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/lit/ - Literature

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6891146 No.6891146 [Reply] [Original]

Survey thread
How old are you?
How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
When and why did you become a serious reader?
Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
What's your favorite work of literature?
What's your favorite literary movement?
What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
How do you take your coffee and/or tea?

>> No.6891168

This requires way too much effort for 4:30 in the morning

>> No.6891182

I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!

Emily Dickinson, 1830 - 1886

>> No.6891183
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I'll go for it but you're gonna have to condense these if you wanna get more attention.

How old are you?
How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
>found 4chan in 2009 after googling things related to Youtube Poop
>found /lit/ by just clicking around different boards
Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
>finish my novels
>improve my prose
>actually fucking write
If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
>a lot. anonymous people can give much more honest advice than someone you know personally
When and why did you become a serious reader?
>last year
>decided on a whim to finally start reading the classics
Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
>Hemingway or Burgess
If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
>H's stories compelled me the most
>B's writing conveyed meaning the best
What's your favorite work of literature?
>I dont know how to pick favorites
What's your favorite literary movement?
>I'm just an entry level retard
What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
>Hemingway's Torrents of Spring bored me
Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
>I'm too embarrassed to say
How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
>coffee with a bit of cream or milk
>tea with a few drops of honey

sorry I'm such a faggot

>> No.6891188

Migrated here from /mu/ after I realized I didn't care much about music anymore and preferred literature
Nothing serious but I'd like to write a bit more. Only for fun.
I take critiques seriously, but only if they're thought out. No "it's shit tbh"
I've always been into reading but I got serious after I left high school.
Goethe is my favourite writer, influence wise, I really love Fallada's style.
If I were influenced by Goethe too much my writing would sound stilted nowadays.
Sorrows of Young Werther or Elective Affinities
Don't have a particular favourite, but Weimar Classicism by my favourite books I guess
Faust tbh
/mu/ once in a while, /tv/ when I feel like shitposting
Coffee. No milk, no sugar.

>> No.6891196

How old are you?
How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
>can't even remember. I learned about 4chan when I was in high school. My boyfriend started going on it again a few years ago and that go me back into it.
Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
>I'd like to write a novel worth publishing but I'm not creative enough and my character development is lacking.
If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
>I don't use them.
When and why did you become a serious reader?
>I always have been. Learned to read when I was three or so, and I've never stopped. As to why, I'm not sure. Reading is a comfort to me.
Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
>Stephen King is my favorite, Tolkien is my greatest influence.
If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
>I like to read King but I wouldn't want to write like him. I'd love to achieve Tolkien's worldbuilding ability.
What's your favorite work of literature?
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, tied with Angela's Ashes.
What's your favorite literary movement?
>British post-modernism.
What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
>King, Under the Dome.
Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
>/b/, /pol/, /n/
How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
>Coffee black, tea with lots of sugar but no cream.

>> No.6891215

Edgy friend introduced me when I was 14
Not as such, no
I don't use critique threads
When I was 16, to justify being socially retarded
Tao Lin, Lao Tzu (not kidding)
Tao Lin's work connects with me deeply as a disenfranchised millennial, Lao Tzu gave me peace of mind
Infinite Jest
New Sincerity
/gif/ for porn
I drink Espresso, otherwise black coffee

>> No.6891217


>> No.6891218

For real though.

>> No.6891218,1 [INTERNAL] 

How old are you?
How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
>had an interest in books and didnt enjoy reddit
Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
>I write poetry though I feel like I'm regressing in my writing
If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
>Never used them
When and why did you become a serious reader?
>Always have been interested in books (work in a bookstore as well) but started getting particularly interested in literature when I was first starting to develop an identity (about 14-15)
Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
>Milan Kundera, Camus, Ginsberg, Huxley
If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
What's your favorite work of literature?
>Impossible question. Would have to say Tropic of Cancer
What's your favorite literary movement?
>I enjoy beat literature (Kesey, Burroughs, Kerouac, etc.)
What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
How do you take your coffee and/or tea?

>> No.6891247

>How old are you?
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
Friend told me about it when I was 15
>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
I've had a few essays and short stories published in online and print magazines. I have a rejected manuscript and I'm working on another in my spare time.
>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
Eeeh with a pinch of salt. I remember how fussed everyone got over Tao Lin and the ensuing backlash.
>When and why did you become a serious reader?
Always been very bookish. I picked up Wuthering Heights when I was 14 and suddenly wanted to read other classics.
>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
Favourite author is Pynchon, but more influenced by Joseph Heller
>If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
I am more familiar with Heller's short stories and that's closest to what I write.
>What's your favorite work of literature?
The Crying of Lot 49
>What's your favorite literary movement?
The Lost Generation's modernism.
>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
That's tough. Mason and Dixon probably. I have the hard cover version and I find it hardest to get into.
>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
/mu/ and /x/
>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
Coffee strong with a dash of milk, no sugar please.

>> No.6891291

Survey thread
How old are you?
How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
>Found /b/ at age of 12, life went downhill from there
Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
>eh. I feel like any work requires knowledge of the author, mine no exception. Besides, nobody ever really responds in this threads.
When and why did you become a serious reader?
>I'm still not a serious reader lool. But i'd say I began understanding the importance of literature at 16.
Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
>Laziness/stubbornness, more interested in Philosophy now
What's your favorite work of literature?
>Steppenwolf or maybe For Whom the Bell Tolls?
What's your favorite literary movement?
>Magic realism or transcendentalism
What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
>Journey to the East? I like it, but by order is least favorite.
Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
>browsed /mu/, /r9k, and /fit/ before this board, but they became pretty bad. Mostly /lit/, /fa/, and some /v/ (/v/ is the most "social" board)
How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
>black coffee, earl grey tea no sweetener

>> No.6891293
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>I used to read "humor" articles on SA and Encyclopedia of Stupid and eventually stumbled upon some description of the longcat raids and started lurking /b/

>I hope to be at least competent at writing fiction one day

>nah brah

>I took AP English in HS and found myself surprised at how much I enjoyed the assigned reading. That was my big awakening to literature.

>I don't really have one favorite author, but I like JM Coetzee, Bolano, Ismail Kadare, Danilo Kis, Hemingway, WT Vollmann, Le Guin, Michael Ondaatje and Gene Wolfe a lot. I don't have any influences really, too soon to say.

>A Canticle for Leibowitz


>Across the River and Into the Trees


>coffee: black and with ice. I don't really drink tea

>> No.6891298

>greentexting your responses and not the questions

>> No.6891307

Skateboard.com forums
Never critiqued
To learn! And only started last 2 or so years
David Icke
Pretty much same reason
The celestine prophecy
Sont know much about different periods or movements
David Icke - green politics explained
/mu/, occasionally /soc/ and /fa/ but don't take them seriously. Not that I take anything on 4chan seriously anyway..
Flat white 2 sugars.

>> No.6891321

>How old are you?
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
Through a friend; I remember /lit/'s birth, so shit, I've been here awhile.
>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
To publish dat novel, of course.
>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
Plenty if they don't seem controlled by emotions or attempt to rewrite my own stuff which I would imagine is very annoying.
>When and why did you become a serious reader?
Well, when I was 5, I guess, although I really struggle these days. I was a good reader until I left highschool, and now I'm a lazy one.
>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
I feel like I'm in the beginning of encountering my true influences for writing, so a lot of my influences from the "heyday" of my reading energy don't really count, by my estimation.
>If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
Because I can't stick to one medium.
>What's your favorite work of literature?
Not sure yet, I think. Still working on finding out.
>What's your favorite literary movement?
Not sure either; however, I like to think my tastes call for realism with a lush touch of imagery, where the descriptions seem sort of surrealistically juxtaposed with the simplicity of the action. This has been a kind of trope-like fascination for me with several works. Not sure how to describe it.
>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
Not sure. This thread is making me realize just how little I've read that really resonates with me. Depression can certainly be a killer, even when I feel productive and inspired. It's like I'm inspired by everything subconsciously.
>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
Not really any these days, but in yore /r9k/, /v/, /b/, and a strange affair with /x/.
>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
Not at all. I'm still a puerile soda drinker.

>> No.6891338

>How old are you?
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
I don't remember. It's been like a decade. /lit/ was more recent.
>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
Vaguely. I wrote a novella for my undergrad thesis. I'm doing a PhD in phil, so I don't know if I'll have a lot of time/energy for fiction.
>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
I don't.
>When and why did you become a serious reader?
I don't know why, but it was around sophomore year of college. I experienced a total loss of interest in completing my bio major and switched to English.
>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
It didn't.
>What's your favorite work of literature?
The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
>What's your favorite literary movement?
Experimental modernism.
>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
The Imaginary. Tedious.
>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?

>> No.6891341
File: 164 KB, 1280x1018, 1280px-Comet_67P_on_19_September_2014_NavCam_mosaic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How old are you?
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
the dank memes when I was 14.
>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
yes and no. I want to write and enjoy writing, but aspirations?? Who knows.
>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
I don't get critiqued often. Some critiques are 100% on point and I take them on board, some are half-sentence shitposting.
>When and why did you become a serious reader?
since I've been a kid I've loved reading, and since starting high school I've read pretty much only "serious" literature
>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
>If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
I love Joyce's works, but would never attempt to emulate his writing. Marx has most influenced my worldview. I don't know who most influences what I write, honestly.
>What's your favorite work of literature?
Gravity's Rainbow
>What's your favorite literary movement?
>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
Portrait of the Artist.
>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
None. /b/->/mu/->/lit/, with sporadic /p/ and /fa/ over the years. I just come here now.
>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
I most prefer hazelnut cream. I often take coconut creamer+sugar as I'm a sporadic vegan. Black is also acceptable.

I read quite a few of you peoples' responses, just so you know it isn't just everyonepostnoonreads

>> No.6891352
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>How old are you?
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
I've been on 4chan since 2008, /lit/ since day one. Used to come here for /a/ shit.
>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
Oh aye. Nearly finished my third novel. Might self-publish it, I dunno. Kindle and stuff.
>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
I take what anon says very seriously. Last time I talked about my novel you guys were very positive and it felt great.
>When and why did you become a serious reader?
I was gonna do literature at university. Dropped out but it got me hooked on books.
>Who's your favourite author and/or greatest influence?
Ryu Murakami on both counts. I love fucked-up weeb shit.
>What's your favourite work of literature?
Project Itoh's "Harmony".
>What's your favourite literary movement?
Movements are for gays.
>What's your least favourite work by your favourite author?
From the Fatherland With Love. Too damn long.
>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
/v/ sometimes.
>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
I don't like either. I'm an alcoholic.

>> No.6891359

>How old are you?
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
friend was talking shit about Tao Lin in like 2010 and thought I would like him and also /lit/ or something. Cheers, Nico
>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
Been writing a bit, but I don't want to be famous or anything. I'd rather be recognized posthumously, to have only a handful of fans in my lifetime.
>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
not gonna have a bunch of memers talk shit about my awful prose
>When and why did you become a serious reader?
Been reading since I first learned how to, but I didn't buckle down and tackle the canon until 2012
>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
Pynchon and Borges for both. Also kind of Robert Anton Wilson
>If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
I'm a piece of shit who enjoys Pynchon's slapstick contrasted with legitimately beautiful prose, and I like the mystic shit Borges writes about in addition to the metafictional aspects. I like RAW because I'm green-pill as fuck
>What's your favorite work of literature?
Gravity's Rainbow
>What's your favorite literary movement?
That curious limbo between modernism and post-modernism, when Borges and Nabokov were at their heights and could be classified as either/or
>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
Inherent Vice, I guess. I've only read V., Lot 49, GR, and IV, and the latter was by far the weakest
>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
sometimes /fa/ for shits and giggles
>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
as bitter as can be

>> No.6891366
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>How old are you?

>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
Rumours at school about how """"depraved"""" is was. Eventually I found /lit/ when I decided to get back into reading.

>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
I find writing cathartic, and I enjoy honing my craft. As long as I'm writing I'm happy. I don't care about getting published. I'm too anxious for book touring anyway

>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
If they give a thought out criticism I take it into account but if its just "shit prose lmao xD" I ignore it.

>When and why did you become a serious reader?
About 2 years ago. Vidya no longer interested me.

>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
My favourite author is Robert Walser. I used to be a fedora-tier edgy teen. He helped me get over that. As for influences I don't know.

>What's your favorite work of literature?
This question is too hard.

>What's your favorite literary movement?
They're all pretty neat I guess. Except for social realism, which is intentionally bland.

>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
Unfortunately yes.

>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
Tea. Coffee is for insecure manlets with sunlight deficiency.

>> No.6891387

To annoy you.

>> No.6891396

>How old are you?

>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
Found out from a friend; lurking for almost 8 years. I found /lit/ in particular about 1 year ago, after seeing some good threads about philosophy/religion that I used to seek without success on /x/.

>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
Not quite. I write poetry and intend on developing my large content of notes into some form of prose. I enjoy exploring in written form various mythic concepts and frames of thought.

>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
I don't use them.

>When and why did you become a serious reader?
Since childhood - I continously read on various topics on interest. Reading = knowledge. And having a gnostic approach on life.. you can see my answer. I think humans live to learn. So I live.

>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
I seriously cannot boil it down to a such degree. I would he a hypocrite if I'd pose myself in a fanboy just for the sake of it.

It all depends on current interests. I have period of studying ancient history, which takes me to various mythologies, which brings me back to particular historical movements, which in turn makes me read literature written on in those settings. (an example for a couple of months would be Roman history - greco-roman paganism - origins of christianity - qvo vadis / altar of victory novels. etc)

>What's your favorite work of literature?
>What's your favorite literary movement?
>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
I can't answer to these questions. Irrelevant for me and for you also, I think.

>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
/x/ - my home board alongside /lit (I think we have more common ground than thought), /v/ (don't ask me why), /vg stalker and total war generals.

>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
Drink occasionally coffee and tea. Both with milk and a little honey/sugar (black tea)

>> No.6891397

>How old are you?
21 in a month
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
I went to /pol/ to shitpost and found out there is a literature board. I liked it so I stayed.
>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
>When and why did you become a serious reader?
16, so almost 5 years ago. Because I liked reading.
>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
Gene Wolfe, Dostoevsky, Dick, Kierkegaard, Plato
>If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
I like all of those authors a lot.
>What's your favorite work of literature?
Book of the New Sun
>What's your favorite literary movement?
Realism, existentialism
>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
There are Doors by Wolfe is junk and Demons by Dostoevsky are umimaginably boring.
>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
With 2 sugars and cream.

>> No.6891404

Sebastian I didn't know you were a faggot.

>> No.6891413

>How old are you?
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
Everyone talks about 4chan as a teenager
>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
I'd like to have my novella published as well as my play.
>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
Hmm... Enough to review my work but not enough to alter it if I like what I already did. Enough to ask others.
>When and why did you become a serious reader?
I was a very young boy, around 7? And why? My parents were hashing out a long, messy divorce and I misinterpreted what the books on my parent's shelves were about. I remember reading Little Women in a very confused state.
>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
Huh. Honestly, much to /lit/'s disdain, my favourite author is Ayn Rand. And my greatest influence is Sartre.
>If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
Ayn Rand drew me into her work in a way Sartre didn't: maybe bc I find Sartre too relatable. Especially his work Nausea.
>What's your favorite work of literature?
Atlas Shrugged.
>What's your favorite literary movement?
I don't know, but I just hate the Beat movement.
>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
The Fountainhead. But I'm going to try again.
>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
/LGBT/ and /adv/.
>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
Coffee - black. Tea - strong/barely any milk, no sugar.

>> No.6891426

>how old are you

>How did you discover 4chins
A friend in school

>Literary aspirations
To practice and get good

I use critique threads to post my own things, I dont really know how to critique others work, im trying to learn how to write well myself

I was never a serious reader of fiction, from childhood ive been a very heavy reader of non fiction but as ive grown older ive become more drawn to the artistic freedoms of fiction

>who is your favorite author/influence
Im not really sure, when I was young I used to read a children's series of books called A Series of Unfortunate Events, I remember enjoying the setting that felt grounded in reality yet incredibly whimsical. I like reading memoirs on mental illness. I also like Plath because im a moody teenager

>What is your favorite work
I thought of three. They fall into the realm of memoirs on mental illness. I enjoyed "an unquiet mind".

>literary movement
Im new as fuck. I saw Dada in a list of literary movements. I enjoy Dada when it comes to visual arts, though I do not create any anti-art myself. I just find it somewhat amusing.

Still trying to pin down who my favorite author is. I dont really think about it.

>What other boards do you browse
/u/ mostly. If im playing a videogame I browse /vg/. thats about it, really.

>How do you take your tea

>> No.6891439

>How old are you?
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
When I was 16 some threads on /h/ were linked on the hentai forum that was my main source of porn at the time.
>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
I write short stories and novels and would like to have them published.
>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
I look through them occasionally and they never look like something I'd like to participate in.
>When and why did you become a serious reader?
I read The Sun Also Rises in a literature class senior year of high school and fell in love with it. That summer I switched from reading fantasy to reading the modernists, and I went from there.
>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
Favorite author is Pynchon. It's hard to name my greatest influence but probably Pynchon as well. I feel I'm influenced by almost every author I like.
>If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
I take all the bits I like. I feel having a greatest influence sets you up for being derivative.
>What's your favorite work of literature?
Gravity's Rainbow
>What's your favorite literary movement?
Never thought about it. I make a conscious effort to read broadly. I guess postmodernism, especially in terms of drawing influence for my own writing.
>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
The Crying of Lot 49
>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
None really. /jp/ was my main board for a good 5+ years. Before that /a/ and /v/ were my big ones. /fa/ for a year somewhere in there. And of course being on 4chan almost a decade I've browsed a lot of different boards at various periods.
>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
Coffee black. Don't put anything in my tea either, except occasionally sweetener if it's iced.

>> No.6891444

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.6891450
File: 272 KB, 1198x571, Genji_emaki_YOKOBUE_Ms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How old are you?
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
4chan, through Livejournal in 2005. My first boards were /cm/ and /a/. I left in 2008, came back in 2010 when /lit/ was made, which I found out through LibraryThing.
>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
To do a literature PhD, write a few monographs and essay collections, and read a lot of books otherwise.
>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
>When and why did you become a serious reader?
I was always reading excessively, but my tastes change a lot. I read the whole elementary school library and a good 3/4 of my intermediate one. But when I was a teenager that switched to manga and ended that when high school ended. I went back to literature when I was 20. It was initially for escapism from a bad period of life. But I read Kokoro and realized how much more literature could do for me.
>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
Kawabata and Ryokan
>If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
The latter is more for religious reasons, and I am not a writer.
>What's your favorite work of literature?
The Summer Book by Jansson
>What's your favorite literary movement?
>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
The Lake by Yasunari Kawabata
>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
/r9k/, but I'm still trying to quit.
>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
Tea without sugar/milk, as I like oolongs most. I use it with my masala chai and breakfast teas though. Coffee I mostly drink iced and full of additives.

>> No.6891481

Liking men makes me a heterosexual actually.

>> No.6891490

>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
>Unfortunately yes.


>> No.6891492

That was supposed to be for >>6891404 but whatever it's to early and I give up

>> No.6891493




>> No.6891495

>I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

That's called 'growing up' and no one cares if you do it faster than anyone else.

The word you're looking for is 'salable.'

>> No.6891500

Stop replying to copypasta.

>> No.6891502

Oh god I didn't even notice he wasn't sticking to the template. I'm losing my mind to filthy substances.

>> No.6891526 [DELETED] 

>How old are you?
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
Overwhelming references to it sent me here. And /lit/ is the final boss.
>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
I don't.
>When and why did you become a serious reader?
Around 17.
>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
Kafka, though I sip a lot of stuff from everywhere
>If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
I'd say it's infinity of different answers. Well, I'm versatile.
>What's your favorite work of literature?
f a v o u r i t e? Probably IJ.
>What's your favorite literary movement?
>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
Some of his short stories, can't even recall the name.
>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
/int/ 15 minutes a day on weekends
How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
Creamy and with a lot of milk

>> No.6891530

Anon I liked your response.

>> No.6891532


>> No.6891707


>How old are you?

>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
Discovered /b/ when I was 14, gradually moved on though /v/ and /g/.

>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
Not really, at this point. Though of course it's a dream.

>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
I don't use them. I let my real-life friends read my texts instead.

>When and why did you become a serious reader?
When I was about 18 and realized that knowledge and education matter.

>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
Thomas Carlyle.

>What's your favorite work of literature?
Der Steppenwolf

>What's your favorite literary movement?

>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
Uh I dunno, everything that Carlyle wrote was great, but it might be that the one I found the least thrilling to read was Shooting Niagara.

>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
/sci/ and /int/.

>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
Coffee strong and black, tea with a drop of honey.

>> No.6891717

Oh my sweet summer child.

>> No.6891725

Pandering to the autistes again, I see.

>> No.6891800

>sorry I'm such a faggot
Yes you are anon, yes you are

>> No.6891817

fuck off, feds. i already told you cunts i'm not giving you any info and i'm gonna keep selling drugs to people and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.6891863
File: 224 KB, 940x685, 02-zeitalter-maschinen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How old are you?

How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
I think I discovered in the wake of the Anonymous drama after Wikileaks

Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
Not with regard to writing. I will probably become a teacher though.

If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
I barely take a look and while I think /lit/ is pretty well read and good for recommendations and such the critique guys usually dont seem to have much idea what they are talking about.

When and why did you become a serious reader?
About 20 years ago when I was conscripted for the military. The military environment was so dull and dumb that I tried to keep my mind sharp by turning reading for entertainment into 'serious reading' if you want to call it that.

Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
Philip K. Dick, Cormack McCarthy, Lion Feuchtwanger, Stefan Zweig

What's your favorite work of literature?
Blood Meridian (McCarthy), Die Füchse im Weinberg (Feuchtwanger), Die Welt von Gestern (Zweig)
What's your favorite literary movement?

What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
I love Dick but I think Man in the High Castle is pretty overrated and boring

Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
Regularly only /v/ and /vr/ but many others occasionally

How do you take your coffee and/or tea?

>> No.6891869

actually, thats 10 years ago, not 20

>> No.6891975

>How old are you?
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
A friend
>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
I have "serious" "intellectual" aspirations and literature can help.
>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
Depends on their feedback. Anon's critiques are like the someone who points out all I've chosen to ignore. But sometimes they critique the timing of my post, the way the text looks like in a post, the mood they are in instead of the text itself.
>When and why did you become a serious reader?
What's with the "serious." I was a "serious" reader at 14-16 and got it back recently with Joyce, upon reading A Portrait and delving into a lot of related authors.
>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
>If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
It did have lots of different answers but I had to omit several for the sake of answering it properly. The questions define the answers, if someone replies two or more it's first because they are rebelling and second because they have two or more favorite authors and/or greatest influences, by that order.
>What's your favorite work of literature?
Finnegans Wake.
>What's your favorite literary movement?
>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
Finnegans Wake
>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
I like tea

They copypasted the questions and answered each individually beneath. Mechanically it made more sense to greentext their own answers than to put an arrow behind each question. Also it's more pleasing aesthetically but that's not why

>> No.6892000

How old are you?
How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
i think through encyclopedia dramatica
Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
publish some short stories
If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
never used one, not interested
When and why did you become a serious reader?
read of mice and men and on the road and old man and the sea over summer when i was 16 and ran away from home for like two weeks
Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
katherine mansfield of jd salinger
What's your favorite work of literature?
rushdie's east west
What's your favorite literary movement?
dunno, magical realism?
What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
absolutely fucking hate 'a small good thing' by carver - don't know why he fucked up a perfectly good story like that, the original was a masterpiece
Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
coffee - flat white, tea - black one sugar

>> No.6892314

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who found TMITHC to be boring and underrated. I love Dick too (hue hue) but that one just disappointed me so much.

>> No.6892364

How old are you?

How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
>some assholes linked me on a IRC around 6ish years ago

Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
>not really, the market seems too saturated to actually achieve anything

If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?

When and why did you become a serious reader?
>It was a hobby some years ago, but only lately have I started reading non-garbage again

Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
>Not really a favorite author, and I'm influenced a lot by videogames and science stuff

If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?

What's your favorite work of literature?
>The Good Earth

What's your favorite literary movement?

What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
>The Grapes of Wrath

Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
>/v/ and /sci/, sometimes /a/

How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
>only during the semester so I can finish my code

>> No.6892640

Portrait is your least favorite? It is a 10/10.

>> No.6892676


Would you mind telling me a bit about where you got your essays published? I am starting to think that my only real strength may be essay writing (since my only writing-related accomplishment is winning a $1k essay contest) but I am at a loss as to where to actually submit them for publication.

>> No.6892686

>How old are you?
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
Friends told me about 4chan when I was an edge lord highschooler. Found lit once I was there.
>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
Yes. I hope to become a published author. Been working on a bildungsroman for over a year and a half.
>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
Don't use.
>When and why did you become a serious reader?
My senior year of college. I fell in love with a book I read that was part of a class curriculum. I have been reading heavily every since.
>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
>If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
>What's your favorite work of literature?
The Moon and Sixpence by Somerset Maugham
>What's your favorite literary movement?
>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
Dream of Fair to Middling Women, by Samuel Beckett
>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
Coffee black. Tea black

>> No.6892753

> 18
> I've been browsing 4chan since I was 12. Moved from /b/ to /fit/ to /fa/ to /lit/.
> I love writing, I don't really care about being published but I want to write a book that I consider good in my lifetime
> My dad taught me to read when I was 4, and I've always read a lot, but I didn't really get into serious literature until I was 16 or so and read The Road, followed by all of McCarthy's other books
> Pynchon is probably my favorite writer and the biggest influence on my writing
> Favorite book is V., maybe Gravity's Rainbow but I haven't finished it yet
> I've honestly only read Modernism and PoMo lit, and I guess some Greek stuff. I haven't read enough of either movement to say I prefer one yet.
> Inherent Vice is pretty bland
> I used to browse /fit/ and /lit/, but the board culture is too annoying now. I browse /ic/ occasionally
> I don't drink either tea or coffee

>> No.6892784

How old:
Discovery of 4chan:
>old Habbo Raids & Coke Studios
Literary aspirations:
>Making a website
Critique threads:
Serious reader:
>Always was. Parents read to me.
>Don't have one, really. Maybe Moby-Dick.
Favourite work:
>Moby-Dick? The Iliad, maybe.
Favourite movement:
Least favourite:
Other boards:
>Coffee either black or with one milk.

>> No.6892834
File: 152 KB, 338x362, Imagen 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How old are you?
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
4chan thorugh epic memes and word of mouth about being the worst place in the internet. I was already here when arcanine got split into other boards and /lit/ was my main reason to visit it so it came natural to remain here.

>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
I'd like my work to be really good and I'd love to get published. I don't work enough on it to call it serious, though.

>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
Gaiman once said that you should always listen when people tell you that something doesn't work but never listed to how they think it should be.

>When and why did you become a serious reader?
Mh... maybe when I was a teen. I'm not one of those 50+ books a year guys so I'm not the most serious reader.

>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
I don't have a favorite, I like different people for different reasons. Right now I'd guess that what I'm doing is pretty on Philip Dick's dick, but I'd rather be closer to other authors if I could.

>What's your favorite work of literature?
Again, there is no favorite since the things I like can't really be compared.
I find El Que Tiene Sed one of the most powerful novels from my country I've read, today I was reminded of how awesome and strangely poetic Storms of Steel is, and Big Sur has a special place since it help me better deal with my feelings for my father.

>What's your favorite literary movement?
What's the name of that modern realism thing Carver was on? I really like that dry style.

>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
/m/, /lit/ and /lgbt/

>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
Coffe blakc no sugar, tea with sugar maybe milk if I'm in the mood but it's not for everyday.
I mostly drink mate though.

>> No.6892844

>How old are you?
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
Dunno, I guess if you use the internet and are of a certain age it's inevitable that you'll discover 4chan.
>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
Ehh, well, I want to write a book. Finishing a novel is achievement enough for me.
>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
I appreciate them and consider them all. I don't post much in those threads though.
>When and why did you become a serious reader?
When I was 15/16. I wanted to read good books.
>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
I can't name one. Houellebecq, Hugo, Dostoevsky, Fitzgerald. Does Jung count too? I love his ideas.
>If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
I can't have one favourite.
>What's your favorite work of literature?
Les Miserables.
>What's your favorite literary movement?
I don't know.
>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
I've only read one book from each author I mentioned
>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
Coffee: milk, no sugar, vanilla syrup
Tea: sugar first (1tsp), milk

>> No.6892867

>how'd you discover 4chan
Encyclopedia Dramatica
>serious literary aspirations
>When did you become a serious reader
Junior year of high school
>favorite author
>favorite work of literature
100 Years of Solitude or Confederacy of Dunces
>other boards
>coffee or tea

>> No.6892900

How old are you?
How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
>>published short fiction; next up is anthology
If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
>>completely depends on their insight and eloquence. mostly it's high school kids, but once in a while someone turns up
When and why did you become a serious reader?
>>resolved to be a reader at 14 after positive reinforcement from teachers & dick-stroking from fantasy YA; started seriously at 21 after undergrad
Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
>>honorary-jewish white males for content (Roth, Updike, Yates, Canin, South Park writers) and Auden, Rochester for sound
If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
>>difference between sound & theme captures everything important about literature
What's your favorite work of literature?
>>maybe On Chesil Beach right now
What's your favorite literary movement?
>>anything lonely and futile
What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
>>Tomcat In Love by Tim O'Brien
Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
How do you take your coffee and/or tea?

>> No.6892901

>My brother said that his friend said that this was the place where most internet jokes came from; that was something like 3 years ago. I searched the thing and hated /b/, but liked /lit/, which I didn’t know that existed. Started browsing and am here since that time.
>I want to be a playwright. But I don’t expect to be famous or to earn a lot of money. I just want to have my plays staged.
>It depends of the critic. If I see the Anon is being honest and not simply offending; If I see that his opinion is not polluted by a literary-movement-style of thinking then I ussualy pay a lot of attention.
>I liked to read about Greek and Egiptian myths as a child, and also about space and the cosmos, but did not like literature. When I was 14 I saw a movie where there was this one guy who picked up a lot of girls and as very well read, and I decided to be like him. My first book of literature was 100 Years of Solitude: I loved it, but it confused me a lot. Soon I was reading and writing poetry. I decided I was going to be a poet, and yet I wanted to create characters and stories. After I discovered Shakespeare I realized that I was going to be a dramatist.
>Shakespeare and Tolstoy.
>I love Shakespeare for his language and the versality of his work. Tolstoy, however, is the author whose reading is most pleasurable to be. However I esteem Shakespeare’s lack of personal credo and philosophy, and abhor the personal views and philosophies of Tolstoy; I only love his art.
>If I have to choose a single one, War and Peace. But the complete works of Shakespeare are superior: there is nothing better than it. Of Shakespeare my favorite plays are Macbeth, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night Dream, The Tempest and Henry IV. I also love Lolita and 100 Years of Solitude.
>I don’t have any. But I guess that, if I had to choose, I would chose the XIX century realism. Shakespeare’s verse is, I believe, kind of baroque, but he is an especial case: nobody writes like him.
>Tolstoy’s preaching books. His Kreutzer sonata is also not very good. In Shakespeare there are valuable things in all of the plays (all of them have outstanding poetry), but many of them are boring if we take them a whole. His two narrative poems are also boring, although they have wonderful strophes.
>None of them. Used to go to /sp/, /int/ and /fit/, but no more.
>With no sugar. I used to drink with a lot of sugar, but I keep cutting it day after day, day after day, slowly, until I was accustomed to drink raw.

>> No.6892908

>or Burgess

What do you think of his Nothing Like the Sun? I love this book with all my soul.

>> No.6892927
File: 1.86 MB, 400x225, 1430617460490.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How old are you?

>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
/b/ raided Gaiaonline back in 2006, I followed them back. I pretty much use 4chan for everything. I just hop from board to board depending on what I want to do/look at.

>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
I don't post my own writings because I'm one of those douchebags that is overly critical for no real reason. I just assume everyone is like that so I'm not going to waste my time.

>When and why did you become a serious reader?
I was like 11 or 12 years old. My mother used to buy me books all the time and I just picked it up as a hobby early on.

>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
Julio Cortazar.

>If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?

>What's your favorite work of literature?
Historia de Cronopios y Famas by Julio Cortazar.

>What's your favorite literary movement?

>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
Final del Juego.

>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
/int/. Other than that I use most boards depending on my mood.

>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
Black, no sugar. Don't drink tea.

>> No.6892934


>> No.6892965

I don't know, through people on a mIRC channel I used to frequent, I guess
Hardly, though I do have academic aspirations
Nah, I don't
13-14, when I got into On the Road and Catcher in the Rye
Joyce, Borges or Pinecone
Borges for completely dominating the use of language and creation of structures, Pynchon and Joyce for dissoluting said language and structures
The Three Theban Plays or Ulysses
Magical Realism
Mason & Dixon, Ulysses and El Aleph
Coffee: black with sugar
Tea: plain, sometimes with lemon

>> No.6892975
File: 148 KB, 800x778, 800px-Demetrius_I_MET_coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old are you?
How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
>Word of mouth, eventually came here in 2011 when I started uni
Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
>Yup, would like to get a collection of short stories published. In high school a former teacher saw some talent in me and I'd like to be able to fulfill that.
If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
>I've only ever posted in poetry crritques and found them very useful, usually it's just one anon posting insightful stuff.
When and why did you become a serious reader?
>Novels were thrust upon me at an early age, but I didn't start reading voraciously until I was 20
Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
>Roberto Bolano
If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
What's your favorite work of literature?
>If I had to say...Lolita
What's your favorite literary movement?
What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
>Not a big fan of Big Night in Chile
Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
>/mu/ and /sp/
How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
Tea, black with a spoonful of sugar

>> No.6892977

Puerto Rican.

>> No.6893017

>Also it's more pleasing aesthetically but that's not why
No, it's really not.

>> No.6893043

>Yup, would like to get a collection of short stories published. In high school a former teacher saw some talent in me and I'd like to be able to fulfill that.
You will fail. >:-)

>> No.6893296

>How old are you?


>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?

don't really remember. sometime in 2008 my senior year of high school.

didn't start coming to /lit/ until the last couple years.

>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?

eh. I like to write, but mostly do it for fun.

>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?

I don't use the critique threads for my own stuff, but I do critique.

>When and why did you become a serious reader?

I like it. Started with some good high school English teachers, I suppose.

>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?

Favorite is probably Italo Calvino, though the answer would probably be different if you asked me tomorrow. I take some influence from the magical realists and absurdists, but I can't say any one writer has a major influence that I am aware of.

>What's your favorite work of literature?

Too many amazing works that are very different.

>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?

> N/A all too good.

>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?

/trv/ /out/ /b/

>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?

Black for both. Milk if I'm feeling frisky.

>> No.6893389
File: 162 KB, 424x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old are you?
>4! w/1+
How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
>older cuz
Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
When and why did you become a serious reader?
Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
>freddy neechz / hs thompson / hl mencken / bee
If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
>i did four
What's your favorite work of literature?
>the will to power
What's your favorite literary movement?
What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
>did dfw think he could really get away w/Broom? And then say he never fucking read pinecone...
Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
>i dont
How do you take your coffee and/or tea?

>> No.6893646

>How old are you?
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
4chan through twobluecrabs, /lit/ through 4chan (this was 5 years ago, mind you)
>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
If it's reasonable, enough.
>When and why did you become a serious reader?
Last year, because I enjoy it on many levels.
>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
David F. Wallace
>What's your favorite work of literature?
The Pale King
>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
/tg/ and /int/
>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
I drink my tea with sugar, honey, or simply plain.

>> No.6893819

>pale king

>> No.6893827
File: 42 KB, 412x280, eti+top+kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still goes on /b/ and /pol/

>> No.6893834
File: 36 KB, 500x489, 1332732185005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literal 18 year olds
Why do you do this god?

>> No.6893866

It's well written and overall very enjoyable. Although I'll be honest and say that I'm not really much for favourites at all, Pale King is just what has my thoughts at the moment.

>> No.6894871

>How old are you?
>How'd you discover 4chan and/or /lit/?
Friends and people on the internet mentioning it or referencing it
>Do you have any serious literary aspirations?
I'd like to become a novelist, but I don't know if I would be good at it.
>If you use the critique threads how much weight do you give anons' critiques?
I don't trust 4chan enough to post in them.
>When and why did you become a serious reader?
This past February. I like reading.
>Who's your favorite author and/or greatest influence?
Not sure.
>If the previous question had two different answers, what's the reason?
>What's your favorite work of literature?
Not sure.
>What's your favorite literary movement?
Not sure.
>What's your least favorite work by your favorite author?
Not sure.
>Which other boards do you browse on a regular basis?
/mu/ and sometimes /g/
>How do you take your coffee and/or tea?
I prefer black coffee and nothing in my tea. I tend to put milk in my coffee though; it's easier on my stomach and dairy isn't bad either.

I'm boring.

>> No.6894903

fucking newfag

>> No.6894995
File: 45 KB, 480x360, 8b4d1e63a630a5e7950e3c6e6451f59db1081709a5f9587f379ddd0d6d96cc8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Through reddit :)
>14, wanted to become a priest from an early age
>Probably Christopher Hitchens and George Orwell, though the first would see me as an enemy of civil society and the other had a Cromwellian hatred of Catholics
>Moby Dick, Brothers Karamazov, or Revolutionary Road
>/int/, /lgbt/ (obviously), /sp/, /tv/, and /sci/

>> No.6895023

You should probably go to therapy if you're still fucking men. Get that mental issue fixed.

>> No.6895083

and people said I was crazy when I said reddit and /polr9k/ ruined this board.

>> No.6895098

This board self-destructed by taking itself too seriously and reading not seriously enough.

>> No.6895122

And faggots. Faggots as in fucking autists and literal mentally ill faggots from reddit