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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 172 KB, 1296x972, allen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6902576 No.6902576 [Reply] [Original]

>"At 25, Rachael Allen is the youngest: a fact that helps explain her poetry’s up-to-the-minute contemporaneity, alternative humour, and occasional shoulder-shrugging cool. Dotted throughout her short collection is a series of poems that takes its cues from the internet-meme-generating 4chan website: “Random”, “Cute/Male”, “Social”. If that means nothing to you, you’re not alone"


Why aren't you making money from your association with 4chan, /lit/?

>> No.6902592

Good to know. Thank you, Ben.

>> No.6902595
File: 146 KB, 562x420, rachaelallen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Roughly half of the poems are prose-poems which take their titles from image boards of 4chan, signaling a joint focus on that which is easily consumable, like Allen’s hurried and colloquial voice, and that which is fleeting, like the teenage years at the heart of Allen’s poems, too readily disappearing before the ‘encroaching ledge of age’ (‘Rapidshares’). These poems fit a trend in younger contemporary UK poetry that celebrates an anecdotal neo-confessional style, a sort of O’Hara-but-British renaissance. I’m thinking in part of Faber poets Jack Underwood and Emily Berry, but the strongest similarity is Sam Riviere’s 81 Austerities."


>> No.6902605

that feel when our culture is being appropriated and monetised by hipsters. now i know exactly how it felt to be a black man in pre-civil rights america

>> No.6902611

Is this what rape feels like?

>> No.6902623
File: 5 KB, 239x211, rachaelallen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"For the generation who grew up with the internet, born around 1990, 4chan forms part of adolescence in the 00s, alongside MySpace pages and instant messaging. After the rise of web 2.0’s “real-name culture”, 4chan is an archaic (and anarchic) hold-out of an earlier form of online community, offering a ludic escape from identity as liberation from the intersections of real world power relationships. In a space of completely un(self)censored speech, the only things left unsaid are the unsayable. Freeing users from any repercussions in their social lives, from the policing tactics of stigma or shame, anonymity on 4chan solicits total confession (and absolute obscenity) whilst making its veracity irrelevant, especially on boards like /lit/ where admissions of otherwise embarrassing personal taste are made without reserve. As in confessional poetry, disclosure becomes a dramatic quality, a performed challenge to the limits of fiction; unlike confessional poetry, anonymous disclosure can only be dramatic, and identity can only be an implication of the text."

Do you agree /lit/?


>> No.6902633



>> No.6902637

Ben pls

>> No.6902642


>> No.6902650

this girl is a poetry editor at granta


>> No.6902651

jesus fucking christ I'm tired of 4chan making its way onto these shitty news sites, all it does is attract even more people here and odds are if they're reading an article about this awful "poetry" on the fucking guardian they're going to be retarded and not the type of people i want to share a board with

>> No.6902652

You're a loser on 4chan


>> No.6902655
File: 42 KB, 625x626, 1438231689903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> especially on boards like /lit/ where admissions of otherwise embarrassing personal taste are made without reserve.

Well isn't this some clever bait.

>> No.6902657
File: 64 KB, 500x398, rapidshareboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of the poems, dedicated to /r/

This girl is literally earning money for writing this

>> No.6902663

Wait do these poems actually have anything to do with 4chan?

The one called Rapidshare is about fucking lip gloss in the 90's

What the fuck does that have to do with 4chan

>> No.6902666

I think she just visited here for like five minutes, found some threads and wrote some poetry based on them.

>> No.6902670

i thought /rs/ was the rapidshare board, /r/ is requests...

>> No.6902671

Wow, seems like someone has trouble with abstraction and literary devices.

You seriously don't get it?

>> No.6902673

lol you're right.

>> No.6902682

No, I understand that they got free magazines and then she hung out with her friends to feel good about it.

But you can do that with anything? It's just torrents and anything free.

>> No.6902683

Tell me about Ben.

Why does he make the post??

>> No.6902689

Sure thing pal

>> No.6902698
File: 762 KB, 2060x1236, rachaelallen3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"H-hey Anon, i-is it okay if I write a p-poem about you for my n-next collection?"

>> No.6902702

>Why aren't you making money from your association with 4chan, /lit/?
"artistic integrity"

qt but those are bad

>> No.6902706


>projecting this hard


>> No.6902712
File: 1.95 MB, 320x240, 1390250756992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes probably some normalfag that browses /b/, /r9k/ and /soc/ all day and pretends to be "PART OF HIP MEME INTERNET CULTURE"

fuck this whore

>> No.6902713

>Why aren't you making money from your association with 4chan, /lit/?

Cause I don't have a vagina so it's not cool for me to say I visit 4chan, not to mention to the higher standards expected than this well-trodden nostalgic peaked-at-high-school horseshit.

>> No.6902724

Not to be that guy who hates abstract art because it doesn't look like the thing, but what's the aesthetic appeal of this? What's the artistic merit? I don't get this at all. Though ofcourse I would never admit to that in public.

>> No.6902736
File: 234 KB, 1296x972, rachaelallen4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey Anon, you made it!! Rachael is starting in 5 minutes, it's a sell-out crowd!"

>> No.6902738

looks autistic

>> No.6902744


>> No.6902745
File: 1.99 MB, 332x215, JokeShips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This girl is literally earning money for writing this

>> No.6902747


jesus fuck

another talentless fuck with a gimmick

how on earth does this shit get even aknowledged.

I wamt to cum in her eye and then lock her in a dumpster

>> No.6902748

Skinny jeans and floral skirts/blouses.

>> No.6902751

Umm misogynistic much?

>> No.6902771

>"The focus was a discussion of Rachael Allen’s 4chan poems. I hadn’t heard of the website ‘4chan’ before, but it seemed a unique concept to create poems from the basis of an image-based bulletin board, which — being the internet — provided useful commentary on the role of gender, acting as a platform for feminist art work."


>> No.6902772

hello rachel

I do not know about misogyny but I do indeed want to cum in your eye and in general degrade you in every way I can imagine. I want to forcibly violate your anus using your so called "poems" as condoms, and after cumming I would feed you those scraps of paper and force you to say "thank you master, I will not write another poem in my life".

>> No.6902780
File: 2.61 MB, 1475x1935, schopie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

misogyny is good.

>> No.6902789

ho ho ho

>> No.6902795


Rachel confirmed.

>> No.6902814 [DELETED] 

He has perfect lips.

>> No.6902824

>"Rachael's poems cover a diverse range of the "boards" featured on the 4chan website. In /cm/ her focus is on the concept of reverse objectification, of the male body trapped "like an ionized beetle" behind the glass of the computer screen. A stand-out poem is /r/ ("rapidshare"), where the young poet details the torturous journey from childhood through adolescence in the technological age. The issue of adopted personas is confronted in her poem dedicated to /lit/, the website's literature forum, where she heartbreakingly concludes that "what I am online / no, what I am / has become unreachable to us both"..."

>> No.6902863

Is there a /lit/ poem?

>> No.6902908
File: 28 KB, 556x424, rachael_allen_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently so

>> No.6902916


>> No.6902917


I've posted acclaimed poems from famous authours without the titles and never got replies neither

>> No.6902919

last line is bredy gud, gotta hand it to the girl

>> No.6902924

Why would she be bitter?

She's pretty much just writing about something she saw on here.

>> No.6902926

I've seen you do that, what do you expect, "I recognised that reference"?

>> No.6902927

keked IRL at that line tbh

>> No.6902929 [DELETED] 

As terrible as she is, one part of that is humorous and definitely seems like the average /lit/ user.

>I am a poet. I told my mother that so she wouldn't make me get a job.

>> No.6902930


>Fucking farts from Nora's ass


man we had an in at granta should have skilled TLOPTITT more

>> No.6902932
File: 39 KB, 201x241, 1364408886254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is a pretty spot-on description of /lit/ actually

>> No.6902935
File: 40 KB, 182x179, 1431660054057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this hurts me to read

>> No.6902939

I like the repetition of "any more", as in "any longer" in the first sense and then "in a more intimate way" in the second.

>> No.6902941

Damn, she's cute. Rachel, if you're reading this, I'd love to get together sometime, discuss the profound effect of memes on the psyche, and fuck you in the ass also.

>> No.6902942
File: 119 KB, 400x509, 1383581417653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking farts from Nora's ass

>> No.6902944
File: 92 KB, 384x384, 1437385604637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roasties getting publishing deals and critical acclaim by exploiting 4chan culture

>> No.6902947

Hot as fuck fam

>> No.6902952
File: 35 KB, 413x577, epicwinforanonymous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing particularly new about that.

Anyone else remember when this came out? The author actually started a thread on /b/ letting them know a book about them was coming out.

>> No.6902954

OP here. I wrote >>6902908 in about 30 seconds for the sake of keeping the thread alive. Misspelled "supine".

>> No.6902957

I think in recent years 4chan has lost that comforting "safezone for people against safezones" feeling. I guess you just need to adapt to that, be even more careful with your anonymity.

It would have been comfier without /b/, /soc/, /adv/ etc but maybe it needed the creativity of /b/ to attract a decent posting rate.

I don't mean this in a "lets go to loserwizard800chan instead" way. If I were to lose interest in the people here (but there's still enough people smarter than me to stave off that) I would go more into solitude than that.

>> No.6902958

'received' as well

>> No.6902965 [DELETED] 

I was wondering why the grammar is so terrible.

>> No.6902967

Not all of 4chan has though. I mean /pol/ is safe, which is partly the reason it's so popular. /int/ will always be the same size I imagine, it's only hobby boards that are under thread. /mu/ is normie, /tv/ is barely keeping afloat, /v/ is dead, etc. /lit/ unfortunately attracts a lot of "internet generation!!!" tryhards from tumblr etc.

>> No.6902974

>every forum on the website

>> No.6902975

You know what, we talk shit about how "x group" or "y group" ruined this website, but this, this right here, these people who honestly, without a shred of irony, and without any sense of their own naivety believe that this place is actually some kind of haven for the disenfranchised, that's who did it. It is these people, so convinced of their own hermit like existence, yet so eager so stand up and yell at society "Look here pal, I'm having so much fun being different from you" who drew the rest of the scum in.

>> No.6902976

hehehe, nice frog friend, I saw that meme on reddit, very funny :)))))))))))

>> No.6902978

Who /london/ here?

Any of you guys go to lit-related events and stuff?

>> No.6902980

/fit/ is kill also

the amount of I'M A GRILL xD threads are noticeably higher.

>> No.6902981


>> No.6902983 [DELETED] 


>> No.6902986

I browsed fit in 2011 but I can't stand it anymore. full of retards and whenever I try to give advice over there that goes against the orthodoxy I get shouted down, so I don't bother anymore

shame because now I actually know shit unlike when I was just another SS newfag parroting the sticky in every thread

>> No.6902988

No. It was actually you, you humorless boring piece of shit.

>> No.6902989

>itt: people who take the internet, "internet culture", 4chan and 'board culture' way too seriously

this is just a place for people to communicate with each other, nothing more. get a grip on life people

>> No.6902992
File: 31 KB, 640x360, rachael_allen_award.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"First of all I'd like to thank my publisher, Bloodaxe Books, and all the editorial staff who helped develop and refine my original submission. Secondly I'd like to thank my parents and my boyfriend, Chad Thunder-Cock, for always supporting me. And lastly I thank the users of 4chan's literature board for providing the perfect example of something I wish never to become. Thank you all."

>> No.6903006

fuck off normie, you wouldn't understand this.

>> No.6903007

She probably visited back when /rs/ existed, came back and assumed that since there was no /rs/ she must have mixed up with /r/

>> No.6903009

>>people who take the internet, "internet culture", 4chan and 'board culture' way too seriously

You're talking about Rachael Allen, right?

>> No.6903011

As far as places to communicate go 4chan is pretty unique.

>> No.6903016

if you browse /b/, /r9k/ and /s4s/ you are more part of what people think 4chan is, ergo its culture, than if you browse /lit/, /m/ and /ck/

>> No.6903017
File: 112 KB, 868x881, 1422841106080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rachael Allen
>Rachel Ollan
Hmm. You pulling a fast one over us, OP?

>> No.6903019

All the people talking about my 4ching culture were probably never here pre-2010.

>> No.6903020

Except for the hundreds of other english and non-english speaking imageboards, sure.

>> No.6903024

If you browse /b/ you're probably new.

I'm sure a lot of people on the smaller boards are people who have been here a GOOD while, like myself.

>> No.6903027

>using your so called "poems" as condoms
>paper cuts in your dick and balls
I can't stop imagining the pain, thanks asshole.

>> No.6903034

I think it's also an age thing. I thought /b/ was great when I was 18, now it feels painfully juvenile. I think I just got too old for it.

>> No.6903035

>Not all of 4chan has though. I mean /pol/ is safe, which is partly the reason it's so popular. /int/ will always be the same size I imagine,
I feel like those 2 boards are simply inferior versions of /lit/ though, their sole merit lies in being able to express views which are considered toxic by most other communities. But as far as both history and politics (kek) go, /lit/ has much more knowledgeable and interesting posters.

>it's only hobby boards that are under thread
That's sort of true. But I think there are still enough alternative people on them to have at least one good general. I know that they sometimes discuss art film on /tv/ and classical on /mu/ still.

/lit/ is pretty good in that regard. Just because the standard of writing (and therefore communication and thinking) is a bit higher.

>> No.6903036

>shoulder-shrugging cool

fuck, this is seriously a sentence that someone wrote. is this faggot an indie rock fan or something?

>> No.6903038 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 400x269, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares how long anyone has been on 4chan

>> No.6903045

the oldfags because sunk cost fallacy

>> No.6903046

I really feel it's the other way around. The more people obsess about this being a safe zone the more time they dedicate to "protecting it" instead of just using it. So instead of interesting threads you have to keep ignoring people blaiming other sites and fearing the loss of their culture. Back in the /i/ years we were more than happy to say that we were from ebaumsworld because we had enough idenitity to know that wasn't even possible, if someone were to say that we're 9gag people would shit on him as a defense mechanism trying to purge some imaginary enemy out even though there is nothing to cleanse.

Come on bitch, make this post a poem, you know you want to.

>> No.6903050

/classical/ is a memefest like no other.

I honestly love it though tbh

vid related, my favorite Tchaikovsky symphony

>> No.6903052

Anyone who was here before 2011.

>> No.6903056 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 1242x524, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to back up, friend.

>> No.6903064

Yes, and a lot of black people have decent jobs but the ones everyone notices and make the "black culture" are the ones pretending to be rich and singing hip hop. When we moved to smaller boards we renounced the right to be part of the big axis of 4chan just like an old man would leave the city feeling that there's anything for him to change in there.

>> No.6903065 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 1242x386, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, the majority of cringeworthy people came here before 2011.

>> No.6903067

That is a literal fucking paragraph not a poem. disgusting

>> No.6903069
File: 719 KB, 640x960, rachael_allen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Rachael bravely went where few women feel safe to go, navigating areas of the internet where misogyny and problematic discourse are commonplace. Her poems serve as correspondence from that dark place, snapshots from the lives of individuals who eschew online personalities and opt for anonymity instead. By placing herself in such a vulnerable position and daring to investigate the collective psyche of a generation of young frustrated men, Rachael has produced what may very well be the quintessential poetry collection for the internet age"


>> No.6903074

when you're going to post an inside joke you should leave a warning like "Danger: Meme Aproaching" so we know what to expect.

>> No.6903077 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 500x305, 1433949475297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another confirmation that art isn't about talent or vision. It's about marketing.

>> No.6903082 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 770x433, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@ whoever wrote that

>> No.6903087

Neckbeard detected

>> No.6903088

You know you're actually right with all that. All I meant was that I feel less secure knowing that more people I would see offline might be becoming more aware of the website. An example would be that until recently I thought /r9k/ had become way too much /teenagerproblems/ since the /adv/ and /soc/ creations for me to enjoy it. But then I visited it again this year and was shocked at some (some) of the brilliant humor and creativity on offer there. It was like a wilder more intelligent /b/ at times. But at the same time there was a lot of slave morality, complaining about other sites, whining without any selfawareness that seemed to really hamper that under the guise of "protecting" it.

The two things I think are good on here are the level of intelligence and the amoral humor. Whether someone claims to be protecting the site or the opposite (that 4chan's being an alternative to the mainstream is unimportant), its bad either way if those 2 things suffer.

Nothing wrong with memes, as far as the current definition goes.

>> No.6903090

when will this fucking stop

>> No.6903098

>stop using words that trigger me!

When will this fucking stop? It's a word. Get over it.

>> No.6903104

Thunder-Cock? Are his parents called Thunder and Cock, respectively?

>> No.6903108

holy shit they just can't stop framing stuff from their neo-marxist "oppression theory" angle can they?

>> No.6903116

I've bought a copy because I'm interested to see what my contemporaries are doing and maybe learn from them.

>> No.6903120

Rachel here, AMA

>> No.6903125


>> No.6903128

do you take it up the pooper?

>> No.6903130

Honestly, /b/ has gotten worse. I think the largest reason for the decline is from user migration. You used to be able to troll /b/ but not anymore, it's all shit flinging and meme spouting. I also migrated from /b/ and other boards.

>> No.6903140

I haven't used /b/ since ca. 2007 and it was already getting worse then, that is it being mostly porn dumps and contactfagging.

>> No.6903149

the lack of raids also diminished the board culture, inner fighting replacing wars in different soils tends to do that.

>> No.6903153

I've been thinking about this, and every time I do I get pangs of disgust. It lowers my drive to write when I see bullshit getting headlines all around me. How do I combat this?

>> No.6903155

>problematic discourse

I'm giggling

>> No.6903159

your address?

regards, >>6902772

>> No.6903168

So all I have to do is write shut paragraphs about 4chan and I can make money and call myself a writer for real? This is how far we've come.

>> No.6903178

i want to be rachel's little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. she would stick me into her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i want to feel her rachel blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo-hoo juices inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo rachel blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her rachel hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her rachel hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over her rachel face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.

>> No.6903185

anonymous disclosure is completely non-dramatic. this person doesn't know anything.

>> No.6903202

pure memeology

>> No.6903216

>what I am online / no, what I am / has become unreachable to us both".

This is fucking god-awful.

>> No.6903223

I'm going to get this published so I can make 4chanbux too.

>> No.6903234

I knew it was too good to be hers.

>> No.6903249

im going to rape your mom so i can get autismbux

>> No.6903265

Someone should sell Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra to penguin

>> No.6903278

>stop complaining about things i'm okay with

When will this fucking stop? I'm expressing my thoughts. Get over it.

>> No.6903280

so is she

>> No.6903307

I thought the exact same thing

>> No.6903314
File: 15 KB, 626x170, Picture 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every board has a somewhat famous outsider banking on their hot opinions and dank memes

>> No.6903315 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet meme, bro.

>> No.6903322

racheldrop when

>> No.6903329

>whining about someone exploiting 4chan culture

Jesus christ, you stupid nigger.

4chan "culture" is, if anything, all about exploiting everything in sight. This is a community that has literally bullied people to death. If you post personal info here you'll get rekt. Exploiting this site for personal gain is pretty much entirely in line with the every man for himself early internet sub-culture.

>> No.6903343

lol tru. smh fam

>> No.6903353

i fug yr mom in the poopoo to be tbh

>> No.6903354 [DELETED] 

You make 4chan sound like it's actually scary.

>if you post personal info here you'll get rekt
Please, faggot. The most 4chan does is leave mean comments on your YouTube channel or send you cringeworthy text messages that are 3p!c on the thread you're in.


>> No.6903367

Listen here, noob, I've been coming to this shit hole since 2008
Whatever the point I wanted to make by stating that fact was lost and forgotten as soon as I realized what a loser I am for being here for that long

>> No.6903401

My main board is /x/. It used to be fun until /pol/ and /b/ came; now it's mostly memes and trolling.

>> No.6903408

lmao can i use this for a meme?

>> No.6903414

no ive got it patented to be tbh

>> No.6903417

can confirm

>> No.6903420

I've posted my full name/website here and have met people from 4chan irl.
I don't see a problem, unless you have some interesting point to exploit or it's done on /b/.

>> No.6903423

Oh and they also send you free books don't forget it

>> No.6903428

Oh is it Ben 'atoms are sad scared people' Brooks again

>> No.6903450

But who owns the rights?

>> No.6903453

Don't you guys realize that she takes sentences she reads there and compiles it on her shit ?

>> No.6903457
File: 342 KB, 536x640, 124512412573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez this is so tasteless.

>> No.6903469

>didn't teleologically suspend the ethical

>> No.6903484
File: 198 KB, 1800x1350, lepre912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when our culture is being appropriated and monetised by hipsters. now i know exactly how it felt to be a black man in pre-civil rights america


>> No.6903493
File: 228 KB, 2314x1637, the woman8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Umm misogynistic much?
typical woman

>> No.6903496

im certain this typo menace gets posted by one poster exclusively, guess what, no one cares faggot

>> No.6903500
File: 37 KB, 510x348, image(19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she went on
>‘Cute/Male /cm/’ begins

At least Rachel is well engaged on her path to liberation

>> No.6903507

without commenting on content, the writer is addicted to commas

>> No.6903532

delet this

>> No.6903561

i kinda like it

>> No.6903564
File: 466 KB, 1256x903, 1426012883288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6903627

Love how cynical people can be

>> No.6903629

I'll teleologically suspend your mom from my dick.

>> No.6903645
File: 710 KB, 1044x495, 1437722688006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why aren't you making money from your association with 4chan, /lit/?
if you're a regular your angle won't be satisfactory.

what sells is the sort of drive-by perspective that the OP chick offers, picking bits and pieces that fit the already established borg narrative.

>> No.6903656

this person has r/theredpill subscribed

>> No.6903694

Why are women so dumb?

>> No.6903697

ask your mom

>> No.6903707

the way I see it is we have two bell curves, and the 50% line for men is near the upper 40% of women: 10% of men are basically smarter than all women, but 90% have the capability to be dumber than any specific woman.

Obv this is not language-based intelligence but rather things like engineering ideas and novel concepts.

>> No.6903725

i love how you spergs dish out theories like that like you have some sort of scientific basis for it

i mean i'm the spergest motherfucker around and even i can see i should probably steer clear of generalisations like this because my judgement is fundementally warped by years and years of tfw no gf

>> No.6903736

>scientific basis
is kind of a spook; most scientific basis is completely subject to interpretation. What I said, if applied to normal judgment, could be a solid foundation to view the gender differences, especially with the caveat of
>this is not language-based intelligence
which does have your shitty 'scientific basis'

>> No.6903757

>scientific basis is completely subject to interpretation
i get what you're saying but it really isn't that simple.

>> No.6903763

Kinda makes you feel self-conscious. By participating in the typical 4chan banter with the lads, you're creating the raw material for innovative contemporary art.

I hope sempai notices my posts.

>> No.6903775

Nice radioclassical you got there

>> No.6903795

They're not real spergs you doofus

They like to pretend they are because it's a justification for their social failures

>> No.6903799

>you will never be able to ban the word 'brave' from existence

>> No.6903806


to be tbh

>> No.6903813

Well when you have your life destroyed by a woman and her divorce attorney, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't sing the same tune.

>> No.6903825

Cultivate ironic detachment?

>> No.6903833

You're not sempai, fuck off.

>> No.6903850

>going on weird websites is an act of courage
God bless Rachel Allen

>> No.6903857
File: 10 KB, 210x315, confident, educated WoC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter, 4Chan? Worried that somebody from the inside knows you better than you know yourself? There's not one inaccurate claim in that entire post

>> No.6903899

lol no
Everyone on this site is a sheep with no real world experience

>> No.6903925

pretty good

>> No.6903928

This so much
My soul hurts

>> No.6903933

considering he was parodying some other insecure idiot's post I don't think he was really projecting

>> No.6903941
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>> No.6903950

>What I am online. No, what I am,
if you watch the Zizek on Personality video, I feel like that makes more sense

>> No.6903974

Phish fanbase is legit autistic merso than sonic fans even to be tbh.

>> No.6904578

This is the one case where being early to the party makes you less cool. There's no winning.

>> No.6904590

I feel like everyone who works at a literary magazine is a girl or a gay guy. I keep trying to wedge myself in but it never works.

>> No.6904726

This is maximum trolling. This girl deserves an award.

She's a girl who's been to /soc/ though. I know some of you fags are on /soc/ as well, where are her nudes?

>> No.6905059


>> No.6905956

actually it's confirmed that men are more common at both ends of the bell curve, meaning that there are more extremely dumb and extremely smart men than women

>> No.6906181

25 is young?

>> No.6906240

God damn it, I was actually hoping this would be good for a minute there.

This reads like if John Green thought he was Rimbaud.

>> No.6906245

hey wait are these plagiarized from actual posts

>> No.6906250

fuck off

>> No.6906285
File: 33 KB, 500x650, 1435655037014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>submitted a poem to a poem thread
>not one reply
>"hurr nobody reads"
>MFW i have been complemented on my poems here and will never make anything of my writing career because im not surfing any ideological wave

>> No.6906329

>being complimented here
>indication that your poems are actually any good

it's like scoring a goal in sunday league and thinking you could go pro

>> No.6906539


>> No.6906648

>tfw no qt British gf

>> No.6906661

pure dogshit LOL

>> No.6906665

Yet she's published and you're here


>> No.6906690

If you offered me a magic button that gave me credit for Rachael Allens' 4chan poems I wouldn't push it with a 10 foot pole m80 because these are terrible garbage with a gimmick and I would be ashamed to be published i this was what I was published with

>> No.6906696

So jelly. Sad really.

>> No.6906700

hehehe, all this mad in this thread.

>> No.6906706

Someone tweet this thread to her, I'd like to see her reaction

>> No.6906713

This sort of poetry isn't my thing at all, and I must say there doesn't seem to be a single drop of 4chan in any of the 4 poems I read

but whatever, this sort of poetry gets published all the time, getting mad about this specifically is nonsense

>> No.6906732

Okay, now I like her, anything that takes the piss out of /lit/'s userbase is okay with me.

>> No.6906751


>> No.6906785

More of a comment of the see-through hackney bitterness than any right to go pro

>> No.6906809

Gooooood lord these fags

>> No.6906815


>> No.6906820
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>> No.6906824
File: 86 KB, 570x585, Abandon+thread+_8cbf8c7aed308fbbdd435fcacdc72652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6906825

Lonely, unfashionable beta male detected

>> No.6906837

>I know shit
>hates on SS
Come on now.. Anyways, plg and owg is still there if you want to discuss the details of programming.

>> No.6906859

so brave

>> No.6906875
File: 15 KB, 259x300, 1432602991395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

americans not knowing punctuations

>> No.6906888


Wouldn't that be modern black society? Whites rejected black culture in pre-civil rights era America. It'd be more accurate to say blacks appropriated white culture since it held more cultural capital.

>> No.6906898


If she mentioned fucking Nora's farts that means she's pretty well-acquainted with /lit/ memes. Perhaps she's less of a hack/dilettante than we thought.

>> No.6906910

Keep reading the thread

>> No.6907414

Sure! just enter into this Dumpster™ here first

No need to worry your lovely little self, it's shit

We are the feminist dream. The last bastion of people being unsensitive to women, ho ho ho
And they never knew, we where just being contrarian

>> No.6907589


>> No.6907639

I have a cousin named Rachel Allen and she's the same age, wtf

>> No.6907645


My favourite author is Rachel Olan and I heard about her on 4chan too!

Her novel, "The Open Window", is just 10/10

>> No.6907664

Olan must be in her fifties by now, at least. Open Window was published before Infinite Jest.

>> No.6907690


After reading "The Open Window" by Rachel Olan I am full of thoughts. Never before have I thought the thoughts I am now thinking. And the feelings I am feeling are surely a result of those thoughts.
The lead character in "The Open Window" was, I truly believe, the most important person. At the beginning of the book we did not know him/her very well. Later on, of course, many difficult things hapen and he/she changes. Near the end of the book, towards the back, the problems are fixed and things work out, more or less. I was so relieved! In conclusion, I think we all learned and important lesson! I know I Certainly did!

>> No.6907710


>> No.6907741

y-you too

>> No.6908244

We did slurp all that sweet jazz though, and what's worse they now don't have any more

>> No.6908345

/tv/ is the strangest board on 4chan. I love the humor. I smile everytime I browse the catalog. I laugh here too, but it's just dumb and absurd over at /tv/, that fucking bane/cia/masketta man/dr pavel/wreckage brother meme kills me, it's been going for years, there is always a bane thread active. Jesus. I can't describe it.

>> No.6908355

Because I'm not an early 20s middle class attractive woman.

>> No.6909114

rachel?is that really you?
post timestamp pls

>> No.6909205
File: 496 KB, 245x138, qPQB0TR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psyche of a generation
>internet age

>> No.6909224

She's cute tho

>> No.6909225

hi reddit

>> No.6909226



>> No.6909247

post more qt

>> No.6910006
File: 44 KB, 508x532, 1392088779098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this horseshit?

>> No.6910031

actually this is rad as hell and if you dislike it you're the cancer destroying /lit/


>> No.6910038

>there are qt girls on /lit/ RIGHT NOW

>> No.6911064


>> No.6911076

explain why it's wrong

>> No.6911089

Honestly I have to agree with you. There is something sublimely absurd about it. Taking meaninglessness and turbocharging it into heights unseen. Baneposting is the proof that humanity is special.

>tfw Camus will never write an essay on the sisyphean rebelliousness of baneposting

>> No.6911169


Tell that to /cgl/ lol

>> No.6911325

It's almost like some publisher took a chance on some ultra-try hard common denominator broad appeal hack with a vaguely contemporary edge and then every critic in the room jumped on the bandwagon to justify their meaningless, and becoming even more devoid of meaning, occupation in hopes of reaping the spoils they contributed towards. It's almost like that happens every day in and outside of literature.

>> No.6911431

but /pol/ saved zimmerman

>> No.6911468

Better than anything I've read on this board lately tbh

>> No.6911486
File: 34 KB, 503x501, internettrouble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>problematic discourse

>> No.6911499

I can dig the "rushed" prose feel. Kinda gimmicky, but a thousand times better than some of the garbage I've seen on /lit/

>> No.6912545
File: 9 KB, 359x92, Screenshot from 2014-11-15 09:16:25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6913220

There is always remembrance

>> No.6913241

>the collective psyche of a generation of young frustrated men

Is that what shitposting is? top kek

>> No.6913258

>bravely went where few women feel safe to go
>misogyny and problematic discourse
>correspondence from that dark place
>placing herself in such a vulnerable position
>daring to investigate the collective psyche of a generation of young frustrated men

oh my god the melodrama. how can anyone take the internet, let alone 4chan this seriously

>> No.6913264
File: 2.87 MB, 218x164, 4chan van.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6913347
File: 183 KB, 600x545, 1407548250934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6913352

>women actually believe this

>> No.6913537


>> No.6913549

This is better than most of the stuff from those post your pose threads, tbh.

>> No.6913583

>This reads like if John Green thought he was Rimbaud.

Of all the insults I've encountered on 4chan this one is probably the worst. Goddamn.

>> No.6913635
File: 351 KB, 1014x1428, OrwellBurmaPassport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>problematic discourse

>> No.6914300
File: 2.58 MB, 267x200, pfhuuuhahaahaawhoo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking brutal

>> No.6914366

It's great seeing Orwell emulating his master with the mustache.

Trots are always scum.

>> No.6914427

>Back in the /i/ years we were more than happy to say that we were from ebaumsworld because we had enough idenitity to know that wasn't even possible

But that was to protect the safe space.
also, funny because fuck Baum

>> No.6914438

I usually don't care about muh cultural appropriation but wholly shit this bitch is some worthless hack that's making it by reusing shitty memes.

>> No.6914444

Yeah but don't be a fag about it. Viewing any of this seriously is fucking Chanology shit all over again.

>> No.6914455

One or two studies have suggested that the bell curves are centred on the same line but male is stretched out horizontally while female is taller.
i.e. men have larger smart and dumb outliers, women are strongly clustered around average with less extremes

>> No.6914489

>there are people on /lit/ right now who think this isn't awful
>some of them think it's actually good

This is why I can't take the opinions of you fuckers seriously.

>> No.6914519

>Does anybody read anymore? And if so,
Oh my goodness it's like the introduction to a middle school book report

>> No.6914530

Sorry, meant to quote the real poem, >>6902657

>> No.6915096

This isnt a poem

>> No.6915104



>> No.6915258

juvenile trash smdh tbqh fam

>> No.6915389

>tfw DFW will never write an essay about baneposting entitled "a supposedly big guy I'll never unmask again".

>> No.6915890
File: 63 KB, 431x504, anglicans.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>a theological belief ironically held

I agree, christfags suck.

>> No.6915925


> This reads like if John Green thought he was Rimbaud.

Goddamn, noice.

>> No.6916034
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>> No.6916696

>But then I visited it again this year and was shocked at some (some) of the brilliant humor and creativity on offer there. It was like a wilder more intelligent /b/ at times. But at the same time there was a lot of slave morality, complaining about other sites, whining without any selfawareness that seemed to really hamper that under the guise of "protecting" it.
But isn't slave moral just one source of the phenomenon you are describing, and hence needed?

>> No.6916923

I'm pretty sure he does think that.

>> No.6917070