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6900870 No.6900870[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many books do you read at a time /lit/, and what are they?

I typically read three at once, both fiction and non-fiction. though I have slips of paper holding my place in maybe a dozen right now - some of which will never be continued because I found them wanting.

pic unrelated

>> No.6900982


Also, about three. Usually one fiction that I can read fast and two non-fiction that I have to read slower on account of me taking notes and pausing to think about what I read. I don't like to read only one because I enjoy a change of style in the writing between reading sessions.

>> No.6901101

Yeah basically the same. Usually it'll be between 3 and 5, and I'll spend a day or two on each before switching.

>> No.6901106

What was the point of posting that pic?

>> No.6901247

What sort of notes do you take, anon?

I saw it on my feed immediately before posting, thought someone here would weigh in on what I see as utter delusion. Bay Area kids, man.

>> No.6901306

I got addicted to reading many books at once on my Kindle app on iPhone. (Thank you Internet for my popcorn brain and inability to concentrate.) I was reading like 50+ books at a time and toggling after, like, every sentence.

Eventually I wrote an app that splices words from several e-books together. Picture shuffling a deck of cards once. That's roughly the algorithm except you have to account for any number of books of varying length.

So now I generally read 100+ books at a time at an extremely high speed, but with the words all shuffled up. It's not so hot for retention but A+ for dopamine rush.

>> No.6901314

It's not delusion but frustrated confusion. Her message changes halfway through.

This is what happens when average people write things and let the world read them: most of it doesn't make sense. They're not stupid, they're just not good writers.

captcha: hamburgers

>> No.6901331

>my popcorn brain

I like that

>> No.6901338

But this is a good representation of the rhetoric used by many of the young people holding these views.

I agree that they're not writers, and probably don't value writing skills highly, but the views espoused are so based in the recent irrationally progressive mindset that it's like they live in a different world.

>> No.6901432

No, this is one person's overreaction to an actual phenomenon. You can't generalize it to all young people or to a 'progressive mindset'.

The same kinds of ridiculous, histrionic things have been written and said from every political viewpoint and in reaction to every divisive event, down unto eternity. But now they're permanent and can be accessed at home by anyfuckingone.

There's too much information out there today and too many large concepts for any one person, let alone every person, to hold them in mind all the damn time.

This person, for example, has missed the point that more people expressing outrage over one thing as opposed to another doesn't mean they necessarily don't care about the thing they don't express outrage over. Also, that every Facebook post is permanent and can be taken out of context without their knowledge to make them look like a joke.

My assumption of the series of events:
>highly publicized police shootings of blacks are especially publicized among blacks on social media because they identify with the victim
>most people agree that unjustified killing is wrong, of an animal or a person
>the unjustified killing of an animal can't really be defensively rationalized by anyone
>but in the case of police shootings, some people identify with the police, some identify with those shot, some with the fear of police, some with the culture that gives police the greater benefit of the doubt when violence arises, etc...
>when there's a person on either end of a gun, it's possible to take either one's side for whatever reason
>people who aren't black might be afraid of being called racist if they weigh in on a white-on-black police shooting, so even if they think it's wrong they say nothing
>or maybe they don't see themselves as 'involved'
>so it's safe to feel pity for the poor lion because 'fuck that one dentist dude'
>thus more people write about the lion, and that makes it look like people don't care about the police shooting
>a person who identifies with the dead man will see this as a profoundly confusing and disturbing 'moral mix-up'
>profoundly confused and disturbed, their reactions seem histrionic and delusional to outsiders


I'm not going into my views on this subject in particular because this is /lit/ and my point is about the effects of an infinite availability of texts to read and spaces to write in a world where 20 years ago a very small minority of people would actually read or write on a daily basis.

I can't believe I just half-assedly analyzed a total stranger's FB post at such length. Goodnight lads, love you.

>> No.6901520

It's a good analysis, I have to admit.
I don't disagree with anything you said, and I am absolutely prone to making generalizations, particularly about people I dislike (or want to dislike).
Still, it must be said that every comment on this particular post was glowing adoration for the person writing it, and in the admittedly limited scope of my Facebook circle, it is a leaning that is more common by the day.

>> No.6901549

Social media is a strange beast with strange fruits get it, beasts' "fruits" are their balls lol, and it gets harder every day for me to say if they are for good or ill. No doubt it encourages groupthink, but so has every gathering of humans.

At the end of the day though, all I care about is reading and seeing new things, so I'll sit on this wild, scary ride 'till it throws me off.

End of the day? Who said that? Oh right, I was going to bed. Maybe I'll catch you tomorrow if the thread's alive.

>> No.6901565

My sentiments almost to a tee, though I'd add trying to actualize my idea of the best me while I'm on the ride.

Sleep tight bruh, may you have vivid and adventurous dreams.

>> No.6901570

sounds about right

social media and read/write culture in general is a really interesting experiment

religious revivals, or revivals that are religious in nature, happen every other decade or so. review 2010s progressivism as a modern folk religion and it makes perfect sense

>> No.6901586

I'm just waiting for the tide to change, I'd like at least a brief period of worshiping rationality.

Also, to keep the thread somewhat on track, I'm currently reading through Schopenhauer's prize essay and Dubliners, with an entry-level book on string theory between.

>> No.6901593

>I'm just waiting for the tide to change, I'd like at least a brief period of worshiping rationality.

i have seen that future, and its name is eliezer yudkowsky

>> No.6901600

we had that 5-10 years ago. turns out worshiping rationality is sort of an oxymoron and you can't grow without emotionally co-opting large tribes

strong ai is the dumbest meme, but the next 20 years of machine learning in general will be radically disruptive in a way that's impossible to stop

>> No.6901606

probably, but whether or not it does, yud will still be a tit

>> No.6901609

One non-fiction, one fiction and one of poetry. Have been doing this since I started college and it has always worked for me.

>> No.6901621

How much poetry do you average in a reading session?

I find myself spacing out a little when trying to read more than a few pages of verse at a time.

>> No.6901626


>> No.6901636

Usually 3+ at a time. A lighter book for the shitter (Books of Blood vol.4-6 by Clive Barker), a book I read online (The Wave by Algernon Blackwood), and then assorted research materials for whatever projects I'm working on at the time (King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild, among others).

>> No.6901658

I just keep adding more. One day, I'll only be able to read a paragraph of each daily, which will create a montage of complex ideology in my daily thinking until they elect me the POTUS due to my smokescreen, charming, wickedly funny and nihilistic personality. Never say I didn't told you so /lit/.

>> No.6901668

Tell me about some of your projects, anon

>> No.6901681


I'm reading like 20 novels right now because I lose interest in prose really quickly. With poetry I can stay much more focused and while with prose I'm a fast reader (e.g. I reread Dead Souls entirely last night in 2-3 hours while distracted) I love spending hours on a single poem and after reading an especially good one I can't possibly read any prose because it just starts feeling watered down and worthless. I have a lot of novels with bookmarks that I could finish in an hour if I wanted but can't because I don't have the will while there's still poetry to read

>> No.6901683

WHILE DISTRACTED??? Damn dude i wasnt impressed before but that really put it over the top. Youre a super reader [said like seinfeld char who calls elaine super lady in the episode with the Sidler]

>> No.6901686

Like an automated multi-book cut-up technique

>> No.6901695

>eliezer yudkowsky

>> No.6901722
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>> No.6901729

>reading more than one book at a time

>> No.6901733


: ) glad u r!

I read the recognitions in a day and reread it in 3 while taking 5 sticky notes per page. in case you want more sonic speed of sound action

>> No.6901747
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>I will delete comments regarding diet or exercise.
Can somebody please tell me about a universal way to breathe? A tracheostomy is too necessarily foolproof as some people are born with the privilege of having a neck not covered by six folds of neck fat. Having oxygen medicly pumped into your nose with a tube is expensive and carries the risk of infection, as well as causing serious damage to your respiratory system. I will delete comments telling suggesting breathing through your nose or mouth.

>> No.6901750

epic, simply e[ipc. You Showed Him.

>> No.6901757

I love it

>> No.6901762

Hahaha, thanks guys. I do it all for you!

>> No.6901771

If the subject matter or prose is particularly dense, I'll shelve my side books, but otherwise yes, I have no retention problems doing so and there's simply not enough time in a day to only read one thing.

>> No.6902468

Two or three poems if it's good. If not then a lot more. Good poetry should make you space out and turn inwards.

>> No.6903158

It's mostly short stories, but my large scale project at the moment is about the relationship between the ruling class and those who they rule over and the troubles that inevitably ensue when personal circumstances compromise the rulers' decision-making facilities so that they act in favor of their own goals rather than what may be beneficial to the people or the nation as a whole.

The protagonist fucks a horse for plot reasons.

>> No.6903167
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>> No.6903279

One at a time. It used not to be that way, but I forced myself to have some discipline.
Now my problem is buying books at a higher rate than I read them.

>> No.6903288

Fluctuates between 3 and 5 and I never read more than one fiction novel at once.

Right now: one history, one chemistry, books of poems, short story collection, and a novel

>> No.6903680

Best thread derailment on /lit/ in quite a while