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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 111 KB, 569x574, 30159_100774066636375_100001113453872_3883_182605_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
690358 No.690358 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who sees nothing good coming from this?

If South Park is your inspiration for standing up for free speech, that's pretty sad. I mean, it's not like our freedom of speech is really in danger. We're just in danger of getting bombed because we troll Muslims too hard and they're usually insane to begin with.

Must we really defend our right to piss anyone off no matter how insane their reaction is likely to be?

I'm asking /lit/ cause you guys seem fairly intelligent and well read...*knock on wood*

>> No.690360

Man, the southpark guys do nothing but suck corporate cock all day, they give up their freedom because they are responsible for making a product which sells other products, and if it causes people too much grief, then it must be changed so that it won't be a problem.

>> No.690362

If anyone should be in agreement with standing up for the right to piss anyone off, it would be 4chan.

>> No.690364
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> Must we really defend our right to piss anyone
> off no matter how insane their reaction is likely to be?

it's the american way.

>> No.690366

>Must we really defend our right to piss anyone off no matter how insane their reaction is likely to be?

Abso-fucking-lutely. It's an increasingly unique right, and it's damned awesome.

>> No.690368

Fair enough, but really what pisses me off is this whole self-righteous moralizing of Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Fuck them their show is barely funny.

>> No.690369

the question is, what are YOUR motives that you would rather stick up for insane muslims than preserve one of the greatest rights a society could have?

>> No.690370

Yes, because they're still mad that we're not Muslim.

They're going to go batshit anyways, so we might as well get some lulz out of it.

>> No.690376

guess what
they have the right to be self-righteous and moralizing
you have the right to NOT WATCH IT
just like MUSLIMS
freedom motherfucker
it's not just a propaganda buzzword

>> No.690378

>it's not like our freedom of speech is really in danger
>"inciting religious hatred" laws make it illegal to say anything bad about muslims


>> No.690381

fucking right, southpark is perfect for teenagers who are into ayn rand. fuckem i say. trey and matt are not john galt and john galt is a fucktard anyway, because one man rarely is responsible for the development of anything on his own and so fuck him too. southpark was never funny and people should defend the writers who are constantly censored by proxy of the fact that they will never get published because their work is not marketable.

>> No.690395

I don't give two shits about what South Park has to say, but you better believe I start caring when someone says they can't say it.

>> No.690396

>implying south park was originally picked up because it was oh so marketable

>> No.690405

these two

stick up for the ones on your side

protip: it isn't Abdul and his 50 brothers shitting in the desert and planning your death

>> No.690408

ugh this thread again

>> No.690412

>implying that it wasn't
seriously, get a grip. South Park is not what should be defended. I don't hear /b/tards raising their voices to defend Iranian poets who get executed, or even the guy who blogged about his sex life and has to spend 5 years in prison. This isn't about freedom of expression, this is about a windfall publicity stunt, which all of you are legitimizing.

>> No.690419


/b/tards do defend Max who got jailtime for making porn..christfags get offended and off you go behind the bars!

>> No.690420

Fuckin a.

You speak my language.

>> No.690423

>it's not like our freedom of speech is really in danger

I live in Canada, here you can get fined by an extra-judicial body not governed by our consitution or Charter of Rights and Freedoms for hurting someone's feelings by saying something as innocuous as "I like visible minorities". I don't see that 'murrica is so terribly different that it couldn't happen there.

>> No.690442

well, don't defend an extension of corporate greed like south park. over the years the show has been nothing but a moralizing pragmatic voice which desperately justifies trey and matt's increasing republican world view.

>> No.690443
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Oh boy, here we go.

I'm not even going to stay in this thread, as it can't possibly end well. Why have a debate about Muslims and how they should or should not be treated when we have absolutely no input at all FROM Muslims. The only people you're discussing the issue with are young white men (generally) who, if they have any honesty, will admit they have no idea what they're talking about.

Before I go, Muslims aren't insane and ready to kill everyone because of a South Park episode. There is a very small collection of mad men who do think this way, and of course nobody should defend them. My point is, if ever discussing this topic in the real world, try to say 'extremists' because if you just talk like ALL Muslims are insane, you'll look like an ignorant idiot.

The vast majority are fine, and have done no harm to you, or to anyone.

Goodbye, enjoy your terrible thread.

>> No.690446

>I don't like their comedy show because they don't share my political views
Butthurt democrat detected.

>> No.690450


Any Muslims who stay in the religion are guilty by proxy.

Same with Catholics and child molestation. Same with members of NAMBLA. I don't care about the specifics, they're choosing to stay in their little club despite the fact it's responsible for certain things, so they must bear some of the responsibility.

>> No.690452

Actually, I am an anarchist, so I don't support this corporate piece of trash.

>> No.690453

You are so ignorant, it burns my eyes. Guilty by association? You'll make a great nazi one day, son.

>> No.690457

Some day you'll turn 16 and grow out of anarchism. It's a phase a lot of young kids go through.

>> No.690460


Nice ad hominem + Godwin's law combo there, champ. You'll be captain of the debate team yet.

>> No.690462

My take on free speech: the battleground is the mind, the weapons are ideas. Every idea can be questioned at any time by anyone. Every idea must be defended from fundamentals. There are no assumptions, no givens, no hands off, no King's X.

Defend the Muslims because they need to express their ideas. Defend Max Hardcore - ewww. Well, somebody has to. Defend the cartoonists in Denmark because they are questioning someone else's idea. Defend me because I have a big mouth. I'll defend you for the same.

Everyone who has a yap, let him open it and sound off. You don't like it, say why. You like it, ditto.

Nobody owes anybody respect for their ideas. Everything is fair game. It's not Muslim vs Christian, marxist vs capitalist, libertarian vs just about everybody. It's one idea against another. Probe for weakness, find the jugular, demonstrate the foolishness. Praise wisdom, offer encouragement and enlightenment.

Very slowly in a cranky and choppy way, become wiser.

There's no other way.


>> No.690465

Actually, no it isn't a phase and no I am not a youngling and no I will not one day give up my fierce dreams and love of life, which you have because you are weighed down by dorritos and beer fat and your spine is bent forward from too many years of computer love.

>> No.690468

Then you're permanently retarded. You have my condolences.

>> No.690470

How about the brilliant fallacy of indicating that one sect of a group speaks for the whole? Why the fuck should catholics not be catholic because they don't agree with what the Vatican is doing. I know many people who believe that Catholicism is the truth, but don't agree with Rome, the Vatican, or child molestation.

>> No.690476

Godwin's law doesn't apply when you are simply pointing out when a person makes overtly fascistic sentiments. The truth is that fascism is so prevalent, godwins law is describing a necessary phenomenon. Also, to refute your point specifically, which is that members of the muslim faith are guilty of terrorism by proxy, I will logically extend your argument to the degree that anyone who is continues to watch television is guilty of the censorship of southpark, because by watching you are funding the network which is censoring that show. So the best thing you can do for their free speech is to not watch television at all.

>> No.690478

Everyone in this equation is an asshole. Some assholes are doing something that's legal but assholish, some assholes are threatening something that's not.

>> No.690480

you have my condolensces, as i heard your spirit has died, but i guess it was so long ago you are not still mourning?

>> No.690482

I don't even own a TV.

>> No.690483

So essentially you're saying "Muslims will hurt us if we piss them off, so let's not bother them and just do what they want." Essentially you're allowing terrorism to work? Good job bro.

If you don't think Muslims are taking away our freedom of speech, you obviously don't live in the UK or don't have any idea of the kind of shit they're doing over there. This is about not letting Islam thrust its backwards dogma into our society. By trying to censor an image, now that image will be everywhere. It's telling them we're not going to let them tell us what we can and can not draw.

By the way, when the Danish guy drew that cartoon, Muslims actually murdered people over it. Fuck those guys.

>> No.690493


Anarchy is for people with dead spirits who wish also to die in body at the hands of outlaws. No man is free when anarchy rules, for all men are slaves to the whim of bandits and armed gangs. Anarchy is the dream of fools who aren't old enough to know how the world works.

>> No.690504
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This thread.

>> No.690511

That is the most ridiculous slave-mind fuckery i've heard all day (should i be surprised)? Anarchy is for people who want to live. Who do not think that exploitation is a prima facie quality of human interraction. Who do not live in fear. People who don't give two fucks if they lose all of their private property. People who don't desire to be immortalized by progeny and the duration of their pedagogical influence. People who have simple but potent love and a passion for life which makes each moment illuminating, almost overwhelming. In short, people who are living, who's senses have not been willfully dulled.

>> No.690514

The idea is show Muslims we're not going to sit around and let them make death threats every time we offend them. You can't fucking murder people when they do something you don't like. Not in the 21st fucking century. Fuck Muslim extremists man.

>> No.690518

Nobody was murdered as a result of the Danish cartoons. Riots, yes. Nobody was killed. Don't just say things because you THINK it's true, check your shit.

>> No.690521

>I would be perfectly happy living in a forest by myself after my home has been taken and everyone I love has been killed

>> No.690523


Abortion protestors are still pretty adamant in their threats to murder abortion doctors.

Where's your "You may not agree with this but it is illegal, so fuck your religious sensitivity" mindset for them? Oh, right, they're Christian. You're cool with them threatening violence against people who offend them.

>> No.690525

>Muslims actually murdered people over it

Don't stop derpan'

>> No.690527

Anarchy is for fools who want to die. Anarchy is death for societies and people. Nothing can grow or live in an anarchy except war and chaos.

>> No.690529

This is exactly why anarchism has plenty of appeal to me, and absolutely no confidence for it from me.
It's a romantic fairy tale and nothing more. I might as well work towards and join with people establishing Never Never Land.

>> No.690533



>>This led to protests across the Muslim world, some of which escalated into violence with police firing on the crowds (resulting in a total of more than 100 deaths),[1]

Check YOUR shit

>> No.690538

>Why have a debate about Muslims and how they should or should not be treated when we have absolutely no input at all FROM Muslims. The only people you're discussing the issue with are young white men (generally) who, if they have any honesty, will admit they have no idea what they're talking about.


>> No.690545

you don't know what living actually is.

>> No.690546

Why are people defending batshit crazy Islam? If we had a draw Jesus day, would this be such a big a deal?

>> No.690547

Your post implied Muslims killed people for printing the cartoon - that was not accurate.

Now your source talks of Muslims who were killed as a result of standing up for what they believed in.

>> No.690555


I propose Draw An Abortion Day everywhere that abortions are legal.

Hypocrisy, she burns.

>> No.690556

>standing up for what they believe

What, that anyone who insults Islam should be killed? That's definitely a thought I want around for generations to come.

>> No.690557

Please, enlighten us on how living is equated with having a deluded sociopolitical ideal with absolutely no grounding in the realities of complex human behavior and social interaction.

>> No.690560


>> No.690566

do you want to join?

>> No.690567


Who cares? If it's right, it's right with or without their input. If it's wrong, it's wrong anyway. This isn't a question of what they would like for breakfast.

>> No.690570

don't go, we need you here ;_;

>> No.690575

''realities'' especially in the field of socio-politics, illustrate principles. you just don't get what it means to feel liberated, i can't explain it to you.

>> No.690580


(aside from the anarchy guy)

Herp derp I don't need to listen to other people when I'm right!

>> No.690583


You ought to read a little more carefully, you'll find that I actually didn't take a position on the question at all. Silly anonymous :3

>> No.690594

<3 Fair point, but you must admit that any fair and balanced, democratic debate must have all sides have their say, right? :3

>> No.690609

Muslims should have the right to threaten people to kill as many people as they want.

>> No.690617


All I mean is that Muslims have no privileged position on or special knowledge to bring to the issue--it isn't a question of religious doctrine or preference. It's a question of (distasteful, maybe) free speech against religious extremism.

>> No.690623

Oh Anon, I'm sorry... for what I said before. I was just trying to show off in front of the other boys...

Can you forgive me?

>> No.690631
File: 2 KB, 192x213, thispleasesme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only if you'll do me a special, sexy favour at a later, unspecified date.

>> No.690642


>> No.690643

Why do people think God needs defending? If you are 100% certain he's real, you don't need to fight for him. Fighting is just a fools way to mask your doubts.

This goes for anyone of any religious following who is angered by people questioning it.

>> No.690646

I'm a dom

>> No.690651


That's great, because I'm not.

>> No.690658

Someday we'll all look back at this and laugh. All the athiests, christians, muslims and jews together.

But not the anarchists, because they'll still be listening to shitty music and removing hood ornaments from cars.

>> No.690663


>> No.690667

shitty music? what do you listen to? i listen to the greatest music of all time. i have more fun puking than you do when you are having the most fun day of your life. my cock gets hard in a more spontaneous way than you have ever lived. fuck off, start making love to your life and maybe you can be an anarchist too.

>> No.690669
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/lit/ - South Park, Politics, Television

>> No.690672
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finally this thread is going in the right direction

>> No.690680 [SPOILER] 
File: 236 KB, 1236x900, dom uke sub seme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the sexy favour take a form similar to this?~

>> No.690690


Only if I don't have to grow my hair, I look enough like a 15 year old boy already.

>> No.690691

no Anon, you are the muslims

and then Anon was a terrorist

>> No.690694


P.S. /y/ sux, /bara/ 4 life

>> No.690699

Do you mind wearing a collar? ;3

>> No.690707
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>this thread

>> No.690718


Nope. Do you mind having to provide a lot of filthy commentary?

>> No.690738

Not at all, I enjoy leaning down and whispering dirty things, as long as I get some feedback.

If I say: 'Do you like that, you slutty little bitch?' I expect you to say yes. :3

>> No.690749
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this thread is now leaving our dimension

>> No.690760


This is acceptable. There's a lot more I'll need to you say though :3

>> No.690768

Oh sure, that's just a light example... I wouldn't go posting what I'd really say all over /lit/ ;3

>> No.690770
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>> No.690867

what is it with /lit/ and collars?

>> No.690870

Collars thread?

>> No.690899



>> No.690922
File: 1.62 MB, 1237x898, shelves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was posted in a shelves thread. see the collars? the person who owns these books is also some kinky bisexual sadist and all of /lit/ went gay

it was awesome

>> No.690930

You mean it started bad, got worse, but now it's working out? Seems about right.

>> No.690937

>muslim south park debate shit


>collars thread


>> No.690959



Well, judging by that bookshelf I'd probably hit it. Or let them hit me, as it were :3

>> No.690977

Why hello, are those my shelves I see before me? Yes, it is I, the king of /lit/ back again. ;3 And hey, I'm not a SADIST... I'm rough, but I don't -torture- anyone.

You like my books, boy? Come to my room anytime and check them out~

>> No.690984

damnit get a trip so we know when youre posting


>> No.690993
File: 1.24 MB, 2661x1431, dem books jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But everyone hates tripfags, don't they? You'd never hate me, would you, /lit/? ;3

>> No.690994
File: 93 KB, 718x998, this_op_is_your_enemy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op is a clever troll mixing blatant exaggeration with minor truth. Sage and ignore.

>> No.691025


Don't sage, this thread is now about collars!

>> No.691034
File: 32 KB, 400x541, what is going on in this thread aw shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.691038
File: 13 KB, 300x300, dat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dem books

dat collar

i am now erect

>> No.691074

As you can see, my pillow is under my bookself, so when I pull your head back to look up as I'm fucking you, you get to see my books. :3

>> No.691085

normally people do hate trips, but you actually do read books so Id be okay with you having a tripname here

>> No.691094
File: 45 KB, 160x168, Feels_bad_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will never be roughly fucked while looking up at dozens of the best books ever written ;_;

>> No.691106

I hope you don't mean Palahnuik. But awww, I'm sorry Anon. You'll find a kinky bisexual reader who'll make you his sissy, someday. :3

>> No.691118


I hadn't noticed the Palahniuk, now I am double disappoint

>> No.691119


>> No.691125



>> No.691126

I drew attention to it because I know it's not good. I admit there are bad books there. Battle Royale is the worst. (Aside from stuff like The McBain Brief and Batman Forever which are there for laughs)

>> No.691172

>im not aroused by this thought im not aroused but this thought im not arou


>> No.691180



looks like somebody'll have to clean it up! ;3

>> No.691193

I just wanna say... /lit/... I love you guys.

Only you could make such a terrible thread good again.

>> No.693118
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>> No.693126


Hey. Hey. We already turned this thread into a kinky bisexual collars and bookshelf thread. Don't try to bring that bullshit back up in here.

>> No.693140

I think /lit/ may be my new favourite board.

>> No.693156

>I'm not even going to stay in this thread, as it can't possibly end well.
Shows what he knows.

>> No.693168

>Must we really defend our right to piss anyone off no matter how insane their reaction is likely to be?

Yes, coward. Fuck their ignorant asses.

>> No.693183

That post was me, the bisexual kinky guy who made this thread gay. ;3

>> No.693189

ok, this is fucking terrifying. nobody else sees this?
something seriously fucking creepy about it, the way they march and bend and look simultaneously so very human yet alien.

backstory, assuming that its for rovers on planets further than mars?

>> No.693198


>> No.693204

Okay, I have a trip now! The following were all me~


>> No.693234
File: 129 KB, 502x670, mikhail-bakunin-old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when 'anarchy is for children'.

>> No.693248

Grow up, Mikhail

>> No.693285

....goddamnit, I'm so sick of religion, it does nothing good for the world. I'm just sick of this, every day, some new problem because religiousfags are fucked up from their religion.

>> No.693300

You people still believe the censoring in those two episodes wasn't in the script!
I can only imagine how embaracing it was for them that no Muslim gave crap.

>> No.693378

Everyone just needs to be more open minded. The Muslim world is a completely different world from America or Western Europe. Its an entirely diffferent culture. I don't think your average American can truly understand the immense tradition your average Middle Eastern Muslim grows up with. Its not simply about "making sense" or bettering society. Their religion is their life. It's hard for us to understand what it'd feel like or even make sense to us, but for those people it truly is serious. I'm not commenting on our rights or justifying extremist terrorism. All I'm saying is that the whole Mohammed issue isnt just about showing a simple image. Its not even like showing an image of Jesus. Showing an image of Mohammed is a direct attack on a long established Islamic tradition. Thats basically what it boils down to. I sort of think itd be like someone taking a picture of your mother nude, and then posting it around the internet and tv; its not a matter of freedom of speech, its an act of blatant insult.

>> No.693390


>> No.693436

When the Prophet was depicted in a provocative way in a newspaper that is supposed to be PC (mean that it's PC to portray the Prophet like that while it's not PC and even illegal to suggest that a certain people have lobbies in certain places), a lot of Muslims got angry. When a couple of 30+ years old teenagers made a cartoon show deceiving people to make them selves look like poor victims and trying to make heroes out of themselves, practically no Muslim cared.

>> No.693443

btw, why the op has a picture of a Sikh man flipping us off?

>> No.693453

And some people think that the general populace should be given the right to govern. We can't give everyone every right he wishes.

>> No.693476

when people threaten to curtail my freedom of speech with violence, i am angry to the point where i will make needlessly offensive statements simply to demonstrate that i will not be cowed.

>> No.693497

The freedom of every speech was and is threatened, not just anti-Islamic speech. This threatening can take the form of an article within the American law in a blog that no one reads or the form of throwing nuclear bombs on fully populated cities. If everyone would get angry because of their freedom of speech being threatened, man kind (yes man kind not "human kind") would've disappeared due to heart-failures-induced extinction.

>> No.693733
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I remember reading (or hearing) that the whole muhammad comics issue was a farce, as the drawings didn`t exist. I must be thinking of another situation where individual freedoms upset the muslim extremists. As I recall, the event didn`t occur, someone simply believed it happened. Riots occurred, churches were burned, and catholic nuns were murdered.
Not sure if I read it in The God Delusion, or heard it on Point of Inquiry.