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6894361 No.6894361 [Reply] [Original]

>being a materialist

>> No.6894363

>Being a metaphysician

>> No.6894388

Aristotle both invented and transcended materialism. After the Aristotelian scholastics went, it was all downhill from there.

>> No.6894389

>not recognizing and unifying the two, transcending divisive, illusive polarity

There is a better way.

>> No.6894401

>Being a Hegelian
>Not being a Schellingian

You've got your dialectic the wrong way around. You're on the right track though, idealism and materialism are both metaphysical doctrines, that is exactly what I meant by my post.

>> No.6894404

I haven't read either.

>> No.6894408
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>> No.6894414
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>Aristotle shills

I know your life is useless, but your 'knowledge' (using that lightly here) doesn't have to be useless as well.

Apply yourself.

>> No.6894417

Mysticism goes beyond philosophy. That is all I have to say to you.

>> No.6894429

>Implying Schelling wasn't both a mystic and a philosopher
>Implying his work isn't a continuation and a refinement of the secret Western dialectical-hermetic tradition
>Implying the opposites do not issue from the One


>> No.6894440

>function concatenate(a,b) { print(a + "" + b); } concatenate(((2*5)*2), ((5^2)-5))
>being a i-can't-overcome-my-christian-upbringing-and-belief-in-the-afterlife-so-i-will-just-hold-on-to-a-prominent-logician's-metaphysical-argument-that-pain-is-not-identical-to-the-firing-of-c-fibers

>> No.6894449
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>not learning based Aristotle
i know you like modern sophistries a lot, but you should read some real philosophy, kiddo

>> No.6894450

make that ((5^2)-10)

>> No.6894456

>read philosophy

I waste enough of my life on here, I'm not wasting the rest on conspiracy garbage made up by boirapists.

>> No.6894467

>knows about the reconciliation of paradoxes
Shit nigga, why didn't you just say so.

>> No.6894477

>it is claimed that socrates molested little boys
>therefore all philosophers, living or dead, molest little boys :^)

swell reasoning!

>> No.6894501

Legitimately every women in the world is materialistic and shallow.


>> No.6894515

Not that kind of materialism you doofus.

>> No.6894574

>trying to be philosofag
>still trying to be edgy and progressive by stating the arbitrary number of the year people say it currently is

>> No.6894948

>reality is the actualization of the ideal
wow m8 top philosophy 10/10

>> No.6894989

>Not a Monarchist

>> No.6895005


Kripke is not an idealist in any way, so I don't know why you psoted those outregious claims with a picture of him. Where you trying to make an another point?

>> No.6895009

>being essentialist

I'm looking at 99.99% of you here.

>> No.6895044

>NOT being an essentialist
i'm looking at you, poster

>> No.6895075

socrates was useless too
he touched plato
plato touched aristotle
a long line of boifuckers and mentally ill people rambling on fever dreams about nothing
Science trumps philosophy tbh
it has made philosophy much like alchemy outdated tbh

>> No.6895079

wow good job on that post anon

>> No.6895115

>implying aristotle wasnt the first scientist
nice b8 anon, made me reply

>> No.6895139

Wow..you are such a fucking cuck.

>> No.6895157


>> No.6895168

back to /pol/

>> No.6895171


Science is an epistemological model which happens to be a subgenre of Philosophy. In Isaac Newton's day, "scientists" were called Natural Philosophers.

>> No.6895172

Do you happen to like sonic

>> No.6895175


Aristotle and his former cucks were all hacks making up random fucking bullshit for pedophile cities.


>> No.6895184

>I was just pretending

>> No.6895251

Every immaterialism is just materialism pretending to be something more.

>> No.6895266
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>they aren't dialectical materialists
>they aren't historical materialists
>science is wrong, everything is made of fairies!

>> No.6895299

americans took the job of mixing materialism with consumerism and now people is afraid of learning how story should be studied.

>> No.6895314
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All you had to do was believe and follow him.

Why didn't you listen /lit/ ?

>> No.6895315

>not being an Aristotelian, eliminating the material/immaterial dichotomy that plagues modern philosophy

>> No.6895317

I did.

>> No.6895415
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>committing to ontological stances

>> No.6895444

>being a literal autist

>> No.6895475

I can sympathize with idealism more than I can with materialism, but I don't think either position is tenable after giving the issue enough thought.

>> No.6895493
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>caring about tenability

just go with your gut

>> No.6895536

It's useful to do that in situations where you don't have any time to think, but philosophy is not one of them.

>> No.6895565

>I don't base my thinking on prejudices or a world and am not a materialist - Saul Kripke in some random interview that is avaliable online

>> No.6895597
File: 33 KB, 378x480, 378px-Justus_Sustermans_-_Portrait_of_Galileo_Galilei,_1636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first scientist

>> No.6895663


>> No.6895689

>Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and scientist
yeah, scientist

>> No.6895696

>science existed before Galileo

>> No.6895703

You don't have to be right to practice science.

>> No.6895706
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>science began when Galileo looked into a telescope

>> No.6895733

>premodern science

>> No.6895740

of course not, most scientists nowadays are wrong about things

>> No.6895771

>no true science :^)

>> No.6895797

Based Aquinas