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6903510 No.6903510 [Reply] [Original]

When will the pomo memers die out?

What will replace them?

>> No.6903521
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>> No.6903543

not soon enough

>> No.6903548


>> No.6903552


>> No.6903558

>I try to derail threads I don't like

>> No.6903771

Probably not for a long while, it's simply too encompassing of a movement.
In it's original form when it was seen as more of a reaction to modernism, taking the ideals of modernism and re-evaluating them in a contemporary context, it was actually somewhat particular in scope. Early pomo is pomo in all the right ways, experimental, introspective, and profound. In a way it was shaping up to become a sort of new romanticism, with pomos focus on subjectivity, observation of experience, and art as a unifying element for the fragmentation of man.

Unfortunately some time later, I'd estimate somewhere between late 90's to early 2000ish, irony became accepted as THE chief element of post-modernism. The problem with this is that: a) most people don't know how to properly employ irony and, b) just about anything can be interpreted as ironic. A lot of shitty artists hopped onto the late-ironic movement for the liberality, seeing as you don't need depth or technical skill when you have overbearing irony (because lol its supposed to be bad). At this point the heavy emphasis on irony, which gave way to overbearing skepticism, caused pomo to inflect and the movement became about cynicism and other related tones. Even if a work is not explicitly pomo in theme, the employment of irony is recognized as a distinctly pomo trait and therefore the existence of it is generally enough to classify something as pomo.

Basically after the early 2000s the entire movement became redundant and generalized on a massive scale. Until someone can convey a previously unexpressed form of sincerity with enough conviction to revolutionize artistic interpretation, pomo's gonna stick around.
Or another massive war, that'll probably lead to the development of a more substantial movement too. Whatever comes first.

>> No.6903798

>le ebin camille thread

get a grip of yourself nigger

>> No.6903904
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the time is already coming and coming fast, anon.