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6898908 No.6898908 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Cormac McCarthy's choice to not use quotation marks?

>> No.6898963

Might as well ask what I think of Hemingway's choice to use minimalist prose. Or what I think of DFW choice to be shit.

>> No.6898984

Didn't even notice honestly. Thought it was a good book, as a father myself it grabbed me by the feels.

>> No.6899004

Yeah I mostly didn't notice. What was a bot osd was Saramago's choice to set the dialogue in the narrative paragraphs, and only seperate who was speaking with commas at times in Blindness, but it went with the novel well.

>> No.6899033 [DELETED] 

I think that what was published after All The Pretty Horses was utter shit.

>> No.6899047

Accomplishes nothing, it also doesn't affect the novel in a meaningful way, so I don't care. I kind of think of it as a gimmick of sorts.

>> No.6899048

He is quoted to have said he doesn't like filling up the page with silly little marks.

>> No.6899060

Saramago's stylistic choices are great. Once you get used to his prose his books flow incredibly, even when he's constantly wandering off in meta-linguistic interventions

>> No.6899077

not a big deal since I'm not dense and can tell when people are speaking or not by his sentence structure alone. didn't notice tbh

>> No.6899086

What else should I read by him? I thought blindness was great but I hated the ending. That doesn't matter though.

>> No.6899135

Out of what I've read by him, Blindness > O Conto da Ilha desconhecida (short story)> História do cerco de lisboa> As intermitências da morte, all relatively short and enjoyable. I don't know if they all have translations, and these aren't his most acclaimed works, but I thought they were all worth it. Try the short story if you're unsure

>> No.6899159

>'The older I grow, the less important the comma becomes. Let the reader catch his own breath'

>> No.6899167

The lack of quotation marks in his works always seemed like a way to cram in a stream of consciousness narrative mode. Sometimes it's enjoyable, but I rarely even notice it anymore when I read McCarthy's stuff.