not our business."

>> No.6904188

Not enough Christians criticise other Christians. I know people who call themselves Christians, but they are egotistical, materialistic, greedy, vanity driven, and prideful. They always know what their right hand AND their left hand is doing. For them, Christianity isn't a lifestyle, its a click, a club, a social niche that doesn't soften their hearts, but hardens it. And many, have never read their bibles. A pew poll in 2005 revealed that when American Christians were asked who delivered The Sermon on The Mount, only 40% knew the answer was Jesus Christ, the rest didn't know. Some even guessed saying Muhammad.

Imo, organized religion is a retardation of spiritual growth and development. There is NOTHING that any priest or pastor doesn't know that any individual is capable of knowing, if not better. The problem is, people are not made to feel this way, they walk around waiting to be spoon fed religious scripture; it's disgusting.

>> No.6904196

I understood it as denominations are man made garbage, not god.
But im not him so i cant be sure, anon bb

>> No.6904233

Jews aren't allowed to say Yahweh because:

1) Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Every time Yahweh shows up in the flesh he is in a very destructive form (Fire, a tornado, a volcano, a tornado made of fire, etc). If you aren't calling upon him for something important then he will hurt you. Crying for help because the gentiles you tried to enslave ran off and brought an army with them is a good reason. Losing a goat is not.

2) Names have power. If you know someone's name you can have power over them. Yahweh does not want anyone to have power over him. Therefore he will hurt you for saying his name (When it isn't absolutely necessary).

But the vast majority of religious people (And atheists) are completely and utterly ignorant of the history of their (or any) given religion and as such many simply believe Yahweh's name is "God" or any number of titles (IE, "Elohim").

>Start with Plato. Then move into Plotinus. This will elaborate the idea of a divine order bringer who is different from "lesser" gods and is only interested in creation and order.
>Then go read Zoroastrian texts. The Avesta brings forth the idea of a divine creator who is "above" the "lesser" gods AND brings morality with him all the while interacting through the world with lesser gods/angels.
>Then go read the Old Testament/Torah. This brings forth the idea that the divine creator is not only above lesser gods but he also brings morality AND interacts with the world directly rather than just through intermediaries alone.
>Finally skim the New Testament (Only a handful of portions pertain to how Yahweh has had a change of heart) which brings forth the idea of a divine creator who brings order, defines morality, interacts with the world, AND is "forgiving".
>Then read the Koran which leads monotheism to the logical conclusion of a divine creator who brings order, defines morality, interacts with the world, "forgives", and most importantly brings objective morality to the logical conclusion of hedonism in that it is little more than "Do what I say or I will hurt you".

It's worth noting that in the history of Abrahamic Religions Plato is largely an extra actor that alters an already existing Christianity, Judaism, Islam. He has no outright hand in the Zoroastrianism -> Judaism -> Christianity -> Islam progression.

>> No.6904246

They are idiots who have cherry picked the bible, and obsess over the crucifixion rather than what Jesus actually says.

To really know Jesus, i recommend you get into modern new testament scholarship/textual criticism/literary criticism. Getting the morals isnt very hard after all.


>> No.6904248

After I read Tolstoys kingdom of god, I was surprised how few christians live by the sermon

>> No.6904255

>Zoroastrianism -> Judaism -> Christianity -> Islam progression.


This anon knows what's up.

You ever read the Avesta?

>> No.6904258
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>le live le next day as it if were le last!! Fedora diem xD!! also morals exist and you should do good, but only how I define good

nice reddit memebelief

>> No.6904270
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>le my god my god, why have you forsaken me with le task to le christpost?

>> No.6904276

He actually sounds like a pretty nice guy, whereas, you are probably confess to be Christian and an asshole. You are everything that is wrong with us. People like you do more to drive people away from God. You are the kind of Christian that I can't stand. You are terrible for all of us who want to encourage Christ's love and salvation.

>> No.6904292

Bits and pieces. I've been meaning to sit down and read all of it, but it's a bit hefty. Or maybe I'm just lazy. Do you know of a good translation? Everything I've read of it has been from the Sacred-texts.org one.

>> No.6904317

The odds that you will if you do at all are infinity against one so worrying about it is retarded.

>> No.6904328

he's all these things bro

>"All religions are precious jewels strung on the thread of Divinity"

>> No.6904337

Im considering attending a unitarian church. The only thing that stops me is that as long as you are reading the kind of stuff they are talking about, there doesnt seem to be much point.

>> No.6904346
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Challenge: Disprove the claim that you're already in hell and all religions are false religions that Satan invented so that he could fuck with you.

>> No.6904348
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I mean, there are only two serious choices.

>> No.6904349
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You'll always be wrong, faggot.
The higher grade of truth-claim, the more wrong you are.

>> No.6904351

Doesn't matter, as long as you stay out of the way of scientific progress.

>> No.6904356

Life is pretty good. I enjoy myself most days, and am pretty neutral on others.

>> No.6904362

There is no point. Unless, you want them to push whatever spiritual interpretation/agenda into you.

They are nothing special; no different from any other human being.

You could probably come to know Christ more intimately with scripture, prayer, and introspection than any church has to offer you.

>> No.6904384

>Life is pretty good.
Not mutually exclusive with being in hell, suffering is all the worse when you have things to lose later on.

>> No.6904387

Then you join the right one.

>> No.6905116
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>mfw weaklings can't accept that life has no purpose

toughen up, normies

>> No.6905132

Its funny but by ascribing to that view you are already choosing a denomination and worse than that you are literally ascribing your own morality to god.

>> No.6905160


join Catholocism
join the Shiite
>implying denominations of other religions matter if they exist

>> No.6905161

I joined to the mormon church just to bang some qts

that's the only reason to do it tbh

>> No.6905173
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>lacking the willpower to generate your own purpose
looks like you're the real weakling, NEETfag

>> No.6905188

Says the sickly, catatonic virgin.

>> No.6905193
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>not religous
>go to job interview
>guy starts talking about god and testament
>nod and smile nod and smile
>mfw got the job

>> No.6905196

>trying to create purpose where there isn't any
>enslaving yourself to any single purpose

>> No.6905199
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Depends how wrong it is

>> No.6905205
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>tfw pig pilled

Not a worry in the world, lads.

>> No.6905210

Why is rastafarianism witchcraft tier? It's basically runaway slaves roleplaying Judaism and smoking weed.

>> No.6905218


You answered your own question

>> No.6905232

>What if I join the wrong religion or denomination?

>> No.6905234

This one is easy.

Dosent have hell. No point in beliving
To much inconsistencies (3 = 1, moral and theological contradictions, etc)
100 % bulletproof scientific and philosophic

No so difficult is it?

>> No.6905238

Yep, an angel came down and revealed the word of god to an illiterate pedophile in a desert. Totally legit, guys, now do what I say or Allah will be mad at you.

>> No.6905242

But they're decidedly Abrahamic.

>> No.6905244

>3 = 1
why is it so hard for you to accept a unified theory of everything?

>> No.6905251

>3 = 1

you do realize this was explained over a millenium ago, right?

>> No.6905254

accurate chart. saved

>> No.6905255


Why are all Abrahamic religions so shit?

The Kabbalah and gnosticism are intereting from a speculative philosophical stnadpoint, but other than that, thinking ends completely once these religions come to dominate your mind.

>> No.6905258


Ah, yes, of course.

>> No.6905272

>thinking ends completely once these religions come to dominate your mind.
that's why they're so memetically succesful. people crave security more than truth. abrahamic religions offer the full packages of guidelines on every aspect of life.

>> No.6905279


"Explained". Mental gymnastiques are not explenations