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6895447 No.6895447 [Reply] [Original]

this guy is a literal chad, why did you all recommend this book?

i don't want to be reminded of a guy who does everything better than me.

>> No.6895457
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>mfw i realize the buddha was total bro before he swore off all attachments and set off on his quest

>> No.6895473

Riches - Passion - Power

Thinking - Waiting - Fasting

>> No.6895477

All dose palace orgies

>> No.6895488

>Hey Buddha, that's a cool philosophy you have there
>Thanks man
>Yeah, but Buddha, what about this problem in your philosophy that brings the whole thing crashing down on its head?
>Wow, nice catch bro, you are clever. Beware of being too clever, bro
>No worries Buddha, I got you, see you later then, we'll just ignore this and let you go on motivating people to give their lives to devote themselves to your self-admitted flawed philosophy
>Yup. Peace, bruh

That's litereally what happened

>> No.6895506

So you expect Buddha to have a perfect, flawless philosophy?

>> No.6895511


When he claims to be a perfect, flawless being following his enlightenment, yes.

>> No.6895523

I view Buddhism as basically saying "have low expectations so you're never disappointed"

wouldn't surprise me if the Buddha replied that way

>> No.6895524

just have fun

just b urself

>> No.6895530

Moral of the Story: The only way you can become enlightened without being inherently magical is by having an inherently magical guy take pity on you and work his magic on you so you get a glimpse at enlightenment.

>> No.6896482

I thought the exchange with the Buddha was to show that while the Buddha was an enlightened being, one cannot simply follow a set of teachings to become enlightened. Siddhartha realised that he wanted to achieve the same state as the Buddha but his teachings wouldn't work for him personally.

>> No.6896494

Did you read it til the end? You didn't get it otherwise.

>> No.6896510

That book only appeals to morons.

>> No.6896555


That's what the exchange is about. Didn't you get the memo about how we're all autists ?

>> No.6897299


Yes, and?

>> No.6897659

>i don't want to be reminded of a guy who does everything better than me.

Then how will you be inspired to do things better?

>> No.6897675

Daily reminder that NEETs are the true contemporary buddhists

>> No.6897696

The characters and plot are cartoon archetypes. The philosophy is not the point. Much less the psychology. You're idiots if you don't get that it's simply a tracing of and commentary on parallels between old east and recent west philosophy.

>> No.6897709

Buddha is not a guy, you are buddha too, you just don't know it and it's fucking hard to know it because you have your desires and shit in the way. When Siddharta reached enlightenenment he was not Siddharta anymore, that's precisely the point of becoming Buddha. And it is without any essence, buddha, the universe, yourself, philosophy, whatever. That is something that is always talked about it as well. It's funny that the definitino of the english word "perfect" comes from "per" and "facere", to do, to perform and it has taken this meaning of being completed, finished, accomplished. To expect something like buddhism to be perfect is to project this fantasy that there is an endgame to this, that there is a core, an essence, a truth that is at the center of being. While buddhism talks about such truth, it is, at the same time, the truth of an endless process, always a performance, always a doing. The contradictions to any realm of thinking is to you a problem that spoils everything, that "things come crashing down", whereas to buddhism (and not only to buddhism), the great realization is precisely that there is always a falling, like a sysiphus boulder that will always come falling down, that falling is not anathema to existence but the very thing that puts it into motion and create the differences we learn to take as life.

>> No.6898273


>> No.6898282


>> No.6898310

fuckin Narcissus and Goldmond is about a guy whose raison d'etre is to bone as many women as possible and he does

>> No.6898322

wasn't the point just that he wanted to go through the struggle and find his own enlightenment? It wasn't really a flaw in Buddhas philosophy, it was more about the journey to Siddharthas own.

>> No.6898328

how so? what is a "true buddhist" anyway?

>> No.6898334

Man the way he treats his kid. I fucking hate him.

>> No.6898657
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I don't get it: What's the flaw?
Is it not just "this is about something else/another goal"? Why do you call it flaw in the philosophy?

(Also, what was Siddhartha looking for in the first place - looks like he simply assumed there is something - why? And why does he take for granted that the Buddha is at a high power level in the first place, how is the respect justified?)

>> No.6900214

I thought the flaw was that there was no innate salvation in the Buddha's teaching

>> No.6901640

Hesse couldn't into Buddhism. It's pointless to discuss how anything in the book relates to Buddhist philosophy because they mostly don't.

>> No.6901687

He couldn't into writing either
