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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 124 KB, 600x677, Mishima_Yukio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6893792 No.6893792 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the rice fields, motherfucker.

>> No.6893820

yeah right. mishima wouldn't dirty himself in rice fields. he worked out and liked to carry a sword but the reality was that he was a prissy baby who made pseudo artistic excuses to not deal with reality.

now gtfo with your whack thread, motherfucker.

>> No.6893826

he wasn't a peasant farmer he was a gay rich spoiled class faggot

>> No.6894074

your mom was a prissy baby
your mom was a gay rich spoiled class faggot

>> No.6894106

*unsheathes katana*

>> No.6894124

*swings nunchaku*

>> No.6894135


>> No.6894173
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>> No.6894178
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it's funny, i just finished playing rising storm

>> No.6894185
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uhuhuhuh "spring" snow


>> No.6895040
File: 18 KB, 309x500, Mishima-80s-anime-pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is his writing actual good? As a puff I've been meaning to read him, but are the works good or are they just gonna make me go extra-gay?

>> No.6895107

they're good

>> No.6895119

they arn't gay at all, they mostly just involve death

>> No.6895121

How many times does this need to be said?
Don't ask /lit/ for any opinion. Just read his works, for christ's sake.

>> No.6895142
File: 54 KB, 800x700, gfs_4524_2_138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be a boss in some JRPG

>> No.6895196

Good writing shit politics.

>> No.6895282

I mainly ask these questions because cash for books is strapped and I don't care to throw money at rubbish. I'll see if I can find Confessions.

>> No.6895390
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The 'shima himself was maximum homo-gay, but his writing is pretty neutral.

His stuff's good.I have yet to be disappointed by it.

>> No.6895508
File: 32 KB, 400x591, larping with the lads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*stabs fedora*

>> No.6895906

Your mom sucks a mean dick
Your dad's a cuck thanks to me :^)

>> No.6895921


hachi/jyu would bangu

>> No.6895963

I've read 5 of his works and for the most part I've been impressed. Certain works such as the 'the sailor...' and the sound of the waves were disappointing, although 'the sailor...' was quite demented and made me feel slightly uneasy so I didn't regret it. Definitely try reading 'The temple of the golden pavilion' and 'confessions of a mask' though. Amazing stuff. I also loved patriotism although that was only a few pages long.

>> No.6895984

Is Runaway Horses and the rest of the Sea of Fertility tetralogy worth the time, or should I stop at Spring Snow and go on with my life?

>> No.6895994


if that gag did originate here i'm awed that /lit/ ever produced anything legit chucklefuckable tbp,ua(pa)ch

to be perfectly, utterly and (possibly autistically) completely honest

>> No.6896056

He did it, the absolute madman!

>> No.6896141

Try to get on your hands a few og his dramas, preferabéy Madame De Sade annd My friend Hitler

>> No.6896176

>fucking leftists muh ebin manlyness n-no homo
>oh shit I failed better commit sudoku

>> No.6896238

more like

>tfw no bf ;_;
>les ebin manly men dont kill themselves for no reason
>maybe i should just start a preposterous coup, these boipussies might even venerate me for it

>> No.6896248

if the troops actually listened I dont think he would have a clue what to do, he was preparing for an honorabu death from the start

>> No.6896424

But that pic is from the Western front.

>> No.6896469



>> No.6896473
File: 190 KB, 920x744, evelyn_sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confession time: I've never read Mishima. I did just recently DL some autobiography of his because his life seems fascinating.

I suppose I'd like to read at least one of his books beforehand, therefor please recommend me ONE title of his that will serve as a solid intro to his work. If i dig it, I'll read others.

>> No.6896593


Confessions of a Mask

Or Forbidden Colors

Or The Sound of Waves

Or The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

Or The Sea of Fertility series

Just fucking read him, man.

>> No.6896618

Hey, man.


It may be the only one I ever read, so make it count. Since you're the only response, I will guarantee to read your suggestion.

>> No.6896654

I'm not the other Anon. Confessions of a Mask might be good. The thing about it is that it's about him, so it's kind of an autobiography explaining how through several weird experiences he had growing up he became a chronologically displaced samurai/master of boipussi.

It's good for a base understanding of Mishima and his thoughts. If you want a straight up story I particularly like The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea but it's one of his weirder works.

>> No.6897663

Thanks for the suggestions.

>> No.6897735

What game?

>> No.6897791

>i'm awed that /lit/ ever produced anything legit chucklefuckable
lurk moar

>> No.6897805

I've only read Runaway Horses and I think it's good and extatic as far as the feeling of heroism goes. I don't want to spoil you the ending, but I'll say that it's kinda autobiographical as far as Mishimas coup is concerned. Apparently one of the characters is a carry-over from the first part of the tetralogy, Honda I think.

I personally love the part where the main characters views on woman are laughed at by his father and servant.

>> No.6899161

different anon here but I've read nearly everything available in English by mishima.

read sound of waves. well paced and one of the very few...maybe only book...that doesn't have a self indulgent shithead with peter pan syndrome as a protagonist.

>> No.6899306

>commucucks using "class faggot" as an insult

Your tears are delicious

>> No.6899394

Really? I loved Sound of Waves and especially Sailor. I've read just about the same books as you. The only one I really didn't like out of what I've read so far is Thirst For Love.

>> No.6899492

Thanks for the reply, you've definitely sold me on Runaway Horses. It's interesting that Honda is a carry-over as, though a prominent character, he wasn't particularly fleshed out in Spring Snow. He was essentially the cold, rational friend of the impulsive, emotionally charged protagonist. If I understood it correctly he was a remnant of an old regime growing up in modern Imperial Japan.

It has been a while.

>> No.6900108
File: 60 KB, 480x720, 1395965568994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ey b0ss
not him, though

I legit encountered Sempai on /b/ back in 2013. Pic related.