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/lit/ - Literature

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6893603 No.6893603 [Reply] [Original]

>find reddits book subreddet
>go to top of al ltime
>find post about most beautiful paragraph that redditors have read


The first one is from fucking White Fang...

Goddamn such plebs.

Is this where /lit/ goes for a no bully zone?

>> No.6893618
File: 414 KB, 865x1093, sakiyo_cake black glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a pretty cute boy

>> No.6893630

>"She is the 100% perfect girl for me.
He is the 100% perfect boy for me.
But the glow of their memories was far too weak, and their thoughts no longer had the clarity of fouteen years earlier. Without a word, they passed each other, disappearing into the crowd. Forever."

It Murakami really this much of a hack?

>> No.6893641

Are there any interesting reddit boards with good content?

>> No.6893652

No. Too many teenagers with fake nicety profiles so they can get karma.

It's all about pleb shit like John Green or Hitchikers Dick to the Absurdity, or Jack London, or Hemingway.

It's fucking awful.

The philosophy subreddit is mostly /lit/ in a karmawhoring no bullyzone.

But philosophy is conspiracy shit anyways. So, no content there.

>> No.6893656

yasss your mom's vigina

>> No.6893659

If you're in to the numbers side of sports, the sports subs aren't bad.

>> No.6893678

/r/Mapporn is usually pretty interesting, despite the annoying name

>> No.6893688


In other words anon >>>6893678 expected to see rule34 maps fucking each other and got disappointed.

>> No.6893689

/r/sex is hilarious

"I am 17 and am trying to have sex with my girlfriend but it will not go in pls halp"

Also, deadbedrooms ;_;

>> No.6893746

>White Fang
thats pretty high brow for r/books standarts

>> No.6893768

I browse fountainpens, that's about it.

>> No.6893796

Honestly looking through that thread there were a fair amount of patrish quotes balancing out the purple prose and Gaiman

>> No.6893815

r/YouTubeHaiku and r/UnexpectedJihad are pretty good

>> No.6893880

I literally have never used reddit in my entire life, but I would assume that the website is only useful for finding people to discuss very niche hobbies. ex: If I wanted to find people to talk about restoring violins, i'd probably have more luck on reddit than 4chan. I would avoid something like r/music, though. Or even r/classical.

>> No.6893909

Yeah, but you would still find someone on there saying that

"there may be so,me quality difference between a Stradivarius and a Wal-Mart bought violin, but there really isn't any point in buying something so expensive. If you can play well, then Wal-Mart will be fine. There is no point in restoring something so old unless you plan on selling it, and even then, what's the point? Just buy another Wal-Mart violin, they are basically the same. No bullzone."

>> No.6893910

I'm on reddit in my other tab. Found some p fascinating threads on their mental illness boards.
this one seems funny
But, yeah, other than that it blows.

>> No.6893917




>> No.6893920

This. Reddit is best used for niche subreddits and small communities. Everything else is a circlejerk.

>> No.6893926

Yeh a bunch of them, even stuff like /r/literature is pretty good.

The whole "hugbox" thing isn't as bad as people like to make out. Being on 4chan a while you realise that most the time being a cunt is an excuse to avoid any sort of proper discussion.

>> No.6893931

I don't know, ask /v/ or /b/

>> No.6893938

>the whole hugbox isn't as bad as people make it out to be

Every comment section is passive-agressive fake nicety for karma whoring and brainless agreeing without and criticism.

Fuck you


>> No.6893949

Even the smaller communities are nothing but circlejerks.

>> No.6893950

>Every comment section is passive-agressive fake nicety for karma whoring and brainless agreeing without and criticism.

I mean it's not though is it. There is more proper discussion on reddit than 4chan by a distance, because contrary to popular belief saying "your a fucking faggot and you should back to reddit" isn't discussion, just noise.

>> No.6893955

gonewild and the related subreddits are better than /soc/.

>> No.6893956

No there isn't.

It's all a giant circle jerk, and anyone trying to actually have a conversation and not a meme agree fest are downvoted or ignored. That is just noise, at least telling you to fuck off and die is credible.

>> No.6893990

Seriously fuck Reddit. I wasted a lot of time there, but a few days ago I deleted my four years old account with a shitload of karma, and I'm not going back. People are so fucking dumb and trite there, but they all think they're geniuses of course. I don't know how I could spend time there instead of here, but I guess the karma and message replies kinda pull you in.

>> No.6893994

It's a cliché but you really need to go to the right subbreddits. The best is when it is acting like a link aggregator and then people discuss the content of the link. You just don't have that sort of discussion here, nothing ever scratches the surface. It's incredible rare that any thread on /lit/ isn't just a bunch of authors and book titles being thrown around.

And no, telling someone to fuck off and die isn't credible, it's a way to avoid discussion.

>> No.6893996

Implying London can't write a good sentence.
> Goodnight, pleb king

>> No.6894002


Some discussions and opinions are just fucking retarded, though, and the initiatior really should consider suicide in such cases. If the discussion is worth having, it will be had.

>> No.6894007

This is patently false. Reddit is a circlejerk, but contrarian and 'anti-jerk' opinions are routinely upvoted past standard ones.

>> No.6894009

welcome but please keep your new convert fervor to a minimum in public spaces

>> No.6894012

askhistorians is pretty baller. you are pretty much forbidden from replying unless you are an accredited historian i.e. postgraduate degree

>> No.6894016

Really I'm just a dick to them like I would be here but without "swear words" and I just don't check the replies if it wasn't important enough to see their whining.

>> No.6894017
File: 42 KB, 479x720, gabe_newell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously fuck Reddit. I wasted a lot of time there, but a few days ago I deleted my four years old account with a shitload of karma, and I'm not going back. People are so fucking dumb and trite there, but they all think they're geniuses of course. I don't know how I could spend time there instead of here, but I guess the karma and message replies kinda pull you in.

>> No.6894026

What do you mean? Do you really think calling something retarded is good content? Far too much interesting stuff on this site gets dismissed out of hand like that because no one wants to think, it's boring.

>> No.6894030

>all these reddit cucks

This really explains the shit quality of posting on /lit/.

reddit + /polr9k/ =/lit/

What a fucking catastrophe this board has become.

>> No.6894041
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>> No.6894050
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I've been using 4chan since 2006 and pretty much exclusively go to reddit to make fun of them or to check r/phish

>> No.6894055

if you want intelligent discussion on things go to quora or stackexchange instead of reddit

>> No.6894059


You're a whole new level of fucked up, aren't you?

>> No.6894060


I've been here for years, but I've just split my time too much. What I meant was, how could I ever spend more time on leddit than /lit/.

>> No.6894073


And still it's full of bullshit. Check /r/badhistory for examples.

>> No.6894079



>> No.6894081

I never understood the reddit boogeyman. From what I've checked, the site is more akin to a news aggregation, not a forum. "Discussion" is more like a witty top comment and a few replies to the comment, then another short essay on the topic and a few replies. There is no true discussion, but rather comments tangentially connected by the topic. Forums like 4chan on the other hand thrive on discussions. Threads are made entirely of replies to other people, like how discussions actually work. There's almost no similarity in how the sites function.

>> No.6894089

So it's just a bunch of post-grad NET's circle-jerking what their professor vomited onto the floor?

Sounds fucking awful and biased and straight up wrong.

>> No.6894090



>> No.6894098


>> No.6894122

r/badphilosophy (though it can have a very characteristically reddit feel to it at times)

>> No.6894163


you fucking wot m8.
anyone using 4chan as a location for discussion has a brain problem.

>> No.6894168

>muh bantz!

>> No.6894199

that thread is embarrassing

>> No.6894204

It is, but it's still discussion

>> No.6894208

Why have I never seen a single discussion like that about a book in my whole time here?

It's not actually just a meme is it? No one does actually read here.

>> No.6894214

It represents the mainstreaming of underground internet culture to many 4chanites. Communities like /r/4chan or /r/(memeoftheweek) appear to destroy the humor of 4chan by vapid repetition. In reality, they're just a symptom of the way internet culture works.

>> No.6894217

It indeed isn't a meme. Every confession thread is inundated with people admitting to

1. not reading at all
2. arguing about philosophers they haven't read a word of
3. liking all sorts of pleb YA stuff

>> No.6894231

It happens with all boards really. Discussion on the subject matter is pretty vapid, but discuss something off-topic and quality will improve. But still, here's a good thread about BotNS, I actually used it as a reading guide once.

>> No.6894253

Anything to do with sexual fetishes. There's a subreddit for every kind of porn imaginable which is really nice to just go to the top rated posts and jerk off with zero effort to find something nice.

Other than that, reddit bores me. Too many normal people circle-jerking to gain points/upvotes (whatever the difference in that is).

>> No.6894258


It's really frustrating me recently, ever thread is just authors names being thrown about and trading insults, never to scratch the surface. It's so god damn boring.

That is a nice thread, I just wish there was more of that sort of thing. I don't know, maybe I need a break from /lit/

>> No.6894260
File: 46 KB, 625x600, barrel20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitchikers Dick to the Absurdity

>> No.6894261

>tfw dip

>> No.6894275

>Believing bullshit you see in epic meme threads started by zeeburg

You're a dumbass

>> No.6894290

Why are you posting about reddit?

>> No.6894299


>> No.6894384

stackexchange is based. quora users still has some pretty retarded habits, like they will always start their answers with an anedote.

Reddit is basically the worst of all serious online communities. Its design suppress dissent and shoves popular opinions down your throat. Fuck them, seriously. I absolutely prefer the chaos of 4chan.

>> No.6894415

quora isn't as good as se but it's decent imo. there are plenty of people who aren't really smart but they're at least not stupid.

reddit is shit pure shit for a variety of reasons. probably mostly because its users aren't smart lol

>> No.6894435

I'll never understand if there are a lot of /lit/izens with atrocious taste in music or you're the same jam band faggot who never fails to mention Phish

>> No.6894437

i am in love

>> No.6894447
File: 108 KB, 500x515, toomainstream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having an actual discussion about reddit instead of shouting;


>> No.6894458



>> No.6894466
File: 76 KB, 529x640, 23462346234623462346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he took the time to go through all those posts to reply to them

>le reddit

>> No.6894472

That's a big frog

>> No.6894481

Do something about it, pussy

>> No.6894490
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's it. Be a big man on the internet.

>> No.6894493
File: 64 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that again, pussy, I dare you

>> No.6894497

He has been chewing out reddit punks since before you where born pal, you better watch yourself.

>> No.6894506
File: 20 KB, 160x160, 456787654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it
be a big man on the internet

>> No.6894514
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I'm backing down
Pls no bully

>> No.6894526
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>> No.6894551

all me tbh

>> No.6894711
File: 54 KB, 597x511, 1438057798205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quoting more than 8 people at once

Back to /r/4chan you go

>> No.6894741

/r/syriancivilwar has the best discussion of the war on the internet

>> No.6894838

Last time I was on there (a year or so ago) anti-Assad people downvoted everything, even factual, that showed the government advancing. I'm the opposite of an Assad fan, but it was pretty biased.

>> No.6894845

That was before Islamic State became a big thing though, maybe they've changed after.

>> No.6894848
File: 419 KB, 977x1000, leantinatalistface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's swung back to be pro-assad (or rather anti-anti-assad) on account of the Islamic State. Regardless of some popular whims, the amount of original content and precise updates are bar none the best I've seen in any crowd-sourced journalism.

>> No.6894857
File: 155 KB, 1024x771, Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/badphilosophy is basically /lit/

>> No.6894885

not at all
they are very far left and pretty much a shitposting brigade

>> No.6894886


They are anti-Assad

It's obvious that Assad is the only force of morality there.
Dr. Assad should begin actually gassing the disgusting fucking rebels.

>> No.6894898

Pretty much /lit/

Please /pol/cuck, the only rightwinged anything is /pol/ and you are all autists.

/lit/ is left, and no one here is a christian. Only you crossposting cucks.

>> No.6894950
File: 25 KB, 400x278, 4CZwCA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please /pol/cuck, the only rightwinged anything is /pol/ and you are all autists.
>/lit/ is left, and no one here is a christian. Only you crossposting cucks.

How delusional are you?

>> No.6894956

>calling me /pol/ when I have never even went on the board

You sound insecure tbh. Be more aggressive please.

>> No.6894998


>linking to literally every post
>this mad about being remotely off-topic

literally autism: the post

>> No.6895061

Not as delusional as you and >>6894956
who think the holocaust never happened.

>> No.6895557

Everything outside of the cripplingalcoholism sub reddit is shit

>> No.6895589


>> No.6895598

-.- this whole "im 21 and totally an alcoholic like so much #damaged" bullshit really needs to go.

>> No.6895776

/lit/ never went full SRS

>> No.6895786

if girlpussy is your thing...

>> No.6896282

If you're a /g/entooman as well I would recommend r/talesfromtechsupport.

That's the only sub-reddit I've ever frequented.

>> No.6896299

White-Fang did have beautiful passages you fucking half-wit, stop chasing that ego high that comes with belittling people you think less read than yourself.

This goddamn board I swear to christ.

>> No.6896308



>> No.6896310

It seems impossible to imagine a 4chan board going full SRS, as full SRS relies on censorship of dissenting opinions (via moderator action or votes)

>> No.6896317

4chan can accomplish that via the for free men if they really want to

or /b/-style thread derails

>> No.6896323

Pretty true tbh
Tests were done and people couldnt tell the difference between a stradivarius and a regular ol fiddle