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/lit/ - Literature

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6899680 No.6899680[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do people ever assume you are from a wealthy family because you are well-read and cultured?

>> No.6899688

No because 99% of people from my region are descended from farmers/fishermen

>> No.6899692

>implying you won't get your ass beat for being a nonce if you prance around pretending to be well-read and cultured

>> No.6899696

Do old-money style wealthy families even exist in the public eye anymore? The only time I ever hear about one of them is when a Kennedy dies.

>> No.6899700

No. Because weathy, well-read, cultured people don't go around spouting pretentious vomit everywhere.

>> No.6899716

No, but being from a wealthy family definitely helped with becoming cultured and well-read.
Not that I think I'm any smarter than the average guy, but I'm deeply grateful for the education I have received.

>> No.6899764

Word is that the crash of '29 scared them out of the whole monocle and cane thing. Now the upper middle class do the open swaggering.

>> No.6899790

People scoff at my hobbies as try hard because I'm a poorfag. I just want a nice dimly lit study will bookshelf lined walls and nice leather furniture, with a general nautical feel. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.6899929

Extreme discretion and old money usually go hand in hand.

>> No.6900204

>People scoff at my hobbies as try hard because I'm a poorfag.
Still can't admit to liking Chopin because of this.

>> No.6900211

if you were rich, people would also think you were a tryhard for listening to chopin

>> No.6900215

It happens.
I dress sharp despite being poorfag and express myself half-decently, and everyone assumes I'm some kind of bourgeois.

>> No.6900242

Not in real life, though plenty of insults of bourgeoisie on the internet.

I have a noticeable Texan accent, so no one I speak to offline ever thinks I'm rich. And they probably have trouble thinking I'm well-read too.

>> No.6900252

Only during the Winter when I bother to dress well.

>> No.6900270

You will be the pioneering man in your legacy, and people will sneer at you as they did Calixtus III. Only your children will be seen as rich and cultured.

>> No.6900278

Yes but do to the contemporary political climate they tend to stay even more reserved than usual. Not to mention how spread outany families are now do to generations coming and going.

>> No.6900298

How wealthy are we talking? 100M in assets?

>> No.6900317

Nope, but that's because I can hold a normal conversation without derailing it to talk about what I'm reading.

>> No.6900331

If you deliberately withhold your personal interests to the point that they are effectively secrets, then you're not having normal conversations.

>> No.6900353

Sheesh. More in the neighbourhood of a million. Not powerful, not lavish if you have children, useless siblings or elders to feed and house, but pretty comfy.

>> No.6900359

For most people, "wealthy" means having one million (maybe even less)

Personally, I think the strict minimum to be "wealthy" is around 10M

>> No.6900360


How do I have real relationships with people?
I've got a single friend who lives a day's drive away from me. every other part of my life is fine, but the loneliness doesn't go away

>> No.6900376

One million isn't really wealthy, you can't live off your dividends (say 3% = $2,500 per month pre-tax) comfortably

>> No.6900390

Really, I figured wealthy means 'your kids won't have to work a day in their lives if they don't want to'

>> No.6900392

No, but they assume I major in STEM because of my nasal voice and ugly glasses

>> No.6900436

Yes, this is the only relevant metric. Whether or not a kid has a trust fund and can devote time and their education to the arts.

In 2015, for young males, reading literature is going to be considered strange. Even to rich folk

>> No.6900464
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Unrecognized richfag here. No, because I'm from a part of Alabama where rich people try to be as anti-intellectual as possible, so even when I went to private school it was often assumed that I was on academic scholarship (no such thing at that school). Besides the anti-intellectual climate, I was from outside the city, so people assumed I was poor because they didn't see a big house in their neighborhood to prove it.

After that, I went to an elite New England University, and suddenly people were asking personal finance questions when they realized how much it cost (nobody from around here sends their kids to real private universities without scholarship).

I was completely unremarkable, financially, at university. People at university were smart enough to recognize that I seemed well read because I read a lot of books, so no stereotyping there.

Out in the real world now, being cultured helps get laid with quality women (probably means they think I'm rich) and impresses older people.

>> No.6900495

No I dress like a slob and am not white. And they assume right.

>> No.6900558


>>>/reddit/ is that way

>> No.6900612

Plenty of richfags on 4chan, buddy.

I don't like using terms like "anti-intellectual" or calling myself well-read and cultured but that's the topic of the thread. If that's reddit, go back to 4chan.

>> No.6900635

Only poor people have a 3% interest on assets. Wealthy people invest and can reliably make 10% simply by buying index mutual funds. This is the real reason poorfags stay poor, shitty financial sense.

>> No.6900669
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Yup. It would limit the growth of my portfolio to zero, but one can spend $100k on actually less than a million in assets. As it is you can see very comfortable portfolio growth and still spend the 70th percentile of US household income per annum.

>Poorfags and manlets, when will they learn?

>> No.6900691



>> No.6900755

>hur dur if you're poor you deserve lol! it why don't they just buy more money? lol!
Poor people can't afford to invest in index stocks because they need the money in a more liquid form in case of emergency. So they save instead of invest. Stop with this false meritocracy bullshit.

>> No.6900814

I feel kind of strange when they do because I'm not even attractive.

>> No.6900819

I am wealthy

>> No.6900822
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>tfw both poorfag and manlet

Living life on hard mode

>> No.6900842

I didn't say it was right, or even justify it. I just explained why poor people are poor, bad financial skills leads to poverty which keeps you from gaining knowledge of how to manage money well. The poor-people-turned-rich of today are either incredibly lucky or they devoted themselves to better financial ideals. Also, marginal dollar blah blah blah, but latte factor is most prevalent in poor people.

>> No.6901082


>> No.6901345
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>> No.6901623
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No, they assume I'm a socially handicapped nerd.

>> No.6901689

>he doesn't pleb full time
nerd alert

>> No.6901741
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being white helps

>> No.6901759

No. People assume I am from a wealthy family because I speak "posh". I'm from a working-class area and I get made fun of for mentioning books. Life is pain.

>> No.6901776

i think most of it is the way i dress / carry myself as opposed to what i've read, and probably being white doesn't hurt either

but whenever friends visit me at my parents state house they see me in a different light afterwards it's really interesting

>> No.6901782


>> No.6902273


You just went full retard.

I'm not talking about a total return of 3%, I'm talking about DIVIDENDS of 3%, which is what your average index fund will yield, sometimes even less (protip: you don't need to be wealthy to buy SPY or VOO).

You wouldn't want to live off y-your capital gains by cashing them out each year, r-right Anon?

>he thinks 10% capital gains p.a. are a God-given right that will occur invariably each year

Good luck paying your bills when the stock market takes a -15% hit :^)

>> No.6902289

>bad financial skills leads to poverty
No, poverty means you don't have access to even think about finance. You're using all the income you get. Knowing the best way to manage your money isn't going to help when you can't stretch it any farther.

Again, take your bullshit meritocracy and kindly fuck off.

>> No.6902301


Nope, because if the conversation is ever brought up, I'm happy to admit I'm the son of a truck-driver. Somehow, coming from "the salt of the earth" is a blessing in disguises. It offsets the beat of pretentiousness found in higher conversations. You can sense the delusional idiosyncrasies of those who come from wealthy means.

I would argue some of the best classic literature indirectly escapes those who have never known what it is like to be poor, or raised poor. They can't empathize or sympathize with certain characters fears, doubts, aggressions, humor, or actions.

>> No.6902322

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.6902325


Good God, to be 19 again.

>> No.6902326

nice pasta

>> No.6902327

Your a idiot

>> No.6902329

Finance noob here. Do you factor appreciating stock prices into the return? Because I though the non-day trader approach to stocks was mostly about buying and holding except in rare cases. And what I know about index funds suggests that they aren't really intended for profiting from volatile prices.

I've done some calculation, and it looks like a 5% return is a reasonable minimum expectation if you buy a house/apartment and rent it out. Is this common as a long term investment strategy? I've always had the impression that real estate required a lot more patience than the stock market.

>> No.6902331

So millionaires typically still work jobs?

>> No.6902336

Old money here: meaning I never have to worry about money or work really for the rest of my life. I have a nominal role in a relative's company but I only work an average of 10 hours a week. It's true what an earlier poster said about high-quality females and reading. Old money chicks wiho are guilty for being rich are great readers and tend to be rebellious and fun. Eventually they all settle down and marry a trader or a broker or some shit but eh, who am I to complain? I'm currently working on finish off my novel, and my father has a contact in two major houses who will give priority to reading and evaluating my work. Life is good when you're rich. It's very easy not to allow it to make you into a douchebag also, which is why I / we find the kind of anti-wealth comments from poor people so hilarious. It's pathetic, really.

>> No.6902357


>> No.6902459

Send me some cash: 18AVcha4TjmNGk27ggFgvazLnTKjG8eU2h I am an author just like you, only i have to work twice as hard. Feel better about yourself. Win-win for both of us. If you don't have bitcoin you can get it in literally 2 min from here: www.circle.com

>> No.6902492

People assume I'm rich because of my huge swingin' nuts

>> No.6902506


On the thread topic:
My interest in Racine would be considered even worse than my interest in Shakespeare, so that's double-suppressed.
Sophocles is under a level of suppression that creates diamonds.

>> No.6902517

No, because I'm very class conscious and speak with a noticeable accent

>> No.6902628

>express myself half-decently
What do you mean?

>> No.6902639

I just try to be a well-spoken person and not to make autistic grammatical mistakes.

>> No.6902703

>being this mad about being a poor useless pleb

Why don't you go read some Thoreau and continue believing money is evil

>> No.6903394

This is such a versatile word. Almost as useful as "bad." But much more peppy.

>> No.6903544
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I've got a very working class background. Luckily my parents homeschooled me so I was able to get a decent, classically focused, education.

Anyways I lived in France briefly as a teenager and befriended a lot of the rich kids in the private school. Because I was well read, had a good taste in Chanson, etc. I was able to pass under the radar despite being several magnitudes poorer than all of them.

Actually whenever I travel I end up hanging around people much richer than me. It's a nice life. I forget who I am and get lost in philosophical banter and cute borjois girls.

Then I go back to my home town, and suddenly I'm just an awkward loser and everybody works blue color jobs and people would rather do meth than read a book in their downtime.

My dream is to become a con artist in a major metropolitan city. The only thing I really have going for me is cultural capital, I figure if I start selling forged paintings or something I could turn that capital into cold hard cash.

>> No.6903630

He used the word autistic very autistically.

>> No.6903687

Real estate requires more patience not because of the time span but because of the effort involved. Stocks don't call you at four am to complain that their shower head has one stream slightly out of alignment and asking for compensation for it.

>> No.6903720

dubs just stole the words off my tongue

>> No.6903729

In my
country only
the Poor do the
reading, the rich
have their

>> No.6903841

>Actually whenever I travel I end up hanging around people much richer than me. It's a nice life. I forget who I am and get lost in philosophical banter and cute borjois girls.
How do you find yourself in these situations? It sounds right up my alley.

>> No.6904028

No. The assumption of wealth is based mostly in subtle, or not so subtle, physical signs, like the straightness and whiteness of your teeth, the type, e.g yuppie, of clothing, the fit and cleanliness of the clothing, the general appearence of health, e.g lack of acne, good hair, decent weight, and, lastly, context, and by that I mean, are you in an upscale hotel bar?