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6889673 No.6889673[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

not trying to start a riot here, just asking for opinions that arent from the /pol/tards or from tumblr
pic mildly related

>> No.6889692

Who's that by?

>> No.6889706

i live in a third world country, so i dont have to suffer feminism.

>> No.6889722

OP here
to clarify I'm talking about feminism of the modern day, not the past or even the dictionairy definition (which doesn't come with the same baggage)

>> No.6889724

All of the feminists I've met in an academic setting have been concerned about body issues for people of all genders (kek).

Though of course much of the critical discourse revolves around women's particular portrayal in popular media. No one should be surprised by this.

>> No.6889729

So the standard for men is He-Man? Women want to fuck He-Man?

>> No.6889733

It's also worth noting that He-Man has more going on for him as a character, whereas Barbie is a sexual object at worst and a model consumerist at best.

>> No.6889753

dude, she has been the president of the united states, a brain surgeon, a race car driver, a CEO, she has even been black

you have to be kidding me

>> No.6889765
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>she has even been black
You're damn right she has

I take your point though. However, all of these many iterations of the Barbie brand do serve to reinforce the consumer ideal.

>> No.6889767

men dont want to fuck barbie, but the issue is that those characters teach their respective sexes that that is the ideal version of themselves. ask an average woman about what they think an ideal female specimen looks like and that specimen will look nothing like what a male would say

the point of the picture is that many double standards run both ways and that by extension for every male privilege there is an equivalent female privilege (not that i nessasarily agree with that last one but that is its intention)

>> No.6889771

yea, but that isnt the point that feminists are making
maybe a marxist (and yes i do understand that they are connected) but not a feminist

>> No.6889777

I fuckin kek'd.

>> No.6889792
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>men dont want to fuck barbie
>those characters teach their respective sexes that that is the ideal version of themselves.
>ask an average woman about what they think an ideal female specimen looks like and that specimen will look nothing like what a male would say

I think these claims are dubious, portrayals of males and females serve to educate both genders about culturally reinforced ideals of each others' genders as well as their own. Men and women may internalize these differently, but the education is the same.

Well not to suggest marxism and feminism are connected or anything, but feminists want to eliminate gender bias and prejudice across the board. This includes portrayals such as the "woman-as-consumer" (shopaholic).

So did I, it was good. Nice trips

>> No.6889809

Women are only good at complaining.
They're a parasite sex.
They get very NERVOUS when we males start to entertain ourselves, because it means we're wising up to the fact that we do everything interesting.

>> No.6889823


well-meaning offal of a civilization in it's twilight years. Not that i'm preaching the apocalypse, but the twilight of ideology that binds a people into unity has begun to fracture, and feminist is just another piece.

>> No.6889864

on your first point i would have to disagree

so for many women, size zero fashion models serve as the ideal but very few men are attracted to that
many men think that in order to get any ass they have to bulk up and have large muscles, but most women aren't attracted to that ideal either

also notice how womens fashion isnt about pleasing men but pleasing other women, the point here is that our ideas of beauty differ

>> No.6889896

>Well not to suggest marxism and feminism are connected or anything, but feminists want to eliminate gender bias and prejudice across the board. This includes portrayals such as the "woman-as-consumer" (shopaholic).

they are definitley conected, most of the original feminists were huge socialists, and you can see it in theyre world view (an Us v Them mentality where one party opresses the other, substitute certain buzzwords and you would have a hard time differentiating the two, of coarse im dramatically simplifying this for the sake of brevity)

>> No.6889973
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What does /lit/ think of simone de beauvoir

>> No.6889994

feminism can be basically boiled down to women saying


majority of the feminism just say pointless things to get attention

>> No.6890000

Feminism is ok but it's been taken over by identity politics and people who hypocritically claim to be against things like racism and sexism while reinforcing them i.e. "CIS white male scum".

>> No.6890012

she had a nice ass

>> No.6890024

Second Sex is a brilliant read and I think that I could finally get some of the problems women face after reading it.

>> No.6890045

>Seduces female students then passes them along to Satre
>into philosophy

>> No.6890060

is that true?

>> No.6890088

not literature fuck off

>> No.6890222


>> No.6890365

trips confirms
based simone

>> No.6890416
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Academia is all on board with first and second wave feminism, things like taking for granted that women and men should do the same amount of work and be judged by the same standards and that no one should have its capacity judged by their intestines. But some places are under the liberalist idea of feminism as something that should exist by itself instead of as a cause to be met and updated as things are acomplished. So every college and study group will have the background of correct feminism, many of them, and in the US I'd assume is most of them, are experiment ground for weird attempts to change the world in favor of women as an amorphous mass.
No one will want you to be chauvinist and some of them will demand you to be a certain way. It's very hard that, if you shut up and work a place in, your opinions will result in damage to you anyway. Consider how many scientist are openly against climate change even though the current model is officially right. The head of the team that discovered the code for the human genome openly presented pretty ridiculous interpretations of how black people were genetically inferior, no one is taking his nobel price for being racist nor for presenting a thesis with very poor information.

tl;dr It's pointless to worry to much since to get there is the same process of shutting up and kissing ass that would be needed to climb any corporate ladder.

>> No.6890436

Academia is not one entity, at least not yet anyway.

The more politically active part of academia--sociology, gender studies, queer theory, etc--is obviously pro feminist.

The other parts either don't care or are only mildly against it. I think it's generally acceptable in psychology and biology to suggest that there are mental differences between men and women, so these disciplines aren't dominated by feminism (though I'm sure they HAVE feminists).

>> No.6890451

it is really striking how the most privileged group of people in the world, middle class white women, can go so headlong into an ideology that constantly presents themselves as victims.

>> No.6890490

I hated He-Man when it first came out, but I don't recall anyone talking smack about it. It was one of those shows that had a moral lesson at the end of the episode, so maybe they let it slide. Most often brought up has always been G.I Joe dolls, and their glorification of war. Toy guns also got some heat.

>> No.6890709

thats the point, He man represents the same negative body image for males as barbie supposedly does for females, but nobody cares...

>> No.6890749

You didn't get the points I was trying to make. 1. It's not that nobody cares, it's that He-Man wasn't as big a thing as G.I. Joe has been over the decades, and 2. There has been focus of all kinds on toys and cartoons and how they effect all children.
I get that you, and the maker of that OP image, don't think enough has been done or said about this particular toy and it's unrealistic body image, I'm just saying there has been some efforts.

>> No.6890755

nobody really cares about barbie either, it still exists and mothers still take their girls to beauty pageants.
And if you want people to care you get nothing criticizing the people who care about barbie, I don't get the point.

>> No.6890757

Why have the mods forsaken us?

>> No.6890758

academia is pro-cultural marxism and therefore pro-feminism

>> No.6890763

what is this relationship you make into marx, culture and feminism? It's like three different unrelated things.

>> No.6890827

personally i dont give a shit about the "issue" but i see what you are saying now

>> No.6890833

Feminism is literally an offshoot of marxism. The whole "cultural marxism" thing is idiotic but feminism and marxism are legitimately closely related

>> No.6890994


>Back in primal times there was no capitalism and everyone was equal
> But then evil capitalism came along and made us unequal and divided us into class
> If we strain class relationships enough then eventually the whole thing will break down from the conflict and we can return to equality

> Back in primal times cave people were gender fluid and egalitarian
> Then the patriarchy came along and made us unequal and divided us into genders
> If we strain gender relations enough eventually the whole thing will break down from the conflict and we will to equality

Yeah, there is definitely a sense where Marxism and Feminism share the structure of a narrative with one another.

>> No.6890996


Sorry for the bad grammar/spelling, i'm tired and it is late. Goodnight.

>> No.6891208
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>> No.6891265

slight biological differences do not vitiate feminism

>> No.6891268
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>What does academia think of feminism?

Current academia IS feminism.

>> No.6891287
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>feminism that actually brings awareness to real world issues women face
okay cool
>tumblr feminism
fuck off

>> No.6891335

If watson's claim that our ideas that black people can be educated the same as whites are wrong, is wrong, why is the united states implementing common core?

>> No.6891850

define "tumblr feminism"

>> No.6891858

"Manspreading," "mansplaining" etc.

>> No.6891866

Getting tired of /pol/io ressentiment

>> No.6891875

tumblr feminism is all based on feelings and lacks no logic or critical thinking at all

I could go on and on why its bad. But luckily i have a video that you explain all tumblr posts for you

>> No.6891877

ime psych profs approach bio differences in men and women in a very apologetic way

>> No.6891911

a) this movie is amazing
b) I've never seen a more apt description of Tumblr and SJW logic.

A tip of the fedora to you, anon.

>> No.6891918

I hate it but it's pretty much always right.

>> No.6891935

University professor in the humanities here. Feminism is tolerated here but it's clear to see that the vast majority of those on staff despise the influence it has for PR reasons. I have a couple of colleagues who are pissed that class considerations are now swept under the carpet to make way for gender ones, when many if not most of those pushing contemporary feminism are upper-m,middle-class females.

>> No.6891938

Feminism is just oppressing women from another direction.

"Le men are evil! Now get a job and work harder you little bitch slave, being a housewife is EVIL!"

>> No.6891940

Academia is generally feminist, albeit in a somewhat mild way. The basic tenets of radical feminism (which tend to be both gender-essentialist and gender-denialist) are petty soundly rejected by anybody who isn't a radical feminist.

And some branches of feminism (particularly eco-feminism) rufffle feathers the same way that Afrocentric history does, through an ignorant, sloppy, and often dishonest method used to come to hold sweeping claims like "in early societies, women were in charge and there was no violence."

>> No.6891943

Feminism and all other sorts of egalitarianism are purely bourgeoise concerns.

That's why feminists are so detached from the suffering of 3rd world females (except to advance their own cause)

>> No.6891947

>dishonest method used to come to hold sweeping claims like "in early societies, women were in charge and there was no violence."

This meme is an attempt to embed Rousseauian/Marxist theories of human nature being essentially good into "le science" so socialism can be "objectively the best" system.

>> No.6891954

About what?

Feminism has falsities embedded deeply within it.

>> No.6891960

>hur hur Nietzsche ergo anti-feminism is deplorable
>hur hur muh /pol/

>> No.6891962

Makes sense. I'm pretty Hobbesian to the core, which is why I distrust any ideology that insists that its lawless society will totally work, I promise.

>> No.6891971

I agree to an extent, though I would stress that among my colleagues who brought up the class thing two of them were born to working class parents and worked hard to get where they are now. I understand where you're coming from though. Also I would add that most of these feminists don't even appreciate the struggle, in any sincere sense, of women in their own countries who are born in areas where opportunities are few and far between. I teach English Lit and many of my female students (and a few of the males) bring up feminism pretty regularly in their essays and discussion hours. I obviously treat their work / arguments impartially and judge their validity and the way they are articulated.

>> No.6891988

That's the fundamental distinction between left and right, the more I think of it. Whether human nature is essentially good or bad.

>> No.6891993

I see. Do you and your colleagues think patriarchy theory is legitimate? If so to what extent?

>> No.6892007

Also what do you guys think about things like mattress girl Emma Sulkowicz, Bahar Mustafa and Tim Hunt?

>> No.6892021

I agree with my aforementioned colleagues here in the sense that the issues of social class must be taken into account. Is it true that males have historically and traditionally held the roles of power in this society (commerce, academics and so on)? Yes. Are these males largely caucasian? Yes. Were most of these males born into the same social class? No. And this no is what's important I feel, at least to undermine the rather naive notion that the male gender as a whole have collectively worked against the interests of the female gender. Statistics would suggest there are more males occupying positions of power in most industries, however this is not to say that the opportunity for women to occupy these positions does not exist. In fact I'd say women born into middle class families are far more likely to occupy these positions than men born into poorer families or families who do not possess the network of contacts and frame of reference that wealthier families tend to have. And if that all sounds like a lengthy avoidance of a definite answer then I'd say, the patriarchy as defined by contemporary feminism does not exist.

>> No.6892030

A liar, a raciest, and a guy who made a joke. Hunt is a good example of feminist over reaction. Emma and Bahar are examples of the double standard employed by this anti-intellectual movement.

>> No.6892032

I should have mentioned that I work in the United kingdom, so that news hasn't made it this far. There are similar cases here I'm sure but no specific one comes to mind. I haven't read much into the case so I wouldn't want to say to much about it. The only thing I can add is that we have been reminded multiple times over recent years about the codes of conduct when dealing with female students, something that those lecturers and tutors who do occasionally bed a student are obviously very afraid of.

>> No.6892035

Bahar Mustafa and Tim Hunt are both British.

>> No.6892045

Real feminism is constructive and necessary, but tumblr tier empowerment is kind of embarrassing

>> No.6892046

Cool, so then in most departments, people are sane. Do you feel you would be able to say this sort of stuff in public without repercussions?

>> No.6892056

Can you explain further these conclusions?

>> No.6892060

Oh yes I've heard of the Tim Hunt news. Not sure if he should have been given the boot but I'm, not surprised. Those type of comments are probably pretty tame within a certain tier of society, but it isn't all that clever to air them to the population at large.

>> No.6892070

So for the most part you don't see very radical people and ideas?

>> No.6892079

I don't really get the chance to communicate anything with the public outside of my lectures and publications. I don't think I'd be able to bring it up in a lecture or class discussion, though only because my work isn't related to gender.

>> No.6892083

They weren't. They were spoken to a small party, recorded in transcript and taken out of context by an unqualified person in a journalist's position to lead a crusade.

His comment wasn't nice, but the whole situation is painted to look as worse as it possibly can be.

>> No.6892089

So then all this gender stuff is because the gender people are loud and stake claims and nobody wants to be called a "sexist" and flush them out as needed, when they're pushing nonsense?

>> No.6892091

It really depends on what you mean by radical. I've grown pretty suspicious of that term, largely because newspapers are keen to label anyone with a dissenting or unpopular view as a radical. I come across and have discussions with many individuals who would be considered radicals, both politically and socially, and many of them are nice enough people with enough logic to their thoughts to make them worth listening to. It's one of the perks of my job, being able to meet people on a daily basis who expect more from you than chit chat.

>> No.6892097

I've had to explain all three situations several times to multiple people so I will just link a couple articles that I view explain the situation properly. Emma Sulkowicz:

>> No.6892103
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>> No.6892108

Well, let's just say then the out-there feminists and gender theory people. Do they basically interact with only their own type or do they have a strong presence everywhere?

>> No.6892121

>to clarify I'm talking about feminism of the modern day

That's just some bored upper middle class americans posting shit on twitter.

Just stop giving it attention and it will go away.

But let me tell you what opened the space for neo-feminism: porn, specifically internet porn.
Not because of what it does to actresses, but what it does to male viewers.

>> No.6892136

Bahar Mustafa:
In her case this is pretty cut and dry, anytime you ban people from an area based on their gender and skin color that is clearly raciest/sexist. To add insult to injury she gloats on social media about it and makes a video where she refuses to admit her wrongs. As for Tim Hunt my views on his situation have already been said here >>6892083

>> No.6892140

I think we are at a stage of civilization or whatever you might want to call it where capitalism as a means of producing primary materials and goods has become so accepted as the correct way of organizing social and economic systems that international considerations with regards to labour issues, the manipulation of foreign markets, and so on are interpreted as regional issues to be smoothed out over time as that country aspires to be more like Western countries. A consequence of this is a (rather ironic) dismissal of international concerns while focusing on domestic social and more importantly cultural issues. especially those which appeal to a younger generation of potential readers, namely petty grievances under the guise of feminism, broad racial concerns and so on. Again I'm not saying these issues are irrelevant or non-existent, only that the way they are discussed is quite irresponsible and naive.

>> No.6892144


>> No.6892150

>men dont want to fuck barbie


>> No.6892155

Watching porn makes men less interested in going out and appreciating average looking women.
It's arguable that it also produces more effeminate men.

This in turn opens the space for frustrated masculine women aka feminists.

>> No.6892158

Okay, so in all three cases we pretty much agree, especially since the Tim Hunt comment you linked was my own.

Whenever I mention these cases to people, almost everyone agrees with the ideas we presented. Emma is likely a liar, Bahar should have been in more trouble, and Tim Hunt should have been in less trouble.

What the hell, then, drives the policy regarding these people? How does Emma get praised by Hillary Clinton and many art critics for her mattress "art performance", get invited to speak at the SOTUA, and get awarded by multiple feminist organizations? How does Bahar keep her job while Tim Hunt loses his?

I'm going mad here, I just don't understand why and his these radical views have such an influence on society today.

>> No.6892173

So, yeah, the conclusion is kind of ironic in the sense that it's the very lack of masculinity and "the traditional men" that produces feminism.

>> No.6892177

so porn is bad ?

I've just been writing all day and then watching porn when im horny.

>> No.6892188

Slight? You're living in a fantasy world.

>> No.6892189

But it also needs to be said that the problem is being blown out of proportion, because a lot of rampant feminism is isolated to online social media.
In reality it's not as big as it seems and, contrary to what r9k faggots believe, most women aren't feminists.
But of course it's still deceiving and you'll still find tax money being spent on retarded feminists research.

As always, depends on what you want to achieve (in life).
There have been some convincing arguments that porn can affect your erection capacity [with real women]. Especially if you've been looking at it since you were very young.

>> No.6892200

A small minority of people (I'm going to sound like /pol/ here) who hold control in the media at large want their agenda to be the one view of Western society. The average person outside of the academic system sees feminism as being unnecessary because they don't experience "oppression" in their everyday lives, those who know the law see that it gives equal protection to all regardless of gender or color.
The way I see it that small minority doesn't want equality, they want rights that place them above others namely white men.

>> No.6892226

Unless those "real women" actually look good.

>> No.6892247

So.. Literally the Jews?

>> No.6892248

>In reality it's not as big as it seems and, contrary to what r9k faggots believe, most women aren't feminists.

Most people believe that men and women should be socially and economically equal (when asked in polls), and despite not identifying as feminists these two beliefs are feminist in nature and will never be true (women will never be social equals to men because the sexes are different and will be treated differently, not "better" or "worse").

Most women have a vaguely opposing view to gender rolls when they are asked about it or think about it, while in reality they embrace them by dating masculine men and looking for providers when possible.

>> No.6892271

We should have homemaking school still IMO. The biggest issue with "le gender roles are evil" stuff is that the alternative for women is to work for 25,000$/year and be single until baby fever hits.

Why is it so fucking awful for women to stay at home and make babies starting at 18, 19? Why's that so oppressive?

Just doesn't make sense.

>> No.6892284

>So.. Literally the Jews?

To be serious I don't know if the whole "Jews control everything" is true or not but there is certainly a collaboration in the media that attempts to shape the views of the common man. If you watch the evening news whenever the big stations give their opinion on a subject they all seem to say the same thing, with the exception being Fox but they just give a right wing view instead. There is no neutral party in this case.

>> No.6892320

Because women are convinced they have to be equal to men (while psychologically not wanting it at all), it's total brainwashing.

>> No.6892333

personally OP i don't think that picture is entirely accurate, since i remember trying to "be" like he-man by doing some sit-ups. i think that's a lot better than starving myself to try to look like a barbie

>> No.6892337

>>Back in primal times there was no capitalism and everyone was equal
>> But then evil capitalism came along and made us unequal and divided us into class
you have very little knowledge about marxism, right? markets are part of human society, they were always there. the big change is industry, and I'd assume you'd agree that post industrial society isn't the same as preindustrial, right?

also, no one was ever equal and the bourgeois were a vital part of getting rid of monarchies. marx consider a bourgeois society a vital part in human society that every nation should go through.

please don't assume that you know things you haven't actually read about.

while it has some roots, like the black panthers do, the concept of separating the big social struggle into small "thematic rides" was criticized by some of the earliest marxists. it only hurts the cause.

>> No.6892342

not to go pleb mode. but this goes back to the time when i was a sales guy for abit and read how to win friends and influence people

but basically its power. women want the feeling of being important but without the responsibilities and suffering that goes with it

Not to say males don't do that also.

best action is to ignore them

>> No.6892345

It's almost like everyone has an agenda.

>> No.6892351

I really don't understand that sentence, BUT I'll do my best to answer what I think you asked.
He proposed a direct connection between the color of the skin and the intellectual capacity to learn, his thesis had no justification for the massive amount of poor, uneducated, and generally stupid white people brimming in Britain, nor the occasional very smart black person (we don't need to think about geniuses and famous people, just intelligent enough to finish college and get a respectable job in their field). He also had no real historical understanding of the branching he proposed, how it got to happen, or how it related to other races. It was an embarrassing work that wouldn't had been published if he wasn't who he was.

>> No.6892353

The thing is, Fox is literally the only MSM news source owned by solely white people. The rest are all owned by Jews.

Don your tin foil hat! But seriously, I agree. I wish more people would become neo-Luddites.

>> No.6892358

Do you think we should have stricter gender roles?

>> No.6892367

Any agenda that isn't your own is bad.

>> No.6892434

In a way. Less equality brainwashing.

But feminism brought a time where most women have to work or else they won't have money to support themselves and their family, even if they have a boyfriend/husband, so it's really complicated to then explain this to women without telling them they need to be equal to men.

So now it's just completely fucked up, the only worthwhile men and women are the ones who see past this bullshit and understand the appropriate amounts of gender roles and behavior and know what they want, which is a minority of people. Most people are miserable and are going to be miserable.

>> No.6892446


I feel like modern feminsts, instead of try to get men to treat women better, just want to be able to treat men as badly as they treat women. It pisses me off, I don't want to have to deal with girls trying to act like over aggressive macho douchebags too. Why can't everyone just be polite to each other.

>> No.6892468

This. Feminism teaches women to emulate the worst kind of male behavior. It's rather sad.

>> No.6892476

modern feminism wants to remove all the specific disadvantages of being a woman while keeping the specific advantages, and remove all the specific advantages of being a man while keeping the specific disadvantages

>> No.6892488

I agree. Advertising the female CEO as the image of feminist success is so depressing. Women should realize that most men don't like the type of douchebag behaviour required of most CEOs, and give enough of a shit about their jobs beyond the fact they allow them to survive.

>> No.6892506

So how do we destroy all the stupid programming people believe?

>> No.6892512

well, the 4chan approach of treating them particularly bad doesn't really help with that.

By being a nice person and showing that they're preconceived fears and dislikes aren't based on reality.

>> No.6892513
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>> No.6892530

The female side needs to be corrected. It should be a close up of her tits.

>> No.6892534

>Watching porn makes men less interested in going out and appreciating average looking women.

Is there a basis for this, or are you just jumping to conclusions?

>> No.6892536

Many people will never be convinced and lack the intellect to analyse things properly.

Just look at r/relationships, the modern world is a fucking disaster.

>> No.6892543

>By being a nice person and showing that they're preconceived fears and dislikes aren't based on reality.

Just being nice will get you walked on, you need to be firm and strict when appropriate,

>> No.6892560

I would say that a portion of people can, but won't out of laziness and a lack of intellectual and moral integrity.

>> No.6892593

But being firm and appropriate is part of my interpretation of being nice. Being nice also includes being confident on yourself and working to accomplish your goals. Some people are scared of living and call themselves "nice" because they try their best to remain away from people, we shouldn't take their opinions anyway.

>> No.6892599

Feminists today should be more dialectical and less focused on identity politics.

>> No.6892660

Goddamn I tried reading that but the "you go grrrrl!" was deafening

Also why is every post in there so dramatic? "Divorce! Cut them out!" etc

>> No.6892700


Barbie is a contemporary character set in the 'modern age' of when each doll version was produced. She is meant to be a 'modern woman'.

He-man is an entirely fictional character in a fictional universe that bears no relation to our own.

>> No.6892709

>men dont want to fuck barbie

Speak for yourself.


Oh yeah.

>> No.6892860

Action man
GI joe

>> No.6892930

You see, when men see a buff figure on TV, they strive to be that man because that man on tv is getting women.
When women see a barbie, they complain it gives them unrealistic standards and cry about it and make a tumblr and then circlejerk with others and use the tears as lube.
While this is a gross generalization, it applies to alot of stupid people. I've seen alot of stupud peupli in muh lyf. Have you noticed how alot of stupid people look ugly as fuck and look like dog shig generally?
Sorry off point.

if you don't want to strive to be He-Man, then don't. It's just a toy. Same applies vise versa.

>have fun being fat tho

>> No.6892984
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>those who know the law see that it gives equal protection to all regardless of gender or color.

>he genuinely believes this
>doesn't even mention class

What happens to the women who don't want to stay at home and have babies?