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/lit/ - Literature

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6898886 No.6898886 [Reply] [Original]

Poetry thread.

I've just read my first book of poems, Allen Ginsberg, and can't believe I've never exposed my mind to stuff like this before. I know it's pretty obvious stuff but it's fucking beautiful, and new to me. Howl is pretty incredible, and I didn't even giggle at 'endless balls'.

What poetry do you enjoy, /lit/?

>> No.6898890

ginsberg fuckin blows

>> No.6898893

underage detected

Ginsburg is a fucking hack

>> No.6898901

Definitely not. I've just been a pure literature reader all my life and got stoned and thought I'd try poetry. Who's not a hack then?

>> No.6898902

"Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance ...
I'm a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too -- everybody does, who has a little humanity."

>> No.6898911
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>> No.6898917


Well why don't you tell OP the poetry that you enjoy so that he may expand his horizons. He stated right in his post that he was new to it.

Keats, Shelley, Donne and Marvell are some of my favirites

>> No.6898918

>underage detected
dat projection

>> No.6898930

I bought a collection of Keats today after reading through Ginsberg, I'll be chewing through it the next couple of days.

>> No.6898932


>So much classical dick sucking

>Pound higher than Eliot.

>> No.6898933

HE is stark mad, whoever says,
That he hath been in love an hour,
Yet not that love so soon decays,
But that it can ten in less space devour;
Who will believe me, if I swear 5
That I have had the plague a year?
Who would not laugh at me, if I should say
I saw a flash 1 of powder burn a day?

Ah, what a trifle is a heart,
If once into love’s hands it come! 10
All other griefs allow a part
To other griefs, and ask themselves but some;
They come to us, but us love draws;
He swallows us and never chaws;
By him, as by chain’d shot, whole ranks do die; 15
He is the tyrant pike, our hearts the fry. 2

If ’twere not so, what did become
Of my heart when I first saw thee?
I brought a heart into the room,
But from the room I carried none with me. 20
If it had gone to thee, I know
Mine would have taught thine heart to show
More pity unto me; but Love, alas!
At one first blow did shiver it as glass.

Yet nothing can to nothing fall, 25
Nor any place be empty quite;
Therefore I think my breast hath all
Those pieces still, though they be not unite;
And now, as broken glasses show
A hundred lesser faces, so 30
My rags of heart can like, wish, and adore,
But after one such love, can love no more.

>> No.6898934

Stop posting this thing, its worthless.
Ginsberg is great OP, its good to immediately connect with poetry, people who dislike immediate poetry on principle are often misguided by some unshakeable belief in some deep, hidden meaning that they think every work of art has to have.

Check out New York school poetry: O'Hara, Ashbery, Berrigan, Koch, Waldman

>> No.6898942

>its worthless because it puts my shitty poets in a bad tier

>> No.6898945

>ur p-projectin'
fuck off the beats are something you should grow out of by the time you grow facial hair you turd.

>> No.6898946

Pound is better than Eliot, even in Eliot's own opinion

>> No.6898957

Dude looks like David Cross

>> No.6898959

Rilke, Williams, Cummings (when he's intelligible), Gerard Manley Hopkins

>> No.6898969

its worthless because poetry is something highly subjective and it makes the creator's(your's?) taste out to be some kind of golden standard.
Coupled with laughable claims to authority like this.

>> No.6898974

Surely you've been exposed to overrated trash.

You see philosophy talked about here all the time.

>> No.6898978

>poetry is something highly subjective
says you, and you have awful taste so why would I listen to you?

>> No.6898980

fucking BTFO

>> No.6899006


but he is a tremendous faggot

>> No.6899063

This is a terrible chart you should be ashamed

>> No.6899081

>OP asks what poetry people like
>90% of posts are combative trash
>not even witty bantz
>only 2 or 3 post actually recommend or talk about poetry

I cry every time

>> No.6899091

hey screw you I like carl sanburg. the people, yes is pretty cool imo. also his songbag has a lot of tunes I've discovered and based my covers on.

>> No.6899094

Yeah I'm pretty sad. I know it's 4chan but I thought lit might be different.

>> No.6899102

not mine but where's ur chart fag

>> No.6899105

I will be checking all of these out though, thanks my babes.

>> No.6899138

>the two or three people who recommend poetry have shit taste

>> No.6899433

Frenchies: César Moro, Paul Éluard, André Breton, Rimbaud.
Latinamerican: Abigael Bohorquez, Borges, never Neruda, Nicanor Parra, Bolaño sometimes.
English: Allen Ginsberg (all-time fav), William Carlos Williams, Langston Hughes, O'Hara.

>> No.6899483
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Listening to recent U.S. Poet Laureate Charles Wright do a reading hooked me on poetry.

This excerpt from his long-form poem Body and Soul is the first piece of poetry I ever memorized.

I used to think the power of words was inexhaustible,
That how we said the world
was how it was, and how it would be.
I used to imagine that word-sway and word-thunder
Would silence the Silence and all that,
That worlds were the Word,
That language could lead us inexplicably to grace,
As though it were geographical.
I used to think these things when I was young.
I still do.

>> No.6899530

but one of the poets the anon recommended is in the top-tier of the chart.

>> No.6899535

/lit/ is worse than /mu/ for getting recommendations outside of the classic.

>> No.6899543

>shit taste, the thread

>> No.6899575

lol, this guy.
Pls recommend us some tasty poetry.

>inb4 meme-cversechart

>> No.6899617

>talking shit about rimbaud
get out

>> No.6899627

>Eliot and Hopkins above Homer, Vergil, Dante, Milton, Shakespeare, and Marlow
>Pound is the highest possible tier

This chart is a bad meme

>> No.6899659

I tend to think of what the most excellently humble (not to mention unusually objective about himself) poet ee Cummings said about himself when I think about Ginsberg: that he managed to write a few good poems.

But you know what anon? Fuck my opinion. I would gladly embrace Ginsberg and give him gratitude for getting at least one other human being into poetry.

>> No.6900342

im guessing you just dont like poetry, and that's ok, this just isn't the thread for you and you can leave at any time

>> No.6900420
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Ginsberg's worth a read, absolutely. Ignore the trolls and snobs. Grab a decent translation of Baudelaire, grab a Yeats collection, try some Heaney, Cohen, Clarke, Frost, Eliot.. tell you what. I'll stick a half-dozen PDF samplers (4 pages worth of each poet) up somewhere for you to grab from a dropbox. If you're interested, let me know.

>> No.6900515

>Cohen, Clarke
first names?

>> No.6900531
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Sorry, I'm Canadian: Leonard Cohen, George Elliott Clarke.

>> No.6900647
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I know people are shitting on Ginsberg, but "Howl" is pretty great the first time you discover it. I'm glad you actually had a positive experience and that you actually felt moved by a piece of poetry because it seems hard to even get people to try poetry.

If you like Ginsberg then you should check out Frank O'Hara, Federico Garcia Lorca (New Directions has a bilingual edition of his Selected Poems), and Walt Whitman. Gary Snyder, too. Move on to T.S. Eliot after that.

Bukowski is pretty pleb-tier but there seems to be a definite overlap between Buk and Beat fanbases.

Check out John Donne, Emily Dickinson, and Wallace Stevens.

For some books about Poetry itself I recommend:
>A Poetry Handbook by Mary Oliver
>Poetic Designs by Stephen Adams

Open Yale even has a course on Modern Poetry that's worth taking a look at:

>> No.6900658

Howl is great, but Ginsberg isn't overall.

Check out the Romantics. It's basically what the Beats were desperately trying to emulate.

Also check out Emily Dickinson, because she's the greatest poet America has ever produced.

>> No.6901982

Absolutely interested. Thank you, Anon.

>> No.6901986
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Pic related is the best possible book you could ever use as a guide for poetry.
>Bukowski is pretty pleb-tier but there seems to be a definite overlap between Buk and Beat fanbases.
I thought Bukowski was a Beat before I read about his lifestory.

>> No.6902091

I think its based on difficulty.
The Cantos are quite difficult

>> No.6902103

why are you guys retarded. most literature professors i've met like allen ginsberg. are you really this insecure?

>> No.6902115

Anyone remember that time when Allen Ginsberg, Paul McCartney and Phillip Glass simultaneously reached their nadirs?


>> No.6902130

Remember when Kerouac reached his?


>> No.6902155

"He entered the room and it went off with a bomb blast of anger"
God I fuckin love Ginsberg

>> No.6902157

>any female poets

All of my keks

>> No.6902226

Here you go- 6 pdfs in a zip. Just to give you a reasonable taste of some poets and let you go from there. First-year university level, but there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.6902439

You beautiful bastard, thanks. Just got home from work so I'm gonna drink a few beers and read these through a few times.

>> No.6902452

you're a faggot and so was ginsberg, preaching about being a hippy ridiculous

>> No.6902467

> I like Ginsberg
> Genuinely don't give a fuck what pseudo-intellectual /lit/izens think

OP, if you love Ginsberg, good for you. Glad you enjoy him.

>> No.6902556

Sounds like a good time. I hope you find some lines that resonate for you. Obviously there's several of my favourites in there.

>> No.6902664

Do people like cummings? I could never tell. I really enjoy his stuff personally, it feels like the edge of language's structure and logic, just before falling over the cliff into pure abstraction.

>> No.6902665


>doesn't shit on guy for entry level taste
>gives him a few recommendations
>posts zip file for him with hand picked assortment of good poems to get him started

you bloody ripper mate. I just happened on this thread, never read much poetry outside of the new york scene and a few australian poets, just downloaded you zip file. thanks a bunch

>> No.6902763

Homer, Vergil, and Dante are in dead/obsolete languages. I don't see how one could possibly claim they are easier than many of the people above them.

>> No.6902786

Good man.

>> No.6902791

>Grab a decent translation of Baudelaire
What is a decent translation of Baudelaire?

>> No.6903221

No problem. I teach undergrad English courses, sometimes for majors who love/know their stuff coming into 3rd or 4th year, but often for first year students who are sure they hate poetry, or whose English is weak and they can't make sense of it, but they need an ENG credit to graduate. Being rude to someone for having different knowledge than you is absurd. If I tried that, I'd expect my ESL students to start mocking me for not speaking Chinese or Amharic. Heck, many of my fellow grad students/adjunct profs avoid poetry: even among literature specialists, it's not one of the more common loves.

>> No.6903240

This site is my current favourite: each poem appears in original French, and then you get several translations to compare. It helps to see the changes a poem like "Les Phares" endures from one translation to another. Aggeler and Campbell are good, generally.

>> No.6903369
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I have the suspicion that the christfags here hate beatniks because they're "immoral".

>> No.6903375

atheist here, beats suck dick

>> No.6903382

> Implying Ginsberg was a beatnik.

>> No.6903386

suck my dick faggot

>> No.6903388

Explain why they suck dick.

>> No.6903481
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>> No.6903482

>Quiso demostrar su puntería y mató a su mujer.

>> No.6903495

It happened in Mexico City. I actually visited the place where it happened.

>> No.6903504 [DELETED] 

What's your Kik? I'll hit you up.

>> No.6903597

I bet you didn't got in. Owners are shit to people and hate anything related to literature, Burroughs, or the Beats. They dgaf about it and want to be "left alone".

>> No.6903601


>> No.6903628

Couldn't get in, you're right. I knew this so I just stood in front of the door, then I walked around the neighborhood.

>> No.6904234

Rilke is neat.

Und als sie endlich, fast von nahe, ihn,
aufruhend auf dem Thron von Turmalin,
sich türmen sah, so wirklich wie ein Ding:


>> No.6904472

He was pretty good. He really like Blake.


Ashbury isn't worth more than a cursory read of some of his major works (Self Portrait in a Convex Mirror, Daffy Duck in Hollywood, stuff out of April Galleons, etc.)

>> No.6904478

Romantics are sort of entry-tier --they're the easiest to extract some pleasure from upon superficial reading-- but seriously, don't fuck with Keats.

>> No.6904587

Man, those ladies are bitches. We should buy that appartment someday... ;)

>> No.6906016

Thank you kind sir. I was looking to get into poetry. I turn 21 in half a hour so Im considering this a birthday gift. Thank you again.

>> No.6907308

Happy birthday! The poems are nothing you couldn't find online, but I think they're a decent intro to some of what's been going on in the last century of English-language poetry.