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6900460 No.6900460 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most recommended version of the Bible? KJV and all the other editions go over my head and I just want to read the original text. Is there a general "best"?

>> No.6900530

>the original text

And here we go...

>> No.6900556

I like ESV. Meets poetry and accessibility halfway.

>> No.6901091

I like the NRSV

>> No.6901114

If you want to read the "original text", you need to learn ancient Hebrew and Greek. The Bible wasn't written in English.

>> No.6901135

ESV for a version that's literary and extremely accurate. It's a descendant of the KJV.

NRSV is good too.

Get the ESV Reader's Bible for paragraphs and single columns without any b.s. Reads like a novel.

>> No.6901299


i would just read king james. its not hard once you get used to the archaic words

>> No.6901451

If your're wanting a version that most mainstream Protestants would endorse, the New International Version. Prose is fairly easy to follow but not in any way a paraphrase. Accuracywise, though it's probably not the best, having been doctored here and there for theological purposes.

>> No.6901472

this, or NKJV (fits the "evangelical but still intending to live in the 21st century" group)

>> No.6901480

You can't read the original text in English.

The first official translation of the Bible is the King James Version. It's very poetic, and borrows many lines from Shakespeare(he translated certain lines.)

If it goes over your head too much, which isn't anything to be ashamed of- the text can be difficult to understand at times- just read the New International Version.

>> No.6901650


The newest edition of course. Older translations, KJV in particular, are known for errors.

>> No.6902248

>borrows many lines from Shakespeare(he translated certain lines.)

sauce, pls