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File: 65 KB, 554x554, pseudo-intellectual-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6893523 No.6893523 [Reply] [Original]

How can one tell if they are intellectual or pseudo-intellectual?

>> No.6893525

intellectuals are between the age of 37-53

everyone older or younger is a pseudo-intellectual

>> No.6893528

I don't know but I'm really scared of being a pseud

>> No.6893537

By critically evaluating content and deciding whether it's intellectual or pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.6893540

The intellectual always feel they are not intellectual enough, the have a quiet aurora of humility about them, whereas the pseudo is conceited, arrogant, and loud.

>> No.6893541

The people who believe they are pretentiously smart v. those who are smart but aren't pretentious about it.

>> No.6893553
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Yeah, this.

>> No.6893555
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>> No.6893562


>> No.6893574

pseudo-intellectuals are more fluff than substance. They're the kind of people who use grandiloquence to fein intelligence, who will speak for long periods of time but never actually say anything substantial or original, and who will parrot opinions or factoids without really understanding their meaning. They're intellectual in the sense that they keep up the appearance and attitude, but lack genuine intellect.

The way I gauge it is, if you can explain what you're talking bout in either specific technical detail or convincing succinct summary then it's a genuine intellectual expression. Otherwise, if you're just sorta generally saying shit that you assume is sorta correct and only have a really loose idea of what you're talking about, but dress it up nice and pretty, then you're being a pseudo.

Not that being a pseud is bad all of the time, sometimes you need to just bs your way through a conversation or feign understanding in order to genuinely understand material (fake it till you make it).

>> No.6893577

A pseudo-intellectual wouldn't wonder if they are pseudo-intellectual or not.

This requires a degree of self-reflection and an awareness that what you think may be lacking. That is one of the keys for intellectual growth.

Or thats my opinion anyway.

>> No.6893582


so pseudo intellectuals are fun to shoot the shit with and intellectuals are wet blankets?

>> No.6893587

You're a pseudo if you post on imageboards frequently.

>> No.6893589


All these people are talking about personalities. Being an intellectual has nothing to do with how you behave, but what you know.

I would say an intellectual is someone who is extremely well educated, but beyond that, has some original ideas.

A pseudo-intellectual just acts as if he falls into the above category.

>> No.6893592

define frequently

>> No.6893595

yes to the first part, an intellectual will give you content in the conversation and things to think about later and that may not be the most fun way to maintain a discussion. One is junk food and the other a nicely balanced salad, some people may even openly prefer the salad but usually you want junk to pass the time.

>> No.6893599

can an intellectual exist in a social vacuum or are you arguing for the existence of an objective reality?

>> No.6893611
File: 56 KB, 850x400, quote-it-is-the-mark-of-an-educated-mind-to-be-able-to-entertain-a-thought-without-accepting-it-aristotle-6779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can do pic related towards opinions you disagree with, then you're on the right track.

>> No.6893626

A pseudo-intellectual would say the world would be a better place without religion by looking at 9/11 and ISIS. An intellectual would look at history and the social sciences and know that it is not that simple. An intellectual doesn't accept simple answers to complex problems, at least not without skepticism.

Not an exact answer but I think its an example that highlights the difference.

>> No.6893628

>All these people are talking about personalities.

That's the funny thing, basically everyone is describing how to pretend to be an intellectual, which is of course psuedo behaviour.

>> No.6893631

By posting on lit

>> No.6893634

Intellectuals combine wisdom and intelligence.
Pseudo-intellectuals only have intelligence.

>> No.6893640

Can you be an intellectual if you have an average IQ?

>> No.6893642
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>> No.6893651

Do you not know what wisdom is?

>> No.6893660

You believe wisdom exists because it has a definition?

>> No.6893666

So what is wisdom to you then?

>> No.6893674

Yeah didn't Feynman have a relatively average IQ when he was younger?

>> No.6893679


Wisdom is realizing nothing matters yet everything matters so enjoy the ride.

>> No.6893683
File: 49 KB, 200x200, 1147641141_eslaughter.gif-c200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow so deep.
Here, I'll post my own laughing anime gif to entertain you.

>> No.6893685

an invented conceptual abstraction that exists about as much as Yahweh and his 12 dwarves

>> No.6893686

I'm not trying to turn this into another IQ debate but I thought that generally speaking as you age, your IQ stays in the same advanced, average or lower categories relative to everyone you age unless a freak accident happens. Is this wrong? I'm really asking.

>> No.6893693

good job on that post
i'm impressed
tell me more

>> No.6893696

except it's been proven that if you keep taking IQ tests your score will improve so as you keep taking IQ tests as you age your IQ will make significant improvements

>> No.6893699

lol do you know what an abstraction is kevin ?

>> No.6893700
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>an invented conceptual abstraction

Nigga what the fuk are you talking about
This right here is pseudo-intellectualism.

>> No.6893701



>> No.6893706

At least once in your lifetime.

>> No.6893707

or you just get better at iq tests

>> No.6893709
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>caring about what modernist philosophers belive

>> No.6893710


Not realizing wisdom accepts it's meta-retardness. You've qualified yourself as a psuedo intellectual.

>Having anime reaction gifs.

>Posting on a Cantonese father-son fishing tournament forum.

>> No.6893711

All that proves is that you'll become better at taking IQ tests, not that your general intelligence goes up.

>> No.6893714
File: 47 KB, 265x200, animals-eating-hedgehog-sniffing_200s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a shitposting wizard

>> No.6893717

much like your post :^)

>> No.6893718

some test huh

>> No.6893726

Nah IQ tests can vary as you get older, generally speaking geniuses show a tendency to have development lag. In Feynman's case he only took one IQ test in school and got 125, which is a pretty average score. He then got the highest grade in the country on the Putnam test and had the highest scores on the entry exams for whatever ivy league he went to.

Point being, it's obviously somewhat rare, but in no way impossible to be intelligent with relatively average IQ.

>> No.6893729

It's mostly agreed that his 125 IQ was due to the test putting emphasis in language, which wasn't his forte. That's one of the reasons IQ is unreliable. You basically can trust that if someone scores far below average he's not very bright and that someone who scores far beyond the average will be overall pretty bright, but the differences from 110 IQ to 120 IQ aren't the same as the ones from 150 to 160. Past 160 they are basically irrelevant and IQ stops being useful in any way; you just can't measure someone at that level and it's unlikely you'll ever need to, but they still have peculiarities and quirks. It's not like they are made in a genius production line, therefore why Feynman scored so low in that test compared to what he probably could have in another one. It works both ways.

>> No.6893732

where is the literature

>> No.6893733

but you're both assuming conversation is about honestly exchanging accurate information, it's not, it's just a form of verbal bullying/cock waving almost all of the time. Nobody gives a fuck about anything that isn't reinforcing their views. Some people do I guess. Even I find myself having this bad attitude towards things, only caring about topics as much as they serve my ends

>> No.6893737

>wisdom doesn't exist
>its just an invented concept :^)

You can literally say this about all of language.

>> No.6893743

>you're both assuming conversation is about honestly exchanging accurate information
no that's just you projecting

a true pseudo intellectual wouldn't care what's coming out of their mouths at all

>> No.6893744

>not related to pseudo-intellectualism
do you even study liberal arts you fucking pleb??

>> No.6893747

>and got 125, which is a pretty average score
not even Ashkenazi jews have an average I.Q that high you fool

>> No.6893748

I got yer literature right 'ere *grabs crotch*

>> No.6893752

I know quite a few linguists that would like a word with you

>> No.6893753

hydrogen exists

>> No.6893758

An average IQ is between 90 and 110, anything above or below is not average.

>> No.6893763

No, it doesn't.

>> No.6893772

you're right you win the argument

>> No.6893777

It's not even enough to enter MENSA, but then again MENSA or its test didn't even exist in Feynman's childhood. Then again, people tend to forget that only 2% of the population have an IQ high enough to enter MENSA.

>> No.6893780

Cool let's shake hands

>> No.6893785

What in the flying fuck does mensa actually do? Do they have think tanks or what? Have they produced anything of value ever?

>> No.6893787

where do you live?

>> No.6893790
File: 8 KB, 591x303, iq_bell_curve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an IQ just barely out of the 2%
>pretty average
Mensa isn't everything.

>> No.6893791

bordeaux, france

>> No.6893793

i have actually met some legit pseudo-intellectuals and intellectuals

pseudo intellectuals:
- dominate the conversation
- don't listen to you nor consider your ideas
- use big words awkwardly
- say the same thing twice or even three times
- always tell stories where they are the hero/cool guy
- tend to be enthusiasts of video games, the genre of fantasy, blockbuster superhero movies, fast food, conspiracy theories
- esteem themselves as smart, well-read, knowledgeable, clever

- mode in conversation is inquiry, facilitates discussion for depth
- listens to you/others' ideas
- tends to use short sentences and simple words; ideas are conveyed clearly
- asks for stories of your own life; reticent about their own unless asked
- tend to be enthusiasts of actually reading, fitness or the outdoors, cooking
- view themselves as ignorant, lacking, in many cases there is deep self-loathing

tl;dr i am a pseudo-intellectual, ama

>> No.6893795

They are a thing which does a thing. They let people who score in the 98th percentile of their test enter and do stuff. And you also get to tell people you're in MENSA.

>> No.6893798

it's a halfway home for people with autism

>> No.6893808


let's meet here on September 27th to shake hands: 42B Avenue Thiers
33100 Bordeaux France

that's about as soon as I can arrange travel plans

I'll try to get there around noonish

>> No.6893809

>Mensa's constitution lists three purposes: "to identify and to foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity; to encourage research into the nature, characteristics, and uses of intelligence; and to provide a stimulating intellectual and social environment for its members".[12]

>> No.6893814

Does it really or is it just, like, a concept, man?

>> No.6893821

>encourage research into the nature of intelligence
So how many MENSA members, who actively participate in mensa not just have the card in their wallet, are researching intelligence right now? What a bunch of bullshit

>> No.6893822

I've never seen them actually do any of those, but maybe I'm just not informed.

>> No.6893823

It's only marginally in the "superior" range and, with consideration to his apparent intellect, a rather mediocre score.It's considerably lower than would be expected from someone who was described as one of the fastest theoretical mathematicians. I'll admit that it's not necessarily an average score, but it certainly doesn't represent a genius of Feynman's caliber.
The point being that you can be intelligent without having the IQ to back it up (because it's not a good representation of intelligence).

>> No.6893824
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I've never had an IQ test and I will never take one. I fear/know I'll get a score of 40 or something.

>> No.6893829

i'll bring coffee and some local specialties

yeah, they do nothing.

>> No.6893837

>So how many MENSA members, who actively participate in mensa not just have the card in their wallet, are researching intelligence right now? What a bunch of bullshit
If you're able to post on lit and use pepe memes you're in the average zone at the very least.

>> No.6893839

Then again there's my post >>6893729

>> No.6893840

>"superior" range
or "moderately above average" by todays standards

>> No.6893841

Well, seems like I found the pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.6893842


>> No.6893845

I got a 93 on my ASVAB :^) but my math was too weak for the job I wanted I had to take some other test to prove I could do it. I never did join

>> No.6893874

There's also the Flynn effect. IQ is adjusted so that the average always is 100, but an average person from this time would have a "gifted" or "genius" score if he took a very old IQ test. Using values from the 90s, an average man from the 30s would be borderline retarded, but obviously we wouldn't all be considered geniuses in the past. On average we've gotten better at some kinds of thought and worse at others, and in many developed nations the Flynn effect has already stopped and the opposite is happening, just slower.

>> No.6893887

>the Flynn effect has already stopped and the opposite is happening, just slower.
>le idiocracy is coming true xDDDD
bullshit. no way

>> No.6893893

Hyperbole. I never said that, but it is a fact that in some nations the average IQ has dropped a few points during the last decade.

>> No.6893902

It could just be a difference in attitude. A pseudo intellectual may have thought alot about something but is hostile to and quick to dismiss new information, that sort of thing.

>> No.6893921

That anon asked his question poorly. I think a better way to phrase it would be that, generally speaking, you're always going to be in either the below average, average, or above average quotient in life when it comes to intellectual capability, which I think is true.

>> No.6893925

An intellectual always wants to know why. His whys are bottomless. Why is it raining? Because there are clouds in the sky. Why are there clouds? Because water condensed. Why did water condense? Etc. He will never tire of this. If you ask him why he wants to know, he'll stare at you blankly. Because, to him, knowledge itself is the goal. He gets a dopamine rush from knowledge. He doesn't understand phrases like "Why does it matter?" "What's the point?" or "What's the practical application?"

A pseudo-intellectual doesn't ask why? why? why? He only asks about things that signal he's one of the smart set. In fact, he rarely asks. He tells.

An intellectual doesn't care about "smart topics." Depending on the time period and culture, there are certain things "one should know." Nowadays, the main signifier is politics. "Smart people" are "well informed" about politics. An intellectual might happen to be interested in politics. But if he's more interested in pasta, he'll study that instead. He follows his brain wherever it leads him.

A pseudo-intellectual will always be on the lookout for "smart topics." He's very concerned with what books one should read, what movies one should see, and what facts one should know.

>> No.6893963

>generally speaking, you're always going to be in either the below average, average, or above average quotient in life

>> No.6893970

*and never leave whichever one you're in.

>> No.6894043
File: 136 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're relieved you don't fit into any of these definitions of pseudo-intellectualism

>> No.6894070

Is there something sadder than organizing a birthday for your dog ?

>> No.6894076

I honestly don't give a fuck about it. For me its good enough if the person is a thinker.
Even if it's angst ridden teenage thinking the thinker will eventually get a powerful thought going on if he never stops thinking.

>> No.6894092


I think it's kind of cute! It's not too much effort so it's not sad.

>> No.6894097

I don't know why that would be sad. A bit dumb, yes, but not sad. Sad would be organizing a birthday party with your dog as your only guest, and that's only if you have anyone else to invite. If nothing else it's an excuse to take a picture of your dog in a party hat, buy him new stuff and have people come over.

>> No.6894116

That's because of all of the immigrants that keep flooding in. It also doesn't help that our food is injected with shit and communism is still on the rise.

>> No.6894128

all of these "what makes a person intellectual" responses are pretty fucking cringey.

>> No.6894129

Whoa /pol/ careful with that edge
You're not entirely wrong about immigrants, but it's most likely not for the reasons you're thinking.

>> No.6894172

Stop defending the third world needlessly. With limited resources its harmful to the entire species for anyone to continue industrializing and consuming motherboards at the point.

>> No.6894181

posting on /lit/

>> No.6894183

what is our food injected with alex

>> No.6894192

The world is still not unsustainable. It will eventually become unsustainable if current trends continue for the rest of human history (they won't. They never have even when people think they will, and they have done so many times before), but not in your lifetime. Besides, without the "third world" the first-world countries would crash and burn and what would remain afterwards would be barely recognizable as what we know today.

>> No.6894220

The second half of your post is a completely unrelated bitch in terms of the one you're replying to. Get over your retarded, evolutionarily backwards white guilt, you unparralleled faggot.

>> No.6894249

Please, you know absolutely nothing about evolution or biology in general. And you're a retard if you think the second half of my post is false. Do you sincerely believe your lifestyle, which is literally only possible due to a globalized world, would still be there if you destroyed that very same thing and reduced the world's population to a tiny fraction of what it once was?

>> No.6894256

Oh, and I see you're conflating "first-world" with "european or white-majority european colony", which is objectively wrong.

>> No.6894257

Posting on /lit/ about people posting on /lit/ is sadder

>> No.6894274


Borges would agree language is a fabrication to approximate what we supposedly we want to say.

>> No.6894289

none of you are "intellectuals"

much less "pseudointellectuals"

>> No.6894304

this is really bad

>> No.6894309
File: 32 KB, 600x800, cat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga im dumb as AF lmao ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

we outchea chitpostin on the misc

s/o the pisslord jason genova we getting money

>> No.6894373

A pseudo-intellectual is more apt to make perfunctory arguments about complex issues and try to make him/herself sound smart with such sweeping generalizations

>> No.6894409

An intellectual is an autistic manchild, a psuedo-intellectual is a retard

>> No.6894693

(tru sign of profound intellect)

>> No.6894967

Look at how happy that dog is though

>> No.6894980

You realize dogs don't smile, right ?

>> No.6895096

just ask them :^)

>> No.6895110

there are other signs of happiness too. like a birthday hat

>> No.6895129
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>> No.6895138

pseudo-intellectual usually a dyslexic dumbfuck suffers of unwarranted self-importance due to superiority complex who seeks validation from esoteric image board and calls himself intellectual

>> No.6895207

A Pseudo-intellectual is someone who speaks on a topic they aren't particularly well read in. This is difficult to actually measure, but I would say that reading at least five to six books on a topic or related topics is enough for one to be accurately well read on a subject.

That being said. Most intellectuals I've met have been much older. People around my age (20s) can be well read on particular subjects, but have a tendency to overestimate how much knowledge they have actually acquired. This isn't necessarily bad, it just means that we're trying to piece together strings of information. I suppose, on my end, it is from the presumption that all knowledge is interconnected. I'm beginning to think that this is not the case with every subject.

tl;dr Pseudo-intellectuals speak with authority on subjects they know little about. Most people have aspects of that within themselves, at least in my opinion.

>> No.6895235

who the fuck cares about such definitions
Literally the most trivial and futile shit can care about.

>> No.6895245


>> No.6895246

Just read and discuss whatever you want with whomever you want. If you force things into strict, unsatisfactory dichotomies you will never be satisfied with anything you learn and you will never be satisfied with the people you associated yourself with.

>> No.6895250
File: 116 KB, 627x272, confused_man_1_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when your iq is 86

>> No.6895260

In this case just b urself would be a legitimate choice
Caring about this is already giving more importance to how you are perceived by others while having a discussion rather than the actual content of a discussion and therefore absurd

>> No.6895277

If you are concerned just admit ignorance and always admit when you're wrong, especially if you're caught. Pseudo-intellect is just egotistical pomp. Oscar Wilde was very well-read but he was most definitely a pompous pseudo-intellectual.
But I still love and deeply admire him anyway.

>> No.6895280


>> No.6895309


I always think I am dumber than most of the people on earth. At conversations, or at debates, I speak autistic/incoherent shit, and later on, I regret that. So, I try to stay best as possible away from debates and conversations. Just think and keep quiet! Keep your shit original and your arguments sound and clear.

>> No.6895311

>If you are concerned just admit ignorance and always admit when you're wrong, especially if you're caught

And you get to replace your ignorance with actual knowledge. There's no shame in admitting being wrong, truly. It's way to improve yourself from a logical standpoint

>> No.6895347

I'm the same way. I also speak in generalizations because I've already spent so much time debating my own beliefs internally that I forget I have to defend my point of view.

Intellectualism is simply acquiring knowledge.

So yeah, stop worrying you gigantic pussies.

>> No.6895355


Better to remain silent :)

>> No.6895385

mine is a nice 100

>> No.6895466

I'll bring the ketchup
>picture of a handshake in catpcha

>> No.6895479

pseuds always try to "prove" themselves, you can just tell by the way they speak or act

>> No.6895693

Pseudo-intellectuals are driven by a fear of inferiority and place stock in the collecting of knowledge, but not the understanding of it. Actual intellectuals are driven by legitimate curiosity. Pseudo-intellectuals want to be known as intellectuals, actual intellectuals don't really give a damn. That's how I see it anyway.

>> No.6895787


>> No.6896064

no your iq

>> No.6896124

>conspiracy theories
So if I'm green-pilled I can't be intellectual? Actually, that makes perfect sense. But I do think I fit more with your intellectual description than your pseud, and I like to consider myself an idiot

>> No.6896145

Intellectuals don't pursue knowledge for social browning points.

>> No.6896164
File: 33 KB, 1199x1198, browning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browning points

Are these Browning points?

>> No.6896174

swear to god I always thought that was a man on fire clutching his chest or something

>> No.6896362

What a pseudo-intellectual statement

>> No.6896417

Good guns, truly a diamond dozen.

>> No.6896421


I always see this on trucks where I live.

>> No.6896531
